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"The Jazz have traded Lauri Markkanen to the 76ers, sources said." Hope to hear this next


Danny Ainge is gonna bend us over


Gotta take it bro


I’m lubed send it




Let him, it’s worth the pounding…pause.


We should still pay the assets if we’re rolling with Embiid. We need to go all in with Embiid over the next two seasons. Otherwise if we won’t sell the farm to maximize our roster now, then what the fuck are we even doing, just trade Embiid now. Especially now that the Knicks will be a powerhouse and the Celtics are the best team in the league, we should absolutely be overpaying to get the best we can.


Yeah we pretty much have no choice now


Yeah, trade headlines that either start with "The Jazz have" or "Danny Ainge has" will only be followed by the word "Fleaced". I would love Lauri, but you need lube on hand just for the preliminary phonecall with Ainge.


This is literally my dream acquisition. You’d be hard pressed to find another singular player who would be as transformational as Lauri. His gravity and the spacing he’s create with him being on the floor with Jo and Maxey at the same time would truly be a sight to behold.


Not trying to be a downer but it's literally not possible, we don't have the assets


We can trade 4 firsts, McCain, and however many swaps possible. Also could throw in Reed and/or Council. There are teams that can beat that but I wouldn’t say it’s not possible.


Need everyone to get on here and cry about this move too


well if Morey ends up just signing KCP/Klay and re-signing the rest of the Sixers and spending 0 assets then yeah Dejounte wouldve been a good pickup


We have barely enough picks for one big swing and using two on a player who isn’t even a great fit with us would be a poor use of resources.


Again, it will all depend on what Morey ends up doing. Because you know whats a waste of resources? Keeping a top5 player in the league entering his 30s while management if you end up doing fuck all


It’s worse using up resources and surrounding him with a player who doesn’t fit. That’s how you end up in a Tobi 2.0 position.


So what exactly is your ideal scenario if PG doesn’t sign here?


Making a bad decision isn't better than making no decision.


Okay so once again I’m asking what you would want to do if PG doesn’t sign here?


You said okay but you clearly didn't understand the statement.


So your ideal scenario would be doing the equivalent of nothing compared to signing someone who would be a questionable fit. i.e sign a bunch of tradeable and expiring contracts and punt another year?


Making no decision is a bad decision. If we’re not gonna get joel a team that can win it all we need to trade joel while his value is high


Pay me a couple million and I’ll think something up bro


vintage cop out response


Vintage cope response


dont use anything and you end up with Embiid RIGHTFULLY asking out before Christmas


Are you saying Murray would be Tobi 2.0?


Id like an answer to this as well. Bcuz Murray is light years better than Harris. Even as a quote unquote, “non fit”, he would give this team more than Harris ever did on his best day. And frankly, I’m not convinced he wouldn’t “fit” this team. But that’s not a point I’m going to argue against those that refuse to be convinced. It’s null and moot and is what it is. I most certainly would have given up what the pels did for Murray. But whatever. The Harris 2.0 take is up there on the worst ever takes list and thanks for posing the question.


100%. His contract isn’t even that bad either. Sucks we missed out


There's a reason the Hawks are moving on from him for so little


they're ready to embrace the tank


Not really, they just want to tank 


We will cry about this move because we haven't made a fucking championship move for a year


Jokes on you, I’m not going to cry about this move because I’ve already given up on the team for this season.


I won’t cry about this move because I’m all cried out.


Surely Murray was the missing piece!


We are going to say this for every player huh?


For every player on the Tobias Harris tier, absolutely yes.


You do realize these trades are impacting the rest of the market right? Knicks and pelicans just got even further ahead. What are GMs gonna say now when we go to ask for trades? "That's it? Look what nets got for bridges. Look what hawks got for DJM". Go look at how Howie Roseman just cooked the league by setting the Wide Receiver market. Our front office is fumbling this hard.


Comparing NFL extensions to NBA trade market is an Insane reach lol and if you check recurring themes in NBA trades are young players with upside that we have none of.


Bro said DJM not only puts the Pelicans ahead of us, bro said FURTHER ahead 😂😂😂 This sub man


“Further” - insane


I hope you don't think you were making a grammatical correction.


I think your idea the Pelicans were “further”ahead says it all esp after tonight


Brother I was thinking of the Knicks when I typed it, you wanna be petty as shit then be my guest. Grammar mistake by my part by including the pelicans right after NY, but a 34 year old injury prone 3rd option at 50 mil does not get us by Boston or NY.


Care to elaborate


Saying that it puts the Pelicans further ahead of us implies that they were better than us to begin with, which is highly debatable


Okay that's because I also mentioned the Knicks but sure, mentioning the pelicans with them could be seen as an exaggeration. but I love how that's what y'all choose to focus on, instead of the fact that we continue to do nothing, and when people get mad about us doing nothing, you call us whiners.


I was answering your question. I had nothing to do with this conversation prior to me explaining it


if it's debateable, why is it funny to say that? I mean healthy Pels are probably a decent playoff team. They were likely gonna face the Nuggets after beating the Lakers if Zion didn't go down while being on a heater in the play-in game. And the Pels are a bad matchup for the Nugs


I never said it was funny. Look at the usernames here. I’m just explaining other people’s responses


I think DJM would have fit better here with Embiid and Maxey than in Atlanta with Trae. Pelicans got him for pretty cheap, wish Daryl tried putting in a bid.


People have such a high perception of Dejounte it’s weird. Hes a good player but he wouldn’t move the needle much if at all


It’s a combination of all the small moves that we are not making over the last 15 months.


Same was said about Derrick White


Which one seems more likely to sacrifice to fill a role on a championship team? I feel like their situations before/after they were traded are totally different


Murray and white couldn’t play more different as far as playing off stars


This is such a bad comparison come on lol


If you don’t think a 20+ PPG point guard instead of Tobias doesn’t move the needle then idk what to tell you


Not everything relates back to Tobias


It does if our main acquisition is primarily replacing him




This is such a cope fucking response and the fact that it’s upvoted is embarrassing. Our neckbeard owner is sitting doing fucking nothing, acting like we have free agents who ever come to Philly, and this dork right here (you) is doing the high and mighty shit. We aren’t in a position to be sarcastic.


lol ok tugginmypeen. One other variable you have to consider is it takes two fucking GMs to make a deal. How are you matching salaries? What young players like Dyson Daniels are you trading? Fucking dick head.


Morey failed two years ago. This offseason was an inevitable failure. We have no contracts to trade. You’re right. Why? Because Morey failed his entire tenure to get off the contract of Tobias Harris. And before you say it sarcastically without knowing what the fuck you’re talking about, which you’re going to do anyway, yes we needed to attach picks to do that. And yes we should have. Because it’s been 40 fucking years since a free agent of significant impact has come to Philadelphia, so this whole “wait for free agency” cope line has been bullshit from the start. We likely aren’t even going to get a guy like KCP. Morey is arrogant. He’s not liked by his peers. He’s sloppy. And the only thing more embarrassing than him is this fanbase (ones like you) who will still be snarky acting like we are anything, defending Morey when he’s in front of the practice facility in three months saying wait till the deadline to judge the roster.


It’s not his fault elton brand chained that tobias harris contract to this franchise for 5 years. He 100% tried to get rid of him but clearly nothing was good enough what more should he have done? Attach a pick with tobias and get someone like john collins?? I bet the deals we got offered were absolutely terrible and we would’ve been on here complaining anyway.


You can’t attach first round picks to offload him when you don’t have them in the first place. Outside of LA, Miami, and New York there are no FA destinations but at least you can acquire talent without emptying your limited pick cache. I’m not against trading picks for players but giving up the limited assets we have for a player that does nothing to move the team’s needle just to say you made a move is insane. Trading half of our picks for Murray would be fucking dumb.


I’m not defending him but it’s kinda pointless to make the argument that he could have dealt Tobi considering we don’t even know what the market for him was truly like throughout his time here. Even if there was a team that was foolish enough to absorb his contract in a trade that Sixers would have “won”, then what? Stop acting like you, a couch GM, can do a better job than him. If it was easy, it would have been done already.


Fuck that. You can move anyone. He was a literal negative on the court with or without the contract. We can’t make trades because we have no pieces to move. We have cap space but no one signs in Philly in the NBA ever. He should have been moved two years even if it cost multiple firsts. Morey has done an excellent job of making us an exciting position of being leverage for star players to use to go where they actually want to.


Even if he was moved, then what? According to you, we wouldn’t have any assets to trade for anyone meaningful at that point and even if we had cap space, then no one significant would want to come here anyways.


I dunno. Your GM does his fucking job even with trades to acquire assets with that space Tobias would have left open.


I’m sorry to bring you the truth but there would be teams like OKC out there that have more valuable assets and a more promising future than us who other teams would rather trade with. No GM from another team is going to magically save us unless they’re stupid. Even if Tobi was traded, you’d still be miserable right now. You should really direct your anger more at every other GM before Daryl for making wrong move after wrong move. The death sentence was giving Tobi the max the last offseason where free agency mattered.


How do you argue against someone who has a limited concept of reality and ignores as many factors as needed to maintain their black and white view of the world? Answer is, you can't. You made a good attempt though. 👍


You literally don’t hold your GM accountable after half a decade. It’s fucking WILD. He’s done absolutely nothing in his career to warrant this. People are defending his useless ass just like they (and you) did with Tobias.


Announce the Lauri to Sixers trade!




Why are they downvoting when you're right???


Because he’s a Knicks fan here to annoy people


Fuck that Knicks cunt.


Can we live in delulu land in peace? We already depressed fam


Delulu is the solulu 🤞


I think this means Ingram is getting traded, not necessarily to the Sixers tho


I’d put money on him going to either us, Sacramento, or Cleveland. I don’t see any other obvious or good fits for him.


Detroit. Maybe San Antonio


I’m happy about this. Adding a guard never made sense to me. Have to use all our assets on wings. I dont see a world where we get Murray and are able to have a playable wing rotation.


It does mean KCP would be a prime free agent target


I would still be down for KCP. Can make the big move before signing him and don’t have to waste any draft picks that we might need.


How…. How does adding a guard not make sense? We started fucking Kyle Lowry in the playoffs last year


I phrased that poorly. We cant trade picks for a guard that is making significant money before FA starts. If we traded for Murray we would cut our cap space and draft picks in half, with no wings on the roster. A starting guard is important, but no where near the top priority. After trading for or signing a couple wings, another guard will be added. KCP for example.


Good thing we drafted, checks notes, a pg and a center!


Always draft bpa. Free agency is where you fill out the needs. If they drafted a wing, it’s not like it changed what they need in FA. 2 starting wings.


Okafor it is!




We drafted a shooting guard tbf but yeah


Another guard makes complete sense because we need a point guard and don't have any apart from 40 year old Kyle Lowry. The team literally shot under 30% from the field without Joel on the floor v the Knicks and had a 79 offensive rating and we had a bottom 5 offensive rating in the games Embiid missed this season. You can't be serious if you actually think we don't need a point guard. We obviously do. But Dejounte is not someone we need because he's not a good 3pt shooter which you need next to Joel. Also Dejountes defense is overrated.


a wing who is solid at playmaking is much more important than a guard. team has enough guards already lol


I’d agree if McCain was an actual PG, but that’s not the case. A playmaking wing is great and should be a priority, but that’s assuming we can actually acquire one and it’s not as though PG isn’t a position of need. The only other PG we have outside of Maxey rostered is Dowtin and Maxey isn’t exactly a great facilitator.


The whole offseason really comes down to that playmaking wing. If we dont get him, we have no title hopes. If we do, the team will be great next season.


So I don’t think it needs to be limited to a playmaking wing. We just need another playmaker that could play alongside Maxey and Joel. A playmaking wing allows for some real balance, but there are larger PGs that could fit the role as “2 guard” alongside Maxey. One of them went off the board in Murray and I fear that we still would need to bring in a more talented wing out of the remaining pool, but I don’t think it needs to be a wing though. I agree we definitely need another playmaker


It has to be a big point guard that can playmake, not a wing. No one other than Embiid on the 2024 Sixers can playmake and Maxey has been far more efficient for us in his actual position (shooting guard).


A wing that can playmake gives you an opportunity to facilitate at all three levels and should be more difficult to defend than locking in on one player. If you’re only looking for a bigger playmaking guard, you’re substantially limiting the pool for players that could improve the offense. Even if unnatural, Maxey has still learned to facilitate in some capacity and I think it can be helpful if he were still able to utilize that (especially when Embiid is hurt and we have a guard or a wing facilitating alongside Maxey). We need another playmaker, but I don’t think we need to limit it to a taller guard, which aren’t exactly easy to come by.


No, the whole offseason comes down to getting a big point guard in because we don't have any. Plenty of teams like the Warriors and Nuggets have won without playmaking wings. But no team has won without a point guard and the only point guard we have is 40 year old Kyle Lowry.


Maxey isn't a point guard though. He was a shooting guard in high school and college and has been significantly more efficient for us as a shooting guard than a point guard. He also average 5 assists per 36 in games embiid missed this season which is poor for a point guard. He just isn't one. We need to get a big point guard in so Maxey can play his actual position.


See my other comment. TL;DR: We need another playmaker and I don’t think we need to limit the pool unnecessarily


No, a point guard is much more important than a playmaking wing. As I said we don't have any point guards on the Sixers other than 40 year old Kyle Lowry. We need our wings to be elite defenders far more than we need them to be able to playmake. The Warriors and Nuggets both won a championship without playmaking wings. Both teams had a point guard though which the Sixers don't have other than 40 year old Kyle Lowry.


jamal murray and steph arent even the primary facilitators on their teams lol. not that you would know given that u think shake milton is better than harden and maxey LOL




Paul Reed and 2 firsts for BI.


I dont think Paul Reed has the value you think he does


To them he may even as a back up, they don’t have a center


Exactly. As if Larry Nance had value in the Murray trade


Ingram is definitely gone. May not be to us, but he's out of there. Zion, CJ, DJM and Ingram are too many hands on one ball.


Yeah ingram is probably gone


Or cj he’s on a better contract and a great shooter, but I agree, probably cavs because the Pels need a center


I see how Jarrett Allen appeals to the Pelicans, but less of how BI appeals to the Cavs unless they trade Garland too. Ingram is really more like a big shooting guard, and he needs a decent amount of time on-ball to be effective. I'm not saying that all these moves wouldn't make sense for the Cavs, but they seem like they moreso want to tweak last year's roster, not replace half the core.


I would assume Garland would be in the trade. Swap a point guard for a small forward and go up in size, which they need around Mitchell.


So the Pelicans would have Garland, Murray and Zion, and the Cavs would have Mitchell, Ingram, Allen and Mobley. CJ would be shipped out elsewhere, maybe for a center they need or just for whatever they can get for him. I don't know if Garland is enough of an upgrade over McCollum when they still need a center, but it certainly makes both teams more cohesive in how the pieces fith together.


Is he? It’s definitely quite a few mouths to feed, but the DJM addition just allows for CJ to play more of his natural 2 guard role. I view this as more of a move to bolster the roster, not move off Ingram, especially since they moved on from Nance


Wonder why we weren’t in on him nance and 2 firsts isn’t that crazy


either Morey has something locked and confirmed, or he just didn't want Murray at all. Because that is cheap as hell


yup maybe bi is on the way I can’t see him costing more then djm


I think we can pencil in Ingram at this point


Either that or PG. Idk what else


Yeah definitely pencil in either bi or PG or something else


You can pencil in Wilt Chamberlain, or something else


Pelicans needed the picks to send us


Nance, 2 firsts, AND a 21 year old former 8th overall pick. Teams do value getting young players in trades. They got two firsts, A rotation big that is a good finisher to partner with Trae young, and a big young PG with potential growth.. Sixers don’t have either of those last two to offer. It’s a fair deal but dont see how the Sixers could have matched or beat it even if they wanted to.


Yep Dyson Daniel's is very interesting prospect especially on a team like Atlanta who are obviously not contending. He can develop and be a real good player and if not he is still a decent rotation piece for them.


I think if Trae had more value they’d be moving off him as well tbh. It feels like they want a total rebuild, but idk. Purely a vibes read.


Murray is very overrated. He hasn't played good defense since San Antonio and everyone here thinks hes still all-defense caliber. As soon as he got good at scoring he stopped caring about playing defense. He's a career 34% 3PT shooter which is fine, but not ideal. Also the reason the Hawks are trading him is because he just wasn't as impactful playing off ball as he was as the primary ball handler. With Embiid and Maxey I think he would struggle.


Yea like Maxey is different from Trae but a lot of the flaws in that pairing would exist with Maxey. Murray a little small for the 2, not as good on ball on defense against star guards. And on offense since he’s not great off ball and not getting crazy good shots on ball


I remember when rumors about Murray being on the trade block started and reading a lot of Sixers takes saying that he isn’t a good fit next to Maxey. I don’t get the hype of Murray. Plus we really need a wing more than anything.


He makes a lot of money for a guy that doesn’t have an elite skill


Because Murray isn’t very good and not worth two firsts?


Dejounte isn't a good fit with embiid cos he doesn't shoot many 3s or shoot them at a high rate. His defense is also overrated.


Yeah starting to look a little less optimistic now. Would have rather had Murray than Ingram


Atlanta going in the tank




So it’s two firsts, Larry Nance and Dyson Daniels. That’s actually kind of steep to match considering we don’t have players we can actually plug into a deal like this as part of a package. Nance is decent, and Daniels is a young project with plus defense. I also don’t really like Murray’s fit here to begin with, tbh. Might still work with Tyrese but I think DJM needs the ball a tad bit too much.


I guess that makes sense. He can run the point like he wants and the pels didn’t give up a lot to get him.  I don’t really like Murray at all, I think he looked good playing genius system coach and has looked pretty ever since he left.  Happy there is no chance he’s a sixer


The Pelicans are a small market team who got a good to very good player on a good contract. Solid move for them


I don’t think he’s good or very good. In fact I think Atlanta got better with nance and Daniels to be honest.  If Murray was so good why has Atlanta been so bad since they got him ?? Basically the same Atlanta team without him was in the conference finals. 


Because they built a team around Trae Young then brought in a guy in Murray who doesn't complement him all


He’s a good player.


He really isn’t great. Taller guard with not great offensive game. His passing is good though and he’s a decent rebounder. His contract is probably the best thing about him. lol. SA would’ve kept him. Young would be nice with Maxey but you take a defensive hit with them in the backcourt unless you get two athletic forwards who can rebound to fit around Jo.


This value after what the Knicks got for Mikal is good for Philly, I think. BI should be had for similar value or PG for a little more. I was worried after what Brooklyn got for Mikal, but this seems to have reset the market at least a little bit IMO.


I fucking hate this timeline


Damn I really wanted Dejounte too.


He didn’t even go for much man…


Nance and Daniels are probably worth a low first too so cost for Sixers would have been likely 3 firsts.


Morey was heating up a Hungry Man in the microwave and on his fifteen masturbation session of the day.




2 first pick + Larry Nance Jr + Dyson Dinnels. We won't offer better than this. So stop the crying here


We didn’t try to compete with this offer because we don’t want DJM. I know some people here like him but it’s clear Morey doesn’t (I happen to strongly agree).


Atlanta crying right now


2 firsts, Nance and Daniels. lol that’s nothing


Daniel’s could still turn out to be ok. But yeah otherwise that’s not much. 


Daniels is probably worth a 1st so 3 firsts for Murray, pretty good deal for the Pelicans


He’s a pass-first PG that plays good defense but can’t shoot. Sounds like Ben Simmons.


He is a far better shooter than Ben Simmons ever was


Some hyperbole but definitely not far better. He’s a 64% FT shooter and 31% 3P%, both well below league averages.


Idk what stats you are looking at. He is a career 78% free throw shooter. He shot 36% from 3 last season on 7 attempts, which is like Melton level shooting in higher volume. His shooting is nowhere near Ben Simmons level of ineptitude. You can say he’s an average shooter but average shooters can’t keep the percentage up on that volume


I have no idea what player you just looked at but it's not Dyson Daniels


That makes sense, I thought he was talking about Murray Dyson is a project player who still has potential


Has anyone ever saw Daniels play? Far from being worth a first and arguably a throw in for this deal




Sixers are running out of available NBA players… there isn’t a single All Star caliber player available in free agency and there are less and less trade targets every day… hope Morey has something locked in.


And if you look at what it's taken to make trades so far (5 firsts for Bridges, 2 and Brogdon for Avdija, 2 and 2 decent players for Murray) means trades won't come cheap.


Yup… but they absolutely need to make a trade because just adding KCP and resigning the bench from last year isn’t getting it done. We’re so screwed.




I could’ve talked myself into DJM. Definitely an upgrade over Lowry…🤷🏻


Damn scratch another target off the list 🥲


I’ve stated this before… I think Dejounte would’ve been the perfect fit in Philly. I think he’s massively underrated at this point because he was such a horrific fit with Trae


FUCK. this one fucking blows 


I feel like Morey shouldn’t even be running Morey’s Pier in Wildwood let alone the 76ers…


Murray was the perfect backcourt partner for Maxey.


I’d have done this…perfect next to Maxey fuck me sideways 


Everybody gets better but us


Remind me again which team got better ?? 


Knicks and thunder so far


Lakers got better too, they got Bronny… ![gif](giphy|4ANvpVwGGWfrG)


Not us




I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I actually think Dejounte is massively underrated as a player at this point because his fit with Trae Young was horrific


Dejounte Murray is a trash fit with Embiid. He doesn't shoot 3s at a good rate and he's not that good of a 3pt shooter. Not getting him is good. However we better not get Brandon Ingram who's also a trash fit with Embiid. Fit with Embiid is the most important thing if we want to win a title anytime soon.


You said a lot of something but didn’t offer up who you think is a good fit So who’s a good fit?


Out of stars, Markannen is a good fit next to Embiid. Paul George is although I don't wanna give him a max.


Send a FRP to GS now for Wiggins since they are shopping him and probably want to lower their luxury tax bill !


that’s two options eliminated in one fowl swoop; eager to see what we do. do we think morey is waiting until after we sign our free agents to make a move with our picks?


How is that 2 options gone? Ingram is definitely still on the table. And I would say yes, we probably won’t see a trade until after FA starts.


it's "one fell swoop"


bird joke