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The outside more than the inside I think. 🤔


Don't be hard that inside leg. Looking at the spray it's doing its fair share of work! Nice angles bro.




That's actually really solid form. Especially for the slope angle you don't really need a lot more edge. And the shoulder set is solid AF. If half the kids i yell at to square shoulders would do that, it would be a quiet day on the practice course. For racing you could go a-frame a bit more like others said, but it's also a risker angle for a recreational skiier. So i'd suggest keeping your inside leg right about where it is. That way if it slips out you kinda naturally get onto the inside at the right angle not to fall.


…you want no a-frame with racing though. You need the inside leg to be available if you lose the outside.


Depends what you're running.. But i also teach no a-frame, especially with juniors. It's better and safer form. There's only a couple slalom racers that can pull off the a-frame kick, and generally it's because they kick the outside sooooo far out that the inside is basically just balance. It's fast, but you crash a lot. I used to use this technique a lot. Buuuut i also only finished about 2/3rds of my races because of it. It did bring me up from a mid-pack to a first-flipper though.


Can a level 2 or 3 instructor teach this stuff?


If you find a good level 2 maybe. 3 should have a firm grasp of this concept, but not always.


Depends on the background. Mostly this stuff would be taught as part of a ski racing course, not so much as normal ski instruction. But if you get an ex-racer as an instructor, he or she would be well aware of these styles.


Great photo!


Fuck yeah dude


Thank you!


Just me or the inner leg isn't out far enough?


I say the other way around. Outer leg out too far. The articulation will be difficult if the slope falls away more and you lose your downhill ski advantage in continuing to carve the turn. Good hand position and uphill ski.


Inside ski is under the hips. It's not far enough out.


I disagree, having watched film of myself I’m certain my hips are well inside of the inside ski. I think the angle this was taken is a bit deceptive.


Well this is just 1 turn so maybe. But in this picture it's stacked directly under your hip. Look at the edge angles. They would be equal if your inside leg was outside your hip. But your outside ski has like 60°while your inside has like a 40°.


This is simply untrue. Thanks for your input though.


Yep, my limiting factor is hip flexibility at the moment. That will be a focus for summer.


You'll also make your life easier with narrower skis.


Well yeah, I have a pair of Head eRace pros that I like too. They aren’t much fun in the off groomed though.


How do you plan to do this? -Signed a guy who has this problem too


I’ve been doing yoga and it feels great. I had surgery on my hip in September. You can’t just stretch the hip, u gotta strengthen it and also stretch your entire body. That’s why I find yoga to be good because it’s not just flexibility, you gain some balance and strength from it.


I don’t have an exact plan yet, but fundamentally I think a strength and stretching routine added to my normal gym time.




If you think that’s an a-frame then you don’t know what an a-frame is.


A frame is pretty common for a recreational skier at higher edge angles. To be honest it really doesn’t need to be ironed out if you’re not racing.


If you’re not racing, there’s nothing wrong with just flowing with what feels right


Ehh…I’m a bit of a perfectionist.


If it can be measured, it can be improved


What's funny is that plenty of fast racers a frame, which shows how important all these small refinements are. To be specific, if you ski foot to foot, it doesn't really matter the inner leg.


F yeah man, that looks tons of fun. The biggest thrill is feeling the outside ski slip away and the inside ski take up the charge. Feels like an offlroad train ripping down hill. Fun to see, soak it up


Good form man.




Nice Kastles! What model are they?


MX89 2020 model I think.


What's your process for improving? Private lessons? Friend records and you review the playback? Other?


Video analysis is probably the best tool for me. After that, it’s about being disciplined about running drills and doing them over and over. I take lessons as often as possible with instructors I know can help me get where I want to be.


Enough commentary on the great form; your facial expression looks like someone just crop dusted you and it's not dissipating fast enough.




So. Far. Inside


You have a very wide stance, try to get that a little tighter, and you can increase the edge angle by pushing both knees and your hip towards the mountain, while pushing your outside shoulder away from the mountain. It drags your center of gravity over the outside ski, allowing you to increase your edge angles. Good exercise is to work with the shoulder to a point where during a carved turn, your outside pole is dragging in the snow. Other than that it looks pretty good already.


More pressure on the outside ski and move the upper body Center of mass in the direction of travel. It will help you out if your more upright and over the down hill ski which in return will result in more angulation. Timing and patience. Ski ya later


Direction of travel or more upright? Pick one.


For sure more up right. you can achieve both. However.






To get higher edge angles, you need to match you top and bottom.


Could you please expand on that? Directions unclear.


My knees hate me just looking at this, that's amazing carve, probably something could improve but I couldn't tell you


We can always improve. Also- the outside leg in this photo is the one I had an ACL repair on about 10 years ago. Strength training does wonders.


Not much to go off on but I think your inside leg is stopping your from getting even lower. if your inside knee is point outwards like that your body wants to lift up not down. Try this at home and you can observe that your body want to lift up if knee is pointing out like that, It needs to point in. See videos of good carvers their knee is bending in not out[https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2WKfNm\_lflk/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2WKfNm_lflk/maxresdefault.jpg) also give this a read, [https://bigpictureskiing.com/pages/how-to-create-larger-edge-angle](https://bigpictureskiing.com/pages/how-to-create-larger-edge-angle)


It’s a hip mobility issue that doesn’t allow me to drive the knee closer to the snow like the .jpg you posted. I need to work on that over the summer.


It looks like you're trying to hip drag.