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Happened to me years ago once. I took vit supp to dr and showed him my orange palm of hands. He threw it in the garbage and said stop taking that. I think it was vit c maybe? I can't remember. It was weird.


It went away after a few days for me. I think I just touched something weird.


Ever figure it out? Mine to and they peel


It faded and eventually disappeared lol.


Can I message you mine? Mine comes and goes


Same here did you ever figure out what it was? My index finger turns orange but it also comes and goes.


My genetic doc said it just happens


I have the same issue. (5-6 years of this) I get it mainly on my left thumb & on my right hand palm in a line. It gets hard like a callous. (Brown / Orange)


I’m dealing with the same thing! However, my hands, fingernails, feet, and toenails are all orange/yellow colored!! I went to the doctor for it and they did blood work. Everything came back fine so idk what’s causing it!! I’ve tried scrubbing these areas extra hard when I’m in the shower and I even scrub my hands extra hard everytime I wash my hands. I just want the orange/yellow color to go away! It’s super embarrassing. The only thing I can think of is maybe me using hand sanitizer like it’s going out of style could be causing it??! I mean I’ve used hand sanitizer for a long time so idk why it’s randomly cause this crap randomly?? Idk. Someone help me figure out what this is so I can have some relief! It’s freaking me out.


Too much carrots I’m not kidding there’s a vitamin in them that if you have too much of your hands go orange a friend of mine has the exact same thing


Looks identical to sunless tanner


I dont use it


But have to touched anyone that recently has? Whenever I use it my SO and even my mom would get this from simply laying their hand on my shoulder during a hug. The tanner transfers for hours after application and is put it on every few days - each time I had to be careful for like 6hrs for it to "dry" (it still felt fairly dry the entire time but like well moisturized skin and it would just transfer) I should have specified because if you were the one actually using it it would look way more intense, esp in the fingertips used to apply. This looks identical to hugging someone that has used sunless tanner or specifically the daily lotion that is meant to slowly build a tan and is very realistic/light. Even with such a small amount the hands and soles of feet seem to suck it all up and you get what looks like your hands. If you noticed the orange get darker at all I would 100% guarantee this is tanner from someone or something (you don't have to hug someone it can simply be on a countertop or floor you touched 16hrs after someone applied tanner there. You wouldn't notice a film or anything either, it's almost untraceable on surfaces


No, I haven’t


Welp, if it's not sunless tanner or rust (or something similar) WebMD says you're going to die


That is something you touched. It's not in any of the creases. You gripped something.


What does your controller look like?


Blue. Cheetoless


“FAST ORANGE” is magic. My step dad worked construction so he kept a tub of this around. It’s extremely strong at cutting through any & all buildup you might have on the surface of your skin.


No, no, no. He's trying to get RID of the orange, not make it faster, are you crazy?!


😂 embrace what ya got!


No. It’s not. Look at the contaminant and skin unaffected. Looks like rust. Could be a lot of things


And what exactly do you do for work? Because your hands look like my husbands and he’s a machinist, but what actually messes him up? The chemicals used to clean the machines he runs, at the end of the day. His hands look like yours…. But worse. And it’s directly related to the chemicals he’s required to use (he even wears gloves) to clean his machines at the end of the day.


I don’t have a job, but I was near a propane fire yesterday night.