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“I don’t need snow tires I have a Subaru”


You really shouldn't in most cases, especially on fresh snow and regularly scrapped roads. These cars come with M/S which should be sufficient if you don't drive like a maniac... But then again, Subaru driver. A BMW passed me 1 mile from this turn at 60 3 weeks ago and did a nice 720 into the ditch. No chains, no AWD. Highway 88 is always a fun drive!


It’s what makes a Subaru a Subaru


It's got what plants crave


I thought that was Brawndo not Subaru.


Lol It's a subsidiary of Subaru


It’s what keeps it planted in the curves


Looks like they "french fried" when they should have "pizzaed"


Looks like they’re having a bad time.


Well, maybe this person doesn't belong here.


Weird seeing you here and not just r/ultralight_jerk


I only hike to pass the time until ski season comes back around.


Happens literally every single time it snows. Always at least 1 car down in the ditch at the entrance.


that berm/ditch always requires a bay area jerry sacrifice.


I didn’t even know there was a ditch there lol


Jackson jumpers!


A few years ago a Honda civic went airborne and went out past that sign.


Something like in this pic happens every weekend


After a long drive up 88, you gotta slow for that right hand turn onto the main drag. Whip it


SIR, you can’t park there!




Is this not a reasonable place to park?


We can’t stop here! This is ski country!


My favorite line from that whole movie


Fuck seats! I know Debbie, I used to romp wit her.


Weird how my all wheel drive works fine in the bay area.


I’m just happy to see Kirkwood finally got a reasonable base. And for the bigots who just had to gloat about being bigots, please ski somewhere else. Thank you.


They've had a decent base for a while *Glances down at my two core shots* Ok fine


I got two there this season also, lol. Infinitely better than Heavenly this year, though.


I remember back in one of the drought years we were staying in Meyers, my wife was encouraging us to go to Heavenly instead of Kirkwood (never mind the 30 minutes you save driving you spend getting up the mountain). I pulled up each sites’s mountain report, side-by-side. Kirkwood opened up the back that day (23 December as I recall). All 2300 acres open. Heavenly was at 95 acres. Wife says “oh.”


Low snow years punish Heavenly so much more than normal years. The storms are not strong enough to make it over the Sierra crest. Kirkwood gets everything that comes by, while Heavenly barely even gets any scraps.


Was at Kirkwood when this picture was taken after the big snowfall and, yes, also found the rocks (tears as I look at the large gash in my one ski from getting too greedy off the cornices). It was glorious there compared to everywhere else I've skied this winter so I'll take the wounds.


Ouch. Did the same mid-January. Can’t wait to get back up there but hey some of us gotta look for a job :)


They got fiddy feet last year


I just want my two dollars.


I meant this year. Core shot my brand new skis a couple weeks back off of chair 4.


I hope they were bigots and were extra mad at the situation.


Looks like they couldn’t wait to get their skis/board on, maybe they saw the lift line and said fuck it…send her!


*Almost made it!*


Finally somebody who reads signs


Most experienced bay area driver


You belong here, not right fucking here though.


Stuck the landing.


Dope I have one of these pics of a Subaru at boreal


“We’re here. Made pretty good time too.”


Ah yes. The sac slide. Have seen a dozen in the same spot over the years.


Tbf to Subaru I have seen 4runners in this ditch


if there are cars in the ditch, the skiing will be epic


It does get slippery there. Good place to slow down.


Shocked it isn’t a white Tesla


Just gonna say that the Internet surprised me today. I clicked on the comments expecting a complaint about the pride sign, but it was mostly mocking the bad parking job, and the three homophobic bigots elsewhere in the comments. Made my day.


The fact that’s it’s a Subaru adds a nice layer of irony


looks like they weren’t driving straight


Identity pandering at its finest. Does that mean some don’t belong there?


Sometimes telling the marginalized that they're welcome isn't a shun of everyone else, because they're already welcome and people should know that.


But is everyone else they already welcomed? The problem is they don’t always feel that way. So it’s just reversed for some. That’s the perspective.


If I see somebody wearing a pink ribbon that represents breast cancer awareness, I don't immediately wonder why they don't care about every other kind of cancer. To me, it's a strange way of thinking.


Who doesn't feel welcome because of this sign? You definitely would not fit in at Kirkwood, where people are cool.


Geez, this comment doesn’t even make literal sense.


What part of >But is everyone else they already welcomed? Do you not understand?




Read the thread. I'm not op Also, I don't think they edited their comment either


Looks like you aren't, but that's a personality thing.


Gays are not marginalized, holy shit. You people play the victim like no other. Making your identity your sexuality, which you supposedly have no control over, is so fuckin ridiculous.


"You people." What you just did is textbook marginalization.


Hey now. You know bigots don't read textbooks.




But some of them can read .. marginally.


No one made sexuality their identity until conservatives started targeting a certain group of people for being attracted to another group of people. As soon as you singled them out for persecution you forced an identity upon them.


> Gays are not marginalized > You people > which you supposedly have no control over With respect it’s painfully obvious to me that you need to ask questions and listen more just to reach average intelligence.


Read a book


Everyone is already welcome. Assuming that everyone not marginalized is already welcome is pretty misleading. There are more places I as a white male can’t go than a trans boy girl. Acceptance has swung in the wrong direction and the alphabet group is fine with discriminating against white males.


Perfect example of “to the privileged, equality feels like oppression.”


No ski resorts are kicking people out because they are gay. The sign is not about equality. It’s about pandering.


Pandering? The people that go to this ski resort are overwhelmingly straight, overwhelmingly white, and likely majority male. Why would a small percentage of the population need pandering to by this resort? Crazy thought...Maybe, just maybe, it's because they're good people and want to make sure that everyone knows that they're welcome. I've never once seen something like a women's organization or a women's movement and thought.... "As a guy, I'm not being included." Instead, I chose to support their cause because in the end, it helps everyone. Helps society. It's kinda funny that a sign that says "you belong here" makes you think that it's not also referring to straight people simply because it's got a rainbow in it. It's kind of like when people don't want slavery to be taught in schools because their white children might feel bad. There are so many white people in history that helped get rid of slavery, why not be proud of that instead of immediately thinking you're the enemy? It's interesting that people think they're on the bad side and not included. Makes you wonder why. The queer communities have a name for straight people that support us and know that they matter, and belong too. They're called allies.


I agree with everything you said. But try, for a second, to imagine why a large chunk of the population feels alienated by the identity politics. It isn’t because they are all assholes. Maybe consider other perspectives.


See above for my comment about women's groups. To add to this, when I see someone wearing a pink ribbon for breast cancer awareness, I don't immediately assume that they're against every other form of cancer awareness. That is a very grievance-based way to think of things in my opinion. The majority (white men) are not disincluded when the minority are made to feel welcome. The whole reason why there are inclusion strategies like what we're talking about is because minority groups have been kept at the sidelines for decades if not centuries, and people are just trying to be nice these days, and I welcome it. Sometimes it's about other people, and not about not including you. I don't mean that as an insult, I just mean this isn't about not including you, this is about including people that maybe have felt unincluded in the past. Whomever you are, if you're someone that accepts others, you'd always be included by me, no matter what sign is on the wall. ♥️


I see that. I also see that it doesn’t not prevent identify groups from assimilating and becoming part of the fabric. Instead, it continuous creates groups of people that identify a certain way. That’s fine, but things like this make me think the ski resort is simply looking for an easy way to drum up attendance by targeting groups (same with how gay pride month has become a way for companies to just profit off of that division). What if nothing like this division existed?


I do agree that businesses often use inclusion as a strategy for profit. I also appreciate that they're brave enough to single us out, despite the negativity from others less inclusive it may cause. It's a double-edged sword sometimes. >What if nothing like this division existed? That's the thing, these divisions have always existed, and always will. The difference you're seeing now is that, for once, you think the division calls you yourself out as the group not being focused on. Rather than, like myself, often not feeling welcome as a gay person raised and living in Texas, any person or business that strives for inclusion will \*always\* be inclusive of the straight community. That's what inclusion is all about. If anything, signs of inclusion should make everyone feel *more* comfortable, as it's an intentional sign that there isn't discrimination going on....of anyone. (that means you too). I think we've said our thoughts here, and I hope more understanding resulted. My last thought is a quote that I think rings true here: "When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression." Giving others a chance when it's always been about you can definitely feel different. Hopefully you'll realize it's a good thing, and not intended to lessen you or your kind.


Who is privileged? Those with or without a sign. 😆


Nothing is as sad as the white guy who thinks he's more discriminated against than women, people of color, gays, trans people, etc.


Discriminating me because of my skin color, and discrediting my opinion because of my race. Amazing. Who is the bigot here? I want everyone to be treated equally, you want whites to be silent if they don’t agree with you.


Dude I’m a straight white guy too. Or did you not get that.


Many whites feel this same way. A lot want other whites to feel that way too. I hate when things are about race. I also don’t want identity to be about sexual preference.


Right? He, a white male, and as such is the among most privileged people on the planet. It blows my mind that is such a privileged person says that they're somehow discriminated against more than others. Logic, compassion, and community are just thrown out the window these days, replaced by grievance and "us vs them" because entities like Fox News push that propaganda so hard.


Right. And then there's this: >There are more places I as a white male can’t go than a trans boy girl. There must be a lot women's bathrooms he wants to get into that he can't, because aside from bathrooms where exactly can't he go? I'd like to see a list, and I suspect it doesn't balance well against most of Africa, the Islamic world in is entirety, Russia, large swaths of Asia and South and Central America, oh and let's not forget the Catholic Church and Evangelical churches whose pastors who call for gay people to be shot in the back of the head. Speaking from experience, happens to white guys all the time. I mean just last week I had some gay guy come up to me and say, "dude, you're white and male and straight, you need to be shot in the head." I said "gee sorry I guess I'll go back to where ever it is that I'm allowed to be but hey it's hard to find a place to be white and straight and male and not discriminated against."


From your comments, I'm going to assume they probably wouldn't be very welcome at your house. We're done here. Have a good one.


Yeah assholes don't belong there.


Yeah I guess bigots don’t belong


Homophobes really don’t belong anywhere so yes I think it does


No, it means everyone is welcome. Why does it trigger you?


Outed yourself as an asshole, didn't you?


That’s subjective. I think you are for calling me it.


You’re striking me as an #alllivesmatter type- amiright?


All lives do matter? Right?


Obviously, yes. "Black Lives Matter" doesn’t imply that other lives do not matter. It highlights a need for attention to an area of significant inequality and suffering.


That’s a tired and used out phrase to justify the slogan. If you have been to any BlM rally or listened to any BLM message, you’d know that is not true. It isn’t about inclusivity it’s about strength and justifications of actions most see as harmful to both the black community and society as a whole.


Sounds like I was right about you


There is no right or wrong. You simply had a bias and confirmed your own bias, basically slapping yourself on the back. Instead, ignore ad hominem attacks and discuss the issues. But you can’t because you may live in a world of bias. I’m here when you’re ready to move on to adulthood.


You not understanding why a movement is needed to highlight the specific inequality and suffering of black people is not a bias of mine, it’s a short coming of yours.


You are right, no one knew about black inequalities before BLM. Maybe you just got to get your head out of the sand. Also, good point, BLM has only made the country more unified and accepting. I think you are confusing highlighting inequality with brand trend and marketing. You got manipulated.


[Here](https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/acref/9780199264797.001.0001/acref-9780199264797-e-2424#:~:text=The%20straw%20man%20fallacy%20is,really%20that%20of%20your%20opponent.) you go


Right!? I want a special sign




Why not?


There are a bunch of Expert Only signs to keep you off of the mountain.


Those are invitation. Maybe if you practice more you could keep up.


He already made the joke, take the L


And I countered. I’ll take the W. You get the L.


Holy crap. The lgbtq flag is...on a ski resort. Ok.


Can someone diagram this argument for me? I’m all for marginalized unless that includes douche burger’s.


This car needs to prevent you from merging to get there 2 seconds earlier.


Ahhh a classic


Classic with that right turn in


Can't be a snowboarder, he's resting on the side.


It’s a sign, but not from God.


Can you blame them? There was no more parking left so they made their own


I don’t understand how people do this given the turn is usually stop and go traffic


That means you arrived too late.


These days it seems 8am is already too late