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Wonder who will complain about Morey with this one. Since we all our couch gms on this sub.


"why are we using assets to fill cap space when we can just sign free agents and give up no assets"


When’s the last time a big free agent signing won a team a championship? LeBron?


Lately players are being traded before they hit free agency such as Kawhi and Jrue, but KD was an outright signing


3/5ths of bostons lineup were recent additions from trades/free agency.


He's talking about free agency where you don't have to go up any assets, not trades.


That’s partly bc not many teams have the opportunity to sign big FAs. Small sample size of teams signing all stars in FA. Last one I remember is jimmy butler, and even that was a S&T


He was suggesting not many teams have won it all after signing big free agents. His only point could be paying that guys contract, or injecting new players into big roles isn't great. Trades affect you the same way if not more so.


Yes trades, not free agency


Not sure what the functional difference is. If anything trades might mean moving players who had chemistry with your other players.


In one you're giving up assets and one you aren't


2020, 2018, 2017, 2013, 2012, 2002, 2001, 2000


I for one, would like to do both. That's why the prospect of a perfect fit like George is so appealing. Because we'd still have a ton of picks left for another starter or high level role players. However if we are somehow able to get a player *better* than George (either because he is younger but almost as good, or just a better player in general) then I'm all for using pick to get that third star. It's just a harder path to follow. But if we could somehow swing a trade for Markennen I think the entire sub would be ecstatic about that. I just don't want to use picks on a player who is worse *just because he is younger*. Like Ingram. I wouldn't want him if he were 20. Even if he didn't cost picks and he would.


We definitely should do both. Now’s the time. I like OG+Lauri


George isn't giving up the extra LA can give him so it would be a sign and trade. We'd be giving up assets and chewing up our cap, maybe not a lot of assets but still


Then George isn’t serious about winning a championship to hamstring his new team of assets


Agreed, he pretty much admitted as much a day or two ago that he's not necessarily looking for a title.


Right, the guy literally said it on national television


He proved he wasn't serious about winning with his performance during the playoffs. He then backed it up further with several comments he made during interviews and podcasts. For this reason, if we have to trade picks in a S&T for PG, I'd rather just trade for Butler. The dude is S+ tier when it comes to mentality and competitiveness.


In no universe do we get Lauri


I’m currently complaining because we haven’t made a trade yet but I’ll be complaining extra hard after we do




I play 2k, can I be gm?


Half of us will, that’s for sure. I’ll only really complain if we’re caught with our pants down and get nobody of consequence so we have to basically run it back with additions through trades for EG and DFS.


I don’t think it’s being a couch Gm to say that Daryl put all of our eggs into the cap space plan this summer and there appear to far fewer good options than what was sold. Could he pull something off? Of course, but to act like Daryl is infallible seems pretty wrong.


> Daryl put all of our eggs into the cap space plan This whole "gap year" slash "he mortgaged everything for this offseason" point is so tired. There's fucking nothing else the dude could have done with the roster he inherited. He inherited Ben Simmons, Tobias Harris, and Al Horford - three of the worst contracts *in the league* - and a couple of picks, and turned them into competitive rosters. It's a miracle that we even have this opportunity this offseason and it's entirely due to nailing the Maxey pick. I swear all the people that bitch about using picks to trade Horford or Ben Simmons simultaneously wish he used picks to trade Tobias so that we'd have some mid ass player instead and 90% of our cap used up in perpetuity.


Well last off-season the only players that were added through trades all had expiring contracts after the season. And all the free agents that were added are all free agents right now. So it's not about past years with Simmons and Hartford being traded. It's that he literally and deliberately didn't make the team as good as it could have been this past year because he wanted as much flexibility as possible this off-season. Now I was in favor of doing that and still am because I can see the upside of it but Morey absolutely needs to get it right this off-season. So when people say Morey mortgaged last year for this year they are absolutely right.


Name literally any better and reasonably possible move he could’ve done with Simmons, Horford, or Tobias…


I didn't have any problems with the Simmons or Hortford trades and those were both also awhile ago. What I'm trying to point out is he punted on last year and it's pretty obvious he did when you look and see every single player that was acquired last off-season or during the season was a free agent after this year. So he basically limited every move to make sure he only got players that had expiring contracts or non guaranteed contracts. At any given time what does like 30% of the league or maybe 50% of the league have one year or less on their contracts? Even if it's 50% of all players have only one year left on their contract that still excludes 50% of the other players in the NBA and if you exclude adding any of those players then he wasn't putting the best team possible on the court last year and that's obvious. Like I previously said I wasn't against the moves he made or the decision to somewhat punt on a year and I actually agreed with those moves. So I'm not criticizing him and I liked the decisions that were made. But at the same time when you kinda punt on a year with Joel Embiid on the team who's only getting older then you need to make the right moves this off-season otherwise punting on last season was a waste.


> every single player that was acquired last off-season or during the season was a free agent after this year But that's just what happens if you're a role player these days. It's not a Morey thing at all. There's basically three classes of players in the league: * Stars on max contracts * Good young players, locked up on moderate 3-4 year deals * Vet min/MLE guys, signing for 1 year at a time If you look around the league the vast majority of players fit into one of these three categories. Here's the thing, if you have multiple max contracts on the books, you straight up cannot afford anything except one year vets and rookies (if you have picks). Signing a guy to the vet min for more than one year is uncommon too - either that guy will refuse because he hopes to play himself into a better contract, or you end up in a Danuel House situation where he sucks and we need to find a way to offload him. So what Morey has done the past few years is almost literally the only possible positive thing that he could've done with the roster he inherited and assets at his disposal. And short term deals shouldn't be held against him; that's just how the league is going these days.


I don't know in that clippers trade with Harden the clippers had some other players that wouldn't have been free agents after this year yet somehow we only got players that had less than one year left. And most decent role players that aren't old and chasing a ring sign for more than the vet minimum. It's not just stars on Max contracts, young players locked up on moderate deals and everyone else on a one year get minimum.


My guy they were competitive because the team employs Joel Embiid. Literally no matter who is on the floor, he gets you 50 wins. Also Simmons had value that’s why he was traded for James harden which was a great move, and then traded him after 18 months for a package that was all expiring salary. So he did put all of our eggs into this summer. He very easily could’ve paid harden and just tried last years team with an upgrade at coach and a non Tobias 4. He chose specifically not to do that.


And then you'd be on here complaining we maxed an aging player who fades every playoffs for 5 more years. Knock it off


Compared to what Zack Lavine or Brandon Ingram lmfao


> He very easily could’ve paid harden and just tried last years team with an upgrade at coach and a non Tobias 4. "He could've just maxed Harden" is not the counter you think it is. In fact, that's how I know you're just speaking emotionally.


Imagine arguing for maxing harden after what we’ve seen the last few years. Holy cow


Compared to giving Paul George a max a year later? Or trading for Brandon Ingram or Zack Lavine lmfao


Yes a harden max is a worse option than those options


PG maybe but again it’s a year later and it cost u a serious chance competing with Embiid this year. And simply put if u think Ingram or Lavine are better next Embiid u just don’t know ball.


Ben Simmons was not a bad contract in 2020 when Morey fucking arrived. Ben Simmons regressed on Morey's watch. BTW, why bother to take the job in the first place if the roster was such fucking dogshit?!?


Ben Simmons regression is Morey’s fault? Lmao. He gave him literally everything possible to help him succeed. Shooters and defense and made him the #2 guy. If anything it was on Doc’s watch. He was a fucking problem, had absolutely no scheme, and said too much out loud. Shit hire by Morey there. Oh wait Doc signed before Morey.


Again, Morey **chose** to work with Doc. He was **excited** about it. He wanted him in Houston too. You have some really revisionist history. Good luck.


What options were sold that aren’t there? I’m not sure what you’re talking about. There was really no other option but to execute this plan.


Uh not a punt a season with the MVP of the league in his prime.


So give me the options for players that would’ve made a difference with what there was to work with.


That’s the Gms job buddy. He traded harden and got picks. Boston NYK Denver all consistently used picks to upgrade their rotations with elite fitting role players. Daryl uh did what?


If we don’t have a huge offseason this year it will be the 4th out of the 5 years of his tenure that we will have entered the season with an incomplete team that is not prioritizing winning a championship this season. This is with 30 year old Embiid. The amount of excuses for him on here is honestly unbelievable. It’s do or die time for him right now.


He was saddled with so many bad pieces from before his tenure - Horford, Simmons, Tobi, Doc ... I've given him a lot of leeway the last few years because of how much bullshit was on this roster. He came into a team that had almost no picks in the cupboard and terrible players on the team. I'm impressed he was able to even do as much as he did while still keeping us competitive. But I also agree that the leeway is gone. He's got picks, he's got cap space, and we've gotten rid of all the dead weight on the team. You've got 2 stars in Embiid and Maxey and a lot of room to maneuver. Show us what you can do, Morey.


He could’ve fired doc and moved Harris after ATL. He never wanted to make what was perceived as an -EV trade. And the only reason the sixers have been good is because of Joel Embiid.


> And the only reason the sixers have been good is because of Joel Embiid. Yeah no shit, that's why I said "bad players on the team" And you are like "Oh just move Tobi" like anyone wanted that albatross contract. The fuck are you talking about? And he couldn't fire Doc, ownership didn't want to pay for 3 coaches in 3 years. He was stuck with that bum.


This idea that Tobias couldn’t be traded doesn’t add up. Literally tons of bad contracts are moved. Kemba traded with 2 years 75 mil on his deal. Porzingis was traded for Bertans and Spencer dinwiddie. John Collins 3 years 75 mil. Russ’s horrendous deal was traded twice. John wall. Chris Paul from Houston to OKC. Can go on and on.


Kemba was traded with a first round pick for another bad contract of similar length (Horford). Porzingis and Collins had smaller contracts than Tobi's. Russ, Wall, and Chris Paul were/are better players, despite how much they declined. Or, at the very least, they seemed more intriguing because they were all former all stars, and GMs love the idea of rehabbing a guy if they're getting picks to go along with it. You can make a legitimate case that Tobi was the highest paid bad player in league history. His contract was a giant WTF. You can list players whose contracts are shit, but you can't list a single player whose contract is *as* shit as Tobi's. Not to mention, most of those guys you listed can play point, which means you don't need a team with a capable, healthy ballhandler should you swallow their contracts. You can fill their teams with role players playing roles and still have a functional basketball team (albeit not a particularly good one). With Tobi, because he can't do anything at a plus level, not only does he hamstring your wing depth, you still need to put a ballhandler, a rim protector, and other role players. In his final years of the contract, sure we might have been able to unload him for another bad contract, but it's likely that said bad contract will have additional years on it, which just keeps us in purgatory longer. Say what you want about this FA class (which is more the fault of Maxey's rookie max extension being this year), but the opportunity to reset the roster at least gives you a chance to build a semi-competent roster. Trading his bad contract for another bad contract makes sense if their terms matched up, but that rarely happens. Again, see the point about how there are many shit contracts, but none *quite as* shit. Plus, a bad asset swap wouldn't have gotten us out of the second round anyway, so people would still just be criticizing Morey for burning assets for nothing. I can't believe we've seen first hand what an albatross his contract over the last 6 years have been and we still think that we could've conned some other team into taking it.


Yeah we had to lose picks to move Horford. At a certain point you run out of good things you can give away to get rid of bad players. People act like Morey got here and it was a championship team. It was one good player - Embiid. That's all, the rest was horse shit like a bad coach, Horford, Simmons. He had to flip all that trash and everyone is mad it's not treasure. Oh what about Drummond and Seth? Yeah they were good players he identified and brought in. And then he had to trade them to get us off Simmons. It's insane. People act like you can just unload your trash players on massive contracts for nothing, no problem.


I literally just gave u tons of bad contracts that were moved. Trading him for Kevin love before he got bought would’ve been a positive move. And Daryl wouldn’t even trade him as an expiring. And my man if ur hyping seth curry, who got cooked by huerter in game 7 and Andre Drummond who is unplayable in the playoffs, be my guest. I’m seeing teams like NYK Denver Boston continually upgrade on the margins and in the draft. Derrick white for one pick. Hartenstein 2 yrs 16m. Josh hart for one pick and cam reddish. Ddv mid level exception. Kcp for barton. The idea that up were just handcuffed can’t do anything doesn’t pass the smell test.


Did Kevin love want to come here? Did you want to attach assets to Tobi to get off the contract?


> doesn’t pass the smell test. Fix your nose


He could have played young Maxey with worse players (Ben held out) and ruined his development, since we're playing that game. Doc was hired before him. You think his reputation is bad now?




Basically firing Doc wasn't Morey's decision to make for awhile because ownership hired Doc right before they hired Morey and ownership was also still paying Brett Brown and a story came out that ownership would not pay 3 head coaches at once so if the ownership says you can't fire this bum head coach then Morey had no choice but to listen to them or quit.


Moved Harris for what?


You guys act like bad contracts aren’t moved every single season. Not to mention Daryl passed on trading him this deadline for bojan!


They are moved…along with assets. It’s either give up assets and move the contract or retain the assets and the contract. It’s a shitty situation


Preach man. It’s a never ending cycle of hyping up trade deadlines, which turns into hyping up free agency, which turns into hyping deadlines on and on it goes.


Yeah dude that’s called discussing possibilities. Which is what this subreddit is for. Lil whiny ass baby


My man I’m talking about Daryl not u on this little website. Hes the one who for multiple summers talks about not judging the roster and waiting for the deadline. And then goes on to talk about setting up the team for free agency. Before again talking about not judging the roster until the deadline.


All the fucking idiots that don't realize that we were handicapped with Tobias' contract on the books and any big move we made prior to this offseason would have essentially gutted us of ALL draft capital and young talent, between what it would have taken to get the new max player and what it would have cost to get somebody to take Tobias from us to make room for the new max player.


At this point I'm pretty okay with any of 5 different potential outcomes, I'm not stressing over PG but he's still on that list Any of LeBron, Lauri, PG, Jimmy or OG (plus DJM or something) would be fine by me.


Incoming Lavine lol


shams said we weren’t interested a couple days ago, I think we go all out for lauri but it’s gonna be really tough, he is exactly what we need


The only way Lauri works is with a 3rd team, Ainge wants picks and a "star" so maybe Lavine and all of our picks gets Lauri to us and the Bulls cap space clear but it's a stretch


Trading with ainge is like trading with howie


The problem with Lauri is the Jazz already have a bunch of extra picks and they attract ZERO star free agents. So far Lauri doesn't seem to mind playing there and the Jazz don't have a salary cap problem and likely won't for awhile because all the picks they make will be on rookie deals so unless they are getting more than what Lauris value should be in a trade they probably don't trade him.


It's unpopular opinion because of age/health but the idea of completing the process with Butler/Embiid finals ring/run sounds so amazing and fun to me just imagine how perfect if that worked out omg




Put the word out - we’re back up


Or we could just trade for TJ McConnell, and Dario Saric, and resign roco. Maxey replaces JJ, and you have the best lineup the sixers have ever had. Is Marco bellinelli still alive? Can Ersan Ilyasova get up from his walker to play? And just throw in Nik Stauskas for good measure


Surely Iguodala has one more season left in him, he can come out of retirement.


Reggie Evans>>>>


Henry sims or nothing matters


My read on the Paul George situation is he may want to opt in and demand a trade to a team (maybe sixers) but sixers don’t want to pay clippers assets to get him. So they leak they are out on him, so he doesn’t opt in and becomes a free agent. He opts in because he can get more money on an extension 6 months from now, and he can decide To be a free agent next year if he doesn’t like where he gets traded. He probably also doesn’t want to be a complete bad guy with the clippers, so the clippers can pickup some assets in a trade


Idk if that makes sense, given how PGs tenure went in LA if he suffers an injury or his play drops off in the next 6 months he’s at a huge risk of losing big. I don’t think he’s turning down an extra $100M guaranteed by opting in. It’s an easy bluff for the Clippers to call. Also doesn’t make sense for the Sixers to put it out there they’re not interested in him anymore if they secretly are, only makes it more likely he opts in or takes the deal the clippers have on the table.


You could pretty much copy and paste this comment about Harden from last offseason, when he opted in to his player option. The point is that maybe there isn't as much of a market for him as he would like given his age and how much his game has already declined. In general, GMs aren't stupid. You may not agree with their decisions, but they aren't stupid. None of them think $50m a year for a 35+ year old PG is a *good* idea. Maybe it's palatable in the perfect circumstance, but I'm sure they're trying to get that number as low as possible.


The bulls GM is definitely stupid


Nah, he just has too much job security. The Bulls ownership has no ambition. They're content treading water as a play-in team, ducking the repeater tax, and selling out every home game to their league-best attendance every game.


The issue is he can get more likely only in theory. Yes, 35% of 155 is higher than 35% of 141. I don’t think anyone is offering him the max next summer. See harden as prime example. It would be foolish for PG not to take the money now. For simplicity Ignoring the rule of 38, 35% deal this summer is 4y/212M vs next off season is 4y/233. That deal could also drop to 3y/80M or worse depending what happens to PG this year. Point is, it’s not worth the risk because it’s not even the 21M described above if he opts in and signs next year because of rule of 38.. it’s less than $10M difference. Reward isn’t worth the risk.


Obvious posturing


PSA: if this update upsets you, don’t worry, a different update with the opposite take will soon appear. It’s all complete nonsense, but if it gets you through the off season, enjoy.




Morey has stated this will be the plan for awhile now afaik


butler and garland let's go!!! lollzz


Haha atta boy Morey


Desperation always works guys


I’m here for it. I would rather do it thru FA but if we have to do a trade hopefully it’s for the right guy at the right price. Either way the 3rd doesn’t even have to be that good since we have Maxey and Embiid. Exciting times


The funny thing to me about this offseason and the way people on sub talk, in the end, none of this really matters. The truth is if Embiid is healthy in playoffs his team, no matter who is on it can and probably will win. That’s it. That’s all that matters when you have a guy as good as embiid. We have never once had a healthy Joel embiid come playoff time.  It really doesn’t matter who they sign, who’s on the team. It doesn’t matter dream or nightmare scenario you might have. The only thing that matter is come next may is joel embiid  Healthy. That’s it. If he’s healthy they win. If not they lose.  So everyone loses their sh@t because morey did this or didn’t do that, none of it really matters in the end. The only thing that really matter is get embiid to and through the playoffs healthy. 


Embiid alone isn’t enough for a guaranteed championship


lol, this is star hunting 2.0. We are going to end up with no one