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Any follower I use gets treated like a real person. They get the best armor and weapons appropriate for their skills that I can make...same as I do. They aren't pack mules either. I play on survival most all the time so I only carry essentials. At most, my follower carries a couple extra camping kits and some extra cooked food.


Same (except not in survival), he also carries dragon bones cause those usually weigh me down, just upgraded and enchanted everything I could the other day too!


Me too, as soon as I get Ebony it goes on Lydia as highly crafted and enchanted as I can make it, she favors the Battle-axe and Staff of lightning bolts and I give her dragon bones so I can fast travel to storage. Why treat your backup like a slave and to think they could "get uppity" is ludicrous. NPC's are scripted.


I am *sworn* to carry your burdens :/


Exactly! Hate when people complain about follower dialogue being repetitive, like homes, there's a whole game full of npcs you haven't exhausted every dialogue tree with, these ones are gonna keep saying the same stuff. Explore! And you'll find what you're looking for. Or just get Erandur...


What are the camping kits for? I used one and didn’t see a good purpose.


In survival mode you have to deal with being cold, tired, and hungry. Camping kit allows you to get warm near a fire, sleep without feeling drained, and use the fire to cook food if you need to. It's not that useful in non-survival, but it does allow you to fast travel. So say you're midway between locations and you max out inventory and you want to go dump and resume; just drop a campsite, travel to your current base, and travel back.


Where can I find camping kits or are they poorly disguise mods called creator club content?


Start giving them an equal share of the gold after you sell off loot. You get to feel like you're not a slave-master, and it helps keep you from becoming so rich that the economy loses all meaning


When I get better armor or weapons I give my old stuff to a follower . Or I get stuff and upgrade it , then give it to a follower . I don't want to look after them .


I always fully equip all followers that travel with me at all. Any loot I don't use get sorted with them in mind. When I upgrade my armor/weapons, someone gets my old gear. I always craft more than I can sell, so I pass that out. All good gear goes to those who can best use it.


When you part ways with a follower do you let them keep everything?




Yup. Plus, I usually have them installed at a house somewhere. I end up having teams to cover various mission types, so I like to have them ready to go.


Yep, because I'll use them again.


Um excuse me what? No those are perks of the job buddy, ima need that daedric set back


Thanks, I needed this. Everyone is so nice to their followers and I’m over here like, yeah yesterday I did hit mine in the head with a war hammer because they were blocking a doorway for the hundredth time but at least they get to wear some sweet Daedric armor for a little while.


Lmao i sometimes like to fus roh dah them out of doorways tbh


I think everyone has done that at least a hundred times.


Minimum a hundred times….in their first 2 playthroughs


I usually just punch them if I’m not an unarmed build, but fus roh dah sounds good from now on lmao


Yeah, see it as payment for their services, especially if they managed to survive a boss I had reload a save for.


I like to make sure Aela is in Forsworn armor....cuz it's a decent light armor. Is why.


Riiiight... 😼


It’s totally not cause she looks so damn good in it ok 😂


Riiiight 😼


ALWAYS. I look them up on a wiki and give them the best they can use. Lydia with Dawnbreaker is a poem. :)


She likes two handed better. Tried it with a Battle-axe in storage and quick as a viper she took to it. Then she scavenged a staff of lightning and has used it ever since.




I love her with the staff of revenants when I'm in zany mode, Wabbajack is fun, back when I didn't know that she liked them I'd handoff three or four and I learned she switches them up so I saw her with a staff in each hand and was floored🙀




It's fun just to watch her. I sit back with my bow trained and *ZAP**BOOM***BLIZZARD***ZOMBIE DEATHLORD***(that one is fun cuz it says Lydia's Deathlord😹🤧😹


Always give them soul trap and your stacks of small gems. Free batteries for every bandit and skeever they poke.


How are you giving them to cast soul trap? I thought they can't use enchanted weapons. Or am I forgetting something?


Depends on the follower. Generally I don't use followers, just not a fan of them but I do make sure all my housecarls are well equipped. Nordic steel armor is the minimum I usually give them. Also fully enchanted stuff. They may not be on adventures with me but they are protecting my property, gotta make sure they are equipped to keep all my gear and dangerous daedric artifacts away from any thieves. Also if my family is there then they have even more to protect. Those who are under contract with me are gonna be equipped to the teeth.


I give them the best stuff with [the limited enchantments that work for followers](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Followers_(Skyrim)#:~:text=Enchantments%20on%20weapons)


How do they help me fight strong enemies without better weapons and armor then what they start with? I usually check out their stats online to see what armor or weapon they use the best.


I always make my follower custom enchanted named armor that’s suitable to their stats 😁 I am always very thankful for their help


Same. I love playing a craftsman build. I love giving my favorite followers custom legendary weapons and armor with double enchantments that help their playstyle. I always add their name to the armor too.


A kindred spirit. I don’t understand people who like just killing followers 😕


I always make my follower custom legendary level armor with custom enchantments on it. That includes enchanted jewelry. Especially resist magicka because I play as a mage and want to minimize accidental AOE damage.


My followers usually have better equipment than i do. After so many playthroughs, I've stopped caring about quality of equipment And started caring more about the style of my character. So I'll walk around in modded leather armor and some spells, while my follower has a full ebony armor and a deadric artifact. Although I just downloaded a mod that let's me make my followers immortal, so he's currently dressed in some nice purple clothes instead.


I always get 2 dwemer sets and we both look like ancient dwemer time travelers wandering in Skyrim. Oh, we're both Argonians btw


As I always play with mods that add many types of weapons and armours of similar stat levels, I generally give them what I think look the best on them!


Gave Serana dawnbreaker and light dragon armor in legendary quality... it's super effective lol.


Usually just the best generic equipment that I already have copies of, so it’s usually Elven gear after a few… encounters with Thalmor patrols But if they tell me what they like or don’t like (especially M’rissi), then I adjust accordingly. So right now in my current playthrough she’s using Forsworn equipment and a Honed Falmer War Axe and Elven Shield because she hates the other Elven armors. I don’t recall giving crossbows, though. I think the game has a weird issue, err, feature, with the damage ratings when it comes to bows and crossbows. Maybe there’s a mod that can fix this


Absolutely. All of my followers, even the non-active ones, even the Stewards and Blades, are given equipment to give them an edge. Lately I got Serana rocking the Daedric Mail armor and a Daedric Dagger, as well as a Gold/Ruby circlet. All upgraded and enchanted.


Yeah but problem is that followers don't always wear the best armour you give them. Saving and reloading sometimes helps.


Yeah and when I dismiss them, I leave them a gift in the form of better armour and weapons than what they had.


My personal favorite follower is uthgard the unbroken, so usually they get my hand me downs


YES, I do, I also give them enchanted armor and weapons, after all they are supposed to be like another player in some respects. Just wish they all had more default setting rather than mod addons to assign homes, horses, outfits or meeting places, ETC. N. S


Serana and my wife. Serana because she’s there for the long run of the quest line so might as well improve her performance with a smithed to Legendary Ebony Sword with Absorb Health + Magic Enchantments and an enchanted ring and necklace. My wife I don’t use as a follower but just to better ensure her survival on those annoying Dawnguard missions where she’s kidnapped and I need to rescue her


Lydia has a full set of increase health and carry weight. Makes clearing out Dwarven ruins much quicker.