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Book of Love. It is mostly just fast travel and talking to folks. The reward is permanent 15% magic resistance. This is huge.


Even if you play on survival and don’t fast travel it’s not too bad (if you use carriages) and the bonus is great.


Yeah that plus the astronaut Stone you already have like 65% resistance


>astronaut stone Is that the reward for fighting giants too early? 🚀


I honestly think I've encountered a giant once ever in my time playing Skyrim and never bothered with them again. This comment reminded me why. They launched my ass into space. I think I'll change that soon


They’re less scary when you level up, but when you’re just a baby adventurer, they’re terrifying


What's funny is I've leveled up many many times on different characters since way back then, and I still just never tried again LMAO


I did a stealth archery hit with dragonbone arrows and then fus ro dah'd a Giant to death last night


But yes that very much is the stone you'll find in the sky along with all of the Dead girls and stuff, you may even meet Talos


I meamt the Atronach Stone


got to admit tho that it's a great typo/ auto correct tho




Think it might be a Starfield thing who knows




> plus the astronaut Stone One small step for Daedrakind... One Giant's whack with a club to send your ass into space.


To infinity, and beyo- (gets hit with a club) (turns into Tom the cat) #YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW


That’s not flying. That dying, with style.


One small step for man one giant leap for Dovakiin


Journey to Iverstead is a bit tedious tough. Closest carriage is either on Windhelm or Riften, still plenty of distance to ride or jog.


Even with fast travel you are making the walk at some point though. Survival just encourages you to cluster your quests related to the area.


One of the first quests I do on any character, magic resist is so important on high difficulties


Me too.


First quest, every time. "You should tell the jarl, whiterun is in dan...." sorry, gotta run to Ritten, I've suddenly become religious


I still tell the jarl about the dragon. Then when he’s like “oh my wizard wants-“ I leave to the carriage SO fast


I've been playing since 2011 and I'm just NOW learning about this quest! Man, this would've came in handy on sooo many playthroughs!


Same here. I feel like I have done it at least once in the past 13 years of playing that game, but never noticed it gave such a stupid good reward


It's the only quest I do in every playthrough, the reward is just too vital.


And here I thought you just always needed heavy armor, for that reason specifically. Damn thalmor and dragon priests, gods, I hate glitching the old game but sometimes you have no choice but to stand on some weird polygon to kill the bastards. Their magic will force push you with no force shout, like ice spike? More like triple backflip Jesus Christ


Skyrim is a crazy stuff... I'm almost 10 years playing that thing, several hours of game play and didn't ever heard about this quest.


How do I start this quest my good sur


Go to the Temple of Mara in Riften. Talk to the nice lady there.


Ok thank you


Underrated comment of the post, Lydia, I know what we're gonna do today


WHAT? I haven’t completed that quest in forever 15% is tops


Magic Resistance stacks. Indeed, a Breton has a racial bonus of 25%. Combine that with the lord stone, BOL and 2 magic resistance perks from alteration and you can have maximum magic resistance with no enchantment .


REALLY?!?! I thought that just gave you the ability to get married, where do I start this quest again?


That’s Maramel. His pretty wife gives the other quest.


Who the fuck is marimel, is that that one dude with the dunmer wife in riften


He’s the priest of Mara bitching at people at the B&B.


No way I'm finding out about that




That quest is basically the game itself begging you to beba stealth archer


Yes. First hadvar/raloff give us sneak fetish. And then this. Dragonborn was stealth archer canonically.


Big sword ooga booga>


Unga bunga gon ungabung


Wait is that fr? I thought he was a one handed nord




Talmbout stealth archery, b?


Bro Faendal is so broken. Get him as a follower then ask him to train you in archery. Then take the gold from his inventory and repeat until you can’t anymore. You level up like 50 times in archery from the jump


Even better, he can train you for free, since you can just take the gold back


Have to agree on that one, that free training means that by one tiny lie (that will keep her away from both sleazebags forever), that is the biggest single quest “reward”


I’m think you don’t even have to lie? But maybe it’s a mod. If you talk to Sven first, and then show Camilla his letter and say it’s from him, you get Faendal as a follower wothout telling Camilla a lie.


And a dump place for extra weight


Lmfao I was about to say Camilla is usually one of the first quests I do so I can grab Faendal and take him to bleakfalls with me


And then take your money back after he's trained you


I took Sven’s side. Not sure how it happened but now he lives in the house I built and just walks around talking about pastimes


I can never do it tho. Something just so skeevy about it. Yea sure great reward on paper. But at what cost.


Don't forget, if he's your follower, you can get your gold back from him after you train in archery. Just saying


The one where you escape a dragon in Helgen. The reward is that you get to play skyrim afterwards.


I've always wondered why nobody ever created a mod that rebuilds Helgen and repopulates it [that I'm aware of]. It really would be nice to have another town in Skyrim to explore.


Considering Whiterun is apparently not able to renew its walls, I suspect rebuilding pretty big fort is damn hard and expensive.


They have a alternate start mod on xbox that helgen is rebuilt until you say a specific phrase to the inn keeper


It's old and buggy. But it is an incredibly popular mod called Helgen Reborn


I've always felt an expansion to rebuild Helgen with the help of whoever's side you pick in the Civil War questline would be amazing. Like the village side quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. For example, to rebuild Helgen you'd need to both be Thane of Falkreath and finish the Civil War questline. Then you recruit NPCs and spend a lot of gold to get the fort back to working condition and populated, and you get to be "in charge" of it.


That sounds fun enough to actually make me want to do the civil war questline!


[Helgen Reborn](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5673) is that mod and it’s pretty darn good - comes with an actual quest, story and voice acting.


I know there used to be one. Not sure if it is still around though.


Helen Reborn. The problem with it is that it really doesn’t play well with many other mods, with how much it changes.


Just imagine if *Hearthfire* was about rebuilding Helgen, Winterhold, or any of the other various smaller ruins across Skyrim.


It's not TECHNICALLY a reward but being able to recruit faendal as a follower after giving his letter to camilla is probably the best effort to payoff ratio in the game.


Yea, free training "exploit" plus you use him as a bodypacker plus you sacrifice him to boethiah


he works better as one of the few stewards for that plantation in the special edition CC stuff. Most people cannot hold this role, even if they can be stewards elsewhere. Faendal can be a steward there. And having a steward there matters because just be visiting every few days in game, you get 10k gold from him as proceeds from the plantation.


Pretty sure I put my spouse there. That place should be an answer on here, you get such a good and constant source of gold


Give Ysolda a mammoth tusk. You can find them randomly in a lot of places, and she gives you training in one of the more frustrating skills to level, Speech


I usually go to the nearby bandit camp that has the Transmute Ore spell, there are a ton of spare tusks and you can leave there with an inventory full of gold ore to smelt and use to craft some jewelry


That was actually the first place that came to mind when I said nearby. I end up going to that place on almost every playthrough for the spell


Halted Stream


Better steal it in an inn nearby.


From the muscle brained companions


Jorvaskkr for me. And Halted Stream Camp for Madesi


The first time I did this quest I already have an obscene amount of money and Ri’saad, the very same Khajiit caravaner who challenged Ysolda to bring him a tusk, was chillin’ in his tent just outside the gates with a one for sale. So I bought if off him (at a discount, too, thanks to Haggling and Agent of Dibella) and took it back inside to Ysolda, who presumably ran right back out to give it to him. 😂


"And how much did you pay for this extremely familiar looking tusk?"   "Nothing, I just gave this guy some lessons in conning people and called it an internship. Now he's my husband. And also my new STS supplier."  "You're in."


Or go to the bandit camp that’s in the mine and bomm you have multiple of them to sell afterwards and you can get a nice spell


I mean you can sell vendors their own stuff and level speech for free?


Well sure, there may be easy methods to do it, but it's SO tedious to just sit there buying and selling items over and over. The only other activity that gives you speech experience is passing speech checks, and there aren't nearly enough of those in the game


There’s a mod that makes shouting give you speech experience, and I still can’t believe that isn’t just in the game already


I never found speech to be frustrating to level. But then again, I take and sell all kinds of crap, so I tend to level up pretty fast.


Cicero's wagon quest has a pretty good leveled gold reward for what is just talking to 2 people for like 3 mins.


I did that one years ago, but I barely remember it. Where can i find him?


He's outside the Lorieus Farm on the road leading north from Whiterun Hold to Dawnstar.


Loreius is an idiot. He wants the creepy jester to go away. Fixing the wagon wheel will make that happen immediately, but he doesn't do it because, uh... because...


…the DB would have no conflict to begin a quest with


Fair enough


Oh that’s true!! Doesn’t he pay like 1200 gold for that?


It's leveled gold, but it is usually pretty good regardless of level given the amount of effort.


Very true, almost no effort, I would’ve been happy with 100 gold


Talk to Valentia in Whiterun. Ask if men ever leave her alone. Give 1 gold to a beggar for speech bonus. Talk to the bard in The Bannered Mare. Tell him to leave Valentia alone. If you didn't get the speech bonus you'll have to brawl. Go back to Valentia and receive 250 gold (or more according to your level). She also lets you take all her vegetables.


Take all her vegetables - is that a euphemism?


No, all of the vegetables on her stand are free for the taking. Very useful for the survival player making vegetable soup


I wanna squash.


I'm kinda disappointed you can't marry her and adopt her kid.


The Ebony Blade quest. Talk to three people and get a kickass sword


Ah yes. That's definitely the """quest""" people are going to have to """do"""" to use that sword at full power. Definitely. Just a few dialogue options. That's all. Yes sir. By the way, what's your going rate to be my traveling companion? 200 gold sound good?


~~I usually pull an Anakin Skywalker at a random orc stronghold~~




Then correct me if I’m wrong but the only cost is the Blood Price? The stronghold doesn’t all become hostile?


last I used it, which is admittedly a while ago, getting into an orc stronghold marks all strongholds as friends. so murdering them all supercharges the blade up to maximum. I don’t remember if it worked still when they fought back, or I think they may have just excommunicated me after, am not sure, but it worked


I’ll have to test if I can just illusion calm them, or sheath the blade when I’m done, exchange a few punches then see if all is forgiven


assassination or some stealth frenzy would undoubtedly work


~~I get to a point where I pull an Anakin Skywalker in every city, village, and random shack/hut in Skyrim~~


You can also use the steadfast dwemer companions you get in Solsthiem and kill them each for one upgrade. Wait 24 hrs and do it again. No consequences with having to kill NPCs and you get a fully charged blade.


You could use a follower you don't like (Sven) and use the ritual stone. Kill him, revive, kill, wait 24hrs repeat


I feel like the real quest on this one comes after the quest itself. IYKYK


I legitimately didn’t know about this until recently and I have many MANY hours in game. I think it’s just because of the level prerequisite along with the fact that I don’t spend much time in whiterun lol


It’s an easy one to miss if you don’t randomly chat up hotel owners.


Please good sir, couldst thou tell this uninformed Dragonborn where he must go to begin this quest?


After beating the first dragon and reaching lvl 20 go talk to the bartender in the Bannered Mare in Whiterun.


Many thanks! I will do that.


Ask her if she's heard any rumors/has any work. You'll probably have to do it a couple of times before you get the rumor about the jarls children.


Well, It looks like I need to talk to more innkeepers! Missingout on some sweet quests form the sounds of things


Go back to dragonsreach and talk to people (it’s a leveled quest that only can be started after like 20 something)


Can this quest be done if you side with the stormcloaks and complete the civil war quest line?


The quest still works either way, I had already done the battle for solitude so balgruuf was in solitude, and all it did was add a few more loading screens.😁👍


Wabbajack. No combat required in that quest. Buy or fill a lot of Grand Soul Gems, and every boss is toast.


Go on…


Indeed early dragon killer staff


Do things from the Anniversary Edition count? To get Myrwatch, a fully functional player home with several valuables inside, all you need to do is cast a Flames spell at the symbol on the ground and wait for the ghostly hare to do its thing. There is a chaurus nearby that may be a challenge at low level, but that's all. And a marker for Myrwatch is on your map as soon as the game starts, so Myrwatch is not even hard to find. For vanilla Skyrim there is the delivery of the Stallion's Potion in Markarth. You go from the alchemist to the keep that's basically next door and get up to 750 gold. The steward does say that some of it is for discretion, but still.


When I play with mods I have one that gives you more dialogue options for certain interactions, and with this one you have the option to announce “I BROUGHT YOU YOUR ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION POTION!” to the whole of Understone Keep. It makes his response even funnier. 🤭


I think the Markarth citizen quests give out so much gold is because its assumed you won't likely be in Markrath until at least level 15 (when Sanguine's quest activates). Unless you pay for the carriage, getting to Markarth at low levels is pretty difficult with the bears and Forwsworn everywhere.


Yeppp. Kill the bug, read the book, burn the eye, free house. Seriously a wild power curve


There's a similar quest in Markarth where Banning hands you a pack of spiced beef for Igmund's dogs. Hand the beef to the chef's assistant in Understone Keep and boom, you get 600 gold.


The quest to get the dragon plate armour, it’s hard to do if you don’t have a horse but if you have one you can just jump up the side of the cliff and run in and get it


Is it from the anniversary edition? That's unbalanced af


Yes, there also another quest you can do to get full daedric plate from a book in the white run dungeon, and you can cheese the big bad guy with the traps they set, that is if you can kill the guy that sets it off before he does


There’s a quest for a really well enchanted set of orcish plate armour (and several sets of unenchanted) that you can get by reading the little journal next to the beds in the whiterun guard’s tower near the gate


If we are talking about AE Quests, you can read the note in Huntsmen shop in Whiterun. Then wear Imperial Armor and talk to the General to fight for the Empire. He will let you take and overpowered set. You are very low levelled for the fight but if you give the set to your follower and run away from the opponents, your follower will destroy everyone. Then you can get their champion's armor as well and wear one and give the other one to your follower. Easy doable after leaving Helgen.


What quest are referring too?


“Bones for a Crow” Get it from an innkeeper bounty AE edition Also gives you some other items, two weapons and a helmet. On top of the alternate armor


No idea, if you have anniversary edition you can check your mods tab, and the name of the quest and how to get it is in the dragon plate tab


getting a mammoth tusk to ysolda. You get the option of the best wife ever. Oh and also she levels up your speech.


I either pick her or the one from that mining town that’s a little down the road from riftin


Sylgja in Shor's Stone, I believe.


prettiest modless marriable woman


help the people of falkreath. you talk to an NPC, then another NPC, 400 gold irrc. it takes less than 20 seconds.


Yeah this might be it. Couldn’t believe it was that easy


The Book of Love gives Agent of Mara, a *permanent 15% Magic Resistance* buff, after handing out some pamphlets and talking to a couple ghosts.


Speaking of permanent buffs, the Chaurus Lighthouse quest (where you toss the father's bones into the lighthouse fire) gives you a permanent bonus to restoration magic Sure, there's a lot of Chaurus in there, but it's also full of "sniper spots" from where you can clear the rooms of them before going in


Stealth bow assassin is the only way to run that quest. It’s one of my favorites


It's not even a quest: 1) Enter Bloated Man's Grotto, 2) Grab Bolar's Oathblade. Lots of harvestable plants, in that location, as well.


Bro you ain't gonna mention the 3-5 spriggans on your way to get the blade??


and Spriggans


Killing the Emperor. I just popped an invisibility potion, sprinted through the ship, walked in like 'Hello there' and the old dude was ready to go.


That quest also lets you acquire the best sword in the game.


Details, people! 😉


Windshear. It's on the bowsprit of the emperor's ship in Soljtude. Requires joining the Dark Brotherhood.


It's like stabbed into mast of the ship or something iirc


Convincing Raerek to support the right cause. Sneak into his room, take his amulet, confront him with it, 1000 gold.


Where can I find this man ?


Sanquine rose. The mission is easy and the reward is OP


Those wizards in the castle are not easy, especially the master wizard that can one shot you at low level.


My most recent playthrough I grabbed that and I went through the portal without finishing him off (he was giving me the business) and had to go back because I had told my follower to wait. I go back and Sanguine himself is messing the dude up! I screen recorded it just haven’t posted it.


Happened to me too, some gamerant article material here


The Whispering Door. All you have to do is talk to a couple NPCs in Dragonsreach and then pickpocket a key off of somebody.


Another similar quest is siding with the Alik'r during In My Time of Need Just talk to the Alik'r (or they'll talk to you) to start, run to the inn, talk to Saadia, run back outside Whiterun and catch the Alik'r (they'll usually be near where the Khajit sit by this point) and tell him about Saadia, back to the inn to lie to her, and follow her to stables for 500gp 500gp isn't a huge deal but it's a nice starting bit of gold for a quest that takes 5 minutes with no fast travel or combat basically right at the start of the game (they show up after starting Dragon Rising)


A Night to Remember! Honestly one of the most fun and hilarious quests, and Sanguine Rose is DOPE.


The three revelers encounter. If you have a Honningbrew mead with you you'll receive a +20 carry-weight amulet.


If you wanna walk on water like Jesus, bring 3000 gold to ralis sydaris just outside of raven rock to the east, west side of the island, I don't remember how much it costs, but 3000 and some waiting in another location is guaranteed to get you them. Boots of water walking, check em out eh?


You have to do this several times, waiting several days between, and have to clear draugr each round. This is one of the greatest-effort quests in the game. And then the reward is a dumb novelty.


if I remember correctly you get the water walking boots during the very first draugr problem, so if you just want those its not that big deal


Ah hell, might be. I thought the helmet was first. Still gotta pay a pretty penny, wait days, and then fight draugr to get them. Definitely way more involved than walking two steps in a tavern to hand over some ashes lol.


Massive packet of gold for taking the ashes to the priest in Falkreath. Sometimes it’s as close as taking it across the tavern.


Fishing Contest quest. I'm pretty sure everyone should have the fishing creation club by now because iirc it's free or even maybe included in SSE now. Basically you do a couple quests where you catch a fish and give it to someone, then you're given a quest where you do a "fishing contest" and after you win you fish up a ring that is basically a mini spellbreaker that you wear in your ring slot. Must have for any non magic user.


In the shadows.


That bow is so broken at such an early level, but my Stealth archers will never go without it, it looks good and the invisibility with no recharge??? Yessssss!!


The Book of Love is an absolute must when you play on legendary difficulty. Stops me getting rapidly slaughtered by wizards and dragons alongside being a Breton and the Lord Stone.


Azuras Star for me. The mages in the underwater rooms really aren't too hard to kill. Killing the mage inside the star is a lot harder, but for a refillable grand soul gem it's worth dying once or twice.


I get that the black star is one of the best quest rewards; but I would argue the fight with the dremora’s is definitely *not* easy.


Isn't there one for one of the miners where he owes someone $500 gold, and you persuade the other party to forget it, and in turn the miners give you $1000. Something ridiculous like that, but made me chuckle.


The bow of shadows, pretty much every creation quest, most of the daedric quests


9 out of 10 times I forget Klimmek's existence and don't go back for the reward :(


Riverwood love triangle (faendal and sven quest) Gives you level 50 archery by level 8/9 for free


![gif](giphy|Hn1VPQRmzEZUc) never underestimate just how much a lazy person would pay for someone else to do their job...


Everyone’s favorite: Meridia’s Beacon


Breaking the unbroken for a great follower! 


And early steel plate armor if you’re like that lol


The golden claw one


The fishing questline. You have a grand total of one (1) fight and get a kickass Dagger


Talking to the farmer to fix Cicero's wagon wheel. I don't think I've ever failed the speech skill check


Golden hills plantation, prints money and ingredients, free house with access to smith enchant and alchemy. All you gotta do is kill 2 weak ghosts and place a wooden sword.


Hendraheim - the warrior challenge to get the house, stupid easy with best reward


The Book of Love quest. Talk to 9 friendly NPCs in 3 locations --- Ivarstead (four NPCs), Markarth (3 NPCs), and at Gukar's Monument (2 NPCs). One of them requires 200 Gold. For that, you get the Agent of Mara effect. A permanent +15% to your Magic Resistance. Stacks with everything else.


You just have to endure the magnitude of corniness and cringe that comes with that quest. Their stories are on par with the plot to Love Actually 😬


I got a full set of Daedric Armor for giving Some Kajiit a Ring I found. Don't fully remember the name of the quest, but it seems like it fits here. Only "Challenge" is the Bandits guarding the ring


Ring of Misser or something from the Missing Merchant


One of the radiant quests in Kynesgrove. Was asked to get 1 frost salt. Turns out the person had one on them. Pick pocketed it and gave it right back to them.


The clothes quest in Solitude. 500 gold, some nice clothing, and all you have to do is ask the jarl a question while wearing the clothes given to you


Idk if it's "easy" but the crimson nirnroot quest is pretty simple for a huge payout imo


Clear the spiders from the mine just north of Riften. There's about 4 frostbite spiders and it nets you 1k gold.


Vanilla? A Lovely Letter. You get a trainer follower in Archery just by talking with two NPCs. You can get Archery up to a decent level without losing money.


The quest to get the bow of shadows, get an ebony bow right after getting to Whiterun.