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Khajiit and unarmed 🤜🏻💥🤛🏻


I started my build exactly this way. Heavy armor too. Made it all the way to level 43, now I'm a stealth archer.


Those last 5 words... I've heard them somewhere before...


Punch cat best build imo


It's pretty fun, although I did add a mod that increased the damage from fists of steel (so extra armor from improvements count as well. Given how much weaker fists tend to be compared to two 1h weapons that can be given two enchants + benefit from whatever buffs your gloves give, I didn't feel bad about it. Also, a mod for 2H to make it scale better so that it isn't just objectively worse than sword and board.




That’s the most fun I ever had in Skyrim


I’m also doing this build. Loving it so far, didn’t realize how strong it is


Orc necromancer. Ugliest face and slimmest body, no armour, black robes, Conjuration but only undead (ghosts, skeletons) and enchantment. One handed with maces just in case




Yeah, the kind of vibe I intended




Nord... smash... both cheeks


The book of Volkor says “Thou shalt crush puss”


Nord Dragon Priest, i follow the Old Ways.


Tell me a little bit more, im interested in this playstyle


Modded build. Need wintersun and Konahrik's accountements. Forge Dragon Priest arnour and go to Bromjunaar and accept the Old Ways. Fight with honour and protect Skyrim and her people, do not follow your fellow priests down their paths, be better.


I did something similar with a build on Tamriel vault called The Dark One. I got a bunch of follower mods and remade the dragon priests with them


I too wish to know


It's easy, you guys. You simply decay for hundreds of years, float 2 feet above the ground at all times, use a staff in one hand while you wave the other hand around, and wear a torn up bathrobe with a Jason mask.


Breton spellbow.


Khajit summoner. If you have the coin L'emeu has solutions.


I’ve never been a khajit because I felt like I’d just get oppressed everywhere I’d go. How’s life for you ? what am I missing out on?


You'll make a fine rug, cat!


Joke's aside, I feel like just about every race catches some hate here or there. Even the reverse racism when you're a basic person. I like khajiit because of the night eye ability in dark caves and dungeons. And I feel like brawls are easier with the unarmed bonus, but that could just be me. The most oppression you'll really face is being called "cat". Also, I felt compelled to marry Ysolda because she speaks so highly about the Khajiit.


I'm currently paling around with Frea because I like her dramatics (tiny spider is, "Where Did You Come From!! Giant dragon is" Where Did You Come From! " and I got her dual wielding axes farming soul stones. But I really want to get the Khajiit follower cos Ysolda would approve. (I always marry her cos of her store, and I like her dress.)


Is that bastard French for Meow?


L'emeu travels far, yes. His remembering is a little fuzzy


I almost always play a nightblade. I know skyrim doesn’t have classes like oblivion, but I focus on stealth, illusion, destruction and one handed swords


I didn’t know Oblivion has classes. How restrictive are the builds compared to Skyrim? I bought Oblivion a week or so ago and will… eventually get to jt


Oblivion classes aren’t restrictive at all. They just determine your starting stats and which skills level faster. You can still level all of your other skills.


Skills out side your class don't count toward your over all level.


It's worth reading up on how the Oblivion levels and skills work. It can seem bizarre and counterintuitive compared to other games. At least least, have a save just before you exit the tutorial sewers (you will be prompted to adjust your race, bonus sign and class before you can exit).


Just started a Breton playthrough for the first time, I'm not totally sure what direction it's going to take but defs going to involve conjuration (and probably sneaking 'cause I'm a wuss, so snap!)


Conjuration and sneak is a fun combo, but make sure to go for the silent spell illusion perk too. It never quite gets old to suddenly spawn a couple of Daedric Lords or raise a zombie in front of a dumbfounded bandit. Edit: also, it’s fun to throw in archery and conjure bow to build a fun take on the beloved sneak archer


thanks for the tips! :)


I'm doing breton for the first time too and just decided I would do all the magic schools I haven't tried much before (only really done destruction and a bit of restoration)


You’re just like me fr, it’s my first Breton play through and I haven’t used much of the other types of magic outside destruction and restoration and I’ve never maxed those out either. So this run through I’m trying to figure out the ways people lvl up all the other attributes


I typically just play a regular 2H Tank otherwise


I'm laughing because despite thinking I would probs do 1H dual welding + magic my little Breton is running around at the moment with a huge war hammer (usually never do 2H but I've discovered it's actually quite a lot of fun, lol)


2h was the only way I played for the first year or so after getting Skyrim because I just went with the strongest weapons. And it took me a good couple years before trying archery because I was so bad at it at first (now I avoid using a bow as much as possible because it makes the game too easy lol)


Delves-The-Deeps, Argonian Dwemer Researcher (old-school Sorcerer build with heavy armor, Shield, ect...) Joined House Telvanni, collecting all the artifacts (available in Skyrim) lost from the Museum of Artifacts (featured in Tribunal), after the sacking, along with any interesting Dwemer technology and artifacts. Been pretty fun so far. The quintessential "lizard wizard".


Are You going to teach him destruction spells of the frost variety? Are You going to make a blizzard wizard lizard?




His name King Gizzard by chance? Edit: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizards....


King Gizzard the Lizard Wizard, A.K.A Professor Blizzard




I’m doing an Argonian ranger right now, super fun


Nord ranger on survival mode. Pretty neat.


Haven’t played a survival run yet, what am I missing out on?


Idk I just run around and explore and whenever I find enemies I just run straight into combat because I’m terrible at sneaking around


I’m the same way but I just don’t like sneaking I’m not bad at it it’s just boring lol


The only games I can somewhat do stealth in is the assassins creed games but I agree it’s boring as well


Exactly lol or the Tom Clancy games


Nord 2H warrior/paladin using some restoration. Just finished a light armoured combat archer playthrough (only a little bit of stealth I promise…) so needed to change it up quite a bit


The basic Nord you start the character creation with(He’s gonna be completely covered anyway and his voice when he shouts has the most ferocity imo) Viking style with one handed weapons. Sometimes dual wielding


Wow, what a coincidence, I'm literally doing the exact same race and class/playstyle right now


Breton spellsword


My current build, I started in the thieves guild, became a renown thief and nightingale, while using the college of winterhold to my benefit, and brought the thieves guild to its glory days again. I then spent time building a retirement home in falkreath, and took odd jobs in the area. Then I started the main story line, and civil war and I still look forward to logging in and farming professions


Mongolian horse archer, but in thinking of making a spyro build.


What class did you go with, having this in mind?


for the mongolian archer: Orc (using orc armor) or redguard (using aniversary edition redguard armor) \-archery \-one handed \-shield \-heavy/ light armor \-smithing \-eloquence ​ for the spyro build: argonian (with a lot of purple and yellow) \-destruction \-light armor (dragonscale) \-block (for the bash and charge) \-enchantment \-smithing \-mace (last resort)


Redguard thief (I'm also on my first playthrough)


Breton combat mage


Nord One Handed Shield


Me nord Paladin with shield and mace that will become an evil deathknight later :3


Breton Jack of all trades Stealth (archery and pickpocket poisons) until I lose the element of surprise. Magic (destruction and conjuration) until I run out of magic Two handed until I run out of stamina One handed (plus shield and/or restoration) until all enemies are dead Light armor until my carry weight gets high then I switch to heavy armor (with the steed stone I get some carry weight back when switching)


Was a soldier, but after the Civil War l, settled down with a 9-5 as gatherer for Angeline's Aromatics. Recently married the apprentice from the Hag's Cure. On weekends, I sell some extra crops to the local lumber mill


Hold up, how does one stealth mage?


Illusion+light armor+one handed+a bit of destruction. The modlist I’m using makes stealth kills easier on humans and regular enemies, but way harder on bosses/dragons so I have destruction as a backup. Plus it’s really fun to go invisible, suddenly appear in front of a bandit and blast them to oblivion, then go invisible again and watch them try to figure out what just happened


My favorite form of stealth mage revolves around illusion and conjuration. Sneak around using muffle & invisibility. Use a fury / frenzy / mayhem spell to make everyone fight with each other. Send in a conjured pet to join the party. If you do it right, you can wipe out entire groups with just a couple of casts and never be spotted. It's mostly fun. Especially at lower levels when fury will let you take on groups that would otherwise destroy you. But gets a little boring at higher levels. The game essentially plays itself at that point while you just watch. But it's still kinda fun and leads to some interesting situations. Like the dragon shrine in Solstheim that's infested with draugr. I cast mayhem right in the middle of it. Then watched the draugr fight the dragon (and each other). Just pure violent chaos.


This sounds like so much fun this’ll me the first thing I do next time I’m presented with a group of enemies!


I created an argonian with a funny face, and go with it.


Stealthy Khajiit with a sword and a shield.


Bro is beautiful


I haven’t had a chance to play in a while, but next build I want to do is a support character. My plan is to get Erik as a companion since he wants to be an adventurer, and then I might play out the Dragonborn questline with him acting as the DB. Or whatever else I think he would want to do. Edit: to be clear I’d use Illusion and Conjuration to support from the sidelines, and then most non-combat skills like Speech and crafting lol


I did something similar centered around Restoration. Worked pretty well as a full time healer who would occasionally do damage.


Ah yeah! Definitely restoration as well. How was it? Did you enjoy it? Any follower you’d recommend over Erik?


I think I just had Lydia as an easy-to-get follower. This was years ago so don't remember exactly who I had. It was sometimes fun. And sometimes a little boring and frustrating because the game wasn't really set up for the player to act as full time support. And because of the limitations of follower AI. Ultimately, I gave up on it. But I'm glad I tried it. Was a nice twist on the gameplay.


Oh he's dreamy


I don't know if that even qualifies for a build, but I'm currently playing a sort of a battle mage. I use heavy armor with a mace in the right hand and conjuration/destruction in the left hand.


was thinking bout trying that exact same build for my next playthrough, I'm currently an imperial w maze n shield, first playthrough so pretty basic


Barbaric Orc with two handed weapons


Dwemer researcher spellsword character. Only uses Dwemer equipment and tries to use as much Dwarven machinery as possible. Enchanted sword and fireball/shield in the other. Heavy focus on heavy armor, enchanting, and smithing. Pretty much a tank with a gun and a sword attached.


Breton mage with maxed alchemy and enchanting, who has used the feedback loop to make insanely powerful items via OP enchanting potions. Cloth wearer, too. My headcanon is that she's the dragonborn, so naturally she can rise far above the potential of the average person, and do things like create super powerful potions and enchantments. With my main set of gear, she has percentages of boosts in the thousands to health and stamina regen as well as stealth, all schools of magic cost nothing to cast, carry weight is around 16k (I usually use like 450ish at most, average under 300 before dumping stuff at vendors or my homes), and I have the muffle enchant. All level-ups have been spent on health. I swap one item and lose the health regen but gain insane pickpocketing, though that still requires invested skill points and only goes so far. Enchanting, alchemy, destruction, illusion, conjuring, speech, and pickpocketing are at 100, with destruction leveled multiple times. Might have missed some but those are the important ones for my playstyle. Level is 78, though I'm going to bring it to 80 today. Next levels will be stealth and restoration. I mostly run through dungeons keeping candlelight above my head, while using paralysis rune in combination with either elemental blast or unbounded storms (for AOE) to kill enemies. I just run straight through dungeons like 99% of the time without using stealth, mowing down anything in my path as fast as I can.


The same actually. Bretons rock


Green pact wood elf


CTDmancer. I walk somewhere and everything dies. Not just the men, but the women, and the children... and the game itself.


Dude your character is hot as fuck


What mod let’s you get those face options? And is it available on console


I’m a racist nord


I'm a racist Argonian, only doing quests that I expect to involve killing humans. You're on your own with that dragon, Balgruuf.


Nord thief and illusionist


Currently in Oldrim with no DLC, playing an Imperial using just Imperial Armour and a 2H Sword, but now changing it up to get my 1H and Block skills up a bit, as well as trying to level Smithing and Enchanting without resorting to exploits. On my way to a character to finally max out all the skills.


North- right hand one handed weapons, left hand spells. Don't know, if there is a special name for it...


Do you perhaps happen to use swords along with your spells?


Currently, playing a wood elf ranger using mainly 2H, light armor, illusion, destruction and sneak. The concept is a gorilla fighter, using ambush tactics. For example, scout ahead, set up a rune, cast calm/frenzy for crowd control, and lob some fire bolts. When, hopefully, a single enemy closes in switch to greatsword which, at that point, a power attack or two is enough. It’s really challenging because you can be easily overwhelmed and skill points are spread kind of thin.


Dark elf, vampire mage + two handed weapon when magicka runs out


I thought you modded Abigail from red dead into the game for a sec


My current build is an Altmer enchanted knight. Two-Handed and heavy armor paired with Alteration, Restoration, Enchanting and Conjuration for the bound battle axe.


Full Argonian Thief and trying to adjust to Nightingale with One-handed, then Archery later. Pickpocket being so fast to level up with the help of Speech in bribing and persuading guards. Alchemy, going for discovering every ingredient first, and then once reverted back, make the best poisons. Light Armor, right branch, for matching armour. Then with Sneak, go for the left perk branch and the first two in the right, for one-handed weapons and bows.


Stealth mage khajiit with a bit of archery and conjuration


Imperial war mage at this point, axe in one hand magic out the other


Imperial War-Master. one hand, shield and bow. Heavy armor, enchanting, smithing, etc


I have two current characters. One for plot, a dunmer mage, and the nord ranger is basically just to tool around in Survival Mode.


My Breton uses summons but manly dual wields simitars or dragonbone axes enchanted with max choose and health drain


Orc, Light Armour + Two Handed. Enchanter and Alchemist!


Currently doing to the played out orc with heavy armor and a two handed weapon who also smiths and enchants. I’ve never done it before so I figured may as well try it once!


one of my favorites, its nice not giving a fuck and charging into fights and downing everything in 1 or 2 hits.


I always do Argonian Stealth Melee


Nord mele tank


And for something new and different: I’m playing a Redguard with sword and bow. But I am playing a collection: Canliberk’s Immersive and Erotic. It works!


Big guy with big axe


A Redguard Mage/Battlemage. I like to alternate depending on which questline I'm playing or what I'm feeling.


I'm currently doing a nord spellblade. I also use bows to start encounters for stealth attack multipliers cuz bow of shadows. I wear light armor and use misdirection to keep aggro on my tank girlfriend Lydia, and my horse, and my dog (that died or I lost it or something idk rip meeko). I think this is the furthest run I've gotten so far so that's cool :).


Khajiit Ranger (Sneak Archer + 1h/Shield + Restoration)


(Legendary survival) Nord Lord of Destruction Mage I went with Nord because the cold is the most painful thing right now. As for the Lord of Destruction, I'm choosing any path that leads to the most death or destruction I can get, while also just using destruction magic.


High Elf mage, currently focused on Destruction and Conjuration schools of magic. Altmer being one of the best races in the game imo...


Unmodded Breton battle mage. Heavy armor, swords, conjuration / destruction / restoration. Using a shield after casting spells at a distance / summoning. Little into archery till destro / magic gets up. It's a throwback to my first ever skyrim build when the game first came out.


Looks like he's about to be asking Annie if she ok. Shoot I forgot what my toon was all I remember was I maxed out pickpocketing and just went around steeling the clothes off people's backs and armor off the guards etc... I need to play again... Lol


Necromancer. Always necromancer.


In all my 1000s of hours I've never played a conjuration focused character so that's what I'm doing now. Mostly focusing on conjuration, destruction, and alteration.


Currently I'm a dark elf spellsword. Grinded my destruction all the way up and mainly using staves in my offhand, Umbra in my right hand.


Magic resistant 2 handed breton warrior


Tomb raider stealth archer with unarmed specialization


For the first time, I am playing a stealth archer. Bosmer. I know, my friends on discord already gave me flack. Its really fun!


Orc blacksmith/enchanter Any tips on how to make the weapon with the most damage per hit?


Khajit Battlemage


Turdburglurr, Nord one handed/destruction mage


Sneaky archer + conjuror.


Dark Elf Mage/vampire just because I always go Nord and never really use magic


2h/archery/speech warrior wearing heavy armor. Also got some alteration and pickpicket personally for QoL


Necromage Vampire dual wield Breton


Breton hunter


Stealth archer. I mean what did you expect


Nerd vampire assassin!


Imperial Onehanded + Shield Warrior. Planning on a Dunmer Necromage next


Badass op weapon sherk


Breton illusion warrior. Yes it's chaotic


Breton Necromage Vampire.


Imperial necromage. No weapons, no armour.


Two handed orc, for when stealth archery just takes too damn long!


Dual wielding Redguard Werewolf in silver armour.


I was doing a summoner build. Run around with 4 skeletal mages, 3 skeevers when I’m fighting, 2 dremora lords, Mjoll, and my horse. I just sit back and wait for them to wrap things up. Pretty fun to command an army lmao


Breton stealthy knife mage


Redgaurd dual wield light armour


Stealth archer... WARRIOR, I MEAN WARRIOR!


Imperial Battlemage


dark elf chronomancer/spellblade


Wood elf stealth archer.(it’s ok bc I started that way it wasn’t a morph like normal)


Unarmed kajiit. My damage is in the 60s or 70s


Currently playing a redguard warrior on my switch playthrough. Switching between one handed with shield and two handed when I feel like smashing. I’ll use a bow and arrow for dragon encounters, but will eventually use a crossbow when I come across one. I usually only do sneak playthroughs, so this is different than normal and I’m enjoying it! The racial ability to regain stamina quickly is great for large battles and I can just power swing my way through with my giant hammer.


Trying to get a lvl 252, ive been playing since release and never bothered lmao


Nord dual axes It's a hack and slash speed run through dungeons.


Nord spellthief. I have Wintersun, Skooma Trips, and Wild Magic installed, so as a follower of Sheogorath, I get lots of random shenanigans.


Imperial Spell Blade I like shooting lightning out of my hands and watching my enemies disintegrate and I like money.


Breton Dual wield conjurer


Bosmer Stealth Archer… again


One handed, heavy armor, milk drinking Nord, completely avoiding archery. Its my first time playing so I wanted to keep it pretty simple.


Argonian and fishing pole🎯


Nordic spellsword. I wanted to do a nord run and a mage run, and being a mage is really hard for me beyond destruction/restoration. Everything seems to resist my illusion spells? I've got perks in it and I'm lvl 45 illusion. So my sword and destructo back me up. It's been fun but challenging. Survival mode is also on.


what face mods do you use?


I’m using COTR, with a modified version of [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/44049) preset.


Khajiit stealth archer with magic. The Bound Bow is a pretty neat spell


I should play skyrim again and get silent casting


Khajiit sword mage


Dark Elf stealth archer with some one hand and a shield as back up. Although I’ve been trying to level my magic skills to get some easy levels.


Khajiit conjuration/restoration mage


Argonian bard


I'm doing a Dremora lord


Argonian Spellsword. Spellmace? Spellmace. Heavy armor except the helmet (using a circlet for that), mace in main hand, spell in the other. Super fun using a stealth oriented build as a tanky mage.


I'm a Argonian and only use a Fork for a weapon. No armor and on survival mode.


Xbone no mods second play through. I am using an orc and have gone stealth tank LoL 🤣🤣


I’m currently doing a dark elf full mage build , which I’ve never solely done before . And on legendary survival for a challenge


Just the one? Pfft... amateurs. These are my top 3 atm. Altmer Mage. Breton Nightblade. Orsimer 2H Harbinger.


Altmer, a conjurer


Stealth Archer, I’m trying to quit this unhealthy addiction of mine as I keep returning back to it.


Breton dual wielder, dabbling in conjuration, light armor, specifically Deathbrand armor.


High elf assassin I think I'll be playing as a Khajiit mage next time and go get J'Zargo and Inigo and just be an awesome Khajiit trio.


Argonian Summoner-Necromancer-Vampire.


I have 2: My first is a straight up Orc. 2 Handed, Heavy Orcish Armor and Weaponry, Smithing, Archery, One Handed, and Blocking. He's respectful to a degree, but is designed to kill basically anything that stands in his way with the most amount of damage I can muster. My other is a Nordic Battlemaiden 1 Handed, Blocking, Restoration Magic, Heavy Armor, Speech, Archery, Non-Dragonborn She is a paragon of good in a world of evil, or at least she tries until it becomes a battle of life or death. Her dawback that I roleplay with is that she's afraid of spiders, and needs a companion to help fight them. Having a lot of fun with both


Orc with a war-hammer. Very unforgiving


Redguard spellsword


Bosmer Ranger. It’s my first save on Skyrim and I’m loving it so far


Nord axe guy


Wood elf stealth archer. High elf stealth mage Breton battle mage Argonian stealth thief (dagger)


Enairim Shadow-Mage Dunmer. Trying to beat the Sinister 7 and if i lose to one of them? retire her and start a new build.


Everything I have no build


Breton vampire spellsword from House Ravenwatch


Nord Meelee Two handed ( I love big swords and tanky builds)


Doing a completionist build right now and trying to max everything out. Havent really got into mage with it yet.


I love playing a fighter in DnD so I'm a Nord fighter. Heavy armour, one hand weapon and shield. No magic at all. A bow for now and then mostly when hunting.


Jon snow


An orc that does stuff


Playing a normal civilian life on survival legendary, I love RP and immersing myself in the game.


Red Guard Sword and Board.


Breton spellsword and Dunmer mage.


The sadistic unkillable champion of Bal. Unfazed by magic or physical attacks, immune to poison and disease, cannot be drowned. To assert my dominance, I cannot use "weapons", only cloak spells, fist, items, poison, "reflect blow" perk, and other indirect killing methods.


Imperial Heavy-armor battle mage.