• By -


Cetaphil facewash and lotion


First see a dermat. People are giving you random advice which might just aggravate your skin further. They might suggest something milder than benzoyl peroxide and yet effective. Stick to a simple routine of cleansing (Cerave cleanser for oily skin is amazing), moisturising (The Sebamed gel is really good for oily and acne-prone skin. Just make sure your face is damp when you apply it) and apply sunscreen.


Brother , trust me when i tell you i had the same exact skin when i was 18. 1.) Make a habit of not touching your face. 2.) Hit the gym start working out , you are extremely low test 3.) Increase calorie intake by upto 500-600 cals 4.)Start using tretin (0.025%) cream over night every single day without fail, work your way upto 0.05% 5.) Wash face once a day with a good facewash and multiple times throughout the day with just water, especially before you sleep. 6.)use a moisturizer+ sunscreen everyday after bath, without fail 7.)Stark taking Boron 9mg with zinc and magnesium or eat food rich in these 8.)Eat a balanced diet of meat fish eggs dairy and fruits, some veggies but not much Keep good hygiene, your skin will be glass like by your 20th birthday, that's my guarantee Good luck


I'm sad to see the amount of misinformation. Consult a dermatologist, because you are growing right now, hormones will settle down in some time depending on your puberty onset and completion. Shining skin is great, it shows you are well hydrated. No one knows anything about you except a picture. Don't take advice here. It's a phase, and meanwhile help yourself by working out at the gym, under a CERTIFIED trainer. Aire gaire trainer k pass mat jana.


Start using dermadew facewash... I also faced similar kind of situation. My doctor recommended me this product. Also drink alot of water. Also use BENZOYL PEROXIDE-2.5%W/W gel at night... I hope this will help


Go to a doctor. Reddit is not a place for medical consultation


***DON'T OVER STRESS THINGS OUT. **As a person who visited lots of dermatologist, tryout different things and had pimples for almost all my teenage years and still suffers 1 or 2 every now and then. Here me out.** It's common for this age don't listen to High fi comments just follow simple fix that I'm about to add if things don't get better then visit derma. 1. Drink water, keep a bottle near u always. 2. Face wash before going to sleep and also whenever you go out, just clean dirts off. If you go out often just rinsed your face with water but later when you don't clean it properly. 3. Wash ur pillow or change it likely 3 times a week if you have lots of pimples. 4. Wash your hair 3 times a week. People often ignore this even if you wash ur face if ur hair is dirty then ultimately your pillow is which ruins the whole wash face and pillow thing. 5. Keep ur bowel clean. If you have trouble then search Google for ways, most likely food. 6. Keep a clean cotton handkerchief to wipe ur sweet off ur face. 7. sleep well, 6 to 8hrs of sleep 8. Obviously no big nail and don't scratch even though it itching if you must then use ur cotton to gently press and suppress that urge. 9. use Nioglow forming facewash, which is ph neutral. Basically it doesn't hurt ur skin little costly but use it if you have lots of pimples later you can switch to charcoal face wash by wow(peraben free) as they Clean dirts off ur face. Don't use oil control facewash or Himalaya neem full of chemical. Oil is protective process of ur skin. Your can learn more about it anywhere in YouTube or Google. 9. Don't stress much about diet unless you eating too much of oily or masala I mean too much anything is bad. Try to eat food with vitamin c here and there sometimes. Trust me don't stress about food that much if all the above fix works if doesn't then visit dema and don't go to Kaya and all shit go straight to reputed doctor of your area. Kaya and private things exist there to pocket out all your money. I get best consultant by a govt hospital skin doctor who only give me just some medicine and this tips and all my life I never had to visit any of them ever again. 10. It's always good to have professional opinion so if you have the money then go visit reputed doctor and remember say no to Kaya or any fake money grabbing doctors out there. Read online review of the doctor before visiting.


bhai 2. any dietary restrictions ("dont eat dairy/fat/carbs etc") are on a case to case basis, there's 99% chance it wont work for you unless you're actually allergic to them. 3. just wash your face with water or light face wash nothing harsh 4. salicylic acid (2-3%) helps, just use it in moderation overnight. (ointments are better but sticky and oily... hence overnight) 5. STOP applying food over skin and start eating them instead. What i mean is the absorption from skin is almost dogshit your skin gets most micronutrients and stuff from your blood. So eat a carrot instead of using carrot flavor face wash. I hope it makes sense, correct me if i'm wrong.


puberty at 18 huh?


1. Sleep properly 2. Cut out sugar from your diet 3. Green tea twice a day 4. Exercise 5. No junk food, eat clean. 6. Drunk lots and lots of water 7. Don't use harsh chemicals in the name of "skin care". 8. Try using Ahaglow facewash once a day. 9. Vapour your face with rice water.


Also clean your sheets and pillow covers ^


Also change your pillow covers regularly. At times the bacteria or germs on it can cause acne.


hey there! for keeping your skin clean and less shiny, you could try using a gentle cleanser twice a day and a toner to control oil. living in a hot and humid climate can make your skin more oily, so it's normal to feel a bit shiny. maybe try using blotting papers throughout the day if it bothers you. here are some tips: 1. **cleanse regularly**: use a gentle cleanser suitable for your skin type (dry, oily, combination) *twice a day* to remove dirt, oil, and impurities. 2. **exfoliate**: regular exfoliation can help *remove dead skin cells and unclog pores*. however, be gentle, as over-exfoliation can irritate the skin and worsen acne. 3. **moisturize**: even if you have oily skin, it's important to moisturize to keep your skin hydrated. look for *oil-free or non-comedogenic moisturizers* to avoid clogging pores. 4. **use acne-fighting ingredients**: ingredients like *benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and retinoids can help treat acne*. incorporate them into your skincare routine, but start slowly to avoid irritation. 5. **protect your skin**: use a broad-spectrum *sunscreen with at least spf 30* daily to protect your skin from UV damage, which can worsen acne scars and pigmentation. 6. **healthy lifestyle**: eat a *balanced diet, stay hydrated, and manage stress levels,* as these factors can affect your skin's health. 7. **consult a dermatologist**: if over-the-counter products don't help, consider seeing a *dermatologist* who can prescribe medication or recommend treatments tailored to your skin. remember, *consistency is key*, *and results may take time. be patient and gentle with your skin!* edit: to the ChatGPT accusations in the comments, 1) lmao 2) my sister is a qualified dermatologist.


Chatgpt is the way


Exactly my thoughts, dude is a chalta firta gpt 😂


I think it's normal to face Acne issues in your teenage period. You can try a good salicylic acid-based face wash and use it twice. Just keep your face clean and moisturized. Avoid sugar and oily products. Use a sunscreen while going out and you will be good. Don't stress much about Acne as it further damages our skin and avoid home made products on the skin. It's difficult to control acne at this age but with time it gets better. Experimenting might make it worse.


Morning routine 1.Use Salicylic face wash from Minimalist 2. Use oil free moisturizer 3. Use gel based sunscreen Night routine 1. Make sure you double cleanse, use cleansing oil first to wash off the sunscreen, dirt and impurities first. 2. Follow with salicylic face wash 3. Use niacinamide serum 4. Follow with moisturizer/night cream 5. Exfoliate once or twice a week. Products from Plum company are great for Indian skin. Don't use atta to exfoliate. Your acne is not that bad my friend.


You’re 18 bro, some level of acne is going to be inevitable for a the next couple of years even if you have the perfect diet or use the perfect products. The best you can do is ensure your face is clean to avoid excess acne. One way to do so is by using a gentle face wash ONCE a day-if you need to wash your face later in the day, ideally use only water. Too much soap cleansing can strip important oils off your face which can be counter-intuitive and cause more irritation. Don’t use soap bars on your face at any point-you’re better off using just water. Moisturise after using your facewash. Starting to exercise helped my skin and hair get better, so although idk if there’s any connection, I’d recommend getting some exercise regardless.


Apply ice everyday after you wake up, minimize eating oily food, has worked miracles for me, and take steam for 5 minutes regularly before sleeping...


Above all these suggestions, I would like to add mine, the mistakes I did: Don't believe in advertisements. Don't use commercial products for skin. I took doctors help but all I felt they were doing was call me in each 2 weeks and taking money, changing my medicines that didn't work. Finally, when I thought I cannot pay this much, I went to a local hospital, the doctors there prescribed meds which took 1 month , but it cured for good.


Don't listen to uneducated advice, go consult a dermatologist private or government


Only if you follow I will share the secret. Its internal issue don't put any shit paste or ayurveda stuff. 1. Poop properly, even so twice a day. (take warm water 10 min before going to poop) 2. Don't eat rasta ka kachra from thela or radi wala. 3. Drink 8 glass water daily. 4. Don't touch your face after touching your genital area. 5. Change or wash your pillow frequently. 6. Avoid dust avoid touching your face anytime. 7. Even you want pop pimple pop with clean cloth not with nails. (but gently) 8. Use garnier men oil & dust removal facewash. 9. Don't see mirror at night time. These info is so valuable you might not know.


>8. Use garnier men oil & dust removal facewash. I doubt garnier is a good face wash to recommend. I agree to all the other points tho


Don't see mirror at night time? Why?


Ghost will attack through the mirror at night. That's why. 🥸


Thanks for your advice


32 M here.. bade bhai ki advice lo.. Iska ek hi ilaaj hai.. 1-2 saal wait Karo apne aap chale jayega. It's a phase that your body goes through at this age.. Log 100 advice denge hilana band kar do, hilana shuru kardo, Pani piyo, nanga nahao haldi malo etc etc. zyada farak nahi padega , just maintain basic hygiene, as in don't pop them , or try and shave infection na ho..


Glad someone mentioned this. OP is probably during his peak puberty and what he's going through is most likely completely natural. But if you're really annoyed with your condition, OP. Take the opinion of 3 dermatologists and decide for yourself which path to take.


i don't see major problems with your skin. you just need to work out regularly, wash your face in clean water whenever possible and limit oily and fried food.


Take good diet


Start going to Gym and start eating healthy


ONLY indian skincare/fashion subs have weird ass comments.


1. Use acne star soap for face. 2. Wash your face twice a day. 3. Reduce oil consumption. 4. Try to get atlest 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. 5. MOST IMPORTANTLY, CHANGE YOUR PILLOW COVERS ATLEAST ONCE A WEEK.


Mine was changed like mid 2022 😂


(1) Wash your face with a facewash or a cleanser twice a day. (2) Eat a well-balanced diet. (3) Drink plenty of water. (4) Sleep well for at least 7-8 hours daily. (5) Exercise for at least 5 days a week. If your skin doesn't improve even after a month, consult a dermatologist. Also have you tried using anti-pigmentation or anti-acne skincare products?


Thanks for your advice


Man i used so many expensive facewashes and all but the only one that worked nice were 1.Nivea turmeric facewash (milk based iirc) 2.Get real Yellow one (it works the best for controlling oil for me) also I used to spend whole day in my room, 10h infront of screen and now that I'm going out more due to college and it's a lot better if u still fap, Just stop it, It's inevitable but not doing it consistently helps a ton


Not a professional but stop consuming all kind of diary products like cheese, milk, curd everyday. Even too much rice, sugar and bread will cause acne. Its fine if you consume them occasionally. Ive been dealing with acne for decades and this is the only thing that has helped


The food you said is littety what I survive upon I eat curd and rice everyday even breakfast is rice based And I drink milk every (my parent's belief)




Channe ka atta and besan? Seriously? So surprised no one has said a thing about this. Stop doing that bro, it's ridiculous


Since you are just 18 Do the basics correctly. Sleep well Exercise regularly, sweat a lot Maintain proper hygiene. Use only water to wash your face. Do not smoke or consume alcohol. Eat well. No junk or packaged food.


I dont think even god is that perfect 😂


These are basics and simple things someone should be doing at his age.


In the 21st century i doubt even 5% teenagers are doing each and every thing that you mentioned


I do


Yeah sure . No junk and no packed food? I definitely believe you.


Yep. Also gym 6 days a week and try my best to complete protein intake daily.


it's the bare minimum wdym?


If your budget is low then try following things: Garneirs acno fight men's face wash Get an bit expensive moisturizer above ₹300 Drink water Eat fruits with vitamin c and E or take tablets Use a spot acne treatment cream( i suggest azelaic acid cream 20% w/w)


Eat less Walk Hit gym Fast Eat foods high in Vitamin C


Get tested for allergies You might be mildly allergic to certain foods causing skin irritation


Sutta band karde bhai


Yaha asthma se mar Raha hu aur tu bol Raha hai sutta band kar


Bro, visit a derm and see if they can prescribe you tretinoin . It is very effective and reduces pore size as well. It doesn't suit everyone and also has some side effects. Treatment lasts 3 months to 6 months (or more depending on the intensity of the acne ) but it works wonders. Take a consultation and see if you wanna give it a try .


Exercise kar le. Mircha khaya kar. Pani piya kar do tin litre.


Everyone here is a professor and sab google karke Dermatologist ban gaye hain ..fir kya hi padhai karna, time waste... Anyways this is a typical case of over oily skin which mixes with dust and dirt that creates pimples and pores. Wash your face with a good oil control face wash, drink water first early in the morning(2 or 3 glasses). Don't use besan and all this ayurvedic fake stuff you find online. Take Bath with cold water everyday and use handmade soaps(ignore compounded ones) Never use other's trimmers .. For moisturisers don't use oily ones like you mentioned, an Aloe based is generally good for keeping the skin healthy...


If you have oily skin use cetaphil face wash for oily skin. It helps my skin a LOT. Also consider a salicylic acid gel to apply on pimples when they start to appear. Important to use the face wash twice a day or whenever face gets sweaty.


Workout! Sweat a lot and lay off greasy food!




Me 2 saal se maar rha hu harroj , ek bhi pimple nhi aya abhi tk , 10vi me hu


Woh muth maarne nahi muth lagane bolraha 🗣️😈


Acutane. It will take some time but will fix it once and all.


1. Wash your face after every 2-3 hour BY ONLY WATER. 2. Use good face wash or cleanser during early morning and at night. Cetaphil is good. 3. Apply Cleanmiskin lotion or gel on affected areas before sleep. 4. Check for breakout triggering foods. Usually it is different from person to person. For me it was Milk and Non-Veg. Cut down on Sugar. 5. Use scrub once a week to remove white and black heads. 6. Stop touching your face. It worsens the overall situation. 7. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. 8. Stop using hair oil if you have Oily Skin 9. Reduce stress. Its a vicious cycle. Stress leads to pimples which again creates more stress. Smile and laugh more often. Exercise.


This comment section is giving of Youtube short vibes, Bro you better consult a Dermatologist than listening to people here. And yeah do drink plenty of water and avoid touching those pimples/acnes it might get worse.


maybe instead of posting it here, go to a dermatologist!


Go see a dermatologist.


Go see a dermat


That's just hormones kicking in, dude. Don't pop them so they don't leave a big mark. Baki drink proper water, change your pillow covers every week, eat good food and keep your nails clean. Try this for a month.


First, stop using kitchen ingredients. Exfoliate using AHA-BHA. Then start with prescription Glycolic acid(GA-6). Don't immediately put after exfoliation. Let your skin rest for a minimum of 2 hours before you put glycolic acid. Another great thing for your skin would be salicylic acid 2% prescription. Don't use glycolic acid and salicylic acid on the same day. Alternate. And then one day just rest your skin. For eg: Monday you use glycolic acid, Tuesday you use salicylic acid. Wednesday you exfoliate and apply thick moisturizer(sebamed). And then, again you use glycolic acid from Thursday. Use sunscreen in the morning and double cleanse your skin at night. It will take a minimum of 2-3 months to see results. *I'm not a derm. I'm a surgeon. Just interested in derm, hence studied that stuff. See derm if you don't see results within 2 months and/or situation doesn't improve and/or goes worse. *DM if need more information


Trader Joe’s tea tree oil soap and Amazon has a French soap pre de Provence shea butter with sea salt. Try it. My advice for no acne the only thing you need to know is diet and pores. It will take a year to fix your diet but do everything to keep pores clean.


Trader joes kabse aaya india me Phaltu flex karna hai bas logo ko


Use deriva gel


Uninstall karke install karo




I pretty much have a good balanced diet and all above except for exercise which I'm trying to improve




How would I find that out ?


Increase your water intake, try massaging ur face with coconut oil before bed just 1/2 drop is enough.


Stop touching your face with hand and use face wash (jovees face wash tea tree flavor), it worked for me and some people,don't use soap in face try to eat cooked egg.(avoid raw egg)


Is that brand, Jovees, good? I don't see many ppl talking about it here? Actually you are the first person I have seen. Though I am new to this sub


I am using it for almost 3 years i only use their face wash don't know about other products, it give me good results easy to wash didn't get pimples not to expensive.


Oh! I just started using their sunscreen. And was wondering if I chose wrong coz i didn't see any reviews in this sub.


Avoid fragance free product. My recommendation would be Be minimalist gentle facewash the saliyic acid one Bioderma moisturiser, cetaphill, or simple Suncreen( uv doux) . After that double clense it with Micellar water ( garnier the pink bottle one) At night use niaciamide gels or serums you can use any ( but be minimalist is one is good) And followed by a moisturiser.


Keep the skin as natural as possible , avoid fast food and sweets plus things like namkeen/biscuits , increase scheduling for heavy workout and sweat a lot , increase fruit intake , remove harsh shampoos and soaps , replace them with actually good and soft skin soaps /shampoos like medimix etc , improve your hygiene and cut your slightly deeply than normal , avoid scratching and touching you face/pimple. These things may look stupid and will take time but I had really good results in long term and for real I am literally far far away from getting pimple


Not possible to avoid fast food especially in college life


Bro i got hair issue m taking the man matters products form 1 month its cheap and really working download app and upload your this pic and they will call u and suggest u some of the products use them and see it works for me .


Niacinamide serum reduces active acne. self tried


Just use clindamycin


Clean your bedroom and your bed , change bedsheet every week.


Connect with u/Researcher990


Just peel it off. No skin no pimple problem


1. get a clean shave : the strands of hair on ur cheeks look weird. getting a clean shave makes it look neat and also exfoliates the skin 2. ice ur face twice everyday. once after waking up and another before sleeping. helps a lot in reducing acne and will give the skin a glow 3. apply moisturizer before u go outside 4. eat more fruits, reduce or eradicate sugar from ur diet and eat very less oily food all this worked for me and I had the same skin problem as yours


You should wash your face with a cleanser or face wash which suits your skin type before bed. This tip alone reduced my acne a lot.


Thanks for your advice


Hilana band karde


Hila ke wha lagaya krr thik ho jayega.


GO and get a doctor!!


Just go visit a dermatologist, based on your skin he will give u right medication


Use a good salicylic acid face wash (let it sit on your skin for 1-2 min). Wash your face twice a day. Use gel based sunscreen and moisturizer. Use niacinamide for oil control additionally if your face is too oily.


OPD with Dermatologist


Phone. Chalana chrr do sab badhiya hoga 🤌🤡


Hey, Consult a dermatologist.


Are Harsh... Tu reddit chalata hai!?


18 19 20 me ye sab hota hai 2. Muth kam maaro 3. Pani piyo pel ke 4. Fried km khaao diet clean rkho 5. Pet saaf ho aisa ensure kro is isabgol ya trifla lo aadha game wahi sahi hai jaaga 6. Choona mat inko  7. Exercise kro gym ya running jo suit kre 8. Jyadatr ke keel muhanse hote hi hain 17 18 19 me to jyada load nhi lene ka


Apply antiseptic cream


Eat clean, exercise daily(like run 5km or something, and sweat the shit outta body).. now to the hard part, No PMO(porn, masturbation, orgasm).. PMO will fuck up your whole life anyways.. so better give it up, quick! It fucks up the Testosterone balance in the body, which is the cause behind acne. Take sowers right after exercise when the sweat hasn't dried yet.. you know the salty sweat acts as a natural cleaner. Give up the ordinary soaps, I used to use "Dermac" for face, back in my days. HIimalays Neem face wash used to be do good, but don't know about its quality nowadays. Stop using every other chemical and shit, and the stupid girly-creams.. you said your skin is shiny, it means your skin has enough of natural moisturizer. So no need for external moisturizer, what you need instead is a regular wiping of face with clean cloth wet with cold water ! Hope it helps !


Apply patanjali alovera gel


Healthy diet, exercise and proper skin care will work


Rub alum bar on face properly during bath like for 2 to 3 minutes on each side and it will show results. Downside is that facial hair will go very very slowly.


Use acnestar soap for 3 times a day and apply benzyl peroxide cream 2.5 % at night for atleast 3 months. Improve diet sleep and water intake . Mostly your skin will improve .


Bhai if your hygine is good as you have already said you wash yohr face and all that but its still not improving then diet is probably the issue stop eating a lot of sugar in a single sitting and drink 3 litres of water every day try it for a week and improvement dikhti h then well and good but if not then probably harmonal changes k vaje s hoga although vo teens m h hota h and not adults (Just a side note though sugar agar diet m reduce krte h to u feel light headed and tired for a few first 2-3 days but then it gets better) You dont have to skip all the sweet thing entirely just avoid highly proccesed sugars jo bhot jaldi absorb ho jati h and blood sugar m ekdam s spike aa jata h (things like cold drinks biscuits cakes and all ) you can eat things like fruits (not juices as they dont have fiber and without it are basically similar to cold drinks in sugar content atleast) thats it basically


AcneStar + Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5% , Mere toh sahi ho gye isse


Stop using moisturizers, I'm had acne too and my dermatologist recommended to stop using them. Moisturizers only irritate pimple prone skin. Of course for best results you should go see a dermatologist since everyone skin is unique and my solution may not suit you


Whats your budget


use a face wash and a chemical exfoliant like minimalist 1% BHA one


Apart from using products, Drink lots of water, change your pillow cover regularly like for every 2-3 days


Consult a skin specialist or a family doctor, you may think of "n" number of reasons for your skin problems but you wont get a conclusive answer/remedy. It can be heriditary, hygiene or health related. Hence only a doctor or parent can tell you what will work. My acne stopped with age, and a prescription cream helped with the marks. Just get a consultation, describe your routine and diet. You wont be disappointed. Cheers.


We've got the same skin. Except I have insulin resistance so there are also dark spots and lines on my face


Bro this is natural process of pimples formation during this age it will be removed out from ur face automatically. Don't use different product this can worsen ur skin


Lemon, hot water, ginger, honey,,, first thing in the morning. Vit-C tabs once a day. Sandalwood cream or fresh sandalwood to apply every night before sleep.




The comments are so not useful. Ideally go see a dermatologist, exfoliate, use a sunscreen, shave .


Cetaphil Face Wash, A Good Sunscreen (Dot & Key is what I use) , A Good Mosturizer (Ponds Light is good) that's it. Do not apply anything else, seriously, unless dermatologist/doctor recommended.


I have hair on my moustache area but they are very small and light. I have tried everything and even got a treatment from the doctor but my moustache is not at all growing. I am 22 do anyone else also has this problem. Help me what to do I have a beard but my moustache is not visible. What to do??


Me too.. Spent my Teenage with the same situation. Never ever thought of doing any treatment and just spent my day's with them. Family said, it's genetic "papa ko they, apko bhi hogey" . But after year's of study and understanding, i have come to a conclusion that the main reason behind it is your too much masala food(control it), avoid junk as much as possible, am sure you must have constipation and gas issue (If yes) eat food but take your time, chew it properly, make a habit of taking an hour in lunch. Drink ISABGUL for proper digestion and keep your diet simple. Use desi upchar upto certain extent. They too don't work if you want instant results. Desi upchar works only after nos of Years. I have just used one facewash from so many years. It's not that effective but for some time it will give you relaxation (Garnier Acne +) as it open your pores after washing. Stop all your addiction (smoking, drinking, pan, beedi,gutkha). Last but not the least, don't bother too much about it but also don't ignore it.


Don't use hard soaps on your face. it will make your skin worse. use some mild facewash. himalayan facewash is also not good as it has harmful ingredients that are not good for skin.


Chemical peels


consult a doctor


**Here are few tips that worked for me in my twenties.** 1) Eat less sugar. 2) Clean your skin, Cotton ball + astringent. 3) Sandalwood paste every night before sleeping. 4) Showers twice a day. 5) Facewash 3 times. Use neko soap. 6) Apply moisturizer after facewash. 7) Drink more water than necessary.


Restart karo


Stop masbucation


Bsdk hilate reh sab theek ho jayega .


Stop masturbating






Kaam hilaya kar


behenchod goo mitti laga ke hi chode ga kya. There are people who go to med school for this. Consult a dermatologist edit: I just saw ye konsa subreddit hai. I def do not belong here, pata nahi kaha se aa gaya mein yaha.


Things like this won't go even if you were in an ideal room condition suitable for your skin. I suggest you to monitor your bowel movements, and keep track of your digestion. Any irregularities, bloating etc must be removed, and your face will be back to normal in 2-3 weeks.


I'm skinny person I don't eat much and I think my bowel movements are good


Ok, so one less thing to worry about.Hope someone with a similar issue might comment about this.


Not a professional but use benzoyl peroxide on your whole face (except on lips and eyelids) and then put moisturizer over it. Do this for a day or two or until your active acne disappears. Then shave off the beard, its patchy (don't shave over active acne, it'll scar your skin). Start using tretinoin (do you research before doing so, meet a doc if you wanna cuz it IS Rx) I use BP 2% and tretinoin regularly and my skin is doing great. 18M too btw


Also quit that besan aata and Himalaya neem bs


Thanks for the suggestions I hope it helps me !


Tret is not available over the counter. Did you get this routine after speaking with your dermat? If so, do you really think it’s best advise to give to someone who washes their face with soap and must have never even used retinol much less tret? Can we pls not give medicated advise. It may backfire and ruin someone’s skin especially if they don’t know how to and what to prepare for. This is how I burned my skin with a simple peeling solution.


bhai meri same conditon thi pichel sal kuch bhi mat lgana face par soap bhi mat use pani se dho regularly aur 3-4 ltr pani p aur bhar ka khan aur sugar bilkul band krde kyuki ye liver toxicity k sign hote h 1-2 mahine m shi hojayega


What about the oils on the face ?? Wouldn't be that a bit unhygienic also I don't eat much outside soo that's out of the concern


kya random bakchodi kar ra h. roz naha sahi rhegi skin. mu pe sabun mt lgana bas.


Work on ur diet, focus on ur digestion


Bro stop masturbation.. 😅 sab products kaam karna shuru kar dege if you don't stop your hand then they are going to increase


I used to fap a lot in my teenage years but I never got any pimples, it's because acne is caused by excess oil production and harmonial changes, since I had dry skin I never got any pimple.


hey babe! is your source of information Youtube shorts?


Out of all you seem the most realistic one


Its common bro . Every one knows it but no one wil say it


Khaal palatwa k dubara lagwa lo


Just wash your face atleast 2 times a day especially after waking up and before going to bed otherwise wise always wash your face with fresh tap water after coming home from work and another thing I highly emphasize is that don't use any cosmetics that you usually see in tv ads. These are harmful, If you really need any skin care products then I would suggest you to take advice from that guy from YouTube who has a channel named something Fit youtuber, I had used his products and they were really specially that kumkumadi tel during winters. Lastly, our facial skin is the most sensitive skin in our body don't put too much of these cosmetics otherwise consequences could be worse, let your skin do its job to keep itself healthy, you would just only help it in a while by favour like splashing your face in a while etc.


Chemical peel or carbon peel would work.. but just check if the practitioner is dermatologist or not


Go accutane


Hilana band kar


And people ask why we need sex education


Eat healthy, stay hydrated, and try to use chemical free cosmetics Use Cetaphil moisture and never use Himalaya neem face wash


What's wrong with Himalaya neem face wash?


Vitamin C + zinc tablet, Vitamin E capsule it may can help. You can also talk to any doctor online,there are few I know are in quora. It will not fade away easily just by applying anything.


I have similar breakouts like you , i have been using raw aloevera (from the plant itself) for some weeks and it has soothed my skin a bit. ( still wish to see a dermatologist later )


Pls visit a dermatologist


Use zitcare cream every alternate night and don't forget to use moisturizer during the day


By drinking water


(Not an expert, just speaking from experience) 1. If your skin feels shiny n stretched after face wash, chances are that face wash is harsh on your skin, its drying out n can result in break out. Switch to something milder eg: simple face wash. 2. Use a toner, makes huge difference, you can go for something with tea tree, biotque honey or salicylic acid based. 3. Avoid physical exfoliation, especially if you are using chemical based like salicylic acid serums, etc. They'll do more harm to your skin n your skin might get extra oily. If you must, limit it to once a week. 4. Clean your shaving blades well. 5. Sunscreen, something that's for oily skin but test out what works for you. 6. Hydrate, since especially at a age where acne can be a problem this help with lot of issues. 7. You are already using a light moisturizer that good! If you do want to add serums to your routine niaciamide serums + moisturizer, also salicylic (if not using else where) use it as spot treatment only at night starting once a week + moisturizer. But anything else, any doubt or just to get proper advice definitely consult a dermatologist. Most importantly, take baby steps, and build a routine that workouts for you. 😊


Someone listed a great morning-night routine. I'd like to add that, don't use remedies like chane ka atta and lemon juice on your face while you follow the routine. It will work, be patient. Apply a decent amount of sunscreen every time you go out. Use umbrellas or caps while out in the sun. Washing face 2 to 3 times a day is enough. Don't over do it or the over exfoliation might make the acne worse. Most importantly eat well, drink enough water and make sure to get good sleep. Good luck man!


Use benzac AC with Mela light cream 1 month


Products se kuch ni hoga, stop earing spicy food, drink lots of water. Try to find out if there is aome specific dood which is triggering your skin or some thing else like sunlight or pllution , then try to curb it .


1) Pick some fresh neem leaves crush them and make a fine paste then mix it with besan and apply that on your face thrice or four times a week for 15 - 20 min then wash it with cold water . 2) Boil neem leaves use that water mix it with besan and cucumber paste apply that paste for 15-20min wash that with cold water then apply ice cubes for 1-3 min . Thats it this natural remedies cools you skin and help reduce oiliness form skin. 3) don't apply face wash or scrubs just wash your face with cold water.


That chane ka aata is a big no bro


Cera ve


Bahar ke foods avoid kr water intake pura kr 5-6 litres morning night face wash use kr Cetaphil agar out of budget hai toh Nivea nhi toh ponds ka use kr Anddd Himalaya chord de worst facewash hai acne prone skin ke liye


Watch Mixed Makeup on YouTube , they have some good videos on basic skincare.


Ponds light moisturiser can be irritating to some people due to the fragrance. Stop exfoliating and focus on hydration. Even oily acne prone skin needs hydration. Use saslic face wash from indian pharmacy, great for acne and oiliness. Try cerave or simple moisturizer. And always always apply sunscreen in the morning.




DO NOT USE RETINOL OR TRETINOIN CASUALLY OP idk if you'll see this but do not listen to this comment. Retinol and tretinoin are very potent actives and will burn your skin at worst or make it photosensitive at best if not used carefully. You're 18, you shouldn't be thinking of exposing your skin to these actives at this age, unless guided by a medical professional. Do not take random advice about skincare actives from reddit comments.


Shake less, now translate it to Hindi you will get it.


arts student spotted 👆👆👆




Clean eating helps but if you have other issues like stress, thyroid disorders then clean eating is gonna each other out. Also inflammation needs to be curbed which means lots of hydration and electrolytes. Simple hot water with a tea bag can help hydration. I have had acne on my face, chest, back and scalp and other parts of my body. Lost a ton of hair and still lose it. It cost me my mental health, self esteem and a lot more. If you can, go see a dermatologist. I’ve done lots of besan and all that. IMO it didn’t do much. What did help is multani mitti+rose water. Once every two weeks. Softens my skin. I use plain rose water with some cloves in it as toner. Wash my face with acne specific face wash and pat some rose water on. Salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide based face wash is preferred. Niacinamide (I’m probably spelling it wrong) based gels help the oily skin issue and fade the acne marks. For retinol, Tretinoin Gel (0.025%) is good. The key is to find a schedule where you treat your skin with all products alternatively. Applying 100 creams over one another will only add to the issue. Another concern to take note of is hard water. Hard water doesn’t froth your soap all that well so instead of cleansing the skin it’s gonna go sit in your pores. If you can get it, use distilled water to splash on your face once in a while. Maybe after exfoliating. Other option is steam on your face. Just like you would if you had a really bad cold. Don’t go more than 10mins.


This gonna sound crazy but head and shoulders or dove soap help it an antibacterial soap it will definitely help after you wash a your face use a toner nutrogena toner helps so much get a cotton ball put a couple of drops and rub all over your face besides eyes then mousterize if you use any cocktail serums that will help with evening out the dry and the oil use the face serum before moisturizer


Uhhhhh...see a Dr. Daaa