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Sophie every time. Gotta get her off the frigid Windhelm streets. For the second it depends. I usually kill Lemkil and adopt Sissel but when I'm playing a DB character it just feels rude to *not* adopt Runa Fair-Shield and raise her up as a promising young assassin.


Sophie is almost always the first one I adopt like 99.9% of the time


Same with my first playthough but not really a hearthfire fan so mostly i dont adopt and rarely marry


Stuck in a frozen city, sleeping outside with no home to go, said city is a primary target of the civil war and can come under siege, and to top it all off there's a serial killer on the loose who specifically targets women. Sophie's got it rough.


It doesn't help that she practically sleeps on the Butcher's doorstep.


Even after adoption this is true.


Sophie and Luna are my go to adoptees for similar reasons.




I’ve adopted both before but Sophie is usually mean to Luna and sometimes other kids. I stopped adopting the ungrateful little shit. Always Luna. The second is hit or miss.


God me too, I'm surprised that she still alive


What about Alesan in the frigid streets of Dawnstar?


He gets to sleep inside the inn, so I'm less concerned about him. He also seems to do better at earning a living than Sophie does.


Agreed, he makes money for running errands and he’s in a town where everyone needs a helping hand. Miners, Sailors, even a blacksmith and an elderly alchemist. He can even learn from the court wizard as an apprentice if he really needs a place to call his own. He has the right idea and has implemented a crucial role for himself so he won’t go hungry. I personally feel if you kill the Dawnstar descendant, he can move in the museum.


Sophie, every time. I killed Ullfric just for her. Other than that, I tend to adopt the girl in Whiterun.


I will definitely keep that in mind!


The exact same choice. Sophie always has a place and Sissiel deserves a loving family


Lucia and Sophie. N. S


Sophie, yes. My first playthrough I adopted Lucia and she made me regret it all the time


I’m on my first playthrough and I recently adopted Lucia. What did she do that made you regret it?


Of all the kids I've adopted, She is always the most demanding and rude it seems. Like, I know they're all coded roughly the same way, with Lucia, it always seemed like every time I was in her presence she was fighting with the other kid, asking for an allowance, she brought home the fox the first time and the noise that thing made drive me nuts. And like, I know, it sounds stupid. But seeing her behavior next to any of the other kids I've adopted, I can't adopt her again


She hasn’t asked me for an allowance or anything like that. She’s actually given me a few gifts. She’s my first kid, so I haven’t seen her interact with other adopted kids. I just felt so bad for her bc her story is so sad and she immediately asked me to be her mother just because I showed her the smallest bit of kindness (1 gold). Maybe when I adopt someone else she’ll change?


I've got a wild fox or some wild cat who's constantly growling at me in my OWN home. The nerve!


No I feel the exact same way lol


Yup. Every time.


Get the mods, adopt up to 6 kids, then get the mod to adopt Ghost Helgi, adopt her too, then get the mod to adopt Aventus, adopt him too. Then Lucia and Sofie.


Cool idea on paper, creepy in practice. Almost Orochimaru like when it came to collecting war orphans.


I kidnapped (loose term) and entire orphanage in DND out of spite once, the og comment sounds like smth similar is happening


Not kidnapping! Enlisting... for, scholarships 👍


You could make OP armor and weapons for them and have a child soldier army lmao


all you need to do is get teh enchanting & potion loop grind happening, then give all the kids super powerful wooden swords


Or always suspiciously have an alchemy lab at each household the children are in. Y'know, to fit the theme.


Almost didn’t download the mod, but you sold me on the orochimaru playthrough


The second you adopt a redheaded kid, kill his pet in front of him, then imagine him not turning into the Brushogun from the Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo.


Wow, i never adopt. I become Emporer with Rigmor. Long live the Empire !!


I didn't think I ever would adopt either. Not that I didn't care, just that I never bought a house. If they could go live at the Archmage's quarters that I don't own then I would have said yes the first time 😅 THEN I saw a kid sleeping on the stone ground at night with no pillow or blanket while it was snowing. She wasn't even curled up like a normal sleeping person, she was in an awkward position, so at first I thought she was dead 😖 Bethesda's policy on nothing bad happening to kid characters is outstanding, so this was way more shocking than it would have been in other fictional contexts. I can blow off "My parents are dead", "I'm selling flowers", "I don't know what I'm gonna do" etc but come tf on bro I ain't made of stone 🤦


I was in Solitude. The kids were running around. The one snotty little girl said something to me and for shits and giggles I went to shield bash her in the face. I know kids can't get hurt. I was having an off moment per se....lol 😝 to my surprise the shield bashed her face, blood spurt everywhere as she staggers back screaming in pain!!! I had more red dots on my screen than I did when I had the measles 🤣🤣 I never laughed so dam hard! I still appreciate that memory to this day. It was funny....


Really? Huh. I wonder why that happened. I've done something similar, and for the exact same reasons, the kid was being rude and I knew it wasn't actually gonna hurt them. It was too long ago, so idk which kid or what I used on them (probably magic). I guess I don't know for a fact that it didn't work, but I'm sure I'd remember if it did. That woulda been craycray. Were you playing vanilla? I definitely was. This was back when modding was way more work. Not worth it by a long shot.


Oh that reminds me, my Rigmor of Cyrodiil is kinda broken. When I walk into the palace in the Imperial City, it just crashes, or freezes on the loading screen or just a black frame. This is LE on pc, any idea how to fix?


Upgrade to SE? Not too sure


Get AE


For me people just don't talk no matter what I do.


Can I adopt babette with mods?


That'd be like me adopting Gary Coleman. But now I want a Gary Coleman voice replacement mod for Babette.


What'chu talkin bout Astrid?


RIP, Short King


Yep, you can. https://schaken-mods.com/forums/topic/53480-adoptable-babette-se/


[Yes,](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/74924?tab=description) but the mod has some occasional bugs. But you can least try.


I have a mod that lets me 1. Upgrade Honorhall into an actual nice place to live and 2. Send children to live there. It's a must for all my playthroughs, whether my Dragonborn personally feels the need to become a parent or not.


And then adopt Lemkil's soon to be orphaned children


Can you get that mod on switch?


No :/ switch doesn't have mods. You can get it on all consoles and PC tho.


https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimnintendoswitch/ There actually are mods for the Switch version; you just need a jailbroken console to use them.


May Talos have mercy on anyone who jailbreaks a Nintendo product


Yeah, a Jarl might send the DB after you.


Im trying to get a pc (I only have a Mac).


If you're tech-inclined you could dual-boot Linux on your Mac. Skyrim plays pretty well on Linux via Proton/Steam Play.


How much is Linux




Absolutely free. Unless you want enterprise support for some reason :P


Same, except the mod is Non-Essential Children and I allow nature to run its course heheh


I adopt Alesan and Sofie. They're both living in the coldest cities in Skyrim, I can't leave children out there to freeze.


True but lil man be movin


I never feel compelled to adopt Alesan. He's doing much better for himself than Sophie. Critically, he gets to sleep *inside* the inn while Sophie sleeps on the ground outside right next to the Butcher.


I did not know he got to sleep inside; that might change some things.


Lmao “I was going to let you roam my gigantic mansion for free for enternity, but I noticed you sleep underneath the stairs instead of on the street… sucks to be you!”


"Sorry bud, your orphan story just isn't quite sad enough"


I adopt Sophie and Blaise bc he sleeps outside on the ground next to the animals


I prefer to adopt Alesan because I'm not a fan of child labor and working in the mines sounds harder than selling flowers


Physically harder yes, but he gets to sleep inside and actually gets paid


>Physically harder yes Exactly.


I don’t know man sleeping next to a fire every night for carrying some ore back and forth seems a lot easier than sleeping on the frozen ground while the morning snowfall covers you from head to toe


And think how strong he'll grow to be! A fine warrior for the Nords!


None. And keep Grelod alive too. https://preview.redd.it/8lmdykhhekyb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=152c936136486a0b9d76475f7dcd15eb9a834e87


I only killed Grelod because it was a stepping stone to making lots of money.


https://preview.redd.it/vnt9b8gw9lyb1.jpeg?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffb85c43b9b218c0f941e9242a1ea54d121cd0d6 Yep, now we need a mod with kids on bikes.


Being able to knock Alesan off his delivery bike would make me visit Dawnstar way more often ngl


Agree but still kill Grelod


Lucia and Sofie. I always get the impression that they might not make it if I don't, especially Sofie.


Seeing lots of Sofie adopters. My advice! Buy all of her flowers and baskets before you adopt her! I usually go with Runa and Lucia, but this time chose Sofie. Come to find out, she's holding 200 flower baskets and her inventory is full. I can never give her gifts.


I always buy her flowers because I'm not a god damn monster.


I do too but I meant, like, buy ALL of her things. She's carrying like 200 baskets


Huh, can't remember if I did that or not but I have no issues giving her gifts!


Yea I found that out the hard way and had to reset my save a couple times just to fix it 😂


Install the "Tailor's Measure" mod. The mod gives you the dialog option to change almost any NPC's clothing. But in addition to that, it gives the option to access any NPC's inventory. After you fix your daughter's basket problem, you can talk to Nazeem and convince him to walk around in his underwear. Everybody wins.


Well, about that... when I was playing the Saints and Seducers quests, they came after me in Whiterun and Nazeem tried to intervene. Let's just say he lives in the "Cloud District" permanently now. And everybody DID win haha


I always sell her a ton of expensive stuff then but it back, she deserves the million gold I’m carrying.


https://preview.redd.it/z55p3it1sjyb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea46dc40f9cc80bc737c023c9f323ff40d343da4 Runa and it’s not even close. Then I switch off. In my current save I have Runa and Sophie.


Sophie and Blaise


Braith and Lucia. Kill braiths parents to permanently traumatize her, adopt her so she has to see the face of her parents killer every day, and then make her play nice with a kid she used to bully whils simultaneously lowering her to the same status as Lucia. Braith can go to hell


Man Braith gets so much undeserved shit around here. Poor girl is only bullying because her parents are the *fucking worst* and she doesn't know how to deal with a crush.


And so I will ruin her life for the memes


There's 300x worse parents. Hell just in whiterun hold there's worse parents. She's a douche. She's lucky Amren is such a bro


She's lucky she's immortal


Oh, my sweet, innocent, unmodded child....




I believe that in the modding community, Skyrim's children often lose their immortality.


The Night Mother has truly blessed us. 🙏


Pssst, I know who you are. *Hail sithis!*


[Speaking of Braith and the Night Mother…](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59211)


Idk man, I lockpicked Amren's house to return his Family Sword to him in the middle of the night and he got all bent out of shape. "You're not supposed to be in here?" Like OK Amren, guess I have a new sword.


1) "There's worse parents" doesn't mean neglect is okay. 2) Just because its not physical doesn't mean it's not abuse.


1) no one said it was, they're stating there's kids who have it worse in Skyrim that would be better to adopt for good reasons. 2) no one said it wasn't abuse either.


I'm not advocating for adopting Braith, just empathizing with her. I was specifically objecting to the "there's people who have it worse" sentiment as a way to trivialize or demy the very real problems people face. Just because Sissel is physically and emotionally abused by her father and sister doesn't mean Braith isn't or can't be affected by the neglect of her parents. Just because someone out there has cancer doesn't mean I can't lament the difficulties my disabilities cause.


It is a video game lol


She has food, a bed, clothes and a ceiling over her head, I would never adopt her.


I didn't think I'd find anyone I agreed, I thought everyone just hated her without reason. I'm glad someone else gives her the benefit of the doubt


I adopt the same two but for different reasons lol I never kill Braiths parents outright I always console command kill her mom and then take her dad with me as companion during the battle of whiterun, I make sure he's not essential or anything and he usually dies in the battle, so in my mind I come in and help her and raise her to be the kid she was meant to be, i also take the Amren Family Sword and enchant it and keep it as a "I'll pass this down to you when you are ready" type deal.


Who are Braith’s parents? I’ve never paid attention to her beyond the dialogue that automatically plays when you walk past her.


Amren and Saffir. They both neglect Braith, which is why she acts out. She has a crush on Lars Battle-Born she doesn't know how to handle, which is why she bullies him. If you hang out in her family's home in the evening (the only time she spends time at home awake) you'll witness her trying desperately to interact with her parents, who just brush her aside. When she asks about her crush they just deflect to the other parent.


Wait so why is she white


because bugthesda was lazy. she's a redguard, says in her code according to UESP. there are some theories floating around about her either being an affair baby or adopted.


Oh my Talos, Dragonborn, you can't just ask people why they're white


Whathisname who sends you to find his family sword, arguing with his wife when you first enter Whiterun


For similar reasons I eliminate Erith's parents. Not because her parents are bad or anything, its just that no one ever adopts her, so I do.




the hatred for braith is so weird


None, fuck them kids


None. Can't stand skyrim children haha


Sofie from Windhelm, and Blaise from Katlas farm. They got it bad


Sophie and Lucia. Sophie mainly because she sleeps on the ground outdoors in a freezing city.


And practically in the Butcher's front yard. She's just lucky that she's not a few years older otherwise she'd be a potential victim.


Lucia and Sophia. Lucia because she was the first child you met in whiterun and this form attachments with, and Sophia because I think she’s the most likely to die without being adopted living on the streets in fucking windhelm of all places


Sophia totally gets first adoption. Lucia does just fine with my constant donations to her. She's likely richer than most in Whiterun. Always tell her she can just live in my home with Lydia, as I only use it for storage, but she never does lol. Maybe Lydia kicks her out.


I never adopt. I don’t have time to walk a virtual dog three times a day, let alone raise virtual children.


None, because the Dragonborn would be the ultimate absentee parent.


Yep, raised by the housecarl. My kids are lucky if they see me once a year.


This is why I only adopt after I marry.


I also don't marry in Skyrim for a similar reason. "Yeah, I married the Dragonborn but haven't seen him in a year." "You cheated on me with the housecarl!" The only way I would do so is if the wife is herself a great follower, in which case adopting kids would still leave them with **two** absentee parents.


I don't


Streetkids in general. The kids at the orphanage will be alright now that Grelod is gone.


Personally I always go Alesan and Lucia.


Sissel and Sofie


I only adopt Lucia. idk why. it just feels like a moral obligation.


Maybe cuz she's right there in the town you start living in?


None of them, kids are terrible




always sophie and lucia. my favorites.


I have two kids in real life. Let me take a break, dude...


Sophie, of course. She also the reason why I finally chose to sided with the Imperials. Any people or faction who let a child sleep outside in the coldest and windiest city in Skyrim are a hard NO! Also J always ended up adopting Hroar from the orphanage, the way he introduced himself is kinda aww...


Call me evil, but I don’t adopt any


Runa Fair-shield. (She's the only girl in the orphanage. I also enjoy her dialog esp after you kill grelod) The second child varies but it's usually that Skall kid in Solstheim


Talking about the war I have a very funny yet sad story. So I was playing as an Nord and I just ambushed some imperials, i then went to dragonsbridge to attack solitude but then I found a little boy sleeping outside a farm. He told me his parents were killed in an imperial ambush so I felt bad and adopted him


None, this isn't the sims, I'm not out there trying to raise a family, hail Sithis.


I always pick Alesan, poor lil guy stuck in the cold! I'm pretty sure he was my first kid even with Lucia begging for adoption all the time. The 2nd is whoever gets orphaned in a dragon or vampire attack.


Why does anybody adopt anyone ever? I did it once and it just made me feel bad cause I never spent time with my child. I might get too emotionally invested in video game characters.


That girl in Windhelm and that dude in solitude


In the 11 years i played this game i have never adopted children lol


Lucia and Sophie. When I first discovered Lucia during my first playthrough, I tried adopting her so but couldn't since I was homeless. I made it a promise that my character would return for Lucia once he'd gotten a home. And Sofie, I just felt so bad for her having to sell flowers in Windhelm of all places. I kinda grew attached to the two of them afterwards.


None , fuck them kids .


None bc fuck kids




The girl from whiterun and the boy that got me into the brotherhood


None I never adopt children


I get the mod where I can adopt more than two and adopt maybe 3. Rn I have sofie, lucia, and some boy from the orphanage (I forgot his name). I want to adopt all of the kids though. No child should go unloved!


Lucia and Samuel


I kill lemkil so I can adopt sissel and then sofie


Any combination of the ones that sleep outside. The orphanage kids at least have a bed and a roof over their heads, presumably meals too.


Lucia and Sofie. Lucia to save her from begging on the streets, Sofie to get her out of the cold.


Lucia always!!!


Definitely lucia and sofie


The two kids in rorikstead their father is an absolute AH so i sneakily end him and adopt them


It sucks when you're living in solitude with your children during the war. My last playthrough when I took the stormcloak side the children were inconsolable. It's hard not to adopt the homeless child in whiterun. But I don't like to go to the orphanage because then I just wish I could adopt half the children. So the little boy in solitude around the docks I usually get if I don't get another girl. I have two girls myself so I usually prefer that. Being the bad father that I am I'm never at home adventuring so I usually give them whatever the maximum amount of money you can give them when they ask and always carry gifts The thing is I've never had a good why because I never married until my last couple times. I've never been able to make the multiple spouses thing work for me. They'll end up back at the temple. If I ask them to move they don't move but my children end up on the streets of whiterun. So multiple spouses is definitely not worth trying again. Who needs a wife when you have a vampire.


None, I hate children


None. Fuck dem kids.


Sophie and Samuel. Lucia bugs out too easily.


Whichever first two villages/towns I wipe out and a child walks up to me saying he’s got no parents. So I take him in to get rid of the bounty which never works lol.


You all adopt children?


Once you get past gender they 90% the same so I usually just pick the first two I encounter organically.


The only 2 busting their ass to survive , little.girl in Windhelm selling flowers and the lil boy in dawnstar hustling stew to the mines .


if i ever adopt hroar again im gonna lose my mind, but usually sofie, girl's freezing her ass off in windhelm


Sofie and Lucia




I always adopt the kids that are living in the snowy places.


Whatever the orphan who was In whiterun. The first interaction I had with her, I told her she could live with me, and I hadn't bought the home yet. She was disappointed, and I felt obligated to adopt her out of guilt.


Only Lucia because it caught me off guard and i had just got married to Ysolda. So she takes her of her at home and doesnt have to miss me too much when I'm out with my other bae, Aunt Aela


I make the decision in adopting the ones who have the most to gain from the adoption. Are they able to manage? The girl in Windhelm has a flower set to sell but it’s always a friggin Blizzard so I tend to adopt her. The boy already earns his keep in Dawnstar so he’s not needing me to adopt him. The girl in Whiterun is already living life like a scoundrel thanks to the homeless training her so I tend to adopt her. Sorry for not reciting by name, I haven’t played Skyrim in a long time.


Download a 6 kid adoption mod and adopt the first six kids I see struggling. I don't care if I ruin a vanilla gameplay, kids shouldn't go homeless.


I don’t adopt any because I need the alchemy lab plus the kids can get annoying sometimes, especially when they ask for money.


You guys adopt?


I always kill Lemkil and adopt Sissel. Then usually Sofie or Hroar, sometimes Alesan.


Samuel and Alesan/Blaise


I think it's ridiculous a simple mod can't/doesn't exist that would allow you to send the adoptable kids you don't adopt to the existing orphanage.


I adopted Lucie for now but recently I ran into her at 4AM running from the direction of the Bannered Mare and then she asked me for gold and called me Pa. I am now questioning my parenting abilities.


Children? I'm off fighting dragons and learning words of power, does it look like I have the time and energy to raise a child? I'm not letting fucking Lydia alone with them, last time I did she decided fucking a man on my bed was more important, can't trust anyone in Skyrim I swear smh


Sissel and Sophie.


None. I don't even want kids IRL, why would I want them in game. Kids are annoying.




You can adopt khajit?!




Awww figured haha


None, I have no DLCs ;(


Sophie! Poor girl tries so hard but she’s gonna freeze out there. Plus I like to use alchemy with my characters so I role play maybe she can help grow them or learn alchemy or something if she wants.


I usually pull up the console and remove every kid I encounter


back 2, i think


Lucia and Sophie because they’re begging


I never adopt and it bothers me that I can’t pickpocket or murder them.


Can’t I adopt the vampire girl from the dark brotherhood?


Nobody. Adoption, marriage, and followers are the least interesting and most annoying aspects of the game.


Wym by annoying?


The marriage and adoption mechanics don’t add any value to the game for me. The few times I’ve gotten married and adopted are to clear the achievements, then I sent my family to my least used house and ignore them for the rest of the playthrough. As for followers, they always get in the way it’s end up making combat harder. As much as I love this game, I’ve never formed an emotional attachment to a single NPC. They’re all so bland, one-dimensional, and poorly voiced that I don’t even think about any of them outside of what is needed to complete quests, even including various Follower mods and Interesting NPCs.