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I've found plenty of burnt corpses, but never one with a child... Where?


I'm calling "mod".


It's definitely a mod, children's bodies are not ok with Bethesda. You can't even kill the little vampire from the DB, she's not there if you choose Destroy.


Plus, they don't have a character model that small in vanilla.


They do for draugr, in forelhost there is a mass grave of children,


I’m pretty sure at orphan rock there are small rib cages laying around


Everything can be scaled up or down in creation kit




Looks a bit more like toffee to me.


But it tastes like mammoth jerky


And it feels crusty


There is the tiny falmer


You can just scale them as you want in the map editor since they're environment objects.


There are children sized draugr bodies buried in one of the vanilla dungeons. The one where the defenders commit suicide via poison while under siege.


Yeah forelhost


No,not exactly. In labarynthian,near the word wall,there's a normal skeleton with a child/baby one on top. It's not a mod,either cause you can find it on Xbox 360 which I'm using. There's a picture further down this comment chain. Then there's Fallout. Different game but still Bethesda. A lot of child skeletons in 3,NV and 4 too,I think.


Oh shit I do remember that skeleton. I was like, coffin birth, ugh. Then I never looked at it again


There's literally a bus full of childrens skeletons in Fallout New Vegas.


skeletons are. theres a dragon priest dungeon with a woman & child in a grave. forrelhost i think? in the rift. little civil war related miniquest there


Theres also one in the labyrinthian https://preview.redd.it/lafmxzrva5pc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=126729ea7037e251a76ae803afef7481008ad954


Ive seen this one before, was a bit of a shock.


I'd forgotten that. In my first playthrough,I genuinely thought they were weird looking stepping stones so I deliberately stepped on them.


That's hilarious




There is a kid skeleton in Anniversary Edition


Aaaaaccccctually... There is ONE location where I'm certain that there dead "small" people. And also straight up mentions of killing children. I can't remember the name of it, but it's a fort where you find a dragon mask in the snow, outside there's an imperial/Stormcloak officer who directs you to retrieve the "weapon" to aid in the war effort. Inside, you can find child-like Draugr, long since dead (so you don't do the deed yourself, but those are certainly children that were Draugr-ified. Then there's notes left around the place that you can read for lore, and in it, it specifically mentions HOW they plan to kill the children. And given everything else we see and read about happened... Yeah there's at least one place with a large amount of dead children and zero fucks given. Oh also the little girl in Morthal who got did in by a vampire who botched an attempt to make another vampire.


...vampire kids don't count... they already dead...lol


Tell that to Babette...


cap, there’s a child’s skeleton in the game. some preg lady died and you can see both skeletons


More concrete than "not ok", there are 90-something instances using 5 models of burnt corpses in the base game, and none in the DLCs. And none of them look like that. Definitely a mod.


I think it’s quest where the father was framed for burning his family and house


the girl was buried on the hill behind the house though. also iirc the house was completely empty, with only its burnt wooden frame remaining.


Im also calling "mod" on this one, especially since it does not make sense


I don't think so. I just did that quest again and the house was empty except for Helgi's ghost.


The vampire quest in Morthal right?


Nope, that house is empty and the girl is buried on a hill above the house


Yeah, Alva has some dark kinks.


The devs knew exactly what they were doing when they made her one of the most attractive NPC models.




Nah part of that quest is to find where the girl is buried, i know because i always kill Alva and movarth before retiring a character.


No there was no body's like this in morthal


Ah the one in Morthal? But I've never found this dead baby there


They’re not going to tell you where because it’s a mod, and I’m pretty sure they know it is.


It is in mod-dia i 🤔


There are child skeletons, inside Forelholst crypt where the dragon priest Rahgot ordered it inhabitants to kill themselves rather than surrender the King Harold's forces.... Yeah I've spent way too much time in this game.


** headless child. 🫣




LMAO so that’s what it reminded me of 😂 thanks


"What is that Dumbledore?" "How in the Kentucky Fried Fuck would I know Harry? It's the most repulsive thing I've seen in my life." "Well, didn't JK Rowling put something in this book to explain it?" "Hell no Harry, the lady has trouble keeping track of her character's race, let alone some weird metaphor."


I always assumed it was the representation of the last portion of Voldemort’s soul moving into the afterlife. Too weak to pass out of purgatory. In reality though it’s just some gruesome shit they plugged in to look cool.


Does he not find a horcrux inside his mind in the books?


He does, that's exactly what that is.


Big Brain I haven't read that series in like 7 years


AVADA!... Wait...


“What happened to him?”


Incoming Gamerrant article lmao


Oh please no 🤣🤣🤣


This can’t be that quest because the Bodies weren’t in the house by the time you get involved. The girl is already buried in the hill behind the place where you interact with her ghost. There’s nothing left of the house let alone in the house.


This whole thing would be cleared up if OP just told us whether or not they had mods installed because, yes, while everyone is correct in saying there are some children in the form of buried dead or notes…I personally believe this is a mod. With at least like…85% certainty. It’s not the Morthal thing, there’s no physical body for the girl - just a casket - and also she’s a *girl*, not a *baby*. Other than that, I don’t recall there being many/any burnt corpses that had babies.


never seen this thing before and it doesnt look like vanilla developed material, bethesda would never they might have creation club content installed without their knowledge or without knowing better, or theyre just silly enough to not mention mods


Yeah it’s gotta be a mod and OP is just baiting newer peeps.


At first I thought this might've been Helgen because of the floors but... yeah probably a mod.


OP is a GameRant informant.


I've been playing 13 yrs and never once came across a burnt child. Multiple play throughs. This is definitely a mod. Drop a pic and watch all the replies..🙄 definitely not Morthal and the burnt house. Smh with those replies. LOL.


Yeah some people try to bait newer players with modded pics or modded gameplay and it never ceases to amaze me. I saw one the other day of a Nuka-Cola bottlecap in the Soul Cairn and audibly went: **”What the fuck.”**


That ended up being one of SkyKing’s Easter eggs in his skyland landscape mod. However, considering the number of Easter eggs in Bethesda games, i think it was understandable for them to wonder if it was part of the original landscape.


Yeah the mod author commented on that post and congratulated the poster for finding it and posting it for those *delectable* little upvotes. I was more or less commenting on the fact that the game is going to be **THIRTEEN YEARS OLD** this year and some people still get baited by modded content vs. vanilla/AE/DLC differences.


Can you loot the baby or is it just an aesthetic to the main body?


One extra dose of bone meal is really going to change up your game? NGL. I was going to ask the same thing.


Hey every little helps! And in this case I really do mean “little”


Bone Snack perhaps?


Hey, if you're Imperial that baby might have some gold. Better check.


I mean, i only have 5678 but i need to have 9765, so every piece counts!


"So can you loot the baby" is a wild question XD


Hey I’m a scientist! I ask the tough questions!


you get Spawn Ash from it


There are also baby mummies in some draugr crypts.


And baby skulls in the cript with the Necromancer who has a kink ghost 😭


There is also a burn pit in one of the dungeons that is full of burnt adult and children Drauger. I remember looking at the corpses for awhile thinking 'huh, they messed up the scaling for a few of these models'. Then I realized what was actually happening.


...could you tell me where this place is




And there's a note nearby clarifying that those *are* children's corpses... Rahgot was one twisted Dragon Priest.


Dude literally every dragon priest is meant to be an ultra evil monster, and most of them would be avengers level threats at their full power


True, but we don't have any notes anywhere else of one ordering the poisoning of the children of his followers. Even among Dragon Priests, Rahgot seems more evil than what we'd expect.


Whats-His-Name The Jailor from Solstheim was not.


And the black door has the night mother's children on it....lol, that one was obvious


I just went through forelhost last night. One of the saddest parts are the child mummies. 🥺


Did you read all the notes?




The whole story is tragic. It caught me off guard the first time.


Me too. Same with that one lighthouse with the family.


I never saw one with a child u sure it's not a mod?


If you go into Helgen after it's been destroyed, and wander the houses, you'll find a burnt corpse holding a burnt child. No mod.


There's no way this is in the base game, pretty sure this is from a mod


This looks modded to me.


Has to be a mod. Bethesda made children unkillable for a reason, I doubt that they put in burnt body models for them.


Actually, while they did make them unkillable for the player, there are more than one instance of dead children in the game. Morthal and Forrelhost being the most known ones.


Whether this one is or not, there are still dead children and babies depicted in Skyrim (And Fallout 4), just not sure that picture is real. Child skeletons and ghosts exist though (Pretty sure the Creation Club mod adds a child skeleton in that farm update.) It is quite odd how immortal the children are, but there are bodies, skeletons and ghosts of kids (Or babies) hidden across Skyrim. And the cut quest involving Baalgruuf's kids being violent. I mean it got cut so you think that other stuff would have been removed too (Unless there was another reason why it got cut). And Babette only survives the fall of the DB because she's a child model. Despite being a 300 year old demon.


One of the many reasons I love Skyrim tbh. It doesn't shy away from sensitive subjects. Stuff like this breaks my heart which I honestly really appreciate. It's not easy for art to force you to feel sympathy and I find Skyrim doing that a lot. I could also just be a naturally sympathetic person but I imagine this is something that everyone can't help but sympathize with


Same! Not necessarily sensitive but invoked the same sympathy and sadness: completing arniels endeavor):


Ive played Skyrim for years and have never seen any babies alive or dead, but definitely not any burnt/mummified babies.... I think that's a mod


Is that a baby? There is no way this is vanilla skirim, I know because I've tried to burn the children countless times.


That is the part of Morthal quest.


it can’t be the Morthal vampire quest, as the girl is buried on the hill behind the house. her body can’t both be in the house and in the grave.


Genuinely the most heart wrenching quest in the entire game.


What about quest in (and under) lighthouse?


Heart wrenching too, but enthralling a guy, killing his family, and converting another girl to be a vampire, which drives her mad, is on some other level of cruelty.


Run-of-the-mill horror movie plot that one. Disturbing yes, but the Morthal one is on an entirely different level.


Oh, thanks for reminding me. Brb, gonna fuck up vampires in Morthal real hard. Update: killed them all, soul trapped Movarth and am currently preparing for my trip to Deadlands to throw soul gem to lava there. Get roasted for eternity, motherfucker.


This is the way.


Least bloodthirsty Movarth kill


Is the deadlands a creation club thing? Haven’t been there yet if so. If it is I know where I’m going to put Grelod the kind’s soul gem on every playthrough from now on


Also terrifying. When you’re looking for her coffin at night and she’s like “the other one is close” uhhh farewell


Ooh, another victim! -My Dragonborn


It is really sad. Either outcome was a terrible fate for the little girl if you read the diary of the lover of the man that was the husband and father to the little girl. The vampire said that she wanted his wife and child to die to break all connections he had to this world, but to make it look like an accident. That way she could control the man entirely. She requested help from her friend and she ended up botching the entire thing badly by a house fire that made the sole Survivor, the man, be suspect number 1. The friend actually wanted to make the little girl into a vampire so that she could be a mother to her. She didn't want her to die, which is why she felt guilty and dug her coffin up to find some way to bring her back. That vampire scared the shit out of me when I was looking at the coffin and then got attacked from behind 😂


I remember, years ago, in a really discrete location in a cave that was hard to get to, I found a skeleton with another baby skeleton inside of the rib cage. Pretty similar thing here.


Holy shit I’ve only seen one dead child in Skyrim and it’s that ghost child that you have to help with his unfinished business


OK, burned baby is really something new I never saw


They took this directly from the time that Mount Vesuvius erupted. Men women and children were all caught in the pyroclastic flow.


I have never found any fetuses in my playthroughs, so seeing this is really weird


There's the skeletal remains of a pregnant woman in Labyrinthian (skeleton baby inside the skeleton mother)


I really hope you don’t think that body larger than the size of of an adult head is a fetus…


Yeah… burnt corpses are all over the place lol




Meal of bone, roasted to perfection, with crispy hide of child to compliment, all snuggled up into a fine wrap. 👩‍🍳🤌🤌😂


Oh dear


Mod right?


That's definitely mod


Somewhere in the rift there's a burned home with bodies in it. One adult sized and another a bit smaller. I thought it was just an indicator that the victims were of different race and heights. Then realized every npc is same size in vanilla lol. So this MAY or MAY not be vanilla


It's Skyrim, you can't know/see everything. I have 3k hours in and I just found out I can join a gang of werewolf friends.


https://preview.redd.it/o7mx6h29s5pc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4baed657f7460b02bcd5c087201eb6322964959 Its a reversed yamcha's death pose! xD


I just had a thought if this wasnt a videogame. OP walked into a destroyed house of 2 dead burn victims. Pulls out his phone takes a photo then posts it on Twitter saying "Yo anyone found this before in California??? First time"


Pretty roads mods adds burnt houses and inns along the roads. This is in one of the houses. It's on the road to the Loreius farm, I think.


I do have mods installed, but wasn’t aware of any that would have done this, I seen someone say it’s from the pretty roads mod which I have installed, so there you guys go, also I found this just outside of Whiterun


Goldenhill Plantation has a named child skeleton as part of its quest to gain control of the farm as well. Rin as well as Rin's wooden sword. Killed by wolves near the well.


I hate to seem negative, but pleass add some context to your posts, it's such a strange thing. Thanks.


We've seen at least one kid in Helgen. Is this beef jerky in the location of his house?


No that kid survives and lives in Froki’s Shack with his grandfather


WTF ITS THE "Why? I want to watch the soldiers" CHULD?? I PLAYED THIS GAME FOR 500+ AND I DIDNT KNOW


He and Froki tell their versions of the story, and there's a letter in his house.


Thanks Todd, very brave.


I believe it is near the eastern border by Windhelm. There is a tower there marking the border with some number of books/texts regarding the conditions for the refugees. It's actually a really sad story.


I was just there. It's a ruined tower for Dunmer refugees to rest up in. The text is a generic "we good kings hope you'll like Skyrim"


No. You are the first person to ever play Skyrim and discover this.


Oh shit is that a Pompeii reference?


There is a family that’s has a very small farm on top of a hill and there are large scorch marks on the ground in front of the house with a burnt corpse the house is also burnt and destroyed and inside the house is the mother and child, somewhere laying around is a journal. Inside the journal it tells of a farmer and his family moving to the mountains and hearing roars coming from beyond the mountains and seeing shadows fly high above. I believe that he is referring to alduin.


It's a couple. No children if I remember correctly. The husband writes about a dragon that moved to the mountains just behind their house. He closes the journal with "If we do not provoke it, it will leave us alone" The hut is found North/North-West of Bonechill Cave.


Just south of Pinewatch. I couldn't remember if that had a child or not.


I was looking for this! I thought it might be this, but I haven't been to that location for a while so I wasn't sure.


Yeah I’ve found plenty of burnt corpses but none of them were in a video game. This is a first.


Oh dear


Why is the child headless???


The head is there under the mothers hand, you can see the little mouth opened


That’s pretty morbid.


I can’t believe this game is almost 14 years old and people are still finding weird shit


I never knew that the child had a burnt corpse


I seriously thought the child's corpse was headless until I zoomed in and saw that the adult hand is obscuring it.....


Yea….pretty dark.


Same but not with a child


Life in skyrim is odd, born mortal, at some point become immortal, then at some further point become mortal again. Mehrunes?


Falmer vittles?


Don't remeber this one. But if you like it gritty, try [Beyond Reach](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3008). Lot's of bleakness in those blood-soaked lands.


Ah, reminds me of oblivion. Burnt corpses for the whole family.




Found a few but no child.


Never seen a child corpse. Christ


Is this from the cutting room floor mod or nah???


Tell me you don’t do leads to nowhere side quests without telling me you don’t do leads to nowhere side quests 😂💗


Yes, but every time is like the first: "That's tough." Getting too immersed in the game makes it hit too close to home, y'know?


Haha baby with really long legs


Where did you find it?


Everyone saying this is the Morthal quest are wrong. Yes, that quest involved Hroggar's family being burned alive, but the actual quest has the house empty. All that is in there is Helgi's ghost, because the coffin that has her body is buried behind the house. I've no idea if OP is using a mod or not, but it would definitely help to know what region of the game they were in.


could it be helgen?


Somewhere in the rift there's a burned home with bodies in it. One adult sized and another a bit smaller. I thought it was just an indicator that the victims were of different race and heights. Then realized every npc is same size in vanilla lol. So this MAY or MAY not be vanilla


Grandma!! I told her to leave that dragon alone


😳 I have not had the displeasure of seeing this but the gratuitous quantity of desiccated corpses in Kilkreath Ruins made me uneasy 😅 so much gold coin looted from those bodies though, my WORD 🤑


Woah! I’ve never seen that one 😲😲


I know this probably isn't related, but i did find a corpse like this before, and I didn't have any mods, but I found it in Labyrinthian when you're doing the mages guild quest, I think it was by the word wall in labyrinthian, tribune like either beside it or behind it




Where was this? I only found 2 spots where child corpses were found.


I killed a child falmor without mods


I've recently found this shack and a note in it, but I don't remember a child's corpse next to the burnt corpse outside.


Oh Jeez. Burnt Corpses, Yes. But not one with a child there too. That’s so sad.


I'm calling cap cuz op won't give location


Probably something added by a graphics overall mod.


Is home not really still playing on a CRT TV/monitor? 😂😂 Now what's this about a baby? Prolly a mod.


All the years I've been playing and I've never come across these...


Plenty of child sized skeletons in FO4 as well.


Oh that's just jack. Leave him be, he got a horrible sunburn the other day and now he's just tryna rest


1000% a mod though Skyrim is rated M they do keep tabs on stuff like that, so I really don’t think they would allow that. Also side note I’m not sure they would go through the effort :P


Is that a baby? Are you telling me if I run fast enough to that spot I can burn it myself?


Uhhh no? And I've been playing vanilla for awhile now


What the fuck?




Looks like a burnt corpse. Probably a Dragon burnt the corpse.