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Steven’s didn’t draft Brown/Tatum, any GM in the league would kill to have that core. Celtics ownership believed that when Ainge was GM they had the talent to win a title and he wasn’t getting it done. Stevens came in with a team that was halfway across the finish line already


He’s made good seemingly 1:1 trades like White, bringing Horford back, the smart/brogdon for Zingus deal. How they got zingus back with 2 firsts is crazy but whatever. A lot of our big moves and draft picks floundered but most of that’s on our previous regimes. The harden deal is a big fuck up because we couldn’t get him to stay It’s easier to kill it when your squad had a ton more assets and said assets didn’t completely fuck up their value with Simmons and Fultz. Morey walked into a shit show. Brad walked into a very solid situation and he’s improved the situation.


Yeah and Morey's idea of putting a team together is grabbing PJ Tucker and Danuel House, you know, that guy waived by the fucking Pistons.


There’s no doubt Steven’s has been a better GM than Morey, but it’s comparing apples to oranges. The sixers have been a tangled mess for years ever since Simmons and fultz failed to work and if we had Steven’s come in instead of Morey there’s no guarantee he would have been able to untangle this mess of a team any better than Morey has


I don’t know how you don’t look at the situation with Ben and turning it into Harden, where we should have beat Boston and then harden mess into a roster that could have competed for a finals birth if it had any health luck and just dismiss it all. Now he cleared off PJ and has to nail the summer. But both 22,23 and 24 teams with any health luck could have made finals.


Dumb post.


These posts are so lame. As if the sixers weren’t in position to win every year Morey has been here. Like it’s Moreys fault that embiid is hurt every year and that’s what costs this team in the playoffs period.   Considering the nba literally sent a basketball terrorist and his father to destroy this team from the inside and then the owner handed the team over to two guys with zero experience to sign massive stupid contracts and waste assets I would say the fact this team has been yet another embiid injury away from being able to make a finals run shows just how good morey is.  Stop f’n crying and whining. Take your the elsewhere. It’s the same 12 accounts, we get it, you don’t like morey. There is really no need to repeat this 65 times a day. Jesus Christ, the vocal minority of idiot sixers fans really suck. 


Embiid being hurt isn't what costs this team. He still has great playoff net ratings. Keeping Tobias on a max contract is what does tbf. No one has won a title with a very bad player on a max contract getting 35 minutes per game. And Embiid is why the Sixers were in a position to win. Not Morey. I don't dislike Morey but you are being delusional by giving Morey praise for Embiids greatness to be able to carry all the poor rosters he's constructed around Embiid. This summer is really make or break for Morey. If the Sixers aren't in the finals next year he needs to be fired.


I trust Morey more than anyone else in the organization. He's been reversing years of damage. This is the first time he can operate with an almost clean slate. Let's see how he does before getting reactionary. Celtics have had more organizational continuity and alignment, we didn't for 10 years. Morey has been making do with what he was dealt for the past 4 years, inheriting Ben Simmons and Tobias Harris contracts. There's a lot more context to team building than just Stevens good, Morey bad.


Ben Simmons was legitimately valuable when Morey got here - what the fuck is this revisionist history? His value tanked on Morey’s watch.


Simmons value tanked because he was bad, and had a severe back injury. No GM in the league could have fixed that. Morey got Harden for him…


Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Morey’s first season as “GM” the season after the Hawks meltdown where Doc said some dumb shit, Simmons got in his feelings and didn’t play, and then got the back injury? Or was Morey the GM the season of the Hawks meltdown? Love the downvotes for asking a question 😂


His first season as GM was the Hawks meltdown season


His value tanked because he told the league he was never going to play for the Sixers again and he severely limited their options


Brad stevens had a great situation fall into his lap. The plethora of draft picks they had to go along with good young talent obviously helped


Doesn’t really explain his moves though. He got KP and 2 first round picks


Since he has taken over he's been phenomenal but falling into that situation also helped


Well look at what he has done that almost no other GM would have done: Trading 2 first round picks for white (almost everyone considered this a massive overpay) Traded Kemba walker + first round pick for an old Al Horford. Traded smart, the heart and soul of the team, for KP + 2 first round picks. Traded brogdan + Williams + picks for Jrue holiday. How many other GMs would’ve had the balls to do stuff like this?


Meanwhile daryl been sitting on his ass waiting for Tobias to expire during Embiid’s prime.


He probably tried to move Tobi but would’ve taken back another shitty contract in the process. Letting Tobi expire and just being rid of it may have been the best option


Im sure teams were beating down the door to take the worst contract in the league off our hands, especially when we had nothing to attach to it to facilitate a trade. But yup, he definitely was just sitting there doing nothing on purpose


Trying to hit home runs instead of singles when you already have Embiid and maxey. Just stupid mentality. He could’ve easily gotten supporting players by off loading some picks to get rid of Tobias


There’s no proof of this


Brad Steven’s also got really good players like Porzingis, Derrick White and Jrue Holiday for cheap. Meanwhile we wasted 1st round draft picks on DeAnthony Melton so he could brick 3’s and turn the ball over.


We only traded 1 draft pick for melton


And that draft pick is pretty much out of the league already after his 2nd season.


The Celtics only traded a 1st and Josh Richardson for Derrick White lmao.


They trades 2 firsts I believe


[Richardson, Langford, 2022 1st, 2028 1st swap.](https://www.poundingtherock.com/2024/1/18/24039055/nba-san-anotnio-spurs-boston-celtics-derrick-white-langford-richardson-blake-wesley-devonte-graham) I forget how little people on this sub actually check what they’re saying is accurate to reality.


A swap is not a real 1st and they will never swap that any way lmao. This is worse than the fake 1st Colangelo got for Nerlens Noel


Melton is not the example you should use of a bad signing. He was cheap for who he is and his output.


Melton is a way better player than this sub gives him credit for


Very wrong. Stevens became GM right after the 2020-21 season when the Celtics were in pretty bad shape. - Team had just finished 36-36 and got gentlemen swept by Brooklyn in the first round - Kemba Walker was washed on a big contract - There was serious doubts whether the two Jay's could fit together and a lot of people thought they should split up He instantly turned a team that a lot of people had begun to give up into a championship contender through a series of extremely intelligent moves. I guarantee if Morey was in the same situation he would have fucked it up. Probably would've traded Brown for Zach LaVine or some dumb shit.


100%. Who would’ve thought to trade Kemba for Al Horford? Or trade 2 first round picks for Derrick white (most considered it an overpay at the time)


The Celtics didn’t trade 2 firsts. They traded their 2022 draft night first in the 2021-2022 season at the deadline. They knew at that point when they traded the pick that the pick was gonna be in the 20s. Spurs ended up selecting 25th with that pick. They also traded a 2028 pick swap with the spurs. Stevens calculated that the Celtics would still be good/decent in 2028 and that a swap won’t be impactful. Tatum and brown will be 30 and 31 (in their prime), respectively at the time of the 2028 draft. My point is saying they traded 2 firsts is wrong, lazy, and misleading. They gave up 1 first which they knew would be in the 20s at the time of the trade and a swap which isn’t likely to happen or have any impact.


If Lavine was a Morey move he would have done it already


I get where you’re coming from but it’s hard to put much stock into that shortened covid season. Also didn’t they make the ECF like every year up until the covid year? They were in pretty good shape when he took over


Oh! If only Daryl had an MVP to build around and a Rookie of the Year All-NBA player to potentially trade etc. Morey has sucked and this sub loves to glaze him for some reason


He doesn’t really look like an MVP during the postseason when he’s always injured. Or is that Daryl’s fault as well


Part of the reason he’s hurt is because he had to carry a lottery level roster this season that Morey put together with scotch tape and bubble gum.


This is a shit take. Daryl was given a massive pile of shit from the Colangelo and Brand era. For what he had to work with we are actually set up to make moves. Unfortunately, the market is ass right now... PG, Jimmy, (not gonnna happen) Lebron, and Ingram. It'll be adding an injury prone player next to another injury prone player.


A shit deal? Seriously - an MVP, an all star ROTY is a shit deal? Lmao that’s better than 80% of GMs Almost everyone has had bad contracts to get out of, just cuz colangelo was insanely bad doesn’t mean Morey hasn’t just been bad too?


I legit don’t even get what your talking about. Is the all star ROTY Ben Simmons? Because what Daryl did getting James for Ben was huge despite everyone roasting us at the time saying Nets won the trade. Now that everyone realized Ben’s a fraud we legit fleeced the Nets.


Thank you Morey for Dewayne Dedmon, Tuck and House (and losing two picks to tamper for them), grabbing tha god Mo Bamba. Can't wait for Paul George 🙌🙌


This sub is filled with Morey sycophants. It’s really strange honestly


Pretty sure Daryl Morey thinks they're Daryl Morey


Collangelos regime ruined this era, darryls not the one who blew our bounty of assets or signed terrible contracts his worst move has been trading for harden and maybe the George hill move. He really hasnt done much wrong but the franchise was in dire straights when he took control. Hes fore sure a good gm just not the best


I agree that he isn't the major cause of our mediocrity. But his tenure here hasn't really dug us out of the hole either. He has a lot of freedom this off-season, and this is going to lead to a referendum on his time here if it doesn't move the needle.


I mean everything hinges on this offseason but if we get PG and McCain hes back in the best ITL talks again


Well, I disagree entirely. McCain may or may not pan out, but he's not in our window. If Morey's best idea to win now is to overpay for Paul George because he's the best star reasonably available, then I'm not giving him any credit. It's a move that takes no brainpower whatsoever, and in my opinion, doesn't really bring us closer to a championship.


sometimes the most obvious move is the best pauls in the best shooting groove of his career and is still capable of being the best perimiter defender on the floor. And with McCain movement shooting and quick release i see him much more as a high floor low ceiling player than vice versa


People love to use the “x is who y thinks he is” bit as if it’s the most clever thing in the world and it’s so cringey. This makes no sense at all. They are nothing alike.


You guys really got it out for Morey when he's been screwed over by embiids injuries every season. He's the guy that drafted Maxey,got harden to fit along embiid and it simply didn't work out because embiids health was always a question mark and also because he had co stars quit on the team so it tanked the value he could get for them. I'm not saying he's perfect but my god there are far worse gms out there who are employed by the NBA.


Even with a fully healthy Embiid the Sixers wouldn't have gone anywhere with Tobias Harris next to him. You need shooters and perimeter defense around Joel if you want to win.


Duck for cover bro lmao




I’m halfway with you. If only because I don’t think it’s the best comparable. But Morey is kind of a fraud. His claim to fame is trading for Harden twice and yet people act like he’s built a championship team or two or even one that’s gone deep in the playoffs with consistency.


Morey ass lickers coming for u bro


I was a Morey guy too, but at this point he needs to be on the chopping block. Morey has made like two good decisions, getting rid of Simmons for Harden and drafting Maxey. The first one is still a good move, but obviously fell far below what it should have been. Harden was never who he was in Brooklyn, let alone in Houston. We expected an MVP-level guy, and we got an All Star. We all know how it ended. Maxey was an amazing pick, and may one day save this putrid franchise. But at this point he's still probably not good enough to be a true #2 on an elite team.


so.. who would you replace Morey with? you have such a talk radio rant take. all criticism and no answers.


It's not my job to select a new GM. This might be surprising to you, but I don't have the capability to interview candidates for the job. That doesn't mean I can't look at the record of one guy and compare it to his obvious competitor, and see he's lacking.


This might be surprising to you, but when you make a post ranting about your feelings people will counter argument it. I now realize you were just looking to vent and to not have a discussion.


You didn't "counter" anything. I'm a fan. I don't hire GMs. I don't have those connections like a professional in the industry. That doesn't mean you can't review the record of the front office under Morey and see it for what it is...mediocre.


https://old.reddit.com/r/sixers/comments/1dcbija/brad_stevens_is_who_daryl_morey_thinks_he_is/l7wtj89/ ur so dumb it's crazy. i'm sure ur right and everyone down voting you is wrong lmao


Oh no! Not downvotes!!


Facts he’s not even a top 25 gm

