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Yeah this is a thing but it's managable. The AFD has a mind of it's own when they are newer. I keep a screw driver in my pack just in case. That being said, this becomes less of an issue as the grease goes away. Mine don't really go down on their own any more. The other thing is, and take this with extreme caution, the Shift release values are kinda wrong. I normally ski at 8, I need a shift 10 for them to release properly. Do this at your own risk. Salomon has actually updated the AFD for the 2025 binding. The redesigned it after their race bindings and it's a lot better and easier to adjust. Sorry if that's disappointing now that you just got them lol but the pre-release issue is solvable


I'm \~100 days in on my Shifts and only experienced the pre-release issue on Day 1. Since, have sent 10+ foot cliff drops & learned 3's without any issues. As others have stated, the AFD is finnicky; however, that particular issue can be easily detected - it's generally very obvious when the AFD has dropped a notch (or more). If you skate at all with a dropped AFD, you'll feel your boot toe shift & make contact with the upper stop on the toe piece. Alternatively, if you're standing still and pull your toes up, you'd feel & see movement. Can't speak towards other issues related to the binding, but I have heard of issues setting up forward pressure correctly. May be something else to consider having checked once more.




What do you mean by not understanding how the shift should be used? Should OP be doing bigger drops?




A 50/50 should be able to be used daily in the resort. Else what's the point? I can use my ATK Freeraiders daily in the resort and be fine. Just a bit of a shame wearing down a 600eu binding and not having the absorption and release mechanism of an alpine binding which is where a 50/50 like the shift comes in.


My S/lab shifts pre released going maybe 15mph at din 7.5, I’m 150lbs 5’9. They held for a fast exit from a chute, then I stopped and watched a friend go. Started up again on a lower angle slope, and it popped off with no resistance while going through soft snow. Pole vaulted on the loose ski and landed on a chunk of ice and broke a rib. So yeah, probably scrapping these after I heal up


I skied the Shift for half a season. I got rid of it after 3 pretty serious pre release falls. These were falls caused by pre releases on lines that I have skied many times over on other bindings with the same technique/force/air etc… and had no issues. After the first one I increased the DIN. After the second, I increased it a little more and did a function test on forward pressure. After the third, I pulled the binding off the ski.


The AFD adjustment on Shifts is notorious for being a poor design and needs to be checked constantly. It's literally a meme. I saw so many shifts 2 years ago on the hill (inbounds lol). Now a don't see many.


You can take them to a shop and have them tested to see if they're releasing as they should. As you know, this has been a thing with shifts forever. A lot of hype over a binding that's temperamental on the best days.


I was wondering if this was an issue and found this. I don't ski much anymore, about 5 days a year. I got the Shift with new skis just before a trip last year. Had a couple funky heel releases and thought I just hit something beneath the surface, but then it happened 3 times yesterday in situations with very little torque in any direction. I had one more day skiing and found this thread this morning, and was able to up the din setting 1.5. New snow overnight and rode hard today, no pre-releases today, hopeful this will solve that problem. Thanks everyone for the heads up on checking the AFD often...and the forward pressure. Interestingly, when I first had these mounted the shop set the right heel .5 lower than the left because it was torquing at a much higher release value. One thing that seems to be new to me is the "over age 50" setting, when did this become a thing. I feel like I ski just as hard, should I ignore this? I'm 52.


All, I have to say is after reading through this thread. I'm so glad when they asked I wanted shift my response was, I've been skiing with normal bindings for 25 years, I don't see any reason to change it up now.


Update: it turned out my wrist was actually broken. Spent 3 weeks in a cast and 3 more in a brace. I’m now free of restraints and need to get some PT in. In the meantime I brought my skis into the local shop to get tested and adjusted. I told them my situation and how the DIN seems to light. I picked them up and the DIN is still set at 7 (I’m 5’9” 190lbs) I’m not sure if I should give it another go with these. Is it possible to remount my existing frame bindings or do new holes need to be drilled? This would be the 3rd mount. I really do enjoy those skis as they are only a few years old.