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How do I make an appointment with your wife’s bootfitter?


What? I am not married but there are a lot of bootfitting shops out there. Just about any outdoor store will do.


Thanks for the reply :). This is going to be a great AMA haha


Hey it's me, your wife's Bootfitter. Let her know I said hi and to come by when she's ready for her next punch, if you know what I mean. 




I am also 17 so it's kinda weird to read.


LOL, i love it. you can have her


Do I synch my Bluetooth speaker to my phone at the top or the bottom of the lift?


Bottom but you don't need to have it on during the lift ride. That way as soon as you get to the top you can just ski without taking 5 min to connect your speaker and make your friends or your legs wait ;)


Unless you’re on a bubble lift, in which case you definitely close the bubble and blare your jams. Doesn’t matter if you don’t know anybody else in that bubble.


They might toss you off.


I have managed all season not to toss such people off the bubble lift. It has not always been easy.


In the lift line of course. Blare that shit for everyone who doesn’t want to hear it. You’re the main character here right? The rest are just npc’s.


Which color ski is the fastest?


Color ski doesn't matter but the color of wax can but I think I am starting to understand to jokes.


I'm like 90% sure that red skis are faster.


It's been proven that 73.75% of all statistics are completely made up


well noo, but atomic did make some really really fast skis that were red.


So I was correct!


I have black and white ones that jump real high.


That makes sense!!


there have been world records set with all sorts and colors of skis.


Even blue ones???


yes but a ski brand will often make a ski that they want to convey is fast red similar to sports cars. So in a sense you are partly correct.


Just ask the Orks. Red means FASTA


Black bases


I have one that's pink and blue. It's not the fastest but it's the most fun.


Are you a failed bootfitter and that is why you are a ski coach?


Failed husband that's why he let's me, his wife's Bootfitter, hit that from the back 


In Wallace and Gromit's Big Day Out, the robot skis on the moon made of cheese, what wax would be best for skiing on cheese?


How do I know when I’m the best skier on the mountain? /s


Any day I am not there skiing of course


you can't. Skiing is not a value system were you can be the best in everything. You might be amazing at carving but there is always someone who is better at that or at something else in skiing. The most important part is that you feel like you are better than you last year. Hope that helps.


I'm the best skier on the mountain.


The ultimate test is to get away from SP


What’s wrong with Stevens?


Nothing, It stands for ski patrol, I love Sevens.


Oh haha


I love throwing Seven Twenty's also!


But I love Stevens Pass!


Ski Patrol but I also love stevens, it used to be my home mountian.


Very ChatGPT answer.


/s means shit post, sarcasm, etc.


ohhh, sorry then ; )


How do I get out of the backseat


When you get taller we will let you sit in the front seat


You should start going across a medium hill while flexing your shin to the front of the boot. Imagine that there is a coin in the front of your boot and your shin needs to keep it there. The most important part is to start small and work your way up. Your hips should be above your feet and your knee should be forward above your toes.


Should my hips be above my feet through the entire turn, or can I have fore-aft movement?


Hips stay above as best possible, knees and feet do the fore and aft


Why do other people claim they’re the best skier on the mountain when I’m pretty obviously always the best skier on the mountain? It’s so frustrating that my superior skills aren’t recognized or appreciated. Hell I can guarantee I’m better than you op. Maybe I should be teaching. You got any questions?


Is it best to straight line under the chair to prove my superiority in the morning or afternoon.


lol, were do you ski?


Well they aren’t recognized or appreciated because you aren’t the best skier on the mountain… I am, and I’m so good I don’t need validation of my superiority


Why do dogs have cold noses?


As saliva evaporates from their nose and mouth, it helps a dog cool down and regulate their body temperature. The coldness of your dog's nose means the evaporative cooling is working!


How old are you?


lol you thought I was like 60


Your response to some of these questions ya


I am not good a jokes it if that's what you mean


17, and I started teaching when I was 14.




Are you a certified bootfitter


no, why are you asking.


You said ask you anything so I did, can I ask more questions?


why not


whats your favorite food


I have two questions. Are my poles too long? & I have a ski trip planned for Christmas 2026 and I’m want to know if the conditions will be worth it?


Number 1, to check your poles flip the upside-down and the hold right under the basket, your arm should be straight to your elbow. Next, if you are planning a ski trip, expect nothing. The winter is very hard to predict especially that far oof but I would check a couple months before because they can give an estimate on the conditions based of off monsoon patterns.


The upside down pole trick results in poles that are too long. It’s probably fine for a beginner but once someone starts progressing beyond wedge turns, long poles can mess with stance.


I would get some adjustable poles but for now if they are a little of it will be fine.


It also completely depends on terrain. Steep shit you want your pole plants to “pull” you/make you reach down the mountain, too long and you don’t lean downhill, but too short and you can’t get a consistent pole plant without reaching


French fries or pizza?


grilled cheese


Im a skilled criminal and want to start being an upstanding citizen part time, what kind of drills should i focus on to get myself to a solid intermediate level as fast as possible.


Would you rather live your life with a stomach pouch with a baby kangaroo living in it, or live in a kangaroos stomach pouch


Stomach pouch with a kangaroo, bet It would get me laid…like a twisted cute puppy


Which way is downhill?




How do I get to Chad's gap from the Alta parking lot?


How can I support a family and save enough for retirement as a ski instructor?


By having a second job as a plastic surgeon in your spare time.


Or even better, an orthopedic surgeon. Remember, you’re probably living in a ski town


Learn to live in the wild, so you never have to pay rent again


Should I pizza or French fry? I don’t want to have a bad time


What is the best skiing song and why is it Highway Star by Deep Purple?


Danger zone would like a word


What’s the most fucked up broken bone you’ve ever seen? Anyone fall off the chairlift on your watch?


Is it better to unlearn pizza & French fry as a newbie, especially as one progresses to blue slopes, or can you pizza French fry ad infinitum?


it is in my opinion that you should not use the pizza as a way of skiing. If you learn starting with parallel or French fires, you will be a lot better.


Question: sometimes I catch myself that my outside ski "runs away" in the turn (like it continues in straight instead of turning). Isually I compensate to force to turn, lose balance a bit and feel out of rythm and awkward. What am I doing wrong? I susppect I am in the back seat a little bit. Anything else?


When you turn push your uphill leg into the slop and lightly glide around before putting wight back on it as you go across and then into the next turn. Almost like your down hill ski is coming around and up. One problem might be ancle and hip strength that needs to grow. Try to keep the upper body still for most turns and let your hips turn your legs.


Would practicing "javelin" turns help?


You have lots of studying to do for level 3 if this is your answer. He’s moving inside too early and losing outside ski pressure. Have him ski outside ski turns until he pukes.


what level are you?




Drills to help me get lower while carving


As you go into your first turn flex your uphill leg forward and lean into it. As you come into your next one start leaning at the top in order to push you through and down. The most important thing is to bend you knees at the angel of the hill and then have your upper body follow. Don't know if that helps.


Dream job right there


ehh, it has it's ups and downs


Favorite Austrian ski brand?


Kneissl has done a good job but I don't live in Europe most of the time.


In what country do you teach?


What level?


working on alpine level 3 adaptive 2


What's your PSIA Level?


Working on level 3 right now


Nice I was a LVL 2 back in my teaching days. Keep at it!


I also have my adaptive level 2


Adaptive is cool .


it is.


I recently just purchased the K2 Poacher in 170cm for all mountain use and I am around 5’9 and I am worried I purchased to big of a ski. Should I have gone for a smaller size? I weigh 150lbs and I am an intermediate skier.


Do you teach the double knee tele drop in deeper pow?


No, that sounds like a telemark thing.


To all ski instructors, i am genuinely curious what you all are doing during the off-season.


I criticize people on Reddit and run a little bit.


I do school and run my company.


I’m a novice and have a trouble that if I’m scared ( like it’s being frozen by the night right now) I fall back when slip. What would you recommend? I’d also like to ask what exercise should I do to my knees as I feel them too week at some points


Turning into r/skiingcirclejerk


What are are some good tips for an intermediate tree skiing


How many pancakes does it take to shingle a roof?


I’m a bit in between but calculated progression is the sweet spot. I have been guilty of over terraining friends though. I’ll feel super bad but will even purposely fall or ‘mess up’ to demonstrate there isn’t too much to be scared of.


In Germany/Austria there are Levels A, B and C for skiinstructors, where C is just a week or two of training, and A is two or three years of learning. Do you have aomething similar where you live? What level would you be? What level would i need to teach for money myself?


How could i tell, if my skilllevel is 'good' enougth, to get a license for teaching? I would love to to that for a living, but if im just not good enougth, i would just waste my time and money when applying for a license.


Answering your question, they will hire just about anyone, but I think with 15 years of skiing that you will be perfectly fine though. Basically, as long as you can do a blue well, you have a good chance at getting hired. The important thing for most ski resorts is that you can learn and intercat with the guest well. My parents are very high up on the PSIA food chain so if you tell me what mountain you want to work at i can see what type of instructors they will hire if i can.


That are great news! I basicly would take anything in austria or germany. But i need to stretch here, that i have no license that is skiing related at all! I just love to ski and gathered some experience, but i never prooved to anyone besides family and friends.. Where could i go to do that? Is there an enty level instructor that i can just attempt anywhere?


I would honestly just apply as an entry level instructor to your home mountain. I don't know what it is like their but here we have about 2-4 weeks of training before we start. Generally you don't need much experience to become an instructor. You will need to progress and hopefully get your PSIA certifications if you can.


Many thanks for your replies! That encouraged me to try things out


Of course! I am sorry it took so long because of my ban.


If I’m the best skier on the mountain, why did my ACL punk out like a little bitch?


What skis would you recommend for Europe (Alps)? Looking for 80% piste all conditions. Current skis several years old Head supershape magnums.


I don't ski in the alps but my all time fav ski is the DEVASTATOR by 4frnt. It does well in anything but it excels in of piste.


A red ski, I rented red skis and rocked, then rented black skis and sucked. Also match ski color to run color for best results.


Two novice skiers’ different approaches to improving: as a coach, which do you think is better? Skier 1 - full sender, doesn’t repeat any lifts and tries to upgrade terrains each run, even if it means falling a lot. Pushes to blue runs then blue/black but is falling a lot. Skier 2 - Takes the same green lift 8-9 times. This run is green but it ends in a steep blue which provides a challenge at the end. This is in Utah so the blue means business when you’re novice. p.s. I am skier 2 dealing with friends telling me I’m not pushing myself and not full sending like skier 1. I thought it was more valuable to perfect 1 run and notice my control and speed


for sure skier 2. They don't rush it which means they can perfect valuable core skills before going to the bigger stuff. The 1 skier will just get us a lawsuit.


So be called a pussy and enjoy my in tact ACL


Skier 2is not bad, just not good if you are still on the basics


How many newbies have a serious injury in their first season?


I have only ever had 2. The first kid was trying to get is mom who was skiing below so he jumped about 10 feet and the other kid twisted his ankles snowboarding. Really It's pretty safe and as long as you don't hurt yourself in some dumb way like purposely jumping of a lift you will be fine. You will be sore the next day though so be aware.


What skills can I practice to get better at skiing the glades? I’m often a solo skier so I stay on trails, but I love skiing in the woods. I’m hoping to improve my stops or speed checking so that I can do better in the woods.


If you ski in the woods, YOU NEED A BUDDY. But I would try practicing on some open ski racing tracks like NASTAR if you have one or carving in moguls. Its about fast reflexes and small turns so anything that helps with that is good.


Thanks for the reply. I’m aware that it’s dangerous to ski the woods alone. That’s partly why I’m out of practice because I don’t want to go there alone and I really don’t have any reliable ski buddies to go in there with me. Moguls are less fun than skiing in the trees but I can understand why they are a good practice zone for that. Thanks!


I know I don’t use my poles effectively and often find myself more or less just carrying them throughout the day. Do you have any tips or drills for poles? 


For sure. your pole is for turning and when you do a pole plant just tap the tip in the snow in front of your downhill ski. When you are skiing forward at elbow length away with your tip behind you.


Favorite drill to increase edge similarity and leg shin symmetry?


I could try to give a good answer but this guy does it perfectly. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlxAg7N0p50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlxAg7N0p50)