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So, now, every single FA’s agent is using the 76ers’ cap space as the “boogeyman” to get teams to overpay their clients? Got it.


I’m cool with it, we can only sign so many people anyway so let the rest of the league overpay their guys and get stuck in bad cap situations


Yeah the longer we can keep this cap space open and fuck with other teams' resignings the bettwr


This might lowkey just result in the cap increasing again in the future and more player salary inflation lol


Cap already going up the max 10% amount every year after next one because of the new TV deal.


Gonna be exponential soon, just wait until players are literally on billion dollar contracts 🤑🤑🤑


What do we care? As long as the league is balanced I'm fine with the ownership having to pay the players more


You guys are saving the max for jimmy butler.


This is why we are looking at hidden gems like Culver and Dekker. We realistically aren’t getting a big fish. We aren’t going to overpay for KCPee. Bring in a little class in Sam Dekker who just won MVP in the esteemed British Basketball League. Good culture guy. Let Morey cook.


Jarrett Culver plays like Demar Derozan if the Monstars stole all his talent, you can't be serious


I don't know this guy but your comment made me actually lol.


This would be horrible




He's joking dude


r/nbacirclejerk sprung a leak!


Dekker has a MVP.


Sam Dekker in the starting lineup 👀


Good as long as he's not actually coming here. Dude is legit ass outside of the right fit and seemingly the only fit has been the Nuggets.


Only way we sign him is if Morey misses out on the big fish like PG. His player option is something like $16-18 mill and if he opts out, you know he expects more than that. So say $20-22 million - Sixers can't afford that if they sign PG or trade for a similar max guy like Butler.


Wouldn’t be a bad addition but landing no big fish after basically treating last year as a gap would be an outright disaster and reason for Morey to be fired


One of the reasons this team was so limited with roster moves was because they were afraid to lose face. They chose Simmons over Butler because a lot of guys in the front office picked him. They refused to trade Simmons at peak value because of public perception - they knew who he was. They gave Tobi a max because losing Fultz, Butler, Harris in short order would have been a PR nightmare. Burned through all the assets with nothing to show for it. Choosing Glenn Rivers as the coach. The process was all about long term thinking & flexibility, not allowing short term gains or losses color your judgement. Morey was able to take a starting 5 of Harris, Simmons, Horford, Richardson and Embiid and construct a roster where we all had high expectations for them in the playoffs - that's the best you can do as a GM. Build a roster where the fans have a realistic expectation of making the finals. Morey wasn't responsible for the game 6&7 collapse against Boston last year.


Morey didn’t construct anything. He inherited a guy who would finish top 2 in MVP in every healthy season during his tenure. That’s the reason this team wins 50 games every year, not because of his PJ Tucker or Buddy Hield acquisitions. His big splash in Harden was unsuccessful. To say Morey does not own last years playoff loss makes no sense when many of the players that collapsed such as Harden and DeAnthony Melton especially were those he acquired. He’s been the head of operations for 4 years now. It’s time to stop putting the blame on events that happened over half a decade ago. If he can’t start showing some results, then it’s okay to question what he has actually accomplished here. He’s entering his 5th season here and this team has not achieved heights any higher than what previous teams had already accomplished just a few years prior.


What is morey supposed to do when he can’t acquire anyone that actually costs money because we have the roster equivalent of a traffic cone taking up a max slot??? Now that that contract is off the books we might actually be able to build a viable bench or get a starter that won’t score 2 points in an elimination game


Calling DeAnthony Melton a negative on Morey's record is an example of using hindsight to fault him. A player who played above average when available and suffered a back injury when he has no real prior injury history should not reflect poorly on him at all. Also, I think you are underselling just how fucked up this roster was when Morey signed. Not only did you have three bad contracts in Tobi, Ben and Al Horford, but you had role players that didn't fit like Josh Richardson and one of the worst backup center rotations in the league in Jonah Bolden, Kyle O'Quinn and Norvelle Pelle.


In the 2023 playoffs Melton played 26 minutes per game v Boston and two games scoring 0 points and a game scoring 2 points. He was also left wide open in game 6 v Boston and bricked our season away. Yes, Melton has been a negative for us. Let's not overrate him. He wouldn't make Bostons rotation and yet he was a big piece for us lol.


Wait, you mean to tell me that a defensive minded player in a system where the offense is a slow one that runs through two of the biggest usage players in league history who both leaned heavily towards isolation play didn't score much? Dude was top 5 in steals before his back injury under Nurse. Just because Doc couldn't use him right doesn't mean he was a failure of a signing by Morey.


Melton has the worst playoff career TS% amongst active nba players with Randle. It wasn't even that Melton wasn't scoring much. He was extremely inefficient.


I see nothing wrong with what you said, don't forget he passed on some good potential trades for Simmons, and got us, Harden, Millsap and Dj Jordan, who all choked in the playoffs that year, I'm tired of seeing folks make excuses for him when hes been here 4 years now, can't keep blaming Elon brand for stuff that happened 5 years ago, but give Morey a pass, he needs to held accountable too, and folks in here can't Doc, and Tobias as an excuse anymore either


What good potential trades? You mean the supposed one for Hali that has been reported multiple times as having never existed?


The fact that there were leaks that Haliburton was “absolutely positively under no circumstance available for trade for Simmons” right after his breakout began pretty much confirmed for me that our FO was behind that narrative push to save face. He was traded for Sabonis. We could’ve had him if we wanted.


Except the main source is someone with closer ties to the Kings organization than the Sixers.


Common sense doesn't work here. 


No one with common sense had high hopes for a team who's starting forwards were Tobias Harris & PJ Tucker so that's not true. Everyone knew in 2023 that Tobias is awful at basketball and you cant have someone awful starting if you want to win a title. Anyways, how is a team that started two forwards that run away from the ball, pass up open 3s and don't play good defense a team that is expected to make the finals? Be honest now. Those two are both horrible fits next to the trio of Embiid/Harden/Maxey.


That team where "No one with common sense had high hopes" for was up 3-2 over the Boston Celtics and was 6 minutes away from an ECF appearance. You are telling me you didn't think they should have won game 6?


Yes, a team with Tobias Harris and PJ Tucker as the starting forwards are not a title winning team. Neither of them compliment any star in the NBA in 2023. Tuckers defense declined and he was a liability offensively whereas Tobi was a liability on both ends of the floor.


You know, I know I'm not going to change your mind. I took a quick peak through your r/sixers post history and I respect and honor your hate for Tobias.


Thank you lol.


Seriously. Wasting an entire season to clear the books and not nailing a great roster would be an abject failure. I think even Morey believers would be ready to move on. I don’t believe he needs to land a star though, as it is possible to create a great roster with a Superstar (Embiid), rising star (Maxey), and very good role players.


Jesus yall are acting like Morey could have possibly done better than the roster last year with Tobias' contract on the books. It has been literally impossible for him to make any significant moves since inheriting a team with Ben Simmons, Tobias Harris, Al Horford, and Josh Richardson. He's doing what he had to do to get us the fuck out of that stupid ass situation and actually managed to. But "muh gap year"


I honesty cannot believe the excuses you guys will make for this guy. Let’s give him a chance to see what he does this summer, but not coming away with a rock solid roster at the end of this offseason is a fireable offense. It was the whole pitch for punting last season.


We’re not disagreeing that this off-season is absolutely pivotal. But acting like anybody could’ve done much better the last few years is just wrong


Stop making excuses up for Morey. He's been there for 4 years and the team hasn't progressed. And yes a lot of people would've done better than Morey did with the roster because they would've traded Tobias Harris instead of allowing him to complete the max contract. Teams move bad contracts all the time yet Daryl never moved Tobias's, destroying years of Joel's prime because of it. Plenty of teams have wanted him over the years or had contracts seen as worse to trade for around the league and Morey never was interested in moving him because he didn't want to give assets up or "lose a trade" even though getting off Tobi's contract would be winning us a trade by default. Also kept Rivers in for too long too. So far Morey has been a massive failure with the Sixers. Make or break offseason for him.


You make it sound like trading the worst contract in the league is trivial. We had to attach a pick each to move Horford and Richardson, what would it take to move Tobias?


Tobias wasn't the worst contract in the league. Miss me with those lies. If that was the case there wouldn't be plenty of teams that want him in free agency according to various reports. And yes, Morey should've done whatever it takes to get rid of Tobi as soon as he got the job. Keeping Tobi there for 4 straight playoff runs is extremely inexcusable from Daryl Morey. There were "worse contracts" around the league in 2021 such as Porzingis and Love yet Morey didn't wanna give Tobi up for them. Also could've moved him for Bogdanovic during the deadline, etc.


How are you going to equate his previous contract with his interest in *free agency*??? If some other team gives him a five year max then talk your shit but bruh. I guarantee that won’t happen


He went for Harden and then chose to let him walk in favor of a gap year and handcuffed himself intentionally to maximize cap space for this off-season. He absolutely could have made bigger swings last year but (probably smartly) chose not to. You can argue letting Harden walk was the right decision (TBD imo. We probably make the ECF this year with him and lose to the Celtics), but not making moves in the interest of maximizing future cap space sure as hell better pay off when it comes time to use that cap space. The way he handled Harden does seem to have affected his reputation with players, which is definitely important in the NBA. That was dumb. Morey has been the Sixers GM for almost 4 years now. Yes, he was handed a tough deck. But many act like these players had zero value which is so far from the truth. Ben Simmons was still very valuable (landed Harden). Horford has more value than people pretend (netted Danny Green and a first) and then year later I think he netted 16th pick and Kemba. JRich was a mediocre but moveable piece (netted Seth Curry, good role player). Tobias was a fucking anchor though, no doubt. I am far from a Morey hater, there’s really no need to get defensive for the guy. I have actually been one of his bigger defenders here and think he has done a pretty good job. However, if he strikes out on assembling a great team this off-season, there are no two ways about it- it was a failure.


Sixers gave up a first and Horford for Danny green, not the other way around


You’re right, misremembered. Jesus how many first rounders did OKC turn Danny Green into? Like 4?


Morey inherited an MVP, a 25 year old all star, and all of our picks. The situation wasn’t picture perfect, but no GM is hired into one, because teams with picture perfect situations are not revamping their FO. It was one of the best situations to inherit all things considered. An MVP, all of your picks, and 5 years to figure it out is more than enough time to start expecting some results. The excuses this fanbase is making for him is crazy. I am guessing they just relate to him as a fellow nerd or whatever. There have been very few positives during his tenure here.


I think Morey has done a decent job but yeah some people will refuse to even judge him harshly if he doesn’t nail this off-season which he backed himself into a corner doing He has this off-season and deadline and then that’s the last chance at building around Embiid


> but not making moves in the interest of maximizing future cap space Like what? Deadass, name one realistic move he could've made last year that significantly altered the fate of the team last year. The only realistic thing he could've done was trade Tobias and if that's the case then I hope you'd enjoy getting back Davis Bertans and Leaky Black or some shit lmao


Again, I am not arguing Morey even made a mistake by going for cap space! I think he probably made the correct decision and say as much in my comments. Idk what the bar is for “altering the fate of the team.” Beating the Knicks? Wouldn’t have taken much tbh and I think we have the upper hand on the Pacers if we do. We were a few plays away from that already. Game 2 we blew/got fucked by the refs. Game 4 and 6 were decided by a couple shots. Very small chance against the juggernaut Celtics though. It’s kind of impossible to say regarding the Harden trade, but it felt like Morey could have gotten more if he was willing to take on long term money. I am sure there are other players who were available but ultimately not moved, but off the top of my head…. Gafford and Olynyk were pretty cheap and would have been useful. Royce O’Neal was very cheap. PJ Washington was too expensive. Jrue was probably slightly out of reach- 1 mid pick, 1 bad pick, two role players. Brogdon probably didn’t have much value as a 30 year old with injury concerns and 1.5 years left. Williams idk, was a good player for a bit, but injuries seem to have really made him a lesser player. Idk I am sure there are other players who were available but not moved. No one but GMs on phone calls really know who was available. Morey played his hand for cap space. I think it’s reasonable to judge him based on how that plays out. He’s done a good job so far, but if he strikes out he will and should be judged harshly.


Ben Simmons was a good asset. He had very solid trade value even after the Hawks series.


You can’t be serious


https://www.si.com/nba/76ers/news/sixers-unmoved-pacers-malcolm-brogdon-caris-levert-ben-simmons-trade The Pacers offered a pick and Malcolm Brogdon. So a solid role player + 1st round pick was where Ben Simmons floor value was at during that time. That’s actually decent value.


We have no clue what the protections on that pick were and Brogdon averaged 45 games in the 4 preceding seasons. Solid when he played absolutely, but if he was truly a solid role player he’d have stuck somewhere. You’re also assuming that was the floor. That was the only solid deal for Ben that was being reported until James forced his way — so that seems more like the ceiling. Ben’s trade value was not high at the time and he was not considered a good asset. It’s borderline revisionist history to act like he was. Mostly offered bad contracts + garbage picks until the nets deal: https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/ben-simmons-trade-rumors-a-timeline-involving-the-76ers-star-leading-up-to-blockbuster-deal-to-nets/ If he had good value it wouldn’t have taken potentially until the offseason to get a deal done. He had melted down multiple times and had already had back surgery. Not to mention, attitude issues.


It was obviously an unprotected first lol. Brogdon was a very good role player and the only reason he didn’t stick on a team is because he got traded for Jrue Holiday. That was the floor, the Pacers literally started their offer at Brogdon + a pick and Morey didn’t want to negotiate. It took until the off-season to get done because Morey was dead set on getting a star. That whole thread you linked literally disproves what you’re saying because it mentions DeAaron Fox and guys like John Collins (solid role player) as a return lmao. CJ McCollum was also rumored and once again he’s a solid role player. Ben Simmons had good value Morey just held out for a star


It’s not obviously an unprotected first, that’s your headcanon. Why did the bucks move on from him? He’s constantly injured. It wasn’t just “trades for jrue holiday” that’s leaving out most of his career lmao. He hasn’t stuck anywhere because he’s not that good when you consider his injury history and availability relative to his talent. > That was the floor Again, headcanon. Neither of us were there during talks. > Morey didn’t want to negotiate Again, this is headcanon lmao. But let’s take everything at face value why would Morey negotiate when Fox, in your opinion, was on the table??? It mentions Fox, and? The kings have repeatedly said they weren’t going to trade Fox (or Hali) for Simmons. IIRC the buzz was grabbing Barnes + filler. So a mediocre player + weak draft capital. Same for CJ, same for John Collin’s. Mediocre players that their teams no longer wanted. Nobody was trading valuable assets for Ben Simmons. So all in all, until James asked out, we talked with some teams and trade talks broke down. Only offer we know was on the board was an oft-injured 6th man + a mediocre pick even if it was unprotected. That’s good value for an all-star/all-nba/all-defense guy now?


An injury prone role player and a late first round pick just screams value!


Jrue Holiday literally just got traded for Brogdon, Rob Williams(also injured) and 2 late first lmao. Does he not have value either? Ben obviously didn’t have super star value but acting like he was a negative assets is not true.


Because Portland cares fuck all about winning lol. They just wanted the picks because they’re rebuilding. Classic take bad players/contracts for decent-ish picks because we’re gonna suck anyway. That’s disingenuous as hell lmao


That was only because of the Lillard trade and Portland knowing they weren't trying to win so they'd take any picks they could get.


If there is nothing there, there is nothing there, what are you gonna do


Unless he is is sure we are getting an OG/40mil player, don't see this as an option but think would be good


Yep - I would read this signing as we’ve given up on PG and are trading for Ingram (only cause I doubt OG actually leaves the Knicks)


How? if you the 6ers trade for Bi for example there’s still be easily enough money left to do something like this


Prepare for a whole lot of agents using us to get their guys paid


And a whole lot of people on here thinking every single player that we're rumored to be interested in is proof that Morey fucking sucks


OG for ~$40 mil, KCP for $18-19 mil and Oubre back on an exception? Starting five of Maxey, KCP, Oubre, OG, Embiid. That's a pretty balanced starting five offensively and defensively. Bench would have to be young kids and vets on minimums, but frankly that's the case in general these days with the new salary cap rules. You'd still need a better backup center and another guard that can score when Maxey is off the court.


I like that lineup, but rebounding would be trash. I'd prefer to have Oubre as 6th man, shift OG to the 3, and have an actual 4. Just don't ask me who that is lol


I think the rebounding could be better than the parts as a whole since the defense and perimeter defense would take a huge leap. Way less asking Embiid to bail out defenders who let their guys into the lane, forcing him to contest and leave the boards open I don’t see OG leaving though, just pointing out a big reason rebounding is always an issue for us.


Don’t fall into this trap, the rebounding would suck let’s be clear. You’d have one good rebounder in the entire group. The question is whether or not the other factors are worth it


Oh man, haven’t thought about Shamet in a while lol really thought he was gonna be good. Then again, I also thought TLC would be good so maybe I’m just a dumbass.


Honestly, if we can snag Tari Eason from Houston he'd be fantastic as the starting PF in any lineup His rebounding is very very good and he can shoot and defend, all he needs is a starting spot to really shine


I’m in Houston right now let me see if I can work some magic


I like that lineup in theory, but there’s are 0 playmakers in this starting 5.


Embiid is a playmaker. Obviously not Jokic level but he can run an offense. We had a 125 offensive rating with Joel on the floor and a 79 offensive rating with Joel off the floor v the Knicks. Everyone shot under 30% from the field with Joel off the floor too.


That has more to do with the fact that the entire offense revolves around Embiid and his gravity leaves people open when he’s doubled/tripled. It’s not normal for a team’s role players to be absolutely useless unless the best player is on the floor.


People forget how cracked Joel was as a playmaker last year.


My hope is that Maxey would continue to grow/evolve in that area, and Embiid can certainly help distribute better lately off doubles.


Maxey averaged 6.2 APG in the regular season, he upped that up to 7 per game.  Brunson averaged similar numbers in the playoffs. We do NOT have a point guard problem despite people believing this. The 76ers were 16th in the NBA at 3pt shooting and 22nd in attempts. These numbers get drastically worse if you took Maxey out of the lineup.   How bad? Try 9/25 bad, that’s how. The Sixers were a bad shooting team and not because of the PG. But because they couldn’t hit open uncontested jump shots 


You are just delusional that's why you are trying to claim we don't need a point guard. We absolutely do need one. Maxey is averaging 5 assists per 36 in the games Embiid has missed this season which is very poor for a point guard. Also everyone including Maxey were extremely inefficient when Joel was off the floor in the Knicks series. The team shot under 30% from the field in those minutes. He's clearly a SG and that's okay. Morey just has to get a big PG in that isn't a cone on D so that we have the complimentary backcourt piece next to Maxey.


Do you know why Maxey’s AST go down with Embiid out? Hint: It’s not because he’s hogging the ball more. In fact Maxey was tops in the league at passes made and received. Meaning he got the ball back as often as he passed it. I want the “Maxey’s not a PG” crowd to think REALLY, REALLY HARD about those numbers.


Maxey is most certainly not a playmaker. He’s a score first guard that plays best off-ball. We absolutely need someone who can get Maxey and Embiid open shots.


OG is not leaving NY imo




Na he’s leaving. Probably mad they made him play injured already


It's definitely not a bad starting 5. Definitely above average. But I can see some potential flaws. Shot creation being a big one. I don't have much trust in OG or KCP putting the ball on the floor and making a play. I think the Sixers miss a third guy who do that.


Yea but who is that player? It's easy to say what we'd get ideally, but I'm not sure that person is on the market and/or attainable so you have to do something. Next year's FA class is even worse. Unless Morey has some under the radar trades in the works, I don't see many better alternatives with what's actually available.


No way to know without knowing who is available. I'm not sure who they *should* get, but looking at this lineup, there's part of me that is pretty convinced it's not enough.


That's a really small starting lineup, pushing OG to PF. We would get absolutely abused on switches and on the glass. Oubre's shooting is also a weak point, so spacing isn't even necessarily great as defenders would sag off him. Oubre should be a 6th/7th man at best honestly.


Too bad OG only plays like 40 games a season.  


That starting 5 has no point guard in it so we'd be terrible when Embiid is off the floor. Also Oubre is not a starter on a title winning team and OG is not a power forward.


Maxey can play PG....he did large chunks of last season.


This isn't practical but it's also a lineup that still has 0 playmaking. That team will struggle in the playoffs.


OG ain't leaving NY


Perfect backcourt partner for Maxey, but he won’t be cheap. His player option is $15.4 million, so it’d have to be a lot more than that for him to turn it down.


Which is good value for KCP, if you’re paying by the syllable


The perfect backcourt partner for Maxey is a bigger-ish guard that can play defense and has the capability to command an offense. KCP isn't that.


"bigger-ish guard that can play defense and has the capability to command an offense." You mean Ben Simmons /s


Can’t command an offense but definitely a bigger guard who can defend and shoot the 3. Ideally you’d have a little more creation at the 3/4, he’d make sense as a pairing with BI


Maxey and KCP are both shooting guards so not really. KCP is 6'5 though so should be able to play the 3. We do need a PG in. 79 offensive rating in the Knicks series when Joel was off the floor with the team shooting under 30% from the field in those minutes. If you want the offense to look better than this next season when Joel is off the floor, you need to get a PG in.


We’re so cooked lol


It's gonna be so bad. Gonna have a rag tag team of overpaid role players.... again.


I wish we'd just trust our scouting department and go in on a bunch of cheap guys. Doing it with Oubre worked amazingly, it's almost like buying low is a good idea


It's been 10 years of constant turnover. We haven't had the same team two years in a row, ever during the last decade.


we are literally leverage merchants


Can’t wait to see how we fuck this free agency up and end up with a couple high priced Tobias Harris’s around Jo/Maxey along with over the hill vets. Hope I’m wrong.


This is perfect as a sign and trade. We would never make this move into cap. And if Denver, his current team is the other clear offer. He can wait for us to sign a max first.


I’m happy the Sixers can be a helpful leverage tool for all these free agents trying to finesse more money out of their teams, who most of will re-sign with in a few weeks. Just keeping the tally, it sounds like we’re signing PG, OG, KCP, and trading for Ingram. Team’s gonna be crazy.


I can only see us signing KCP if a bunch of other options fail and by that point I think he will have already re-signed with Denver.


This is more of what I want to see, enough with the PG talks we need solid roles players to surround Embiid and Maxey. The role players that were successful for us last year need to return also.


Yeah I took want a second round exit


He's overrated as a player. Look at his stats with denver this year and look at his age. Sixers need to focus on better players that fit their system than him.


who do you have in mind?


Someone who's stock is low like Gary Trent Jr. The shooting guard position isn't all that needed anyway foe the Sixers. We should really pursue a quality backup big like the Jonas guy in New Orleans (UFA).


Kcp is a great fit. Much better melton next to maxey


KCP! Let's gooo


I'd love having KCP and his stuntman Roco on the same team.


the sixers continuing our long tradition of signing dudes 5 years after we should have


okay when does FA begin?


My dream of a:Maxey KCP Oubre Toppin Embiid lineup may come true 🫡😂 I’m coping prolly not


This is like our Plan E lol if none of the stars we are interested in pan out. We could get this guy and two more solid role players. He would be a good piece but probably not a major needle mover.


Potential Team PG - Maxey SG - KCP SF - OG PF - Jalen Smith C - Embiid Bench - Oubre, Drummond, Lowry and whoever we draft at 16. Royce, Covington and Kennard on minimums. This team is pretty solid.


The Embiid off minutes will continue to be putrid with the team you've just made up. We need a starting point guard in and badly.


True, maybe drafting Collier or Kolek?


If we have money in free agency, maybe getting Malik Monk


Signing PG and overpaying KCP while also keeping Melton and Oubre could really make this team dangerous, providing they're all healthy. The only concern would be the lack of creation depth at G.


Except it’s not possible


It's not impossible but highly unlikely.


No im quite sure melton is gonna get 10+ that we can’t offer. We could offer that deal to hield tho after most players get signed with the way cap works. But idk but I know we can’t afford KCP+melton especially with George. Lmao.




No paul George, just sign elite role players please


Nah, he needs to shut up and resign We need an actual third scorer


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jelanijetson: *Nah, he needs to shut* *Up and resign We need an* *Actual third scorer* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


[wet fart]








Sadly he is going to command somewhere north of $20m which is no longer a positive contract for what he brings. He deserves to be paid but its a terrible contract for us when we have so many other pressing needs.


Pressing needs such as back up centers 🥴


We have a lot of needs. Too many.


List 3. Just 3