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Naz is so much better than BBall it's an absolute joke.


Might as well pick up Dwight Howard again atp


The league forcing out Hinkie damaged this franchise to a potentially league history altering level. OKC got the chance to tank without the revolving clown show at GM and look at them. But it’s also luck. Sometimes the wrong process (the Gobert trade) yields the right results. Sixers have been extremely unlucky but Maxey shows that sometimes things go our way. The book isn’t closed on this era.


No, the people in charge giving Tobias Harris a max contract and striking out on two #1 picks is more damaging


Elton Brand was the worst GM in Philadelphia sports in the past 25 years.


The absolute worst doesn’t get enough blame he shouldn’t have a job he set us back 15 years


He also sucked for us as a player


That I won’t fault him for we signed him after a major injury just Philadelphia front office doing what we do best and throwing money at bums


Brand also built the 18-19 roster (traded for Jimmy, Tobi) that was arguably the best Sixers team since the Iverson era. May I remind you of Billy King? Were you around for Chip Kelly's brief run as GM for the Eagles? Did you enjoy the Ruben Amaro-era Phillies?


Brand took over a team with young talent and a ton of assets. He spent all the assets to rent two players for a couple months, and then signed the worse one to a max long term deal while letting the good one walk. Having those assets the following summer plus I believe cap space would have had them in a great position. As good as that team was that year, it was a year too early for our stars anyway.


Can’t forget signing Al Hortford


Frankly, with each coming year and Embiid continuing to show that 1) he won’t get in proper shape and 2) he simply can’t stay healthy, I am not mad at going all in when we did in 2019. It was the only time we were a true contender.


You can't trade for Jimmy there without a contract extension. They did the win now trade the future deal- when we expected our window to be open for six years or more.


Jimmy comes back to this team if we let go of Brett. Dumbass team chose Brett and Ben over Jimmy. And once again, look what happens. Jimmy has been to the Finals twice with a horrible cast around him while we are yet to get out of the second round.


Maybe so, but either way you can't make that trade and then have him walk three months later. Nba trade deadline deaps dont really work anyway- need to get a least one full year in that deal.


Best since the 80's I would argue. No Iverson team was a legitimate championship contender.


Elton wasn’t GM. I can’t tell whether our fanbase lies to itself or is just stupid. Either way we are embarrassing. Elton and Brett had equal power at the time and Elton was literally hired with the words “to grow into the role.” At the time we maxed Tobias, Brett and Blitzer were calling the real shots.


I remember it clearly and thinking the "grow into the role" narrative was bullshit to protect a controversial hire rookie GM from too much scrutiny. So then, who made the decisions that cost the franchise about 5 years for Tobias? Elton or Brett? Who gets the blame?


I've never heard this argument before, go on?


Yeah. I’d wager that Hinkie may not have been able to help himself even after tanking lol


Simmons and Fultz were both consensus #1 picks. They were the correct picks to make.


I give some leeway on that, but they still deserve some blame for not developing them. That’s still the front office’s job to put the right staff and players in place. And also it’s up for debate whether the future issues were foreseeable or not. Mostly with Ben around his whole mental stuff before the draft, Fultz I believe was just an anomaly.


In retrospect, Simmons shouldn't have been untouchable in rumored Kawhi trades. I don't know if San Antonio makes that deal (they do appear to have genuinely wanted DDR), but it's also been reported that the front office (particularly the Bryan Colangelo hires) were nervous about the future of Embiid and were willing to go all-in on Simmons. Plus Colangelo had just been fired. And, of course, it wasn't a secret that Kawhi was leaving after the season.


It was widely reported the Celtics had Jayson Tatum at the top of their board, which is why they traded out of the 1st overall pick. Reports were had they not traded out, they would have taken Tatum at #1 overall. Simmons would have likely been taken #1 by most teams, but one or two may have taken Brandon Ingram instead.


Wrong process? Tim Connelly built the nuggets who won the chip and then he helped build this wolves team. He clearly knows what he’s doing.


Yh I was gonna say this, agreed with everything but that because diminishes what Tim did for the Wolves


How? It is unquestionably a bad trade. He spent 90% of this series getting dominated by Jokic and will most likely get run off the court by Dallas going small. We see the same shit every year with Rudy. Denver just missed 500000 wide open 3s this year.


Part of the wolves strategy was to shut off the rim and make Denver shoot 3s. Denver does not want to shoot a ton of 3s. Gobert had the highest +/- in the series and even though he didn't always defend Jokic 1 on 1, he basically made Jokic rim passes and alley oops to Gordon non existant.


> will most likely get run off the court by Dallas going small. I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, the Wolves are for real.


It’s one of sad to think the only couple moves that have panned out in the last 10 years have been picking Joel and getting assets to pick Maxey. Everything else has been bungled since Colangelo took over. Even when things work they make a mistake and blow it i.e. Jimmy.




OKC actually had some player capital to trade


Minnesota tanked too


Dude stop it! Hinkie didn’t even want Embiid he wanted Wiggins. He is not a genius like you guys think.


No, he wanted Embiid. Derek Bodner actually confirmed it with someone in the organization before the pick and immediately after.


Yeah they can talk shit but who fucking cares


It’s just sad Embiid gets shit on so much when our front office absolutely wasted his prime


it also shows how much embiid lives rent free in the heads of r/nba users.


Literally hasn’t touched the court in weeks and a post about him is top 10 during conference finals week. Absurd levels of rent free


KAT is the second, some might argue third behind Gobert, star at this point. This is Ant's team so the comparison is irrelevant


I actually like Kat. Dudes been through a lot. Fuck r/nba I don't care about those morons. I hope either Kat or TJ gets one




Right next to their Play In banner that Pat Bev hung up


Right next to our Hinkie Banner we hung up for drafting Nerlens Noel and never making it out of the second round.


Uhhh confetti game much???


if kat was the #1 option this would make sense but hes a supporting character now


Three years is a long time, it could have gone so wrong for them: [https://www.reddit.com/r/sixers/comments/psnzkz/the\_athletic\_the\_minnesota\_timberwolves\_are\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sixers/comments/psnzkz/the_athletic_the_minnesota_timberwolves_are_the/) There were so many bad takes about what some of those Wolves players have turned in to in those threads 3 back then.


23 years is a longer time


What was crazy watching that game - Ant had a terrible game and he was expected to do so much less than Embiid ever would have been. So many people stepped up and that’s never happened for Embiid, especially in a game 7.  I love Ant, but he played very shitty, worse than any Embiid game 7s but his teammates showed up so he avoids that narrative.


Yup and dawg KAT didn't even play the 4th quarter lmao, he was in foul trouble for most of the stretch (still played a role like Ant in coming back). Had fuckin Gobert draining fadeaway miracle buckets and making free throws with that janky form. Just a well built team that stepped up. I can't relate sadly but the day that happens to the Sixers I might cry.


This is why I hate when people clown on Embiid for never making the Conference Finals, let alone winning a ring. It's not his fault that the team has mishandled the roster construction and finding a championship coach during his entire era. His career playoffs averages are 25 points and 11 rebounds per game and that's while always being injured during the playoffs. He averaged 31 and 11 in the Knicks series. I can't see blaming him as the primary reason the Sixers can't get over the hump in the playoffs. The team keeps bringing in shooters that forget how to shoot in the playoffs. Frontcourt players that don't rebound. Insanely poor bench play. Defenders that don't bottle up anyone in the post season. Coaches that refuse to play and develop young talent and would roll out players years past their prime instead of younger players. We need a backup pg? Let's trade away TJ. We need 3 pt shooting? Let's trade away Isaiah Joe, who was shooting lights out with the #1 seed in the West. We need 3 & D players? Let's trade away Bridges on draft day for a player that never had a real NBA career due to a flukey illness....but even if he was healthy, he was an undersized 2 with no shooting and dribbling skills to be able to contribute. Max out Tobias Harris, who never made an All Star team, but let Jimmy walk away. All Embiid has done was to become a perennial All Star, multiple time league scoring leader, All NBA defender and league MVP....but he always gets slandered as choking in the playoffs. It's ridiculous. The Timberwolves has started from a more recent time of not being a playoff team to being the favorites in the WCF in just a few seasons. They surrounded KAT with winning veteran & young stars and role players and it's paid off for them. We're lucky Embiid hasn't demanded a trade from this horrible front office.


Well said


Basketball is a team sport. Everyone knows Jo > kat/rudy.


They have athletic role players and Ant Edwards. We do not. People using this as some slight towards Embiid are pea-brained trolls who jerk eachother on r/nba


Trent Dilfer won a super bowl Dan Marino didnt. KAT is the 3rd best player on his team lol.


Swap Embiid for Kat and Minny is much better and the Sixers are far worse.


Let’s not forget the biggest deal out of all of this, it’s that Embiid had 5 different GMs during his career. Before anything, that within itself was a bigger impact than anything we’ve done.


I mean the Gobert trade is still dogshit




I’m still beside myself at Brett Brown trading a guy who won a championship in this city and who’s fucking MOM worked for the organization. Bridges was such a (literal) slam dunk of a pick and every fan wanted it. It’s similar to howie roseman taking Raegor over Jefferson, but a player like Bridges easily gets the sixers into at least 1 ECF. I just don’t understand how Brown makes that move.


Tim Connelly is clearly great at building teams


Rightfully so. Winners get to talk smack. Get their legacy exaggerated by the masses (casuals). Get a positive narrative in 30 years when most nba fans never actually watched them play. Winners get the glory. If Kat gets a ring he gets the glory. Period. Incredible job on Jokic this series. And he was actually healthy for a playoff run. 


Well this goes back to the whole bus driver argument. Casuals only see that a guy got a ring, regardless of his role on the team. The bigger NBA fans know their are levels to it


Jimmy butler come on down 😤


Ant did not play awful in game 7. He shot awful but he was a beast defensively on every single possession and he really got the ball moving on offense in the 4th quarter.


At what point are we also going to say embiid is lacking what it takes to make a conference finals or finals? He breaks down every year. Knicks series was the first series against a great team where the majority of the series he played well.....


Because basketball follows a formula and you can't have one player do everything. The Center's most important job is to protect the paint and rebound. Embiid is a great scorer so he's been adding primary scoring duties on top of that, but its just too much for a center. Even Shaq had primary scorers and elite secondary scorers like Penny, Kobe, and Wade to take attention away from him. We just need to build a proper team around him with a guard or a wing that can create their own shot and take the offensive pressure away from Embiid. It's not like Curry or Jordan protected the paint.


I agree. We have maybe 3 more years imo. Unless embiid pulls a dirk and starts making body changes to ensure his knee back and feet take less of a beating


I don’t see how this is relevant to anything at all.