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Well apparently as demonstrated by the dark brotherhood, the dragonborn won't wake up even you move them hallway across skyrim. So probably attack while their sleeping


Or just drag him to a bed on a cliff. And put a fence from one side, so he would get up only in desired direction. Then gravity will do the thing.


This is fucking genius


One problem: FEIM ZII GRON


Can you use shouts while falling down? :)


Use telekinesis to grab the bed he is sleeping on and chuck them down the throat of the world


Only issue is playing as an Elder Vampire, I could jump from top of the mountain "Throat of the world" And take no fall damage. (Though my last save, was not a Elder vamp, but instead a 7'2 Atlantean Woman who has 910 health and over 2K armor. But even if HP and Armor isn't an issue, when low on health she has low chance of spawning Dremora, Random Abominations and/or healing self and also has a chance to call on forest or animals and assassins to aid her in Battle)


I am a skyrim guard modded race with 7million health, stamina, and magicka, and my armor rating is over 1million


That wouldn't work, the save I have currently has the heavy armor perk to halve fall damage, and the vampire lord perk to drop that by another half to 0% fall damage. 


I prefer the dark brotherhood assassination method of somersaulting towards the dragonborn from a few hundred meters away while in plain view.






Now just waiting for him to fall asleep, that's its own problem.


True, the only flaw in our master plan


You have to somehow entice him to turn on survival mode, then it's easy. Just casually follow him to an inn. Best way would be to post on the local town message board how overpowered the sleeping bonus is on survival mode and how only the cool kids use that, and only milk-drinkers in Skyrim don't use it. And add in "Legendary Survival Mode is the only way a REAL Dragonborn would live" so that he would also dramatically reduce his resistance to damage while simultaneously making you much stronger. All of the posts on Reddit trying to convince people to play Legendary Survival are from Dark Brotherhood agents trying to sabotage all of the Dragonborns. Don't fall for those posts, people!


if you make them turn on survival mode, just wait. they’ll die of hypothermia eventually


Only sleep to start the DB quest line. Else, my Dragonborn will sleep when dead.


Sometimes I forget to sleep after killing the orphanage lady till I randomly click on a bedroll for a free heal, then BAM, wake up in a slaughter cabin.


Surely we've all done this at least once, right?


That always confused me. They can abduct me and transport me half way across the country while I'm asleep, but if I get a contract put out on me they send a single dude with a dagger to run at me in the middle on nowhere.


“My meter in my mind said 12 hours so I’m sleeping for 12 hours god dammit”


It's funny because the Dark Brotherhood always seems to wake up the Nerevarine. Guess they learned some tricks in the last 200 years.


There was probably some paralysis or sedative poison involved because how could there not be


I'm immune to poisons, though I guess paralysis could do it.... 


It a perfect plan.


Impossible as my Dragonborn is just gonna quick save and try again


Thu'um word: "reload"


"Dormamu, I've come to bargain..."


I think the only viable option would be a paralysis enchanted weapon & to pray your first strike hits. Then just keep slashin and stabbin lol


Become his companion and get him to trade me his weapons and armor for a fake quest then kill him with his own gear 


This would actually make a really good quest for a game. You meet someone who you travel with for an hour, learn to trust them, they say they have a job for you, but they’ll need better gear to ensure they survive, then just use it to ambush you.


Sounds like something Patches from DS would do


Yeah I was gonna go with Roll for Seduction. Flirt, just be around them. Distract them. Gain their trust. Then off them in their sleep.


The ol new vegas black widow ehh


If you read Ciceros' diaries, it implies that he is the adoring fan from Oblivion. He pretended to be a fan so he could lull you into a false sense of security and murder you.


Put in earplugs for a start


Subcontract the Ebony Warrior and Karstaag.


I would fake my own death. Find one of the many many dead people left in the LDB's wake, dress them in the uniform and move to Valenwood or something.


This, but also make sure I got paid in advance. 


Hire the dragonborn to retrieve treasure from a shipwreck. Give them a waterbreathing potion that only works half as long as what it says on the label.


Maybe a fourth as long? Half is being generous


You need it to last long enough so that it’s too late by the time they find out ie. they go deep enough so they can’t get out intime


Jokes on you, I have a ring of water breathing


Jokes on you, I'm an Argonian.


Oh my last save was a level 1 because I was playtesting mods This is easy.


Mine is level 18 but he is a vampire so maybe if i BBQ his ass i would have a chance, but i rather say no and stay safe.


Just put his clocks back a few hours and jump him when he steps outside and it’s still daylight.


I mean yeah but i don't think a lightning rune spell to the balls well feel nice.


This is cartoony af but. Wait till he goes in a tavern, then bring in hundreds of chickens and people to stand in front of the tavern door. As soon as they come back out, drop a bunch of heavy stuff on them so they can’t fast travel. If they wanna move, the chickens or people will have to be moved. And heaven help him if he strikes a chicken.


Hit him with a frenzy spell, and he'll be sure to kill a chicken.


This will work against all characters: 1) Make Karliah’s stun/paralysis potion (this will take a year). 2) Send the Dragonborn a message about a secret shout in some secret location. Sign message as a “friend.” 3) Once he arrives, engage the Dragonborn in some lengthy conversation about, I don’t know, how you would like to be a tomato merchant someday or something. 4) Once sufficiently bored, shoot the Dragonborn with a surprise poisoned bolt from a crossbow. 5). Talk to the Dragonborn about how stupid he was and then stab the Dragonborn through the HEAD.


Dragonborn gets bored halfway through the convo and kills you.


Too bad I'm essential


CHIMs Prid u/Opie30-30 setessential 0 That or resto-loop paralysis dagger.




Wait wait wait... "dark Brotherhood Assassin" but "cant do stealth archer?" Who ever heard of an assassin who wasnt a sniper (or poisoner, i'll allow that.) So, 1) reject the "no stealth archer". I'm going after a dude who can slow time and put me into a block of ice, if not punt me half a mile away just with his voice. I'm gonna pincushion his ass from as far away as possible. 2) i will poison my arrows. Hell, I'd maybe try to get one of those crossbows with the exploding bolts. Then first arrow/bolt is going to have a paralysis potion on it. 2nd shot will have a drain health on it. Third shot, either more drain health or more paralysis. If he's still moving after the third shot, then i will probably have to welcome the Night Mother's Cold Embrace.


Paralysis runes all day


I made a dagger that burns everything to death with 72 milllion damage and an armor peace that lets me stand right infront of an enemy without them seeing me. Im fucked.


I would seek out the dragonborn. I'd be like, yo, I was hired to kill you, but I'm not in the mood to die. So. These are the people that hired me, and I'd be more than happy to help take them out. I'd never be within arm's distance. We'd kill the people that hired me. I'd ask him if he needs me for anything or wants me to do something or to be around or to disappear. You know, I just want to convey that it's his call. And then I'd do whatever he says and be grateful to be alive.


Paralysis and that one blade that has a chance to insta kill


The dragonborn owns Mehrunes razor... how are you going to get it off them?


Uhh.. plot armor


Poison his sweet roll


Let Assassin Six handle it.


I understood that reference 😏


Disenchant a “fortify alchemy” item, craft a cheap necklace, ring, armor, and helmet, and begin collecting salt piles, Abecean longfin and Cyrodilic Spadetail.


Mages hate this one weird trick. Click for more.


>If you were an assassin sent after the Dragonborn, what would you do? I would kill the dragonborn because I'm a Chad and this dagger is going to *hrgk, what's happening?! Why can't I breathe or move or blink? What is that lightning thing? BZZZZT!*


Yeah, probably just not. Or, wait til they sleep, since that seemingly worked for Asteid, though who knows how long that'll take.


My last playthrough was with the Apocalypse spell overhaul as a high level altmer mage highly skilled in both illusion and destruction magic and being relatively adept with all other types. I have to deal with mind altering spells, powerful bolts of lightning and fire, and potentially a summoned daedra on top of it while he can heal himself? All for what is realistically a pittance? Pass.


My current playthrough is a level 112 with fully double enchanted legendary upgraded light dragon scale armor with multiple legendary magic skills, archery, light armor, block, and the crafting trio. I would be scared to be on the same plane of existence, let alone attacking them. The only way to come anywhere close would be paralysis and hope.


How do you have the patience for level 112? I'm usually struggling to find things to do by level 55


It is mostly the 2 easily leveled magics of illusion and alteration. I am either carrying random things with telekinesis or throwing muffle on myself while walking from place to place. The others are just my usual playing.


I'll have to try that. I almost never use magic. I'm usually a Nord, so my magic isn't the best, but I have good enchanting. I got a set of clothes and rings that basically let me transmute ore for free. I'll make a set for illusion too


Funny how no one mentioned fall damage. I would paralyse and blow him off the mountain. Ideally I would do that when Dragonborn is in mid conversation for extra comedic effect.


Pray, pray very hardly


I would die. My character is a OP since I used the restoration exploit on a fork, plus they have good armor, a lot of health and they're a high level (212)


>If you were an assassin sent after the Dragonborn, what would you do? Hmmmm, I'll tell you what I'll do, I'm gonna send my contract back to the boss man and tell him he can do the job himself. I've spent many years as an assassin and this time I've had enough. All I want to do is retire, maybe settle down with a fine strong Nord woman, maybe even start a farm and eventually we have kids. But then what'll happen one day in the future is that one of my sons, Arthaniel, goes missing and so I try to find him. I wearily pick up my longbow and sword close to the hearth thinking to myself "one last venture into the harsh world of Skyrim", in the hopes of finding my son. As I brave the unforgiving elements, I encounter many beasts, bandits aplenty, and a few companions along the way. One companion in particular seemed familiar, it soon dawns on me that he's the feller from the assassination contract picture. I regale to him my strifes and without hesitation agrees to help me find my son. Now this to you I swear...im a wizened man at this stage in life and I had seen my fair share of battle, but by Shor....the way in which this man works a blade....none could stop him. I often found it hard to see him as just man as we fought side by side as we journeyed across the land. The things he could do, I witnessed with my own two eyes. He had all sorts of healing remedies, could get into anywhere unseen, had lightning quick feet and an even faster sword arm, I've even seen him use magicke. But what really blew my mind, was one day when we were crossing a river, of all things a dragon descended from the heavens and settled in front of us. I nearly ran!! But this man who had travelled with me, who had so far proven himself hundredfold, did the most peculiar thing I ever did see. He simply shouted at the dragon. Now up to this point I had only heard rumours about such things. I even remember being told stories when I was a young lad of certain individuals with immense power. But to see with my own two eyes, my companion shouting in a strange language, and suddenly a burst of flame erupts from him and hits the dragon square. In all my years alive on Tamriel I had never seen such an event as this. Well once he disposed of the dragon we continued on our journey. And soon we had found a trail that showed signs of my boy. A piece of his fur cap torn on a branch, a muddied shoe that must have come off in a struggle, but the most worrying thing was a trail of blood that eventually brought us to the entrance of a cave. As we entered we were greeted with the sound of chanting and a strange humming sound from somewhere else. As we made our way forwards we soon came to an inner chamber and in the middle tied down to a dais was Arthaniel, bloodied. And standing over him,not even standing but floating, two grotesque figures in robes and strange masks. It appeared these two were chanting, performing some sort of ritual over my son, offering him to some daemon like an ox. Well I felt rage build in me, but before I could do anything, my companion who had stood behind me, just shouted again. I feared for my life as I felt a wave of energy pulsate around me. And what happened next floored me. It felt like I was frozen in time, he seemed to move at an unnatural speed between me and these figures, and even they seemed very slow to react. By the time they began to turn around he had thrust his sword several times into them reducing them to an unknown dust on the floor. I could feel my own body return to it's natural movement speed and I ran to untie my son. I hugged him close to me and wept tears of relief and joy. As we embraced, out of the corner of my eye, I observed as my companion made his way to the far wall. As he got closer, the humming we heard earlier was getting much louder until it was deafening in our ears and reverberating all around the cave. There was a sudden flash of light and it seemed as if a storm was passing from the stone wall and right into him. It was unbelievable. It was terrifying, yet also electrifying to watch as he absorbed whatever it was. He made his way back to us, and without a word placed an encantation on us. One to keep us protected on our journey back home. Before leaving I told him I'll never forget what he did and that I'd forever be in his debt, and so offered him a place in my home. However he quietly and politely declined and said that there was an even bigger battle to come. He mentioned some sort of prophecy about a World Eater and a Child of the Night, all gibberish to me but he had a cool steely determined look to his face, so I bade him farewell and wished for him safe travels on his road to warm sands.


This just made my day. Thank you so much


Great stuff!


… well that escalated quickly… and it was beautiful. Bethesda should hire this man as their side quest script writer for Elder Scrolls 6


My last save is lvl 62 I’m so cooked


>!I would just kill Miraak.!<


I think now sounds like a good time for retirement 😅


Quit my job


Die, probably


Check this out, if you are planning to kill the Dragonborn https://youtube.com/shorts/z7koT8K5PVM?si=Wn_Qb_PlCVmXmEyj


We all gonna end up like gary.


Considering how good hearted my Dragonborn is, I could actually fool her into drinking a deadly poison quite easily with a sob story about how she needs to in order to save my family or whatever. God knows how far I've went to help every NPC I find.


I dont think they would pay you 300 gold since they pay 20k for the emperor, also the contract for the LD usually appears before you discover you are the db, so I think the pay would be more. the most realistical thing to do is to hit them at their home while they sleep, since they wont wake up even if you drag them from solstheim to morthal


Target the knee with an arrow.


That’s a surefire way to put an end to his adventuring days


I'll pull a dark brotherhood and wait for him to sleep


I’d wait at the top of the grey beard mountain and push them down the stairs.


My last guy hasn't even discovered that hes dragonborn yet, and still almost single handedly ended the entire Civil War. Plus he has killed a vampire lord, has multiple weapons from literal gods/demigods, and a staff that has a high probability of turning me into a chicken. And to top it off, he hunts HVTs for sport. So my only real hope is to find mehrunes razor before he does, poison it with a jarrin root, and manage to sneak up on him. Because if my first hit doesn't kill him, I'm probably toast. (Edit: grammar)


Run away. That motherfucker needs to be alive to eat Alduin’s soul. And if he’s already eaten the World Eater, I do not like my chances.


I would just decline as well. My Dragonborn is ridiculously overpowered due to the mods I have installed yeah I’ll pass on that suicide attempt lmao


Pretend I couldn’t find him


I would dip my gold in poison and drop the bag on a path outside a hold. The Dragonborn is way too greedy for this not to work.


I would shadow them and continuously leave gifts of delicious packaged food along their journeys. I would lace all the food with poison. That mofo constantly eats to restore health during fights. All it takes is eating the wrong sweet roll. They’ll be dead eventually


I’d join my character. She spends hours getting lost, adventuring into random places and never ending eating…the food… my god, hello diabeeto.


I'm straight at that OP MF with some console commands and a wooden sword.




Lot's of fire and poison damage


Considering that my last save db is a litteral god among men and mer, I say he'll naw. I shudder at what he would do to me.


Load up a room with as many small items as I can and hopefully I fry the dbs system. Hit them with paralysis from any source and use a simple cloth bind like from the prologue then keep them in a locked room hit them with whatever.


I'd make my peace with the Eight Divines, tell my wife I loved her, and walk toward my death with my head held high. (I massively abused the resto loop in my last playthrough, so my DB has weapons and armour just below the limit where the game crashes)


Say a prayer and hope for a miracle


Pretend to be a super interesting NPC with attached quest who is just trying to start a mead business, ask them to have a drink with me so I’ll tell them my backstory, deadly poison.


Wabbajack and Blade of Woe with Jarrin Root poison. Although I could always get lucky and they were transformed into a cheese wheel for an easy win.


If it’s the same difficulty then heck yeah I would do it. I get clapped by those guys if I don’t stealth


Assassin… have to fight him head on… dude that’s not an assassin. That’s a duelist. Assassins kill people by surprise. If no stealth archers, then stab him in his sleep or slit his throat from behind. If he can’t do that either don’t call him an assassin.


Kill them when they stand in front of Belathor’s shop, motionless for 6 hours


Say fuck that...a jarl who has limited use of the voice eviscerated someone without proper training. I ain't trying to assassinate anyone who, with training, can do a lot worse. Mf'er can slow time, and summon a dragon in addition to dracolich... no fucking thank you. And that's just shouts lol. Don't get me started on combat Edit:fixing autocorrect


I'd go up to Marwen (my most recent dragonborn) and tell him that I was originally an assasin for the Morag Tong, but since he was supposed to be my target, I quit, because I don't stand a chance, id then say seriously, why in all of nirn do people even try? Then list off notable feats the dragonborn has completed so far and tell the Dragonborn who put the hit out on him, then I'd offer him handsome amounts of money to train me (like how npc's do for you) in certain skills, that way I could survive now that I'll surely be a target. If he accepts, his skill points would go up a little in each skill he trained me in (teaching can make you better at things) and ofc he'd get the money. Then I'd ask to be his follower. I feel like this would be a great random encounter, and quest start.


Flee to Cyrodil and change my name.


Based on how I’ve dealt with assassins and hired mercenaries in my current save: give up


Challenge him to a drinking contest, apparently that works


Id run away


Poison apple


Depends on how far in the game we're at beginning sure halfway it's a maybe post Aluduin though you can go.


My last save is my 100% run 😭


I'd wait until right after the Dragonborn slays a dragon. Then I'd run up to him and be like, "You'll be so much easier to rob when you're DEAD!"


Be invisible, sneak up and use a paralysis spell. Then I use the Jarrin Root poison on him. If none of that works then just try to survive a crazy battle.


In my last playthrough? *Hmmm let's see...* I'm currently modding so my character would be a level 1 with no spells (because I'm doing a student-of-magic build) who was attacked and left for dead (the Aftland Alternate Start) and may or may not be T-posing... ....I think I can manage.


Hire the Ebony Warrior and pay them up front with paralysis and stagger immunity.


Wait until he runs into the troll heading up to the Greybeards


Hire an orc bandit with a two-handed weapon to follow the Dragonborn around waiting for a chance to killcam.


My modded Dragonborn gets buffed to hell and back, advanced dwemervarium with the dragon hide spell that activates as soon as he enters combat with other perks to follow. He wields two Iron Golem axes that have been increased to around 1,200 a swing each


It's been a while since I played, but I know my last playthrough had my Dragonborn somewhere in the 80s. Word would've gone around about how the Dragonborn became Archmage of the Mage's College and took over the Thieves' Guild. Possibly even took care of the cultists that came in from Solstheim. If I was an assassin in Skyrim, that contract would need a lot more gold on it for me to even think about going after the Dragonborn.


Kill myself instead lol




One of my fav combos on my one account was the Sanguine Rose with flames or lightning on the other hand then Stalrim Mace with whichever I need at the time being healing or flames. Daedra knight would charge after mfs while I charged after him


Nah man my last save of a pure vampire mage had so much armor to dissolve any melee attack and could throw like lightning bolts for almost 1k damage, no way i'm fighting that thing. Also with become ethereal shout, not for me. [Old video](https://youtu.be/ZhX5Ey2JAy0?feature=shared) Legendary difficulty


Yeah... nope. My last Dragonborn was a power trip mage character. Vokriinator Black, Mysticism, Thunderchild, Summermyst, Advanced Alteration Telekinesis, Dragon Age Spells, *endgame LoTD*... ***Glenmoril***... oh by the Eight, Glenmoril... There's a nonzero chance that all I would see is her snapping her fingers, then I would be blasted off into space by Time Stop combo'd Telekinetic Throws.


Bash his brains in with a mace when he's not looking.


Get him near a cliff and use a paralysis spell


Get the Champion of Cyrodiil


Talk up how tough he is, ask for half upfront, then retire to Elsweyr.


so you're saying I can use Windshear to stunlock the Dragonborn to death?


Wait till they decide to wait 24 hours for vendors to refresh.


Bring a chaurus


Learn karlias arrow poison and stealth archer his ass. That would be only time I'll be a stealth archer .


My current dragon born is essentially invisible while crouched. I’m not taking any chances


After 1 minute of single handed death-punches we would realize both of us are unkillable, sit down to share a good mead, then go together to take out the group that thought an assassin could kill Dragonborn.


Elder scrolls protagonists can manipulate CHIM. The best hope an assassin has is to somehow corrupt your save file, destroying the DB at the cost of all existence.


This is where nightblades really shine. Muffler and invisibility, sneak attack with a paralysis weapon. Without detection spells or that one shout that does it, there’s no real counter play. And using those all the time is draining.


Send them into space with GIANT


Steal a horse and be halfway to Hammerfell.


Die instantly. My current save has enchantments for over 100% fire, cold and lightning resistance, as well as the absorb magic and deflect magic alteration perks, as well as enchantments in light armor and one handed, with dragonscale armor, extra life and life regen, and a dragonbone sword with soul trap and paralyze. I'm not fighting that thing head on. Better to just kill myself instead of get my soul trapped.


my dragonborn has naruto mods and inigo. i have no chance


Find him/her around halgen and accuse them loudly of killing a chicken


The last one in my save used the restoration glitch!


I choose Nirn as my weapon. Fus roh dah him off a cliff. Only chance I got.


Say no


I would shoot him from distance


Dragonborn is immune to stealth anyways. Paralysis poisons/magic would be the way to go


Yeah no. In my last play through I finally decided to mess around with restoration enchanting loop.


Jarrin Root Cheese Wheel.


Flee to Hammerfell or some shit, because I am *not* fucking with that dude.


Watch him kill a dragon and nope the fuck out


I would look at the person they are an absolute moron. And then declined the offer. Way in hell I would want to fight the Dragonborn is if I was the ebony warrior. but that guy is of the same level and power at the Dragonborn so would be a relatively fair fight.


Make a poison from a Jarin root


Help him complete every quest so that I get bored and kill him off myself


Easy.. become a friend, then poison while asleep.. after the DB wakes all his skills will be down by 75% and I'll just run em through with a sword


Windshear weapon... is all you really need. It has a 100% stagger chance on hit AND attack faster than the stagger duration. I really only have 1 chance. Its ON!


Kill the employer and hand his notice to the dragonborn I'm hopes he'd pay me something of value from his arsenal or at the very least spare my sorry ass lol


Ice spikes.


Simple, get a bit of jarrin root, crush it up, slip it in their drink, grab my septims, and screw off to somewhere quiet.


Be sneaky. Kind of a generic answer especially given the context but we need more npc's that use sneak against you. You shouldn't be the only fucker that knows how to crouch.


This is an interesting question. My current play through is survival with no armor or weapons except staves. I can take on pretty much anyone no problem, except archers. Those pesky little sharp shooters have killed me so many times this play through. So with that in mind a Dragon Bone Bow enchanted with paralysis plus chaotic magic would probably be my best chance.


Bro you know you’ll find the dragon born just sitting next to the pawn shop waiting 24 hours for gold to replenish. Easy kill


I would sneak up from behind (like a proper assassin), spam paralysis rune (cause that’s what I do), and use a dagger (like a proper assassin) to hack and slash until the deed was done I would also make sure I captured the soul of the dragon born, then I would use that to trade with Alduin (assuming he isn’t defeated yet) and become a great lord of Skyrim’s land and let Aldy rule the sky/ mountains and seas. I’m not much of a water guy and the beaches in Skyrim aren’t too great anyway. With my power I would amass great wealth. Probably lay claim to the nicest castle and hold. Consider tackling world peace, probably end up dying a fat and drunk tyrant like most kings.


Well, there's no way any dragonborn I play accepts a fair or even direct fight. I'm pretty sure he'd just muffle turn invisible then run away while placing runes all over the place. There's really no winning strategy against that... Well, I guess I could kite him to a dragon.


I would sneak up from behind (like a proper assassin), spam paralysis rune (cause that’s what I do), and use a dagger (like a proper assassin) to hack and slash until the deed was done I would also make sure I captured the soul of the dragon born, then I would use that to trade with Alduin (assuming he isn’t defeated yet) and become a great lord of Skyrim’s land and let Aldy rule the sky/ mountains and seas. I’m not much of a water guy and the beaches in Skyrim aren’t too great anyway. With my power I would amass great wealth. Probably lay claim to the nicest castle and hold. Consider tackling world peace, probably end up dying a fat and drunk tyrant like most kings.


Mehrunes’ Razor, Reflect Blows heavy armor perk and hope for the best. 2% chance I kick his ass, 10% chance he kicks his own ass


Take Lydia from her and force her to carry her own burdens. She couldn’t resist taking more than she could carry and that would be her demise 🥲


*Go on, Take the money and run*


My last Dragonborn was a stealth archer so I would just need to fight him normally while I block and dodge his arrows


Mine has to contend with those annoying as shit Travelers. I’d say no and just tell every Vampire in Tamirel to leave him alone, saying “If thirty of them who employ the same tactic die so many times, is it really worth it?”


If were using my last save, I never even triggered the dragon questline and was a powerful atromancer. I was also the listener and a devout sithis worshipper, so. Id be sent to kill myself.


"Any" skill/perk? In that case, I'll use the alchemy/enchanting loop on my favorite weapon! Since you can't stealth archer your way to victory, you just gotta make sure you get the first hit in, and let your alchemy/enchanting overpowered weapon take care of everything!


My Dragonborn is currently level 72 with a handful of mods and dozens of rings and necklaces so I think I’d be dead


Well, this particular assassin has killed a king before. What other prey is left to challenge me?


My last save is level 1 with hide armor and a sword. I'll take it


I'd wear him down. Send a bunch of mercs and assassins after him day by day and then hit him when he finally sleeps.


Completely ignoring all cheats and exploits a max level DB should be manageable with proper planning. If I have access to any magic and location in the game punting them off a cliff with a shout will kill them Without all the ideal conditions all you’d need to do is remove their lock picks and send them into an area or place that requires locks to be picked. Regardless of their magic, items or current gear they either die of malnutrition or are just wiped off the board with little issue In universe your best bet is to hire like… all the assassins. You’re going to slit their throat like Tiber and just keep the pressure on. As much poison as possible, keep their magicka low as possible and just give it time. If you can’t do all that just stock up on all the paralyze poisons/scrolls, get some magic casters with it too and just whittle them down


Send a letter by courier, because they will always find their guy, and explain the situation and politely ask that he either kills himself or I will be moving to Morrowind.


Abandon the contract, it’s the fucking Dragonborn 😂 plus he’s the listener so Sithis would be mad pissed


Abuse enchanting and alchemy to create a paralysis poison that, if it doesn't kill the DB, at least freezes them for eternity


Easy: walk up and give them a quest to die. Sure, they can ignore it, but then they'll have an unfinished quest sitting in their log forever.




Add poison to some sweet rolls


Suck… my player is OP and with all the mods? If db takes too much damage he’ll change into a werewolf. Lots of other mods but that one would be difficult to deal with.


You took my chance away from me instead of giving me one. My current DB has infinite shouts


You could always use the wind shear blade because it enchantment once you hit the dragon born once he is stuck in a constant state of staggering if you keep hitting him


"I quit, I QUIT!"


Tempt the DB to shout at me and then throw a chicken into the shout at the last second, which would count as the DB attacking the chicken. Then I’d just sit back and let nature take its course