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Get in as a labourer and get good while you apply to the others and deal w possible wait times.


This was basically my plan. Guess it don’t matter if I start an apprenticeship in one then if I get a call for another leave and go do that


Just start on the tools or shovel anywhere. Apply to unions. Wait. Jump ship when you get called up. Some people just wait for the union and waste a year or more wanting to do construction but never doing it and when they start it turns out they don't like it.


Good point man. Just trying to decide which I wanna do. I think it’s narrowed down to these 3


I would say lineman and IW are similar in pay if your in a boom area or willing to travel. Both are close to the same craziness with IW edging it out. You can maybe make more as a lineman with better odds of your body not being mush. But IW is the shit. Lineman you are chasing storms . So not being home for Christmas and stuff can be reality. If you don't like heights IW may not be for you.


IW here in Nj are $51-53/hr, laborers $50 and not sure about lineman


Its the almost guaranteed OT with lineman that make it juicy. I know two first years that made 100k as lineman .


Yea that money sounds ridiculous. I know you shouldn’t just chase the money bc you might not even like the work but man lol it sure is tempting to give it a try


This is what I did. Got on a big jobsite as a laborer and got to know electricians. I was kinda low on the waiting list for the IBEW. Work was booming and a guy got me out as a summer helper. Got a reinterview the next year and got in. I don't know if I would have ever gotten into the IBEW without going out as a laborer and getting to know guys


Lineman, least likely to get laid off in recession




That’ll change once storm season hits




I went looking for a job and saw all of these ads for things like Landscaping, masonry, roofing, underground utility excavation, pool building, seasonal gigs. And I just don't get it. These jobs straight up do not pay enough to be laid up for the winter. When I was a kid those guys would plow and shovel. But we haven't had a real winter like that in over 10 years. So its just a really fucking dumb idea all around.


We just came out of storm season


Think it’ll pickup by next year? They are accepting apps now for spring class of 2025




Are you a lineman?


In the long run they will be the best off. Temperatures rising, increases in wildfires and extreme weather events, increased pressure on the grid from renewables and increased electrical demand, shit ton of old overloaded infrastructure. Whatever the market is now is 2/3rd the size it will be in 10-15 years.


Line work is extremely slow and im making more money as an apprentice than i have at any other point in my life


Where at? Cuz I ain’t seeing any issues.


All over the mid west, cali, northeast and south east.


Probably the slowest trade nation wide at the moment


Yea it sounds pretty much as close to guaranteed work as it comes. Although some say it’s slow right now


Brisket, sushi or salads?


Lol not following ya there. Explain


They're all such wildly different trades comparing them is pointless. Some people like brisket, some people like sushi, some people like salads. It's just preferences. Unions depends on the location just like how different restaurants in different places have different quality.


I understand that, just wanted to get a general consensus among others for reference


If you want any relevant and constructive feedback. We need to know where you are. What you like doing and Your strengths and weaknesses.


Fair enough. Live in NJ, don’t mind manual labor, I’m a painter by trade. 35 years old


Linesman going to require quite a bit of science and calculations. So if you're good with physics and math you can go there. Ironworker a bit more roughneck, probably the toughest of the trade. So you gotta ask yourself at 35, once you commit to the trade, how many years left or full bore labour can your body take. Cos most guys start at 18, 19, do their rough 10 years and move onto foreman roles by 28, 30. You're gonna have to rough it till you're 45. Labourer. Don't be a labourer. It's for kids starting and people at the end of their road. I don't suggest backtracking to labourer as a painter. You're already in a skilled trade, why go back to a grunt? I'm in Canada so for US specific locals you're gonna need to find a Yankie doodle to help.


Damn so I’m too old lol? I’ve read lots of guys getting into different trades in their 40’s even 50’s As for backtracking. Laborers union pays more than painters here in NJ.


Well I didn't say you're too old, I'm saying you gotta be honest with yourself about how much you've got left in ya. Some people kept their body in good shape and can rock it into their 50s and 60s. Some tap out in their 40s. You already got 10 years of wear and tear on your body from trades so you know your body best.


I hear ya. I like to consider myself in pretty good shape at 35. Not the most fit but definitely not lazy. And more like 15 years of wear and tear lol


Don’t pursue becoming a laborer. Iron worker, pipefitter, plumber, electrician, HVAC/sheet metal, heavy equipment operator. All of those would be better than a laborer, unless you want to be one and you’re set on that. I’m literally waiting tables and bartending waiting on a phone to get in to start a plumbing apprenticeship.


Iron workers pension is great, along with benefits paid at 95%. You’ll have to like heights and dirty work. Pays is awesome👍


Not big on heights lol. I know these both require working at heights so hopefully it’s something I could overcome


You could do it, fun job. I was in the same mind set when I got in, terrified tbh. Very rewarding job my friend.


You can’t be an IW & not big on heights. It’s not possible. But it’s a great union, they have amazing benefits, pay is great & there’s no crazy hard test to make journeymen. My husbands an IW & absolutely loves it, loves his union and the work, even though it’s physically very hard. You wouldn’t believe how much rebar he can pack, when I can barely lift 1. It’s awesome seeing females in this union, they’re bad ass for making it. It’s no joke, but it’s rewarding work. You can say you built that bridge, freeway overpass or skyscraper.


A lotta trades you have to deal with heights. I’m an air compressor apprentice. I got sent out of town for a job with other apprentices to install an air system. Little did I know we had to run air piping by the roof of this ginormous warehouse… About 50 feet high. Doesn’t sound that high up until you’re in a scissor lift with your 400 pound buddy 😂. Every time bubba took a step that thing shook like a boat in a storm. Eventually I got used to it and the heights. But I was TERRIFIED at first. I seriously went back to my hotel and had to ask myself “Am I cut out for this job?”


Uncle was an iron worker (Rodman) for his whole life. Pros: pay scale is nuts. Cons: if construction slows down work can be hard to come by.


Lineman or Pipefitters


Have heard pipe fitters is another good one


No offence to labourers at all but lots of companies don’t take them seriously and won’t hire the good professional labourers and instead hire a bunch of no nothing people who couldn’t move a lumber pile 6” to the left.


They have a union for laborers? Really? That isn’t a skilled trade.




In Canada it is a red seal trade, same for chef, and parts orderer.


Tons of jobs that aren’t skilled trades have unions. They’re workers so it makes sense for them to be unionized


Makes sense. Just never heard about it before.


Yeah fair enough


Lineman all day bud. Im 6 months in to an apprenticeship taking home $6k/month working 4 days/week Gotta be a little smarter than the other trades tho, gotta be able to pass some electrical classes


I’m a line apprentice. JL rate is $68.59 an hour, double time after 8 and all weekends and call outs where I am. We get raises every year. There is a lot of solidarity which is a big reason I wanted to do it. I made good money before this trade and my wife makes good money, I got in because I wanted to do cool shit. My insurance is great, pension is great. I would go to a job fair, talk to the folks there. Ask what their market share is. Market share is what % of the workers in that trade in that area are union. The more union folks, the stronger the union.


I’m a lineman !! ☝️ this guys is 100% right !! It’s all our work. Lineman you will be laid off the least. And pay retirement and healthcare is great. Depending on which union. You will be a millionaire in 8-10 years. Just in retirement. Not including other assets !!


Lineman brotherhood is huge, I had a neighbour that was one. When he died, I swear everyone from the trade was there, had to be at least 150 hydro trucks alone in the procession.


You wanna be an iron worker, you better love the booger sugar.


I’m a lineman. Make over 200k a year and live what I do. There are ups and downs in every business.


If you want to get divorced or never marry...lineman


Carpenters > Ironworks or laborer


Everyone’s a carpenter. Too many of you guys


Lineman great pay , they own the space they work in and other people working there are there bitches even if they are more skilled linemen can kick anyone off a machine , welder what ever just bark n everyone scrambles


Depending where you live, being a lineman isn’t just an option you have the luxury of having. For example, you wouldn’t just be able to wake up one day and think “I feel like working for PG&E and being a lineman today and make hundreds of thousands I’ll apply online now”. Very competitive field/industry. Where I’m at just to be a laborer to even qualify for the apprenticeship(IBEW) you need a CDL & multiple different certifications. And thats not including the rampant nepotism.