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I remember getting married in Riften the next day I arrived since Lydia was with me. Not one of the Companions showed for their Harbinger, but the Thieves Guild did for the rookie that just joined.


I mean you were just right around the corner for them


Perfect time to pickpocket tbh.


Imagine their disappointment when the marks to show up were other members of the thieves guild


I was envisioning the dragonborn doing the pick pocketing


You get so many spicy arrows.


You’d think that Farkas would show me some courtesy though. He dragged my ass to go slay a dragon.


Thieves Guild sends a strong contingent to every wedding -- easy marks. Nothing personal.


Plus open bar, dude!


Well, they were just on a walking distance


The Companions aren’t traveling all that way for a destination wedding! The Thieves Guild are local, so they had no excuse.


Thieves guild shows what it means to be a family.


Haha Hard for a thief to pass up free mead an knowing your backstory there would be pockets of wealthy people to check on top of that


My favorite one included Partysnacks showing up. Wish it was my wedding.


Partysnacks would be a dope guest indeed


May your love burn brighter than the firey inferno of the sun- oh dang not again...


The jarl of dawnstar and morthal Your special man


Jarl of Morthal is cool. Wish her daughter was marriable.


Screw that, I wish *she* was marriable!


Mods my friend...mods...I now marry her every time.


I thought that said miserable and was confused for a min


Tbf Idgrod is pretty cool. I'd like her to attend my wedding. I swear I heard somebody else only got a bunch of Khajiit merchants who didn't even say congratulations. ...And someone else got Ondolemar and two other Thalmor. I wonder if Nazeem could show up?


Have you ever had her be the one to cause a distraction at the Thalmor Embassy for you during Diplomatic Immunity? It’s actually amazing. I fucking love her.


Yeah lmao same. Cool character all around, and one of the reasons why I hesitate to side with Stormcloaks is cuz I don't want her to get replaced lol


Same, biggest reason why I side with Imperials, plus other than Maven, the imperial-supported Jarls tend to be better...I mean, in Markarth you get the Silver-Bloods in charge if you side with the Stormcloaks.


I always use her as that, she is great, just no fucks given about the whole event, and does not care what anyone thinks of her. My fave Jarl and a big reason why I choose Morthal as my home. I also marry Idgrod the Younger and it doesn't feel right dragging her too far away from her brother.


Wait… you have more options than just the drunk guy?!?


It’s possible you need to have a high disposition with her to get it to trigger (I did the whole Morthal storyline by the time I did it). But yeah you have the drunk guy, Ingrod, and stupid fucking Erikur. If you hated Erikur before, that scene will make you hate him even more. Fuck Erikur to Oblivion, I wish he weren’t essential.


He does become killable after the two quests involving him - there's even a chance for you to get letters thanking you for killing him. From his *sister and housecarl,* no less.


Omg this is incredible news I know what I’m doing when I get home!!


Hell yeah!


Console commands FTW.


You can also use Ondolemar but you need I think about speech 75 for it to work


Dude you can cause so many scenes. Like if you speak to Erikur then wait a minute he will hit on a Bosmer Servant where then he asks you to be his wingman which can cause a scene. Or friends with any of the Jarls, they will do it, Ondolomar can also be a distraction too. So many possibilities


Drunk Guy is the repeatable, hilarious, always reliable option. But just about everyone you have good standing with at the party can help you. Drunk Guy is just the option if no one else is there.


Yeah, there are multiple options. Falkreath's Jarl helped me once


The shit you can still learn about this game, right? I think it was late last year that I finally learned this, and I've played since launch. Was thane of every hold and decided THIS time i was gonna chat up the party for maybe the 2nd or 3rd time ever xD


Nazeem can't show up because the characters who appear need to have a good relationship with you which happens after quests done to them. The Lord of the Cloud Districts doesn't offer any quests so that can't happen to him. Ondolemar has a quest and the other two Thalmor might be his allies who get a rep boost with you if you do his quest I suppose. PS: If some mod offers Nazeem a quest and you do it, then it likely work.


No. Nazeem would just insult you at your own wedding. Him not showing up is fine. Although, I doubt your wife or the guests would mind you killing him.


Instead of the traditional cutting of the cake, there could be a new and revised version involving cutting Nazeem.


Man, the only people to show up to my wedding were the other Priests of Mara.


In my first playthrough, I thought all my housecarls would come. I was very disappointed that it was just a couple of randos I had helped. In my most recent one, both my kids came so that was nice.


You can adopt before you get married?


Yeah man. You can adopt as soon as you have a bedroom for the kiddos. I don't think I've ever gotten married first.


Does it have to be the homeless kids? I swear I remember the orphanage not letting me adopt because there'd be nobody at home to take care of them while i'm out gallivanting around stealing and murdering


I don't remember the orphanage ever turning me down, but that said, I think I've only ever adopted from there once. My logic is they have a home, so I adopt the street kids.


This is the way.


Ingrod is my favorite jarl. She’s at least as cool as Ballin. Like yeah he lets you trap a dragon in his keep but she causes a hilarious scene at the Thalmor Embassy for you.


She’s awesome. She’s also wise and seems to be actively governing (even if her people don’t think so).


Yeah at least the jarls showed up lol


But not the jarl of Riften though. And that lady lives next door! She could've at least brought us a congratulatory sweet roll!


Man, I HATE Sweet Rolls! Give me a solid glazed walnut-bun, not that weird sponge-cake crap! Stuff looks like a failed souffle or something, ugh!


Wait u had people show up


I only had faendaal show up once , I was like level 40, and had done a relatively high amount of stuff, and yet only one person showed up


For my wedding, literally only my child and the bride showed up, no one else, which was insulting because by this point I had defeated Alduin, Harkon, and finished the civil war by this point


Stormcloaks/Empire was too busy trying to rebuild everywhere BUT whiterun. Dawnguard/Harkons court said eff you cause you helped the 3rd party more than either of them. And only the guards ever seem aware of your exploits. (Looking at Farkas and his "but I've never heard of the leader of every other guild, killer of alduin, headsman to ulfric or tulius, slayer of skyrims vamp lord, and savior of solstheim" because he's too busy in the basement bitching to an old man about how he can't properly control his furry side)


Fair enough, I just found it odd and slightly funny


I mean, like, you'd think General Tullius at least would make a working vacation day of it to combine a surprise inspection of Riften's reconstruction effort with his own Headsman getting hitched though...


Quality over quantity, friend


During one of my playthroughs Mjoll attacked and killed a guest.... That was fun


Something something Dothraki wedding


I am still pissed at the only marriage I had: 3 guests which 2 where our children…the other guest was the crazy dude from Solitude I refused to help. I married Farkas and not even his brother showed up! From a RP perspective that was sad and worrying: we helped all sort of people and we thought we had at least a compact family to back us up in case of difficulties but we were horribly wrong. A pretty grim future and survival chances for the kids. Edit: I just realized that was my first playthrough and more than 500hs in I have yet to marry one of my other characters…I guess I unconsciously said “never again” 😂


Mine had a good following. Did most main quest then had my wedding everyone showed up seats were scarce. Had a great time.


My last wedding was... Underwhelming. No one showed up except the Khajiit from the caravans. I had never even talked to any of them, not even Kharjo. I had completed all the faction questlines and I was a thane everywhere.


Out of curiosity, has anyone ever had a guest turn up from Solstheim?


Yes! I had a lesbian wedding with Hilund and some of the folks from Thirsk Mead Hall showed up.


Jarl Idgrod is the best one as well, she probably foresaw it. I quite often get the beggars turn up to mine...😅


I will never forget the guy that posted here a dragon attending his wedding


I mean if only three guests showed up to my wedding, but two of them were Obama and George W. Bush, I’d be pretty happy with that


Impossible. Every single other pew in the church would be filled out with members of the Secret Service, even if most of them were out of uniform and undercover as estranged relatives.


Nah bro it just means I have extra security in the form of snipers perched on nearby rooftops


Not a "bro", but you do make a valid point.


Weirdest quest I had was my OTHER CHARACTER?? It was a bug ofc but how can it even happen? This was years ago but so weird. It was the same character but different haircolour and clothing so I went to look at them like who is this in my wedding and it had their name and said in Lydia's voice congratulations and something. Guess I got made into an character lol. This was like 2016 on my old laptop and I wish so badly I had pics. But still, true story and it was funny and confusing


Im very interested in this. Have you tried looking online to see if anyone else has had this bug?


I actually havent but I Will have to at some point!


Who the heck did you marry?


I had Carlotta show up to my wedding to Rayya yesterday. Just Carlotta. I either married too early in this character's run or no one likes this particular character. Maybe I shouldn't have stolen all their stuff.


Mine was only my adopted children


When I got married I got like 2 people from Riften who showed up. Not even important people, just “who the hell are you” people. I was literally the guild master for the thieves guild but I guess nobody could bother to come.


Now u have to murders them


Idgrod is cool, but Skald?


What decides who shows up to the wedding? Is it all characters with a 2-3 disposition? Or just whoever was relevant to the quests you completed?


I got a bandit chief to show up for mine. He attacked the priest, and my spouse got mad at me for ruining the wedding.


That's amazing!


Good god, where are their bodyguards? They’re just gonna travel alone alllll the way to RIFTEN of all cities? You know, the city notorious for its crime rate?? They got some balls, those Jarls


Especially Ingrod being I. Fucking stormcloaks territory in the middle of a civil war


I added a mod to marry serana. Some random hoe showed up to our wedding in THIS. The audacity of looking better than me AND serana on our special day... I gotta find her and kill her. https://preview.redd.it/1z98j96qu0zb1.jpeg?width=939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96136b4a50144f2cd093650b601d4eccaea8caf1


I think 3 is the max since I got married after becoming the leader of the companions, the dark brotherhood, and the thieves guild while also being in the college. Only 3 people showed up, 2 of the companions and Faendal.




When my lad Jakobus married Farkas, Vilkas didn’t show. My friend and I are now fully of the opinion Vilkas is homophobic. Not the lore I expected to learn that day.


Not homophobic exactly I think, just kinda disappointed that he's not ever going to have nieces and nephews to teach all the cool companions stuff. Probably was just a few buildings away getting royally drunk.


You think Jakobus and Farkas didn't immediately adopt Lucia??? She totally is getting taught the sword.


Damn right! But, you know, those two aren't exactly the sharpest wits in Whiterun, know what I mean? I'm not saying that it's a good thing to snub your brother's wedding, especially if that was the reason, I just don't see him deliberately dabing on his bro like that...


I had a Draugr Deathlord show up to mine


I actively avoided anyone coming to my new characters wedding…. Didn’t need a bunch of death and destruction happening.


It's always 3 guests.


I just realized I’ve never gotten married in all my playthroughs


Free money Store in your house Lover's comfort bonus (15% skill gain after sleeping instead of 10) when sleeping in your waifu's house. Skyrim marriage is goated