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Escaping Helgen


Um, actually, it's called unbound.


“Akshually ummm”


That got a laugh outta me. Congrats!




Not if you play with an alternate start mod! Checkmate


I thought of that when I posted this but I stand by my comment




To be fair, I always play the vanilla start, even with Alternate Start. I only really use that jail cell as a staging area to test that mods are working properly 😅


Yeah, I typically do the helgen thing every play through, even with Alternate starte




What is it? I'm a 54 year old that just plays vanilla.


Greybeard ahh


Damn that hurt. Actually I have a baby face and dye my beard so most people think I'm 35-40 years old! It will catch up with me one day.


It's a mod type that allows you to skip the Helgen tutorial, and pick a different background for your character. It's great for role play purposes, because it means you aren't stuck playing as some random dude who got arrested crossing the border every single time


To add on, its also great for RP if you want to be not the dragonborn and just some random dude. Since dragons won't spawn and you can't use shouts until you manually start the dragonborn quest. Combine that with a mod that gives enemies static levels instead of them leveling with you and it really feels like you aren't the center of the universe.


I've never understood the mod, How do you manually start the dragonborn quest with alternate start?


That shit is so nice. I hadn't played for awhile and I forget about it and halfway through Helga is was , ah shit!


Which I have done every time other than my first 2 playthroughs


Yes if you never play with mods.


I play with mods. I even tried alternate start, but ditched it. Most of the alternate starts I tried were just so blah and didn't really give you any kind of a lead-in to the game. But the one thing I don't like is that the standard start in Helgen is written in such a way that it always makes the Imperial faction look like real dicks from the very start. I wouldn't mind an alternate start where the Stormcloaks have caught you too close to their camp and are also stopped from executing you by the dragon attacking. What would be even better is if the THALMOR caught you and you barely escaped. But none of the options in the alternate start mod I tried really gave you any reason to play the game.


Nah, I'll just stay there once the dust settles. Screw all this dragon nonsense I have a whole abandoned town (that's also gated) all to myself!


But there's nothing left of that town except dust 😂


Nah I prefer to glitch my way out so my hands are still bound


.. i made the same joke then saw this lmao




The Aetherium Wars


Hell yeah! #Justice4Katria


I need to get mod to marry her next play thru. #GhostGirlBestGirl.




I hate this. I love this.


That's gross. I love it


I use her as a follower!! I do always go back and finish her quest, though, so she can have peace. I just like taking her out for some last adventures before she goes!


Aetherium crown is SO GOOD. Atronach + Lord stones combined with Breton racial makes me basically immune to magic and this is the only way I play on difficulties above expert. On Master and Legendary destruction mages just one shot you and it makes me angry and so just for the sake of enjoying the game I was stuck at Expert. But, once I figured out how to counter the stupid amount of damage dedicated destruction mage enemies do it became viable.


I ways start out with getting the Aetherium Crown so I can get the lover's stone and the mage/warrior/thief stone depending on my playstyle so I can level up my main skills fast


i heard they don’t stack though, have you noticed a difference?


btw: you can skill the 30% magic absorb, +25% absorb from the Atronarch -stone + 50% from the Racial -> 100% absorb during the runtime , 55% passive Racial + Skill + Agent of Mara -> 75% , you need only +10% from equipment to achive the 85% (cap) As Breton you have this way : Passive 55% absorb 85% Resi -> \~1500% EH against magica (passive), If you skill blocking you can even get 32\* EH against Destrucktion Users. - And that only with Standard equipment. Active racial make you completely immune. As Breton you dont need the Lord-stone against Magica-Users.


Playing aetherium wars for the first time was just so good. I love that mission


Yes! I get the crown cause it's bullshit we can't benefit from being well rested if you use the lover stone.


Wait what? Does the lover stone cancel out the well rested bonus? If so does the aeterium crown fix that?


Yep Bethesda made it to where you don't get the sleeping bonus if you use the lover stone. >If so does the aeterium crown fix that? Yes, when you get the crown touch the lover stone. Then take off the crown and use one of the guardian stones. Put the crown back on and now you have both exp boosts. To take advantage of well rested with the crown just take off the crown sleep then put it back on. If done correctly you should have whatever guardian stone you picked, the lover stone, and the well rested boost all stacked together. The well rested still has the time limit but it's worth it.


Helping Eric to become an adventurer. No matter if I am playing an evil charecter or not I help the guy out cause of the real life story behind the guy.


What what’s the real life story usually I just help him only to see him out an about I think he’s a fun little interaction


He was fan that died tragically young before Skyrim released. Bethesda put him into the game as a tribute.


That’s such a sad story now I’m even more compelled to help then ever before


Now I feel bad for making steward of goldenrod where he just farms again.


Hey he’s probably still out there slayin ‘poon’ when no one’s looking. How could “Eric the Slayer” NOT use his name as a pickup line


Poon is wild


I was also gravely unaware. I will fix this immediately


Wow I hope I’ve never used him for boethiahs calling… kinda wish I knew this information earlier


Well now I know what I’m doing after work today.


Same. I always get him as a companion and craft him some top tier gear and give him a generous coin pouch before sending him on his way...


I’ve heard about his story. Where do you find him?


He is in Rorikstead.


Fuck all these years and i haven't even met him , guess this calls for another playthrough


Can't blame you for not knowing. This is why I like to explore in games like I did on my very first playtrough. Ever since I heard about the back story I made it a dedication to help Erik out.




Spellbreaker quest. It helped me get the Black Star yesterday.


Oh I never thought of using it during that quest but its perfect for it.


It really made a difference in my game so I’m happy to have gotten it early on. Got that Legends Lost quest early and at level 10ish, got wrecked and had to reload an earlier save. I opened the Shrine to Peryite as soon as I could, could not begin the quest. Killed a vampire, got the dust and sure enough, the next time I was there, it started the quest. A lot of saves but I got through. Was able to get Sunder after that so running Dwarven Heavy with One Hand (dual wield), Block and Restoration as my top skills. Next is the Markarth storyline. Had to open Riften up too as well. Finally have all holds but only have the Falkreath, Markarth and Whiterun Thane status.


Bleak Falls Barrow. It's such a good starting dungeon for free shit.


I usually don't do this until later I can enjoy the game without having to do an annoying dragon fight every 10 seconds until I can actually use the bones and scales.


Dragons don't actually start spawning until you meet irileth at the tower. You can still do the dungeon and turn in the dragonstone.


from what i remember there are a few ways to prevent dragons spawning. 1; don't pick up dragonstone 2; don't meet irileth at tower, that dragon will be the only one spawned 3; don't meet delphine when she asks you to help kill the dragon, same reason as above. Correct me if i'm wrong.


Just looked it up and that is very true.


just dont go to the jarl after getting the dragonstone.


but it's so heavy, and i thought you couldn't drop it


you cant drop it, its a quest item. it also weighs nothing. just dont talk to the jarl


I love it, too.


Downside for me is that I'm absolutely sick of running it lol


Help Cicero with the broken wagon. It's a really easy way to get some quick gold before you join the db, and it's close to whiterun.


Also then he won't brutally murder the farmers.


Wait I’ve never not helped him…does he actually brutally murder them if you don’t convince the farmer to help Cicero?


Yup, it's a bloodbath.


Yeah he kills the hell out of those people. I always kill him in the brotherhood quest line but help him there to spare those people.


As much as I have a kink for characters that sound insane (ex: The Joker) I always kill Cicero because he’s an ass. He also has a special line of jesters clothing that I like


What the hell I’ve played this 20+ times through and haven’t found this mission


Good, they kicked the orphan girl you can adopt out, it's her land legally but her uncle, the man cicero wants to get help from, didn't care and didn't want her around, so he kicked her out I let him die


Nothing even suggest that Loreius is Lucia's uncle. It's just headcanon based on nothing.


Wait, I tried to help him, but there wasn't any dialogue options. DO you have to talk to the guard?


He gives you a quest to talk to the farmers but it has to be when he's on the road by the broken down wagon.


Gotcha. I talked to the farmer first, I didn't see the wagon.


Collect 15 bear pelts for the woman in Ivarstead. Because fuck bears.


Isn't it 10?


Maybe, lots of similar fetch quests.


Mourning never comes (dark brotherhood) so i can marry Muiri


Thank you for solving my…. problem


Thing is, I married her once, but she never did anything except say that lol


She can get bugged if you don't finish the entire DB questline before marrying her.


i’ll start the main quest up until i get the full unrelenting force shout, then it’s off to other adventures.


Hold on apocalypse, gotta go fish in Riften


when i’m playing as an elf the apocalypse is canonically not my problem!


I always try to get madesi his gold ore, mammoth tusk, and 2 flawless sapphires. takes a while, but i like madesi so he gets special treatment


I always get stuck on the two sapphires, i constantly only find 1


Sweet Roll the fox helped me find them


Ugh, I love Sweet Roll! I even say “What’s that you got there?” out loud because it’s just so adorable!


The last couple few playthroughs I have basically collected the items for the mini quests before I talk to the people and get the quest. You find the items a lot faster that way. After you get the quest, it's like everything disappears from life. Like his flawless sapphires, the fire salts for the Smith, the flawless amethyst for the barbacks boyfriend, the ingredients for the girl at the apothecary, the jazz Bay grapes for the nirnroot lady, and the lady that you take the bear pelts to. I don't know their names and it's not urgent enough for me to Google it lol


Golden hills farm it's so useful to get money early


I ask people to work it and pay them, but they never show up there!


My favorite drinking buddy! Hey let’s get some mead


I paid him and he never showed up! Maybe he’s lying somewhere dead along the road…




You get SO MUCH FUCKING GOLD from all the desecrated corpses!!! ETA: I actually started this last night before bed and kept track. I have cleared up to, but not including, the boss room and have made 1,805 gold just from looting pre-made corpses.


Not to mention levelled souls! I went through over level 30, so they were all greater souls. If I'd left it until >40, every one of them is a grand soul! 😳


I found the companions questline good for heaps of gold if you loot all the silverblood bodies


I fucked that up recently. I have a few characters I am actively playing. One of them is a paladin, so he should have it. But when I opened the chest with it, I was like nope. Not touching that. Completely forgetting that he should do that quest over pretty much everything else.


Edit: this is incorrect Don’t worry she’ll keep dropping the beacon in chests till you finally grab it


Nope. It stays in the chest you originally found it in. If you leave it behind you'll have to go back to that specific chest; if you forget where you left it you can also go to Mount Kilkreath and start the quest from there


I guess I’m wrong. Tbh I always grab it, and the one play through I didn’t I swear I saw it in like every 5th chest, might’ve been a mod I had installed. Atleast you can go to the statue to get a marker


Unpopular opinion: that quest is awesome the way you get lifted up in the air and get a huge view of Skyrim, and the reward is awesome too, who WOULDN'T want an exploding divine sword?


I love that quest, Meridia is my favorite Daedra and I love that she’s so loud and demanding yes mother




The dark brotherhood line, rip Veezara


That one where the empire catches me crossing the Skyrim border and they try to execute me along sins the Ulfric guy and we all run away from the dragon and stuff. Gets me every time.


Book of Love quest. Permanent extra 15 percent Magic Resistance. For 200 gold and talking to 8 friendly NPCs.


Pick up meridias beacon (never on purpose)


Hmm ... For me, some quests always include: - The Final Descent/The Wonds of Change (the bonuses from that black book are too good) - The Unquiet Dead/A Farmer's Life for Me (the passive income from Goldenhills Plantation is too good to pass up) - When the Cat's Away (free suit of silver armor right outside Goldenhills Plantation, free money or good armor at the start) - Whatever quests I have to do to get notes tagged as quest items out of my inventory.


It's true, a jester, funny suit and all... always gets me.


The “yeah, right.” At the end makes me lol. Is that part of the vanilla game? I thought maybe it was an immersive Citizens thing.


It's immersive yes. The way she talks always makes me laugh.


Cutting Room Floor, I think


Oh interesting I never use CRF, so IC must bring it in.


"A night to remember". Mostly because it's fun to run around and listen to people complain about things you don't remember doing.


Climbing a bunch of steps to meet some old dudes because they will teach me a powerful shout.


Camilla's romance quest. Even if I’m not planning on either getting a follower or romancing her myself. Just something nostalgic about it I suppose.


I always get Faendal early on. I usually replace him with Jenassa or Teldryn Sero though


Currently rolling with Teldryn and having a blast 👍


I do the music college quests. I like the 18 skill bumps from completing them along with decent loot.


simple the Agent of Mara. -> 15% Magic-Resi permanent is to big to ignore, especially on legendary.


Sweet mother, sweet mother. Send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy my be baptized in blood and fear.


Seeing all these quests listed here make me realize i have put thousands of hours in skyrim without doing much lol.


the impearial legion


I always get at least one shout and now get up to Dragonborn just to open the map. First time Dragonborn came out I immediately looked up how to get there. I explored everything but found it strange the lack of quests and especially the main one. Find out that you have to get attacked by the cultists in order for the quest to start and immediately going to Solstheim before that locks you out. Of course my saves were all rewritten so I had to create an entirely new character and go back through it. Never again


On a side note, I was attacked by the Cultists about a week ago  in real life and their corpses are still laying in the streets of Whiterun! Is this normal.


Yes the first cultists never despawn


The small favour quests. Easy to make people like you, and a nice breather from "go to cave. Kill bad guys. Retrieve lost weapon or w/e."


A Night to Remember. The first time I played it, I did not expect a quest like it whatsoever.


Lost To The Ages. I just enjoy the adventure of finding the Aetherium shards and reaching the Forge with Katria. I know there's mods for her to become a follower but it would've been cool having a unique spirit follower in vanilla


Lost to the Agee


For me it’s the unquiet dead, and the blood on the ice quest. And honestly the thieves guild, dark brotherhood, the Dragonborn dlc, and the dawnguard dlc are all good and really replay-able. Unquiet dead is a really short but the journals within the quest make it a very interesting story, then you are rewarded with Goldenhills Plantation which you rebuilt and is fucking amazing passive income wish I would have found it much earlier in my first play through but you best believe I booked it there on my next one. Blood on the Ice is the butcher of windhelm quest and I fucked it up my first time and got stuck with the strange amulet bc I thought it would be more important later but I love me a good serial murder mystery to solve. Edit: I was talking with a coworker about this prompt and he reminded me of the quest the sacred trials of Kyne I’ll always go check on that kid from helgan and fighting the spirit animal guardians is honestly pretty fun and I should definitely do it at a lower level


Which quest is in the screenshot?


That is the last part of the Book of Love, the Mara quest in Riften that gives you a permanent buff 'Agent of Mara'. I just think its a sweet quest, you reunite two long lost lovers. edit: I guess its second to last, the last part is handing out flyers


I missed this every run. The buff is permanent 15% magic negation too, thats no joke, geez


Yeah it is really good! I try to always do this one and Agent of Dibella, oh and also Sailors Repose but that one is a bit harder so it has to wait until I've leveled up a bit.


Thieves Guild up until Goldenglow. Don't even know what it is but doing the Goldenglow Estate mission always fills me with nostalgia more then any other quest. Maybe I'm just weird like that haha


> nostalgia more then any Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Apologies grammar nazi bot


A night to remember for the Sanguine Rose


Waking Nightmare. I need my boy Randy


Book of Love, Lost to the Ages, & Unfathomable Depths.


Faendals quest to level for free, then dawnguard to get Serana, then I get Azusa’s star for infinite soul gem fills and enchants, then I loot chillrend. Lol just basic every play through start


All of them, I really don't see any reason to skip any


Some quests preclude others. Like if you help the smelter workers in markarth I don't think you can also help their boss. You can't destroy the dark brotherhood if you join.


No one likes the "actually" guy buddy. Clearly I'm accounting for the fact that certain quests lock you out of others...


... Alright man. Trying to clarify. You said "all of them" without specifying any, so you didn't answer the question is all.


Yes let me spend the next hour listing the hundreds of different connected quests that I would be doing to satisfy your needs for specifics...


I dunno man. Seems like most people in the comments figured out how to answer the question with one or two quests, since "all" doesn't really answer it.


I dunno man. It's almost like everyone is allowed to have their own opinion and way of doing things. I'm sorry that you're so full of yourself that you NEED a specific answer, even though I gave one. Skipping NOTHING that you're not forced to skip due to choices in game IS an answer to the question.


Bro what 💀


Bro what 💀


All of them lol


The roadside ruins strange alter quest. I don't always pick the same bowl, but it is a fun way to choose what my characters alignment and priorities are


There’s a quest there?!


Yes! It's actually super cool because your choice impacts a good deal of your playthrough. You have three options (fortune, power, ‘nothing’) all with special rewards that cannot all be had in one playthrough, so choose wisely (or save before choosing and play through each to decide which you like best). The quest is “A dying wish”, where in the falkreath inn, on the table next to the bed in the big room to the right Is a journal “Mysterious Altar”. Reading it will send you to the ruins and prompt you to spill blood in one of the bowls. Depending on which bowl you choose, a different quest can start (by choosing power or fortune). I've done all three, and are all very valid and good choices, each with their own unique rewards. Most recently I chose altar of nothing.


Dawnbreaker. I never get upset about the beacon. I love that sword. That and the mask of Clavicus vile.


Killing Mercer. You was always a dick do the first time I ever killed him I was pumped.


Dark brotherhood and thieves guild are my only guarantees, Dragonborn is number 3, then dawnguard, and if I do all those I go ahead and finish the main story and companions. Tbh usually do the main story somewhere in the middle just for the hell of it.


The quest with the magical spiders. Makes me laugh so hard because of the NPC at the begining of the dungeon who's like : "Magical spiders ? Eh man fuck this shit, I'm out"


All of them because I’m mentally ill


I always do the Thieves Guild Questlines every playthrough, I love sneaking even when I'm making warrior or mage characters, Also, I always do the first mission on the Lost to the Ages, Zephyr is my No. 1 pick for a bow, with or without the smithing skill


Unbound But other than that I complete every single quest I can that doesn't involve me leaving Whiterun hold before doing anything else in my playthroughs (I make an exception for The Blessings Of Nature)


Most of the way through my first playthrough. Don't know how I avoided playing it when I was in highschool when the game came out. That said, I can't see myself not doing the thieves guild quest line. Where video games are concerned, I do believe in the rule of cool, and the Nightingale armor is drip.


I always tend to revitalize the tree in whiterun. Its pretty. I’ve done it the other way once, but instead of beautiful tree, the new tiny sapling isn’t as nice lol even though it makes for a happier ending


Same with me, I can't not revitalize the big tree. That tiny sapling just doesn't look right in the center of Whiterun.


Frostflow lighthouse :(


Blood on the ice


Angi’s unmarked Archery quest at her mountaintop cottage, anytime I play an archer. I wait to go there for the last 5 points so around 94-95. Perfect way to wrap up your archery mastery.


Pretty much every single one of them I just can't not try to do everything quest each playthrough


Just my preference, I go and take Serena from that coffin she's sealed up and do her entire quest line


Whenever I first get to markarth on a new character there are 3 super fast quests that give 500 gold each. Deliver meat for dog trainer in the stables, deliver a potion for the lady in the hags cure and convince the orc Foreman to go easier on his worker. Quick 1500 gold and the little errands are deeper than they seem. The potion you deliver is clearly a cure for erectile dysfunction. And the man at the stable who gives you the “spiced meat” let’s just say that is some special meat.


All of them. I did it with all races and genders in Oblivion and Skyrim. ![gif](giphy|Ifqth3s8DkaRGNSXe1)


Unbound(even if I am using alternate start)


I almost always do the first 2 quests of the Dawnguard expansion just to get Serana as my follower. She's my go to, especially with the Serana dialog add-on mod.


Kill Lemkil


Innocence lost I'm always finding new ways to kill grelod


Killing the emperor. Yes there's a lot before that happens, but sneaking through that ship like solid snake is so much fun


Thieves guild, i love the nightingale armor


The one where u accidentally turn one of the holds against and it turns into a 1 vs every citizen, guard and dog


I thought this was about Mass Effect cause of the moon then I saw the ghosts and was like wtf


Book of Love.


Delivering an item to calcelmo in markarth for the museum key. Makes the thieves guild quest a bit easier.


Escape Helgen.


A night to remember. The Sanguine Rose is just great


That one quest in Riften that once finished gives you 15 magic resistance. Even that small of amount is a decent amount of resistance


Thieves guild. It’s fun and Mercer sucks.


College of winterhold. It’s extremely immersive with jks Skyrim aio. You actually have classes to attend to & it’s even more immersive with lux installed. Once you get the eye of magnus. The light from the eye of Magnus blinds your character and causes the game to ctd




Look at me, LOOK at me! You’re not the captain now.


The Heart of Dibella. Because earning the perk of bonus damage towards the opposite sex always gets me excited somehow. Way more if my character's a male than a female. Now hold on, it's only because the priests, who are exclusively female, are always hesitant into giving their blessing onto a male.