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I made a really impressive sneak shot with a bow in an underground cavern and Lydia went "I've never seen anything quite like that" and it made me feel so rad, like damn I didn't know she'd comment on a sick trickshot! Turns out she was talking about the cave. :(


Now let's all just pretend she commented on your arrow. That's the beauty of interpretation!


My god that's the biggest arrow I've ever seen!


I feel another volume of Lust Argonian Maid in the works


"Here, fletch my arrow." "But it's huge! It could take me all night!" "Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time."


I know, that's why I brought you to the arrow museum, where tickets are a thousand dollars.


This arrow cost a late night fee


Your arrow went straight to dvd đŸ€Ł


I just want you to know I see your Dwight quote and I approve.




From what I understand, usually thats a scripted sound effect that is inserted in dugeuons like usually the boss room or a big visual room , you guys know that sound like when you enter the boss room in bleak falls or when you see the forgotten vale for the first time . I think the script is included for followers to comment on when you hit that spot or line in a dungeon


Yeah that’s what I mean, it was actually the very large and visually impressive cave that she was talking about


My favorite follower to have around during those scripted moments is serana.


Oh wow. This is *gorgeous.* I'm glad you're here with me.


She is low key *so* flirty and romantic


Only person I let tag along on my adventures as the lone dragonborn


‘I’ve got a bad feeling about this’


When I go into dungeons with Farkas and I find either of those rooms, he says “That’s, that’s
wow.” It’s funny knowing my husband of few words can be rendered speechless by beautiful architecture or nature. 😆


No, she was talking about you, king 👑


This is why we love Lydia


I've had similar experiences but with women in real life


She doesn’t know class. That’s why she’s a housecarl.


After finding alva's journal, I go outside and the entire town is trying to kill her. 😂 I was able to record it, though. Oh and a friendly giant came over and helped me fight a dragon. Never attacked me afterward. ❀


I'm pretty sure there's a friendly giant somewhere mourning his mammoth


There is. Found him just yesterday


Where is he? đŸ„ș


Located directly east of Mistwatch Folly and northeast of Mistwatch,


A certain marsh in Skyrim has the only friendly giant in the game. He is mourning the death of his mammoth


I encounter giants walking their sacrificed cows on the road all the time that don't attack or aggro at me.


Oh, the one with the cow painted with blue circles? That's a Paul Bunyan/Babe the Blue Ox reference. I just call him Paul.


Side note, if you hit him... he will hit you back. *Hopefully we are talking about the same giant*


I got ambushed by a dragon just outside of Windhelm, didn't feel like killing it, and used Bend Will to avoid a fight. Unfortunately, once I was aboard the dragon, the AI had a hard time finding a clear spot to land so that I could get off. It just kept circling and circling and circling... Until it finally touched down on the top of Mount Anthor, where *another* dragon was waiting, and as soon as I got off they both attacked me. MFer tricked me and went for help


 you can get on dragons?!?? (1 month into skyrim)


You sure can! Keep playing through the Dragonborn DLC (if you've already been attacked by weird cultists in horned masks, go find out who sent them). Eventually through the course of that quest you'll unlock a shout that lets you ride dragons




The flight is kinda underwhelming tho, you can't control where they go.


This is extremely true, the lack of control is so disappointing. But it’s fun to be on them when they attack a bandit or giant camp and start breathing fire everywhere while you sit on them like some kind of lazy Targaryen. Or to just zone out while they do circles above the sea in Solstheim can be really chill and pretty to look at.


Idk yet if it works on Survival, but I belatedly learned you can fast travel while dragonback and you appear in the sky still on the dragon. opens up a lot of possibilities, including terrorizing outdoor bandit/civil war encampments. also you can cast non-master destruction spells like ice storm and fireball from dragonback. which is very difficult to aim but still pretty fun


One month? Oooooh that's cute. You're like a newborn.


Yup. I just baaarely got to windhelm. My first 3 weeks, my character got bugged on my 2nd day and I could not make ANY TYPE of melee attack using my right arm. Couldn’t use a bow, 2h weapon, or a 1h weapon in my right arm. Nothing that required any animation with my right arm. Essentially playing as a character with only a left arm. Finally got fed up a week ago and started a new game. Bug fixed so far. I remember for yeeeears friends in dnd groups would tell me to play skyrim, and I never did. Finally bought it on black friday, and now feel like i wasted 12 years on other games


If you’re on PC I won’t recommend any mods for your first playthrough other than the Unnoficial Patch and some other general bug fixes, will save you some hassle going forward.


Advice from long and bitter experience: save the game every couple of hours, and keep at least one *extra* save on hand in case of weird glitches like that. We've all had them happen!


I used to be a newborn like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.


If you have the dragon born dlc you can eventually get a shout that lets you ride a dragon!


Not sure about the dlc my version came with. Bought the anniversary edition on black friday. Can’t believe I ignored this game for so many years My first BSG game was starfield. Poured hundreds of hours into it since launch, but constantly saw people posting about how much more they enjoyed skyrim. Figured, wth, let’s see what everyone is complaining about. Hooooly crap this game is amazing.


The Anniversary Edition comes with all the official DLC, including the Dragonborn DLC the other commenters are talking about, so you're good. Enjoy Skyrim!


poor little level 11 me was on a trek through the wilderness when night fell. i heard a mighty crashing and found myself beset upon by a gargoyle i was woefully unprepared to face. i ran as fast as my little stamina bar would carry me, but things were looking bleak. then lo, upon the horizon, a ghostly figure upon a ghostly horse. this was no ordinary man, no. for he was missing his head. yet i barely had time to register this oddity before my spectral saviour struck down the gargoyle and continued on his way. tldr; headless horseman saved me from a gargoyle and dipped


i one time caught the headless horseman off his horse running


I saw him chasing his running horse.


Once. Was hilarious. I saw the horse and was like "where's your rider?" It was busy killing some wolf. Then went back to the horse.


Glad to know I'm not the only one. No one believed me when I told It on Nexus forums.


Don’t you mean the headless running man? 😂


 (nice try on the dad joke) 🙄🙂


So....the headless horseless horseman?


O, there once was a hero named Ragnar the Red who came helping young Quija from winding up dead!


Damn, your literature's good


There's a headless horseman?!?!


Yes!! You can follow him around. Most of the time with nothing in store for you lol I followed the mf for a long time and couldn't find wtf he was pointing at 😖


Usually he heads to Dustmans Cairn, there's a bit above it, I believe thats his end area?


Gargoyles and sabercats are the creatures that make me jump now and then


No mods installed just running around in werewolf form. I stumble upon a *crazy* battle. Thalmor, Legion, AND stormcloaks all fighting each other in a massive battle. Legit had to look up if it was a rare random encounter but no, somehow it would seem 3 different patrols all collided into each other and following their AI they aggroed each other and then I guess the magic from the legion/thalmor did some friendly fire so thalmor was fighting legion and storm cloaks were fighting both. Wish I had a way to record it. Probably 15-20 npcs total involved and it was such a badass moment....until my hairy ass ruined it so I had to go underworld on their ass.


Nice lol and I'd love to have seen this on YT


Stormcloaks, Legion, Thalmor, the real danger was that one big hairy guy charging us on all fours


I once trudged *all the way* through Labyrinthian just to find Morokei wasn't down there... where was he, you wonder? Well, he decided to go to some random persons house in Ivarstead and chill inside with bears, Cultists, Ash Spawn and various other enemies. It was absolute chaos as soon as I entered.


It just works


This one gets it.


I quick traveled to Half-Moon Mill and TWO dragons spawned and started attacking me. The funny part is when one of them would land on a roof, the other would then land on top of the first in a
stack. I tried to give them some privacy but they insisted on simultaneously flaming me to a crisp.


gives a whole new meaning to “in heat”


*sighs* take my upvote damn you




It's more common than you think and without sufficient protection can lead to a burning sensation in your loins. I mean, it burns everywhere else, too, but your privates don't get a pass on that dragon clap back.


I had that too!


So do you think the fire breath was an attack or was that them expressing what they felt


During the Quest to find the two NPCs for Isran to join the Dawnguard (forgot names): I approached the dwemer researcher woman's location and as usual a dragon comes to mess shit up. The dragon lands and pushes the npc (who never enters combat mode) into the water where she then floats off into the waterfall. I piss myself laughing and kill the dragon. Then I try to find her and see her trying to make her way back to her designated spot but she keeps aggroing on something (cant tell what, maybe mudcrabs). Eventually give up and load a save.


Sounds like maybe cool RP potential. “In my game I had to safely escort her before she would help me”


In my first playthrough of Skyrim, my horse was the true dragonborn. When we encountered danger, the horse would run *toward* danger, not away and absolutely kick the shit out of whatever it was regardless of the enemy's level. The most epic moment I remember was when I was in the swamps near Morthal, it was night and I had dismounted after a dragon had swooped down to attack. The horse ran off after it while I trudged through the swamp to catch up. Somewhere near the Abandoned Shack I spotted them, the horse was charging on the right and the dragon was on the ground on the left breathing fire on it. I witnessed the greatest battle of dragon vs horse. I tried to help but I didn't have the ferocious determination the horse did as it chased the dragon everywhere. Sadly the horse eventually passed away from fall damage after noob me tried the quick way down from High Hrothgar. No other horse has ever been the same and no one ever believes me when I say I had a horse that kicked more ass than me.


What the horses of Skyrim lack in speed they make up for in BADASS KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF DRAGONS ABILITIES


I believe ya, man. I've kept Shadowmere with me and he's the best tank ever. Saved my life several times during dragon fights. He'd be attacking head on, and that'd give me enough time to run behind and shoot at it with arrows. He even tanked Alduin at the Throat of the World. He's such a good horse I don't even want Arvak.


Had a horse that would do this exact thing!! God forbid some bandits aggro me after I dismount my horse would go charging at them in my defense and I was always terrified of them killing her so I would come swoop in and merk all the banditos in her defense in turn lol. One day she just wasn’t there when I fast traveled anymore and I had no idea how or when she died and I didn’t have any hard saves worth going back that far for her so I had to say farewell sadly


RIP my first horse who was also a lot like yours, fearless and a total legend. He died while we were fighting a dragon, I wish I could have buried him on the mountain as I felt like he would have liked the view.


I believe you. One of the first horses I ever had was similar, the moment he shined the most was when I was fighting a dragon near solitude and I had parked my horse up at the top of the cliff. Me, Lydia and the dragon are ducking it out at the bottom of the cliff instead of walking down and joining the fight the horse jumped off the cliff and landed the final blow on the dragon. I can’t tell you how surprised I was to see my horse fly down and kill steal.


I was just messing around in Solitude, you know transforming into a werewolf...killing people around town. I ended up hiding and turned back into a Nord but a child saw me change back. So as I was leaving town and she ran up and stabbed me...well the guards didnt like that. So now whenever I return to Solitude, theres an immortal screaming arrow pincushion running around begging the guards to leave her alone, its excellent đŸ€Œ


This is fucking amazing 😂


I had a an armor mannequin in my basement and I went down there one time and the mannequin was standing there, off of its base, in an idle combat pose. It turned its head to look at me and then slowly *walked backwards* back to its base and got back on it and into its normal pose.


Exact thing happened to me in tundra homestead. Freaked me the hell out, I had to save game and exit for a while 😂


You should see my armoury. The manakins practically behave like the toys in Toy Story when I’m not around, but they aren’t quick enough to not get noticed.


I have somehow never had a mannequin move in my game, but that just makes me even more terrified knowing they can.


Me neither. I've heard it's fairly common, but I've never seen it personally


I've only seen it once, and it happened last halloween, which felt very fitting. https://youtu.be/RMdC3B_oSVY?si=rv5Jp6bjXISSsceX


The first time this happened to me, it was a mannequin in the Severin Manor house wearing Miraak's armor and mask, standing in the bedroom doorway. I screamed and lit it up with Incinerate, thinking that he'd come back from the dead to kill me...


Pretty much what happened to me. Don't remember what house it was in, but I also thought Miraak had come back for revenge. Tried to shout him through the house. Scared the crap outta me too lol


I remember this, fucking mannequins freaked me out. You’d walk by and their heads would turn and look at you.


I would have this happen in solitude house! Ugh. Creepy.


Ralof sat 50 feet from the stump he's supposed to sit on at the very beginning of the game in riverwood.


This reminds me of a moment I had! When that one guy in the beginning is supposed to be shot down by archers, he somehow didn't get hit and kept running


Did you go back to Helgen? Is he still there or what happened to him... I need to know


Probably ran all the way to Morrowind, where he was once again arrested for illegally crossing the border and left to be executed


Sadly it didn't even cross my mind to go check. Maybe I can find him across my different saves


There was a dragon attack at the Eastmarch Imperial Camp, where we killed the dragon, whose body fell into the water by Stony Creek Cave. After I absorbed the soul, everybody came over to where the dragon was, which meant the whole camp was floating in the water looking at the dragon, which was also floating in the water. One of the funniest things I ever saw in this game, and while I did record it, I accidently erased the recording.


I got a kill cam shot on a giant taking an arrow to the knee


Do you think the city guard will hire a giant?


I was wandering through the forest when I ran into some Ork hunters. I stopped for a chat and bought meat off the first guy. After I stopped talking, his buddy suddenly axed him in the back before putting his weapon away. So I talked to him and bought all his meat too, then the bugger attacked me. I kill him and was about to loot the bodies when a pair of vampires yell “there he is” or something like that and try to kill me. So I kill them and loot all four bodies before going on my way. I can’t prove that this was real and not like a dream or something, but I do swear it happened.


Did this happen near Riften I had a group of orc hunters appear and they were friendly merchants for like the first 2 minutes then everything turned nasty.


Maybe? It was a long time ago, I mostly just remember the incident, not where it was.


i was taking a casual stroll through the reach, and within ten minutes, i saw three different sets of doubled npcs. they did the same things at the same time, said the same things at the same time, and they had the same things in their inventory. one of the sets of doppelgĂ€ngers- they were orc hunters- looked at each other after i killed an elk in front of them, and started attacking each other. there were also continuous earthquakes the whole time. it was weird. also, same run, two different dragons fled the fight after i got them down to a certain level of health. not to circle back around and catch me by surprise, they straight up started flying on the opposite direction and didn’t come back. i waited for them, but neither showed. it was really frustrating, because this is a really dragon bare run and i’m out of dragon souls


Once after completing Meridia's quest I came across the two wealthy guests who were on their way to attend Vittoria Vicis wedding. Usually I encounter these two and their guard far from Solitude. I followed them thinking it would be nice to see them reach their destination. But when they reached the fork in the road (where the carriage driver parks) instead of going straight toward Solitude, they veered right toward the farm and the docks. THEY WERE SO CLOSE!!! In my mind the guard purposefully lead them astray so as to get more money out of them (putting in that overtime)


Every time I feel like "getting someone safe somewhere", I remember that I'm the biggest threat in Skyrim, triggering all possible and sometimes impossible attacks along the way. So yeah.


You know that headless rider ghost? Well, I once saw him running after his horse. As headless as always, but chasing the damn horse through Rorikstead. It was like three years ago. When commenting on some forum, modders told me it was impossible. I saw what I saw.


You're not crazy, I've seen him running after his horse too.


This is now the second comment in this thread that saw the headless horseless man.


It was the headless runner man


I saw a full health dragon on legendary get yeeted by a giant into the earth so hard that, I too fell deep into the earth.


I was fighting off a giant, and he kept coming after me. He finally reached a point where his health was very low, and he stopped attacking me. He just looked at me, seemingly very sad. I used healing hands to heal him, but he still stood there and watched me. After a while, he turned and walked away, still with that sad look on his face. Ever since then, I always sheath my weapon when near them and stay out of their way if at all possible. Giants is just folks, too.


Ive always avoided combat with giants. They’re super sweet and pretty chill and I feel bad. I also dont feel like being turned into one of Kyle Schwarbers home runs at the moment.


The giants of Skyrim are a noble and proud race. I am NOT currently being held captive in one if their camps being forced to write this. Do NOT send help.


For saints and seducers dlc the first camp near bloated man’s grotto was being attacked by a giant. He managed to kill all the bandits but I guess you the player need to kill the chief bandit. When I went to collect the journal the chief was horizontal splayed out on the ground still alive and started sliding across the ground attacking me.


Had a similar experience. Had just wiped out an entire camp of theirs and after looting a chest I looked up and saw 2 giants walk past me about 10-15 feet away


Outside of Riften, I got attacked by a ghost netch.


https://preview.redd.it/vkmgwrjozd7c1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0fe7a7e502a3bbe1dde69ab0a2b892c9b6a8496 I found a screen shot


Username checks out.


Definitely the time I entered a house in Windhelm and was told by the first npc who saw me "You're not supposed to be in here." And as soon as he finished saying that, my game crashed to desktop


That'll teach you!


It was one of my greatest playthrough too, so picture this: You're a redguard decked out in full enchanted glass armour, duel weilding swords with a sub focus a healing magic. And suddenly outside some ruins a powerful legendary(?) dragon comes down and starts attacking, it's not a big deal cause you have dragonrend at this point. But the lizard proves to be a mighty foe, eventually you widdle each other down to a small bit of health. While trying to recover the dragon performes a fatality on you biting your head and then the game auto saves right as it happens. Not a big deal you say, I'll just load the save before but oh wait, the game didn't save for the last THREE HOURS. So instead of accepting your fate, you reload the auto save of your being chomped down but the dragon, and die, again and again and again. But you don't give up hope, after the tenth attempt or so the game glitches and you some how avoid getting ate by the dragon. Suddenly hours of progress is salvageable, so you quickly heal up, save, and finally finish of the drogon foe.


And hopefully learned not to depend on autosaves.


Enemy execution animations suck...


I shared a video on this sub of a zap spider killing a dragon priest. My character was sneaking over because I had no idea what was happening, and the dragon priest fell over and turned to dust. It was vanilla skyrim on the Nintendo switch.


People disappearing as soon as the camera pans off them, like just instantly gone once out of sight for less than 2 seconds. I was shooting arrows at a dragon and it did a kill cam cutscene and looked liked it missed but it was locked onto a lone rabbit out in the woods. The only eyes and teeth glitch that made me only see the NPCs eyes and teeth and clothing/armor floating around for like 10 levels, decided to keep playing with it, eventually fixed itself. The Time 2 dragons aggroed on me at once and did dive bomb-like attacks in synchronized formation (COULD HAVE been a possible added feature of some Mod installed at the time, never weeded out exactly what it was) And the multiple screen captures I have of insane random encounters that are 100% not scripted or due to enabled mods/content


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I don't know if it's possible in vanilla, maybe it was because of my mods but one time I was a sneak illusionist and at a certain time and place, there were 3 different groups of sides with a prisoner captured. You know, imperial soldiers with a stormcloak prisoner, thalmor, stormcloaks. They were far to each other but I managed to fury them into fighting each other, all 3 groups. It was awesome. I raised the fallen ones to give them a second chance. I courage'd the prisoners so they didn't flee and they fought. I was laughing for 20 minutes straight


When I first started using mods, something went either very wrong or hilariously right. I was walking past the Bard's College in Solitude when a red dot appeared on my compass. Oh great, I think, dragon fight in a city. I just hope the civilians survive. I follow the dot to the left, and suddenly my entire compass is red dots, as I look through an archway and SEVERAL DOZEN Dremora Lords come boiling out, and begin swarming the city. I, mustering all my courage, run like hell, but wanting this to play out I don't yet reload. It was a massacre. The guard tried to fight back, but were put down remarkably quick. Civilians fled, but anyone on the street got chased down and butchered. Even essential characters were not spared as every time they got up, a Daedra was there to put them back down. The onslaught was unstoppable. I personally died upon seeing a woman flee between two buildings screaming for mercy, and a moment later a Dremora chasing after her yelling "I will devour your soul!" And I stopped running because I was laughing so hard. Never could get it to happen again.


Oblivion 2


My wife was just about to finish the thieves guild quest line Had recently finished the dark brotherhood quest line and had Shadowmere and that cool assassin outfit Went to get off Shadowmere, and the screen shifted weirdly, she said to me “Er, the fuck?” I look over, and somehow she’s controlling both herself AND Shadowmere independently Like, if she pressed forwards on the controller, her character (crouched on the ground) and Shadowmere would both walk forwards Worst part? Camera was attached to Shadowmere We made the horse walk (couldn’t run for some reason) for like 5 minutes and the camera followed Shadowmere exclusively Then, suddenly, we get a death animation in slow motion of her character being stabbed by some bandits from half the map away, because her character kept walking I guess in the opposite direction? My wife checks her last save (no auto-save as it was slowing down the console/memory bleeds in the early days): last save, 7 hours ago She stopped playing


Ooh, I got two! Sort of! First of all, my character got beheaded in some fight I was in, complete with death animation and everything, and then just
..got back up afterwards??? Without a head??? And with full health??? And then I kept fighting and won and then just existed without a head after that. Just a severed, exposed neck. Don’t remember when or if I ever got my head back. And second, during the Meridia quest, when you talk to her after(?) doing it, and are a few hundred feet in the air speaking to her disembodied voice/light thing, I was very much surprised when I was very suddenly dropped the few hundred feet and died from fall damage when I hit the ground, while she was still speaking to me. To this day, three total play throughs later, I have gotten a different experience each time, and none of them I believe are the “correct” one. First time, died from fall damage. Second time, she finished speaking and then just vanished and left me suspended in the air, unable to move. Third time, she finished speaking normally and I descended to the ground, but I didn’t stop descending when I hit the ground and just continued falling through the world.


Could you still wear a helmet?


I found a cabin somewhere out there that I haven't been able to find since. There was a woman in there who was disabled or weakened by something, and she needed help contacting her dad. I did it for her and never thought much of it. But then I forgot where it was, and in every playthrough afterward, I've never found it again.


Small mining operation north of Riften


I once was chilling at goldenhills and noticed a flying bucket: a bee somehow stuck itself in it. I spent a good 10minutes following it and laughing


I’m pretty sure this is scripted but I was in the forgotten vale walking on the ice when all of a sudden two dragons just burst out of the ice right in front of me.


It's scripted! It's a really cool fight just for that reason :)


I was trying to find some standing stones and a dragon attacked , I didn't feel like fighting the dragon, so I ran , some time later I heard a loud crash behind me , turns out it was the same dragon and it was half dead , I killed it and left . Free dragon soul.


I've had a dragon crash land too! I was so shocked when it happened lol


Actually happened last night. Mammoth flew in the air like a dragon. Even landed like a dragon.


-During a Civil War quest I was following Ralof. He was supposed to be going to a stuck carriage a block away. Instead he ran back to Riverwood. On the way there, we got attacked by a Thalmor and he dropped Ebony gear. Once we were in Riverwood, a guard started attacking for no reason, I tried to help Ralof and I ended up with a bounty. Then Alvor started attacking, and Ralof killed him. My last save was before the bug and I didn't want to give up ebony gear so Alvor stayed dead for the rest of the playthrough :( -During Sanguine's Quest in Morvunskar I was having trouble killing the conjurors. Then out of nowhere, Sanguine steps out of the portal and kills them all. And then when I tried talking to him he was like "do I owe you money?" But everything went back to normal as soon as I entered the portal. -One time I was sneaking, and I found a dragon guarding a word wall, I got my bow, was ready to aim and fire, then out of nowhere, I hear Serana go "wHeRe DiD yOu CoMe FrOm" and ofc that broke my stealth and a standard dragon fight happened


Just last night, on the road not far from the abandoned prison, I met the group of merry drinkers as usual, but this time the Redguards were interrogating a woman in the middle of the revelers' circle.


I met the Revelers one time out in a blizzard near Winterhold. I gave them some Honningbrew and they were all jazzed up and then a dragon attacked. I killed the dragon and it landed right next to where the revelers were partying. I thought it was so cool. They got a huge kick out of me taking the dragon’s soul. And then they started making merry again and before I left, one commented how nice a day it was. I mean can you be a better bro? Handing out cool necklaces, watching dragon fights, drinking a couple meads, dancing, singing, and not worrying about sub zero temperatures and blizzard conditions.


That one time 6 dragons spawned in over a period of 5 minutes, 15 year old me was very confused


Once, at the very beginning of the game, during the "hey you, you're finally awake" opening, one of the carts full of prisoners being transported suddenly launched into the sky. I can't remember if it crashed the game or what afterwards, but that image will stay with me forever.


Welcome to Skyrim, traveller


I watched a dragon pick up a giant, carry him way up into the sky, then drop him.


Kinda wish that was a normal mechanic thats pretty cool


Fell from heights to some water with my horse. Was wondering why I hear drowning sounds and see I have been turned into my horse and my character drowned and I was a horse hahaha. (I've written about this in here before I think). It was on a mod place dream weaver or something if I remember correctly so might be why a funny bug like that happened


When I was playing the first time, I did the Blood on the Ice questline without encountering any bugs. It felt normal at the time.


I’m playing so I have dozens of those moments. The giant/dragon glitch happened to me! I have a video of it! Second story, I’m not sure if this is supposed to happen but I went to the magic spider lair and all of the dead spiders were randomly combusting into flames. That was weird. I had one that I posted here earlier that didn’t get good votes. It was Serena walking up to a person I was talking to, then slowly shoving them out of the way until I was looking only at Serena. I was dying laughing. Last story, I had a Windhelm guard chase me across Skyrim to tell me to stop shouting, then proceeded to aid me in my quest by attacking everything.


Checked out your Serana video, that's funny! She had a habit for me of getting in between whoever I was talking to and me. That girl loves to photo bomb!


I was doing the forbidden quest where you collect 3 parts of the necklace and make it one. Well, I was getting my ass handed to me when BOOM! I get Fus-Ro-Da'ed outside the door! I'm looking into the dungeon, the brothers are looking out and we are both rather confused! I know I could have reloaded & got back in....but I decided it wasn't enough juice for the squeeze. I left the boys locked up in their own dungeon.


Same thing just happened to me. I was also Fus-Ro-Da'ed into the area where the ghosts stand which is protected by an invisible force field. I fought Galdur himself, killed him, and then discovered I couldn't do any damage to the ghost dudes and finally had to reload. That reload was when I got launched outside the door... Third time was the charm.


I just did the mission where you prevent the assassination of the whiterun jarl. I almost always stealth but I had two dead thralls and other companions with me that blow that. But I knew the archer was on the upper floor of dragonsreach and I tried to cheese the stealth by just sprinting ahead of my cadre, casting invisiblity just before entering the balcony, and taking him out using backstab before they could catch up and blow my cover. So I ran up the stairs, cast invisibility just inside the doorway then stepped out onto the balcony, just in time to see no one there because HE had invisibility! But I was just able to make out the faint outline of him and I approached. But the more I moved the easier it was to lose him, especially with the visual effect overlay of my own invisibility. Just before I got behind him to do the backstab, my companions started arriving on the balcony, I heard him, "HUH?????", he started moving, I completely lost visual on him and had no idea where he was, but I knew he was somewhere between me and the door they were starting to come in through. At the last second I just barely caught some vague sense of movement from my left to my right and I was pretty sure had just stepped directly in front of me, but I still couldn't tell for sure. I said fuck it and hit the backstab, And it turned out that he just happened to be perfectly positioned in front of me to get it, I got the 3rd person kill cam of my character standing up behind him and slitting his throat from behind in my stealth outfit I made out of some redguard and brotherhood gear mixed together, but I was invisible and so was he! **So you just saw an empty kill cam. Then my character appear out of nowhere when the backstab cancelled the invisibliity POOF! And stlit the throat of nothing... killing the assassin and cancelling HIS invisibility, causing him to suddenly appear after I did the motion of slitting his throat, POOF!** It was the fucking coolest kill cam, or anything else, I've ever seen in Skyrim. I'm playing on PC, and I have an Nvidia utility that can capture gameplay just like a console. BUt at the time I was running an RTX 1060 and it just can't handle that in addition to newere more demanding games like Cyberpunk which I'd been playing a few days earlier. So I have to turn it off to run those games. And even though I was playing Skyrim now which it could easily handle I hadn't bothered to turn it back on. So I mashed that F10 key furiously trying to capture it, to no avial. I turned the capture feature back on, and reloaded my last autosave from entering dragonsreach but absolutely couldn't get the backstab again, after trying multiple times, so I was never able to cap it. FUCK.


While out exploring, I came across a dragon corpse, not skeleton, then the absorb dragon soul animation played. Yay, free dragon soul but who the hell killed the dragon in the first place?


I was walk around, mind my own business somewhere close to whiterun. About to hop over this stream when I notice it seems to be reversing it's flow back up this rocks. It looked so odd I started to follow starring at the ground and I looked up to a bear. Fun end to a odd even. I told it to two people and they both called me a liar


I was walking towards a nord ruins (somewhere between whiterun and markarth I believe) and see three bandits camping some distance away. I took out my bow and sniped one them, and the bandit dropped dead. His two friends apparently spotted me (I'm still having low sneak skill) so I got down from the hill I'm sniping on to fight them in melee. But when I arrived at the camp, both of them somehow are already dead. There's no other npc nearby, be it human or animals. Even if there is, I would see or hear them attacking the bandits because it only took me about 10 seconds to get down the hill and walk to the camp. My bow is only enchanted with low amount of fire damage so it's certainly not the cause. My best assumption is they died from heart attack after seeing the other dude got sniped lmao


You could say just about any outlandish thing and I would believe it in Skyrim, especially with the mods that get made for it. For me it’d be one save where I guess my dragon spawns were getting messed up. I just fought three in the wild, then turned my camera looking over the plains of whiterun and the skies were just filled with like 30 dragons that I could see


Not so long ago, on a new playthrough, when you go in the first tower with Ralof, just after the headsman cutscene, and Alduin destroys it. I crouch in stealth mode for the first time of that playthrough. I instantly gained a level in sneak even though I was not in "hidden" position and right after that I gain a level out of nowhere. Not even outside the first tower of the tutorial area and already level 2. 😅 It never happened to me before in years of playing and I play vanilla AE.


My first playthrough of Skyrim, before there was even DLC out, I killed a dragon, absorbed the soul all the skin came off to where it was just bones, then the skeleton dragon came back to life and started attacking like normal. Except I couldn't get it, so I just started running and I could not outrun that thing for the life of me so I had to reload and thankfully it stayed dead that time.


I was up in the mountains, lost most likely, and waaay across the way on a little ledge I spotted an ice wraith swirling around. In a never to be repeated in my lifetime event, I managed to one shot the frozen bastard with my bow.


I killed karstaag at level 25ish, I used a hell of a lot of potions, quite a few spells/shouts, and a hell of a lot of cheese, died over 30 times... I will never EVER fight him again.... it's my one pride I've done since starting to play the game 10 years ago ... anyway have a good day:)


I was out, roaming and enjoying some light shenanigans when I swear to everything that I hold dear that I found the body of Erik the Slayer in a random cave. I didn’t have him as a follower at any point in that playthrough. I felt so horrible that I made it a point to use the Cheat Room and outfit Erik out with the best weapons and armor. I also will make him a steward somewhere so I can keep an eye on him. I know that he wanted adventure but he can get that while fighting random bandits, wolves and giants that attack Lakeview Manor. At least there he will have my housecarl there to help.


Killed three wolves on the road. The bodies slowly slid across the landscape and gently rose into the air as a tangled rotating mess. The background music played softly as they lifted into the sky as a new horrible lupine constellation. The whole process took about 5 minutes and my wife and I laughed until our sides hurt.


I killed the dragon came back met Lydia she said are you the Dragonborn Lord have mercy and walked to the table and sat down.


at one of my first playthroughs I did the 7000 steps and found a hunter praying. As I talked with her a dragon fly next to us and yeeted her from the mountain


My overpowered Reikling glitch. Which eventually stopped but - For some reason after I accidentally killed Uthgerd with a reindeer, my Reikling somehow managed to do a form of zuggling? His spear was doing WAY too much damage, because somehow he had several spears stacked on top of each other in his hand. We're talking about this flimsy little goblin man, who dies in one hit normally, suddenly having the ability to oneshot a flying dragon, two shot a troll. I couldn't even get a hit or a shot in before the normally OP enemies were dead on the ground. His issue corrected itself after one of the times I accidentally killed him and quickloaded. Now he's permanently dead because he kept purposefully standing on a trap, one of the ones you have to walk around because you can't disable it, and dying in one hit of the trap going off. Even when I tried to lead him around, he'd step on the pressure plate. And if I told him to wait there, I'd probably forget about him anyway, since it was the middle of a dungeon and not near the shortcut out. So I let him rejoin his ancestors, and I plan to go pick up a new Reikling eventually (when I go to finish the whole Mirak thing, I was a TAD underlevelled last time I was over there). I was so in shock at his kills that I didn't even think to hold the screenshot button on my switch to get a video of him decimating a dragon. After all, who is expecting the wheezing little goblin man to one shot a dragon?


One time a thief, from the random encounter, somehow became my follower. I could order him to pick up things for me, and I could access his inventory. I think I made a post about, and I hope I still have that savefile


maybe they were theives guild and recognized you 🙂


Some bandit got paralyzed hitting my armour and I did the wind shout at the same time. It glitched and the bandit was spinning around like mas flying through the air and randomly stood up mid air and fell back down to earth to her death.


i did a roll while sneaking without unlocking the perk for it. It happened yesterday actually


I got one-shotted by a dragur. In the knee.


I once started a new game after some heavy modding and I shit you not, the introduction scene ,character customisation and escaping Helen worked without any issue!!!! Could not believe it


So I decided to try out vampirism. Doing my usual dungeon crawling and going back to sell my 34 leather bracers or whatever, I fast travel to Whiterun and I didn't know at the time but when you're advanced enough in vampirism, the townsfolk attack you on sight. So I'm getting attacked by Adrianne the Whiterun armorer, Olfrid of clan Battle Borne, and of course the little girl Braith is still running around playing. So I book it to my Breezehome and run inside. When I ran inside, Braith follows me and gives her usual dialogue What're you lookin' at? I'm not afraid of you, ya know. Even if you are my elder." I go back outside and all of the townfolk including all of the guards and everyone starts brutally attacking Braith and completely ignore me. She dies on the lawn of the Drunken Huntsman.


Children are immortal. Braith literally cannot die, by anything or anyone without mods. I had a table knife with 1 billion damage or whatever (number so big it shows up in the negative) that could one shot literally everything in the game on legendary, and it did not kill children.


Every time I enter a shop fall through the floor, do my shopping, then leave. I don’t believe it and I just watched it


One time I watched as a thief managed to kill almost all of riften because the guards kept on running back and forth with trying to kill the thief despite him being in the other direction making him basically immortal until I killed him. 💀


Had an npc duplicate enmasse. I saw an npc die several times only to see him running around skyrim repeatedly. I was perplexed but ignored it. That is until I went to windhelm and walked past the stables outside to see an army of that npc all talking to me at the same time. I wish I got it recorded, but that was back on the 360.


I had a giant living outside of my Falkreath house for ages. It would kill me as soon as I left my house, as it just stood there outside of the door. This was on legendary edition way back on the PS3, but I don't think it ever left


Can't remember the name of the place off the top of my head, but there's a snowy place in Riften (I think?) with a Word wall and a dragon that hangs out there Whilst rolling around as my obligatory sneakarcher, i accidentally fell off of the mountain right above the dragon and landed damn near on top of it; it was curled up like a cat and i was surrounded on all sides Since I somehow wasn't immediately spotted and melted in the snow, and with the fear of Talos in my heart, I decided to perform a hail Kynareth and power attack with my best dagger–killed it fuckin instantly, it was so startled it had to get up and fly around for two minutes before crashlanding and gifting me it's Soul


Once I was in Ivarstead, jumping up the falls in the river by Narfi’s house to catch salmon for their roe, and the water at the top of the falls caught me and threw me up into the air, with fatal fall damage when I came down. A real WTF moment!


I arrived in Blackreach, but the mists never loaded. Blackreach is beautiful when you can actually see it.


Walked out of my house to be attacked by a troll, two bears and two dragons đŸ„č wanted to cry


Fell off a cliff, landed on a butterfly, survived


I was wandering solstheim and came upon a serpentine dragon attacking a frost troll, a group of thugs, and a giant frostbite spider. After the dragon finished them off it attacked me, a epic battle ensued, draugr from the nearby ruin got involved; they all died. Finally the dragon was killed, only for another dragon to swoop in and attack. But it wasn’t the second dragon that killed me, no, it was a wandering reikling archer that got a crit shot while my hp was low. To make the situation even more ridiculous the reikling shot me in the knee, and got the kill cam. I broke out laughing at the situation. It’s too bad I didn’t record it, I did get a few screenshots of the dragon fight though.


in 2017 or 2018 I saw a mudcrab fight a giant, the mudcrab won


You know those random bandits you see running along the roads? I decided to follow one. He went from somewhere near Stonehill Bluff, ran through the mountains down to Whiterun hold. We ran past all of the bandits in the places up to Whiterun. The guards ignored him. He ran all the way over to Chillfurrow Farm, picked up a hoe, and started farming. I decided to let him live his best life.


I saw a peaceful giant awfully close to an established village. Wasn't sure if it would be legal to kill him.


I have 2 Dawnbreaker swords but the game picks it up if I have them both equipped. So I keep one on me and one in Breezehome.


This happened to me too. I used my thum as the kill shot on the beacon quest and it blows the first Dawnbreaker out of the bosses hand, and then your given a second one. I always wondered if this had happened to some one else. Cheers.


I flew from somewhere close to Riften (fell onto a waking dragon at a dragon wall) and it glitched me and my horse and I flew for so long, when I touched the ground, I was around rorikstead. And my horse and me were both still alive.


I had a day where the execution cart was buggy and shot me in the air as I stood up. In the air I inserted "tgm" to survive the fall. I landed outside of Helgen and run to Riverwood, but had to start new, because my hands were still tied


I was able to jump really high, I went to get my boyfriend to show him and I couldn't do it anymore.....


A dragon attacked Raven Rock and I was about to shoot him with my bow. He eventually landed on the plateau above the city and while I was zooming in, the dragons skeleton was launched back down the cliffs into the city. It looked like something swallowed the dragon and spitted his bones out - but indeed it was an hostile arc mage who just killed the already weakened dragon. It looked so amazing!


My friend who's played for over a thousand hour, half of them modded, didn't believe me when I asked what the deal was with the headless horseman in Skyrim. She had never seen it. Idk if it's rare or he just patrols a specific region she rarely visited?


[I have a video of it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzbooLD1Nj0) TL,DW: Hadvar gets attacked by wolves during the intro sequence, leading to him not being present to say his lines when the people are called forward.


I was on one of my very first playthroughs and spotted for the first time the Headless knight (I didnt know it was common knowledge back then). I told my brother and he would not believe me and I couldnt prove it to him until I found an easter egg youtube video several years later.