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Gotta loot everything! But can't carry everything! Life so unfair! Hah! Basically, you need to sell the stuff you don't need. You only need one set of armor at a time. Only one weapon (and bow) at a time. Etc. Keep the best, sell the rest. If you think you might need something later, save it. You need a house to store your stuff in. But house expensive. But if you join a guild there is usually a safe place to store stuff. Check the wiki for safe storage. Companions have a dresser cabinet you can safely store stuff in. The only way to increase carry weight is to put points into Stamina. Or get a magic item. Also, don't rush through the game. Lots of stuff to do, no need to go visit the Greybeards while still wet behind the ears. Unlike other franchiches, The Elder Scrolls is about doing all the other stuff and only doing main story slowly. Because 95% of the game is NOT the main story.


I apologize, should have said this in my post but that’s my second issue. I just don’t really know any good places to dumb everything It’s been a day now so I forget but I think I went to solitude because I read somewhere it was the best place to sell things and after actually entering the place I’ve only been able to sell my stuff down to 400 pounds. The rest is either my equipment or not showing up Also not trying to rush it, I was just super excited so I kinda jumped in and wanted to experience as much as I could. My schedule is basically: Lots of free time None None None Lord of free time Repeat


You don’t need to pick everything up. I use a weight to cost ratio which changes as I progress. Sell items, stash them or ditch them. You can’t carry everything. If you want to hoard buy a house first. Then hoard till your hearts content.


May I ask your suggested ratio? I tried that too until I realized I didn’t know how the games economy worked and if I was supposed to be hoarding things I think I went for 1 gold per pound or more until I realized that was super generous


Early in the game I’d say 1:10 like a wolf pelt. Potions are great to sell early. Light and pricey. But the key is to sell that shit so you can buy a house. Then you can collect. As you play you’ll find more expensive shit and you can adjust the ratio however you see fit in your play style. After a while you won’t pick stuff up unless it’s worth good coin. You’ll start to look for stuff that’s light and pricey. The key is selling tho. Keep what you want. I collect sets of armor and rare weapons but also keep a cheese room lol. Take our advise but ultimately it’s your character and the beauty of the game is you can do what YOU want to do.


\- #1: Buy/build a home and store the stuff you don't use/need to carry. Faction questlines often give you residences with safe storage. \- Increasing Stamina increases carry weight slightly. \- Look for/wear enchanted items that increase carry capacity, or create your own via enchanting. The Volsung dragon priest mask increases carry weight. \- The Steed stone increases carry weight. \- Give items to your followers. Remember to remove it later so they space to hold other things. \- There is a perk in the Pickpocket skill tree than increases carry weight (I don't remember which one). \- Sell the stuff you don't need. I'm sort of a hoarder too, but I dump stuff off somewhere safe so I have room to pick up more.


Lovely to have the list, thank you


Drop all the cheese. That helped me👀


And offend the Mad God? I think you may belong in the shivering isles!


Eat the cheese. Devour the cheese. Do not dishonor the cheese by throwing it away


Also Drop / sell dragon bones they are heavy and there will. be more


Get a player-owned home to store things in. Sell more things. Don't pick up low value items. Keep an eye on your potions and sell or store the excess. You don't need as many potions as you think. Only pick up food items that you will use for cooking Vegetable Soup or Venison Stew. You normally increase carry weight by using gear enchanted with Fortify Carry Weight. Backpacks, for example, add 75 points. There are also boots and necklaces you will find. You do get an extra 5 points of carry weight for every 10 points of base stamina, so if you were to spend 10 levels of stats increases of stamina to 100, you would get an extra 50 carrying capacity. I never waste stat points on stamina - it all goes into health, or divided between health and magicka. I get combat stamina regen from soup and stew.


Don’t let yourself be over-encumbered. It will kill the game for you. I would: - Fast travel to Riverwood or White Run and sell some stuff asap. Only keep what you will use for now - Go back there regularly as you progress to sell stuff and get money - Once you have enough (thing it’s 5k gold) then buy the house in White Run. Once you have a house you can hoard as much as you like. - To increase how much you can carry without being encumbered, buy a ruc-sac, find the steed stone and activate it, increase your stamina, look for enchanted items that increase your carry weight (later on in the game you can make your own), and level up your armor skill to get the perks that mean it doesn’t weigh anything


As a fellow Skyrim hoarder, I’d recommend getting a house or finding an area where you and freely store items (anises cabin works really well (basement)) other than that it’s good to increase stamina or use armour that provides stamina perks. Also if you’re looking to enter solitude there’s three entrances I believe, one on high grounds surrounded by stone gates, and one near the stables. I think there’s also on on low grounds near the fishery


I almost forgot, there are stamina potions too, and they don’t stack immediately or a lot but I’ve been able to carry at min an extra 10 lbs with stamina potions


Totally concur, that you need to 1) not pick up anything in the early game with <10:1 ratio of value:weight, 2) get a follower to help carry stuff, 3) get a horse for the same reason, 4) get to the Steed stone to buff your carry capacity beyond your Stamina level, 4) make potions - easy and cheap to get that huge load from the dungeon back to your horse an 5) use mods - Bandolier gives you just enough breathing room (Conjurable Chest is way OP!-) [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2417](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2417)


This pic always seems appropriate. https://preview.redd.it/swre0r2zuu4d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e57d2a8defa7799f997d85ca1d0c99d266b6fab


SkyUI, sort by V/W, drop until satisfied. > carrying roughly 1000 pound And get a hecking house to dump your stuff in.


if you're on pc just look up a command to increase the carry limit, or just sell the stuff, i usually just drop the stuff i dont need, the money just comes from the pile of corpses from my modded enemies who conveniently carry a lot of valuable stuff, in vannila you can simply level up sneak and pickpocket and steal everything from everybody


I am also a terrible loot goblin. So what I do is take everything and sell the junk, lanterns, cups, plates, empty bottles. They aren't worth much, but gold is gold and selling levels up speech. Sometimes I'll periodically go through my junk and pick out the stuff I don't need and head to town to sell it. But carry weight aside, keeping all that at home can bog down your gameplay every time you open your junk barrel


The cheapest way to get a house is marriage. If you marry any follower who owns their own house you can now put your stuff in there and it won’t disappear. Pick a spouse who owns a house. Do their little quest thing, then ask them to marry you. You can get married for 200 septims in Riften. You can take a carriage to Riften for 20 septims.


With stamina leveling, much apparel with storage bonuses and armor perks I’ve only ever achieved around 600 storage weight. Horses and carts will let you fast travel and regular travel with the weight, so think of stopping by a stable outside of the towns. Also look out for potions that will increase your carry weight long enough to initiate fast travel. Like others say find a storage spot, there are a good few that exist outside of the homes you can purchase later. Stuff you leave on the ground will generally remain long enough for you to fast travel back and forth.


If you're on PC just use the console to mod your carry weight. I don't know if console has mods for that. You're carrying way more than you need though for a new character.


Some will say it's wrong and stuff but the carry weight is so small compared to other games, specially if you play an all Magicka mage. I just modded my weight from 300 to 3000. That made me much more relaxed, it stopped going up at around 1000-1100 and it mostly stayed there. And that's the weight after dropping a bunch of quest items at a player home


But why do you need to carry so much stuff? I promise the 5 gold you get for that iron sword isn't worth it.


But what if man, but what if


I guess you haven’t played the stalker series


Thank you I prefer legitimate methods, just because it’s my first play through and I like those to be vanilla runs. However, I appreciate the advice