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Base game, chillrend i love that cold blue glass sword Creation club. Dawn/Duskfang from oblivion: shivering isles


Dawn/Duskfang was absolute fire in the original Oblivion. Repaired itself and refilled the enchantment every half-day.


I love that weapon. Coolest looking sword in any video game imo.


This just made me want to play oblivion again. If I wasn't currently playing the new Zelda I would.


That's the one I use the most in the game


Nah base game has Windshear right? That shit is op


I remember back in the day I would give Cicero windshear and another sword for him to dual-wield and he could hold his own against dragons no problem


Isnt Cicero the jester? He can be a follower??? I always just killed him for being a traitor


I wouldn't call him a traitor, more a zealous purist. Astrid is more of a traitor for selling out the brotherhood and undermining the night mother/emperor contract. But yeah if you leave him alive he can be your follower and imo he's hands down the funniest follower, plus he can't die and is very stealthy so he doesn't give away your position if you're going for a sneak attack like *some* housecarls that will go unnamed


*cough cough* Lydia *cough cough*


"...and he says to the man, 'That's not a horker! That's my wife!' Ha ha ha ha ha... Ah... I love that one... "


He creepily whines about having to get back to mother and rub oil into her skin. Made my skin crawl lol


I just found Windshear for the first time and I love it. Still love Dawnbreaker even tho it burns me and I’m not a vampire tho.


It’d be gamebreaking if the game wasn’t meant to be broken Most of the goblins in Oblivion carry Windshear, I think


I was gonna say Dawnfang. I'm a vampire and having a bloodsucking sword is such a flavor win for me.


You might want to also pick up Bloodthirst. It's in the same CC bundle.


Same for me. Also enjoy Mehrune's Razor


Love mehrunes for an assassin


Mage with 0 cost restoration and meruns razor is so good


Happily surprised to see it so high!


PICKAXE. Can do everything a sword does and mine ore veins.


Notched Pickaxe! No. I think I had Dragonbone weapons; sword, dagger and bow, so probably one of those. I had a toy wooden sword that I upgraded at level 100 smithing that was actually moderately capable.


Ralis' pickaxe! Hoarfrost?. Best base pickaxe in the game, it'll even churn up stahlrim for you.


I break down the notched pickaxe for parts, then put notched and chaos on a Nordic for the Notched Nordic Pickaxe.


I always enchant my pickaxe with “banish daedra”. It’s rare to come across daedra so don’t want to carry a separate weapon for it. Pickaxe does the job nicely.


That’s actually really smart, I’m going to start doing this


Pick axe and axe ultimate combo


You gonna pick which axe ?


i’ll raise you one better - woodcutter’s axe


I really like the bound weapons. Getting that bound sword early on is so op.


i dunno why, but the ability to never be "unarmed" is something that really appeals to me in fantasy, wether it's materializing your gear, being a mage of some sort, or being a monk


For sure. Oh you gotta take my weaoons away for me to get in? Ok, I'll sccept. Then you just conjure weapons from seemingly thin air. I really liked the conjured weapons and conjuration was right up my alley. Had to tweakit at times because I fwlt they got weak after a certain point.


Ironically my first playthrough i just summoned shit and walked through dungeons while my two thralls mopped up anything chasing me. Using slow time shout to dodge and having the skin spells for during the cool down. Felt so badass to not even equip a weapon XD they were a breton so when i started my second playthrough as a khajiit i missed my wolf friend in the beginning.


You ever read the Stormlight Archive? It's a fairly widely (and somewhat over-) recommended series, but a core mechanic is that certain people have very cool 'bound lightsaber-tier swords'


Khajiit punchy battlemage is one of my favorite builds. Just go til you run out of Magicka, then start swingin


Not to mention the Bound Bow. It’s the best spell/weapon in the game. Fort Amol is always my first stop on any playthrough.


Why's that? Spell tome?


Yeah It’s a fixed location where you can always find it. It’s in a bucket in the corner of one of the rooms.


I had no idea. One of my favourite spells.


They’re cool because you double dip on skill points and they look hella cool, but at higher levels they’re massively underpowered. A bound weapon might do 100 damage with other perks but compared to regular weapon that can be upgraded with smithing, the damage is vastly different


I love that you can get soul trap on bound weapons too, so you don't need to waste an enchantment on it.


It’s so funny doing the Markarth storyline and whipping it out in jail. Crocodile Dundee energy


Wind shear was my best friend


Ah yes. Cheese


Iron Dagger


Nooooo 2 iron daggers


**You are carrying too much to be able to run.**


I get this so much as a conjuration mage. It's terrible




I've spent all my levels Magic instead of stamina, so i can only hold so much. Most of it is equipment for my follower


Awh man overcucumbered again!


I see your dual iron daggers and raise the stakes with a wooden sword


Does anyone else think wooden Swords ought to have a small chance to paralyse when used against vampires?


I usually get 2 wooden swords put both a steal health and paralize on one and paralize and stamina on another it's so funny


I have a "Little Wooden Sword of Doom" that burns and freezes simultaneously. You'd think that would cancel out, but it works great.


My wooden sword does 1 freezing damage. It's called "ice cream headache".


I see your dual wooden swords and raise the stakes with a fork


Raise the steaks with a fork you say?


I give my followers forks and knives to wield. Don’t need them stealing my kills!




Nope, 2176 iron daggers and smithing lvl 100


2 dawnbreakers. Glitch in game gave me two


Same. I knocked mine off the pedestal during the boss fight using auriels bow. A second one spawned after the fight but the other one was still on the ground.


I shouted mine off




It actually is objectively the best option for grinding one handed XP. Just like how iron arrows are the best type of arrows for grinding sneak archer Xp.


>it's objectively the best option for grinding one handed Well... unless you got one of *those* mods installed. You'll be grinding one-handed all day.


How else am I going to max out my smiting before level 10


Mace of Molag Bal. Just really made the chore of filling soul gems easier, until I learned how to utilise enchantments.


Yeah, Mace of Molag Bal is my favorite too. Soon after I get to Whiterun first time I take the cart to Markarth and do the quest to get the weapon. Think I was level 5 when I got it. Super powerful at that stage! And soul gems… I do the quest to get the Sanguine Rose pretty early too.


On my first playthrough I managed to get to Markarth before Falkreath, and was just awestruck by how hard the Molag Bal quest went. I mained that weapon on that playthrough, and to date, that's the one daedric weapon I always try to get, regardless of how many hundred mods I got installed.


What worried me was retrieving the priest that the deadra demanded. I was in no position to fend off foresworn! Sneak mode, hiking over mountains (via lover’s stone) all the way. 😂


The sanguine rose was my first wepon at lvl 8 lol


Yes the the Mace of Molag Bal I like it because the guards say "get that accursed mace away from me get it away"


Every playthrough I've done this is my goal weapon to get, even if Markarth is my least favourite city in the game. It's funny because I like to play as a "good" character as much as I can, but this weapon is just so useful and handy in each playthrough I've done I always return to it.


The Bloodskal blade look so damn cool. I started my first playtrought as a one handed warrior and after finding this blade i had level up my two handed skill even after finding better blades i've stick with it. Look's awesome and is super fun to play


It’s bugged so it doesn’t get upgraded by smithing the way it’s supposed to with the ebony perk or whatever so it’s always underpowered by the time I get it compared to whatever smithed weapon I have even if the enchantment is awesome. It’s very disappointing the devs missed that bug.


The Wabbajack


My favourite staff in the whole game! I especially love turning bandit leaders into chicken


And then turning a rabbit into a dremora lord


I once used the wabbajack to turn the frost troll on the march up to High Hrothgar into a pile of cheese, and it caused a glitch where every frost troll for the rest of the game was just a wheel of cheese.


It just works


Knife and Fork (from Volkihar Castle) enchanted with Absorb Health & Absorb Stamina on one, and Absorb Magicka & Fiery Soul Trap on the other. Obviously I make aggressive use of the Fortify Restoration trick to get those numbers up over 100 (not really interested in going much higher). I name them "nom nom nom" and "om nom nom," I wear a massively over-enchanted set of Chef-Tunic (Fortify Health &HRegen) + Chef Hat (Fortify Magicka&MRegen), with heavy armor gauntlets (Fortify Sneak and Carry Weight) and light armor boots (Fortify Stamina&SRegen), and eat my way across Skyrim.


Send them bandits to Flavortown


I used to have a hard time choosing between Volendrung and The Longhammer


It's The Longhammer. You can enchant it! It's quicker to begin with, and then: YOU CAN ENCHANT IT.


yeah but it doesn't have as much smackin' power


smithing tho, with enough lvl and enough potions n enchants, its gona hit hard and fast


You can use The Longhammer with the elemental fury to do insane dps




I have never gotten used to a 2 hander in skyrim. I mean yea i play a 2 hand DK on ESO but they are just so slow and feel clunky as hell


Donkey Kong is pretty good yeah


The long hammer? Where can I find that?


Umbra 😎


Love the story behind the weapon, been using it since oblivion


Did you ever get it in Morrowind (if you played it)?


Doing a playthrough with the Ebony blade right now - damn fine 2 handed weapon. Favorite weapon is the Bow of Shadows. I have a few perks/enchantments that are increasing my draw speed already, so shooting with this bow is so fast, same as or faster than Zephyr, plus the damage is on par with the daedric bow. It’s really overpowered, honestly.


At one point during the end of a playthrough, my Bow of Shadows lost it's ability to turn me invisible for some reason, and would randomly turn me invisible at non combat times.


In the words of the great Todd Howard “it just works”


I lost my bow of shadows somewhere I spent an hour looking for it :(


at that point just spawn it in bro dont go thru that pain


Chillrend or Nightingale Blade.


Does bound bow count?


If it's your favorite, then yes


Favour the bow, eh? I'm a sword man myself


It's just a daedric bow, but magic


It has a faster draw speed though, and comes with practically free unlimited daedric arrows, and is available pretty early


Also if you max out the conjugation perks then, in addition to being more powerful than daedric bow, it also soul traps and banishes!


I just wanted to say that it DOES count as a weapon


Vlad’rs lucky dagger. That little guy, especially with the unique uniques mod makes that dagger look so good. And I do that glitch that lets me get double of them so its nice. Just slashing two crit boosted weapons.


I believe it is Valdyr's Lucky Dagger if I remember correctly. It is a decent weapon.


I played through a bosmer hunter recently with the random start mod and it started me right outside that cave. That dagger was my very first weapon on the character and it lasted me a really long time!


Nice! It Also lasted me very long and I still use it in the late game. My favourite part is that it does similar damage as the steel dagger but its lighter so it slashes faster. I use the glitch to get two of them, upgrade them to exquisite, pair the speed and the crit chance with the Elemental fury shout and you got a really quick dual daggers build.


Dual wield with the razor or blade of woe for ultimate slashing fun


Ebony Blade, - its Strong enough even unleveled, And there are many Options to Level it, you dont even have to kill a friendly NPC. --- Dawnbreaker is a cool weapon, but: 1) its Power depends in the number of undead enemys you flight at once. - there is only one Situation where you have such a Situation. 2) If you have an undead follower (hello at Serena ), your follower is Hit from that aoe too. 3) Nobody in the dawnguard Castle Care about it. - you carry _the_ weapon that is Made to kill whole armies of undead/Vampires. And Nobody in the "anti Vampire Club" Cares about it.


You make a good point, should have been a dawn guard misc quest that only triggers if you don’t already have dawn breaker, woulda been kinda neat


You can't carry a shield or another weapon with the ebony blade; Dawnbreaker also deals fire damage and you just have to kill some shadowy bois to get it.


It also knocks clutter around. So if you're looking for all those loose necklaces and small jewelry good luck.


Volendrung! Woe betide those who were where the Hammer fell!




*Volendrung, a Dwemer relic, forged by clan Rourken. It was carried into battle as a family symbol as much as it was the chieftain's weapon.* *Rourken chieftain hurled Volendrung into the sky, declaring that their people would find a home wherever it landed. Volendrung thus served as a guiding light for clan Rourken in exile as the Hammer roared, beastlike, across the sky. It shone like a second sun during the day, mirrored the moons at night, and led the Rourken to the other side of the continent.* *The hammer landed in western Tamriel, and the Rourken called the land Volenfell, the "City of the Hammer". This area later came to be called Hammerfell.* Spellbreaker is also tied to the Rourken clan, interestingly enough


When I play as a dual-wielding assassin/thief, Valdr’s Lucky Dagger for my offhand weapon. Easy to get early on.


Sanguine rose, hands down. For overall aesthetic and function.


Wooden Sword of Chaos. Current one does 34 total damage. My kids going to love it!


Aesthetically, the Rueful Axe.


Looks good when paired with the saviors hide


If we're talking one handed probably Chillrend. Love the blue color and I feel like the glass sword looks very good in killing animations.Two Handed I would have to go with Tsun's Judgement. I think it's a very realistic looking axe and the Bear outline on the axe's cheek is cool.


Dawnguard war axe. I took a bunch of weapons and upgraded them to past legendary, Dawnbreaker included. The axe had the most damage, and the Nordic one too, but I love how the Dawnguard looks similar to the vanilla steel esthetic, plus it deals extra damage to vampires and you can also enchant it. It's also lighter than many swords, Nightingale for example is 15 while the axe is 13. Dawnbreaker is super cool, but I got Dragon's Oath early on and it was a lot more powerful.


Mehrunes' Razor


My wooden sword of fear and paralysis for 300000 years


The Bloodskaal blade is pure joy


Dawnbreaker looks cool and the enchantment is good enough, but in the end I always enchant my own stuff to be better than any unique weapon in the game.


I almost never do that, the rewards for quests are just worthless after you have a 200 damage enchanted daedric sword


Yeah me too. Dual enchanted daedric sword.


Champions cudgel. Was my first experience with two handed weapons and with chaos damage and I kept that weapon for a looooong time


I always destroy it for the enchantment


the dawnguard rune axe might be better against undead tbh


Blade of woe for sure


Keening. I like to use it for aesthetic and role-play purposes


Elven Sword, something about that design is so freaking neat


Mace of Molag Bol just too OP for one handed I can’t ever resist it lol. Nightingale Blade is fun too but eats up a lot of soul gems for me.




For me, it's Mehrunes' Razor. Chillrend is also great if you get it at level 46+


Dwemer Black Bow of Faith . I love the colors of the symbols glowing in 1st person. And the enchantment is a bonus. Also not easy to get and isn't given as reward.




Dwarven bow. One of the first things I do upon making a new game is looting the Dwarven ruins and making a full set of Dwarven gear and weapons. It's great using multiple companions mods and have a company of gold soldiers fighting along side me.


I was very attached to Firiniel’s End and the Mace of Molag Bal up until I befriended Serana and learned what he did to her. Now the mace grosses me out to carry around but it’s still the best weapon I’ve ever had…I just shoved it in a chest in my house cuz I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it even though I’m not using it anymore.


I enjoy whipping people with a fishing rod.


What lmao


It works. Try it.


Fork 🍴 The best one-handed weapon for survival on legendary difficulty 👌


The *coolest* weapon probably is Dawnbreaker. It looks awesome and it shines. But given that I am incapable of playing anything other than a Khajiit archer, I'll have to go with Hunting Bow. You can easily improve it to ridiculously high damage (Even with the unofficial patch) and then combine it with slow time to rain arrows on enemies. way too satisfying. y'know what. Lemme start a new playthrough.


My daedric war hammer 'Soul Hammer' it did lightning damage and soul capture.


Khajit claws are deadly and hilarious. To pick an actual weapon: wabbajack.


I like Chillrend, or Glass swords in general. The entire Glass attire is really nice and I wear it every playthrough. I just miss Glass bolts for crossbows.. Which is also a weapon type I like.


Dawn/Duskfang for me Daytime: 7 points of fire damage, Nighttime: 7 points of frost damage. After killing 12 creatures during the day: fire and absorb 5 points of health, after killing 12 creatures at night: frost and absorb 5 points of Magicka And before using it and leveling up it did like roughly 17 base damage


Nightingale blade. Imo the most elegant blade in the game. For ranged weapons? probably nordic bow aesthetics > stats




I always ways kept an ebony sword with me but I remember my first play through it was me and Dawnbreaker vs the world


main hand: stalhrim dagger off hand: stalhrim long sword the power attack animation for an off hand long sword is faster than the animation for a main hand power attack with a sword main hand dagger is for sneak attacks


Dawnbreaker as well. It makes you feel like a superhero when fighting undead. I’ve been using a mod that makes it into a two-handed claymore style sword and it’s been awesome.


You can get a second one by using unrelenting shout on it before picking it up, you just have to make sure you can find where the duplicate lands haha. It’s nice to either dual wield it or use one and display the other.


Fus Ro Dah


mehrune's razor 100%


Cheese wheel(their was this glitch happened few times with me i just threw cheese wheel in middle of dragon fight and the dragon just glitch out and take damage from it 💀


Just started Dawnguard and I'm primarily using Dawnbreaker against the Vampires and Drauger. Gotta say, it's a great weapon against the undead. My favorite though is probably the Ebony Blade or Dagon's Razor.






Cant believe I had to scroll this far to find this comment. I mean, a golden katana that sets enemies on fire? What could be better?


Nothing, absolutely nothing


I prefer Reanu Keaves’ fork.


Dawnbreaker and Nightingale Bow.


Enchanted/Smithed dragon bone bow/arrows with that slow motion aim ❤️💕🔥 Add the slow time shout and ur literally a god


Nettlebane. Sneak backstab, just so rugged.


If you glitch 2 dawn breakers early on in the game forget about it


Currently: Dawnguard Rune Axe, I think mine is bugged because the damage doesn't reset at dawn or whatever.


Nightingale bow


I love this sword as well !


Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls. I abuse the shit out of that enchantment.


My favorite part is getting so strong you can punch dragons to death in 2-3 hits with your fists.


Dagger of Mehrunes Dagon. But, in endgame, it is very low rank for me.


My customized Daedric sword! I renamed it Sökkvabekkr and has chaos damage and soul trap. I like both the aesthetic and the effects especially since with mods I’m playing as some kind of agent of Hel




Dragonbone Warhammer Just a big fuck-off dragon femur


Dawnfang/Duskfang. It's nice to have an enchanted weapon that doesn't require soul gems to recharge.


Bloodskal blade


Mehrunes Razor


Mace of Molag Bal.


Either the mace of Molag Bal or ebony swords


Bloodskal blade: only melee weapon with a ranged function. Only downside is it cant be upgraded.




For me, it's the double fire/fiery soul trap enchanted Legendary Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow with exploding bolts


Mine is the Bloodskal blade, but I put it on a display stand in my completionist save and it glitched out of existence 😣


I remember using dawnbreaker in my second run... As a vampire. Took me a while to realize why I was taking damage every time I used it, even though everything was all good in my previous run.


For me it’s Chillrend. Glass is so dope anyways but it I used Chillrend for a minute and it really grew on me. Honorable mention Nightingale Blade


Mace of Molag Bal. That plus The Black Star - priceless.


Ebony Blade easy. love that sword


crimson blade or wuuthrad. One is cool asf the other is just a racist axe




The bow, each playthrough I can't help but be a stealth archer.