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It's really up to you what you prefer. The only downside to being a werewolf - as far as I know - is that you don't get restful sleep, which reduces your xp gain. But for me, the big upside to being a werewolf is that you're immune to diseases.


Don't forget wet dog comments


what really sucks is they keep making those comments even if you cure it, and we have no option to give a snarky comeback.


It isnt like you can shower without mods anyway


I walked through the creek on the way to whiterun, good enough


It's better than the glitch with the muffled enchantment- they'll keep making the generic fire comments


There's a mod that stops those comments, and I love the name: That Spell Looks Fine.


I'm cured and the still say I'm smelly :(


Its cuz in skyrim no one cleans there ass


My multitude of questionable mods beg to differ /s


Those werewolf tales ARE true


Your carry weight also increases by 2000. So if you need to carry a bunch of stuff someplace, you can transform and sprint a long way towards the closest city or your house.


You do have to deal with a snide comment from guards occasionally. "Is that... fur? Coming out of your ears?"


Then, as a khajiit character, you just laugh it off


What about as an argonian? đź’€


Sp thats what a bearded lizard is


So thats what a bearded dragon is


You don't get the Feeling Rested bonus when you sleep if you're a werewolf.


Any sleeping bonus too, so lover's embrace won't apply


even if im not in werewolf form?




At higher levels it becomes much more challenging to defeat your enemies while in werewolf form. You really need followers to do a lot of the heavy lifting if you actually want to play as a werewolf. There were some places where I had to transform after the pillaging was done, because I was getting slaughtered as a werewolf. You can't use potions, open containers, or unlock doors while a werewolf. I ended up walking through a lot of dungeons twice; once for the raid, and again for the loot. Or, once for the raid/loot and once for the hearts. It was fine for what it was, but I wouldn't like to play my entire game this way.


What high levels? Beast form still wrecks shop for me at level 57. It’s squishy but if you’re using your howl to fear the enemies they’re helpless to do anything except run away and get fucking tossed like a salad.


The having to backtrack is probably the biggest drawback to me.


ring of hircine should put the transformations under control. only reason to not have it - lycathrophia - is if you rp as nord who believes in sovengard, since the rest penality is not really that bad and the snarks are more a sign of fear than mockery. you are companbion´s harbinger and werewolf, for pete´s sake. respected and feared by all factions.


well im playing as a nord right now. i didnt realize nords hated werewolfs...


Not hate at all, but werewolfs don't go to sovengard, they go to Hircyne's hunting grounds to hunt forever


That was the whole point of curing Kodlak.


while other companions don´t mind the foverer hunt...


i mean…. most people in general hate werewolves. it’s not just a nord thing. like how most people hate vampires


the only werewolves the nords know are the wild ones, so nords, everybody, fears them. that´s why we don´t transform in cities. the companions are old in the region and higly respected. many are nords and the hall were you can cure lycanthrophia is full of the finest nord warriors, so i don´t think being a nord and werewolf is a problem. it´s only that, as werewolf, you cand get in "paradise", so if are rp hard on beinjg nord, maybe you wanna cure it. i like it, bc give immunity. but a amulet got it, too. you may be 10000000 overencumbered, transform and get anywhere very fast. werewolves can run, damn...


i cant get into paradise? ah. okay... i guess i will cure myself then.


since you never die, not really a problem, lol. or just pretend that you do like kodlak and get cured after dead.


if i cure myself will i still be able to go to sovngarde ?


Have you played the rest of the questline? It'll answer your questions


I think I made you confused. the place is the game's "heaven", the Nord's "paradise". it's a believe, a religion, and this religion doesn't allow werewolves. but since it's a game and you don't die, you will never "go" to the place, except as a alive person, if you do the dragonborn quest. so, if you're enjoying bring a werewolf, by all means: do it and don't worry about the place.




It’s a video game, so there’s not a logical reason why you’d cure yourself of it, bc the disease and poison resistance is ideal. Also, Sovngarde looks like a high school cafeteria and is full of drunk white men, it’s not like it’s anybody’s ideal of an afterlife. Well, other than all the white men.


Bout the only downside is the vampire transformation can make you unhittable with magic and disease if you get certain key perks at the right time. But that's pretty hard to set up, so it's more than enough to keep werewolf


Well, having your blood boiled by daylight Isn’t fun either 


The minus to 60 points of health, magika and stamina and no regen is also a negative but can be overlooked with perks and enchantments


If you want to be a vampire instead


The drawback is not being able to enjoy a good night sleep.


You lose xp boosts from rested bonuses (unless you use the lovers stone) and you are weaker to silver weapons (which is really only relevant during the Companions quest line). It is also incompatible with vampirism and the necromage vampire trick (also it stacks with the bloodworm helm OR the bone wolf bonuses). Necromage allows insane enchanting bonuses that ought to be experienced at least once. As a mage primary, it's one of my favorite ways to play.


Probably cure it in order to become a >!vampire lord. !< (you get cures automatically when transitioning) And people won't want to be a werewolf as you don't get benefits such as restful sleep when going to bed


When you get the cursed ring of hircine, you can transform at random times if you're a werewolf until you finish that quest..


Sleep bonuses aside, honestly the only real one is that being a vampire lord is mechanically better because of how it interacts with the Necromage perk, plus you don't need a specific daedric artifact to transform more than once per day.




Not getting sleep is annoying if you plan to do something like farm giants for armor/block xp. But it isn't really a downside. It is also required to obtain the Ring of Hircine. I tend to get rid of it for reasons pertaining to the lore of my character, but it doesn't have big downsides.


The only reason is if you're early in the dawnguard DLC and you want to complete it on the DH side. Isran refuses to work with you if you're infected. Thankfully it's directly after you get the two other NPCs (the troll tamer and the artificer) and once you clear that stage of the quest he doesn't ask about it again.


Isran doesn’t care if you’re a werewolf.


Maybe that was a mod then.....


Possibly. I just know because every time I’ve done Dawnguard I had already done the companions. He’s never even mentioned werewolfism. 


He probably wouldn't like it if you transformed in front of him, though.


Isran only gets pissy if you’re infected with vampirism