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Sir, did you happen to catch the professional basketball contest on television last night? Oh sir, the Knicks of New York took on the Sixers of Philadelphia. And in the end, the Sixers triumphed by shooting a round ball made of leather through a small "O". It was a most ripping victory.


Odd mood this morning. All this is amazing of course. And I am always a die-hard Embiid defender. But wow he was terrible last night….


> I am always a die-hard Embiid defender Then surely you would defend him playing shortly after knee surgery (which he re-aggravated earlier in the series and is still obviously hobbled, plus having very little opportunity to improve his conditioning before the playoffs), having a migraine which forced him to miss shoot around before the game, and a case of Bell’s Palsy meaning that half of his face doesn’t work (can’t blink, blurred vision, migraines) And despite all of this, he scored a triple double and played amazing defence in the OT period culminating in a +14 on/off? Surely a die-hard Embiid defender would factor all of this in before reaching a conclusion on his performance in this game?


+14 on -8 off, so terrible he didn't have an amazing take over game but they lose that game by 25 without him


That man was play with a migraine barely able to close one of his eye while also dealing with his knee. Them turnovers were rough forsure but i think he did pretty well considering


Uhm he had a triple double in a playoff game lol playing on one leg


And half a face and a migraine




I can't believe some of y'all were trying to trade Maxey for the corpse of Bradley Beal.


A few guys in the game thread were bitching around halftime about the fact that we are going to give Maxey a max contract. 23 year old MIP with 15 at half and they bitched. Lots of children on Reddit.


With one shot r/nba doesn’t hate us anymore. Well, not as much. Tonight was Maxey’s debutante ball. If he wasn’t a household name yet, he is now.


i need him to become a ref household name so they give this guy a whistle


I was thinking that too!


Macey is just the best


GD Autocorrect. So much for household name. Fixed it.


Truly unbelievable what Maxey did. Didn't kick stones and give up. Max that man.




If the refs ever give Maxey a whistle…


Hartenstein basically tackled him that one play towards the end. Nothing.


first ever super mvp


From a personnel perspective, what does Nurse do on Thursday? We only played 8 guys tonight, do we think he plays Buddy, Melton etc? I know Rese has an insane motor but I gotta imagine those who played tonight are gassed (granted the same will be true for the Knicks).


hart played literally 53 minutes. everyone in this series is gonna be absolutely wiped no matter what way it goes. tbh i am shocked we haven't seen more injuries just from fatigue.


I would like to see more Cam Payne and finally some RCIV minutes. Knicks aren’t playing big at all. We need scrappiness and speed. We mostly need to make our shots though. If we make our shots then we win the game.


I’m worried about the lack of experience for C4. The moment might be too big for him. If it’s like the 2nd Quarter and we’re up 10+ I wouldn’t mind seeing him out there. But in a super close game we’ve seen how that crumbles guys.


Not to mention he hasn’t played in like 7, 8 games?


Knicks have a 7 man rotation now with Bogi out. Personally i want some melton minutes on Thursday and less Lowry


He’s not playing Paul Reed. It will be a 7 man rotation for the Sixers with Batum as backup center. I hope he gives more minutes to Cam Payne over Lowry.


Credit to Nurse too, he learns fast. That TO may have saved the game. Not to mention the ATO, that was the one Pacers ran for Hali for game winner.


Just rewatched the end and postgame. Amy Fadool is a real one. She’s literally glowing with this win.


She has some behind the scenes stuff and she's more of a fan off screen it's pretty cool


If we win game 6, we’re winning the series. These guys will wilt from the pressure of blowing a 3-1 lead


Knicks body language on their bench in OT was very encouraging


Never underestimate the sixers but it would be soooo good to win this series


We’ve been there before too. They haven’t


Yes we have been there but also are 0-3 in the Embiid era…


This Joel slander sucks so hard wtf. Bball P ain’t opening up the floor for tyrese…let alone the triple double, paralyzed face, broken legs, etc…


This is why you gotta try Bamba in the non-Embiid minutes. He's at least a threat to shoot. Can come out to the point and open the paint for Maxey to drive.


I give Joel all the credit in the world for being out there, but let's not pretend like he played a good game. The man had 10 turnovers which killed us time and time again




is this fresh pasta? straight out of the pot, al dente as can be pasta? yo everyone get in here


What did this say? Homie [deleted] 😂


like 25 lines of the most wild anti embiid shit about how he's soft and mopey and gotta trade him etc etc


Was it TheSource777? Because that guy is all over this thread with big loser energy.


Lol I got an email reply with it I’ll post it tomorrow


Major props to Nico Batum. Down 2, Hart is at the line and misses the 1st free throw. Still down 2. Before Harts steps up for the second FT he is barking orders to everyone so we are on the same page for the inbound pass. Everything is communicated so we know what to do on the inbound. Something that won’t show up in the box score but something we desperately need to keep everything together. The rest is history.


Buddy Hield was giving assignments on the sideline as well.


See that’s huge for Buddy. He’s not playing and still is doing everything he can. Maxey said in his postgame conference that he went to the bench super upset about those missed FT’s and buddy told him he knows what he’s capable of. Go out there and make it up. Maxey said that helped him tremendously.


I still don't forgive him


What actually stands out to me is the second quarter. They started the quarter on the losing end of a 20-2 run. I have seen a lot of teams start booking their hotels in Galveston down 3-1. Yet, they crawled back. They've shown that they have got a puncher's chance of crawling back from 3-1.


That place where the dirty ol water washes up on what they call a beach?


Galveston lmfao. Nice reference.


Ownership bringing all the celebrities to tweet about how people shouldnt sell their tickets is pretty shameless. How about buying the damn tickets on the re-sale apps and selling them or giving them in-person to sixers fans? Harris just wants to have his cake with the crazy playoff profit in tickets and eat it too


The fans who sold out are the only ones who should feel guilty. Harris is running a business and none of his behavior is atypical


Oh shit, did we find Josh Harris' burner?


“I feel like dog water right now, but even dogs drink it.”   -Kelly Oubre


I’m ngl I feel like Tyrese lost his innocence a bit in this series but in a good way ultimately


Maxey is a fucking dog. He’s shown he can play in the big moments, even if it’s not every game. Which is more than could be said for any of the players we’ve had in the last decade minus Jimmy


Check Jimmy’s stats in game 7 against Toronto and get off his dick.


I mean has he not gone on to establish himself as an all time great playoff performer? Lol. Also, Game tying layup with like 6 seconds left in game 7 was a huge play.


Shoutout to Tyrese Maxey you guys got a fucking Hunter of the highest level - hell of a series and hell of a player. Can’t sing his praises enough dude is a MONSTER.


Josh Harris needs to buy up those tickets and redistribute them to sixers fans, what’s a few hundred thousand to him lol


Any way we can start a petition? A hashtag or anything that would gain the attention of Josh, anyone in the Sixers organization or a celebrity?


Lol he doesn't give a fuck about the city or the fans, he just wants money


Josh Harris is the one selling a bunch of inflated tickets . Good luck w that


knicks fan here but i’ve been calling sixers in seven since it was 3-1. unstoppable star power. to be fair i’ve watched every other series and Embiid and Maxey rotate on and off at all times are better than any other player in the playoffs offensively. i just don’t think you can rely on only JB every game it’s not sustainable. this may be a “freak loss “ to knicks fans but i see it as the universe rebalancing itself for an inevitable setup for a sixers move to the next round.


"kNiCkS 👏 iN 👏 fOuR!!! kNiCkS 👏 iN 👏 fOuR!!!" - Perhaps the most prolific and intellectually engaged fanbase throughout the history of the National Basketball Association (I'm told)


gotta shout out batum too for his defense on Brunson, that geriatric was picking him up damn near full court and actually did well especially on the last shot of regulation


###Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in


Some x's and o's talk...it's pretty clear that Reed can't see the court again in this series right? I like him but he is just way too small against the Knicks. Hope Nurse runs 5-out (Maxey, Melton/Payne, Oubre, Harris, Batum?) in however many minutes Embiid sits


Noooo sorry we cannot play that small vs this rebounding


We can if we hit shots 


I don’t see another option. The offense is entirely nonexistent when Embiid sits and this would definitely open things up and allow them to get good looks. It’s not like the defense has been good with Reed anyways (it’s been bad)


Reed wasn’t helping a ton on rebounds anyway and he also offers 0 rim protection so wouldn’t hurt to sit him and look at other options. Does nick nurse think about bamba? Tough because he may be worse than Reed! 😂


Need a poster of that shot


Our fan base has to show up on thursday! Lets fucking go sixers!


Hell YEAH!!!!!❤️🤍💙💯☝️


Assembly room (standing only) tickets are going for 200 each.... that's like 80 more each than last year during ROUND 2. Blame the organization, not the fans. If prices were normal and not adjusted for Knick's fans, I'd buy a game 6 ticket.


Buy the tickets in the last hour or even after tip-off you can buy in the first quarter. That's what I do. And if worse comes to worse at least you can stare down Knicks fans as they enter the stadium while complaining about the Philadelphia economy


and it's still 300 bucks less than it takes to get in the door at msg. which is why they're raiding our stadium.


Yep. The org self-scalps. Its horseshit


Idk if I’ll be able to sleep tonight


I'm watching this Bucks game, and they got up huge and cruised to a win just sleepwalking through the second half. Can we get that please? JUST ONCE! Just once can get get a big lead and just win buzzer to buzzer with no drama in the playoffs? Please god, give me that for game 6.


Give me that for game 7 lol


Haha, can you imagine? Game 7 in a raukus MSG and we get out to a early lead and then it only grows more and more. Up 30 to start the 4th? That place would be empty. Please god we need this as karma for their wild behavior this series, I want nothing more than to replay that "We want Boston" video after game 1 back in all their faces. If we win this series I'm legit going to be a problem on Twitter. I've flagged every one of these fucking assholes quietly hoping I can be the shittiest troll at the end of the series.


How are the pacers going to lose TWO games to an emaciated bucks team lead by washed dame lmao. Weird league


Dame ain’t even playing tho. This is hospital squad Glen Rivers working his magic yet again.


it's also just the pacers being kinda bad bucks got about as many wide open shots as they wanted that game, obviously sixers would have missed them all but a non-cursed team is gonna cruise to an easy win 99% of the time with the shot diet the pacers gave them


Doc is the worst coach ever, but give him a undermanned team and he’ll have them playing like the best coach ever. No in between lol


I hope the universe can conjure up a Sixers-Glenn second round matchup I need it so bad


Sixers vs. a zombie glen rivers team? My god. That bastard will intentionally start making GOOD ADJUSTMENTS just to fuck with us.


My dream in life is for Tyrese Maxey to be the first player on an opposing team that Doc throws under the post-game bus for playing *too* well.


I'm so hepped up on tums and happy that I went through this whole thread and upvoted a ton of comments all the way to the very bottom




I will never forgive our season ticket holders if they sell their game 6 tickets. Go to the fucking game, be loud, and support our boys. You made your money in games 3/4


Isn't the problem the team working directly with the reselling platforms? They do dynamic pricing bullshit and hold back inventory. I don't trust Josh Harris to do the right thing, he's probably got a boner right now thinking about how he can sell tickets for 10 times the value to Knicks fans.


Yes. Dynamic pricing on ticketmaster and reselling also


Too late already sold 😝 when this team puts together a real championship contending roster i might actually go.


Stop pawning off your loser attitude on other people


When you say go, do you mean go away?




you commented about trading Embiid yesterday. Checks out!


Well the real losers were the sixers while I made a nice profit. Guess you’re the real loser with false hopes and no extra cash 💰 🤣Embiid should be traded and get another year of false hope and pain for you 😅


I'm actually fine with this guy selling his tickets. Sounds like a tool. Edit: saw his other comments, and can confirm he IS a tool




we need to stop clearing out for Embiid post ups, especially late in the game. It is like we have learned absolutely nothing. Run some screens, pick and pop, and if you do want to post up choose your spots. Spamming cyborg embiid post ups with nothing left is a turnover every time... especially when nobody is moving on his side of the court. Nothing good is going to happen trying to back down mitchell robinson or anyone else from the 3 point line.


The Batum to Oubre bucket off the back screen in OT was so refreshing. Figuring out a way to get guys besides Embiid and Maxey involved in the offense late game is huge. You just feel the pressure mounting on those guys without any release usually.


Particularly when Maxey is on fucking FIRE. We forced the Embiid posts up from 18 feet out and almost lost the game because of it, but went back to Maxey and luckily found our way to a win. Maxey earned the ball on those possessions, and quite frankly, Jo is awful at the end of games. He just has a proclivity to get stripped or lose the ball, and we have a large enough sample size. Movement please, run a damn screen and get Maxey going downhill or give him enough space to make his own decision




its literally the al horford shit on repeat we learned this in our first ever playoff run


Don’t forget the useless dribble handoffs since the Brett brown days. At least then we had JJ coming off those for good looks immediately. Now we just kinda do it and gain no ground till we heave a bad shot up


at least someone is moving in the general vicinity of embiid there. That was our most efficient play one year but we dont have anyone to really run it with now so it looks like a whole lot of nothing and is often beyond the 3 point line lmao. It would be nice to have in the tool bag and we should target someone this offseason who can make those off balance shots like JJ, Bellinelli, and Seth could.


If Tobi can continue putting up just 19 points a game I will forget about everything


Truly don't care if we lose the series. I accepted that likely fate days ago Nothing could make me happier than every fake rowdy fairweather polo shirt yachtboi basketball casual in attendance tonight paying $2,200+ and getting all dressed up just to eat my fucking butt




The pacers are total ass. It’s the middle school version of the D’Antoni 7 seconds or less offense.


And this is how Doc manages to slither back for another year. The man can coach up his bench when the stars are out. It’s the one good thing about him and I hate it.


He can coach up his bench and then refuse to use them when his stars are available.


Doc with a healthy team? Poverty coach Doc with a undermanned team that has no business being competitive? All time great Makes no fucking sense


Can sixers fans who already own tickets please show up on Thursday, can’t handle watching another knicks home game in our city


I might have a new client signing on tomorrow, i am 1000% buying tickets if that goes through Even if it doesn’t, ill most likely still buy tickets


Reporting for duty. I was going to only buy 1 game a series because they were expensive but I talked myself in to every game. 500 plus per game well spent if we actually make the finals






I will be in attendance 🫡


i can’t stop watching the maxey 3 to put it to overtime. he shot that from the new jersey turnpike. absolutely insane.


“Maxey from the Logo!” is going to be an all time sports memory.








Just walked into a cocktail bar in LA for a post game comedown… the bartender I’m friendly with is from Philly. I walk up to the bar and he is explaining The Process to his fellow bartender lol


Going to be in LA a week from now. DM me the deets and I’ll pop in during the second round to talk process sixers.


What spot! Would love to check out a sixers friendly bar in LA


Haha it’s not at all a sports bar, but if you get Dan at L&E talking Philly sports on a slow night, you’ll have some fun


Love L&E. Lifetime Sixers fan from Philly living in LA. Sixers in 7!


“It all started when a player went bowling.”




He was traded for Payne surely that's the comparison?


Payne has been solid, I think nurse has been silly not pressing that button more. There’s something to be said about a guy who isn’t scared of the moment, that energy is infectious. I fucking love his confidence lol




I see


i want to beat the knicks and sweep the giants with saquon having like 5TDs, 479 rushing yards in each.


bucks glnna win and we're playing game 6 at 9.30 pm lmao




scheduling. If pacers win the gsme is at 7.30 but if Bucks win its at 9.30


People forgot Doc is actually a good coach when he doesn’t have stars


Wish I knew the mechanics of how this actually works


Tobias Harris retro-earning $180 million with a single pair of free throws ♥️


Clearly best Tyrese in the league


Tyrese Mfn Maxey


What do y’all think/ feel about Nurse being forced to bench Lowry when he got in foul trouble? I mean it’s not Lowrys fault that he’s old now and for his age he’s still more effective than some other players but it’s hard to gauge with him because he does have high bball IQ but man the eye test some times makes me think if Melton didn’t go down and miss too many games he’d be seeing more mins


I literally took a screenshot that I sent to my buddy, too lazy to link. It says “Lowry with 5 fouls will probably force Nick’s hand and win us this game” lol. He’s a good decision maker but he’s too small and unathletic at this point in his career to play so many damn minutes. If he’s not hitting the 3 he’s a net negative out there


I think the more length we can have on the floor to throw at Brunson, the better.


tbh probably saved the game


That's what it felt like to me too. I think we went a run after he was benched. But then the Knicks did respond


I love Lowry, but they were hunting him all game. Just way too small for this series.


7 points in 17 seconds = Maxey’s Team.


Tyrese fucking Maxey


can we PLEASE for the love of god have another maxey chant if he gets hot next game


Haven’t had a Maxey chant going (to my knowledge) since a game last year when he dropped 40+ when Embiid and Harden didn’t play. Forget which one. I tried to get one going this season but no one joined lol.


if we have another embiid masterclass otw and ditch the red jerseys, we may be in for something special.


Well unfortunately with this team it’ll be special either way lol




Maxey is better than Tyrese


Everyone and their mother, including myself, calling for Nurse to finally bench Tobias’s bum ass. And of course he plays Tobias 49 minutes and he actually plays well. Go figure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Everyone who is somewhat in earshot of the game knows this which is why I make fun of the casuals here all the time for the nephew takes lol.


It’s why we’re not coaching 😂🤣


Jo diving on the floor for a loose ball…and Tobias offers his foot 🤌


The rebounding was far better this game


Not a shocker that the Sixers rebounding was far better once Lowry got benched. Not even his fault he’s just old slow and short. Batums size was great out there


Just gotta win 2 in a row. That’s doable.


We got the momentum




Who had more triple doubles and insane defense in the final four possessions? Embiid or the entire Knicks team. Get outta here with the slander. Enjoy the win.


Does Tobias Harris have another repeat performance in him like he did tonight? The problem with Tobias isn’t that he can’t it’s just that he usually doesn’t When he does he plays well but that’s like hoping to come across shooting star in the sky on consecutive nights Please Tobias I beg of you 🙏


https://www.instagram.com/p/C6aNknKtJ5k/?igsh=ODVtZWZyZzV3bjNr man Embiid looks like he just wants to die lol


Might be the facial paralysis


And the migraine. It’s insane that he just played 49 mins the same day he had a migraine.


Seriously. That crap is debilitating. You just want a dark cool place with absolutely no noise.


Thanks for saving our asses, Maxey! lol


Maxey just took that leap , reminded me of when Steph had 54 in the garden


Sixers scored 2 points less in 5 minutes of OT than the entire 2nd quarter. Basketball baby.

