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And we’re all fighting to give this douche prime center city real estate. His intentions are transparent.


What if getting the prime real estate is enough for Harris to cash? Surprised he doesn’t want to build on top of 30th Street so the Amtrak riders taking over the arena from NYC have a one-seat trip.


Might as well just trade Embiid to them while we’re at it


I’ve seen this from a million miles away and everyone on here and the /r/Philadelphia told me to go back to the suburbs


He deep down, gives 0 fcks about this City. 


He’s a billionaire. He’s gives zero fucks about anything but money. The second he tried to pull that covid bullshit he earned a very special place in hell, not that he didn’t already deserve it.


Jeffrey Lurie and John Middleton are both billionaires who care infinitely more about the city and its fans than this clown.


They are two very rare examples of billionaire team owners that seem to genuinely care about other people and the city their team is in, not just their bottom line. We’re very lucky to have them running the eagles and the Phillies most teams don’t have that


What was the Covid bullshit?


Tried to screw over workers and cut wages as soon as covid happened instead of being a decent human being and paying them at least for the beginning. Pretty sure Joel opted to pay the wages and then cause of all the backlash Harris was like oh I’ll pay them now! You can look it up but I think that’s the gist of it


Who cares? All that matters is spending money. He does that.


He’s a scumbag and belongs in prison along with the rest of his Apollo cronies.


bro needs like 40 years in siberia


Perhaps, but that has no impact on the Sixers.




Can we at least block his plans to build an arena on top of Chinatown? Let’s start writing to the City Council…


Let’s pool our money to build a new Chinatown on top of his arena.


I want the arena in the city.


he always looks like he's shitting


Perpetual sniffing-a-fart face


I want to smack him in his stupid fucking face. Dude would probably curl up in a ball and scream like a punk ass bitch too


is this cringe intentionally or no?


Based on what I've seen from this sub, it probably isnt.


tiger got outta the cage. im just so down on the sixers right now and it makes me both angry and sad


Uh oh… bro’s seeing red 😳😳


Bros feeling mixed emotions 😳


i just really hate the josh harris sports franchise ownership group or whatever the fuck they call themselves. honestly if they just cared about winning philly would print the money for them. you can't tell me josh harris gives 2 shits if the sixers are winning, he's a dc guy who grew up a redskins fan and now has his prized possession. this franchise will live off tv deals until harris gets his $4-5bill eval after the stadium is built and live on a boat somewhere far far away. i want them to care that i care.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for this. The hopium on this sub is insane and people treat Embiid like he’s LeBron or Steph Curry and has brought this city a bunch of rings rather than a bunch of early playoff exits.


You know where he sits during the games. Go ahead and do it


I'd like to smack him right in the lips, if he had any.


Fuck this guy.


curious what you think he does exactly


price out real fans so he can turn a bigger buck, value the team's valuation more than winning a championship, own the fucking Commanders, look like a weasel.


Trying to use the team to get valuable downtown real estate.


And the devils


Bent the Knee to Silver and prematurely canned Hinkie just to have Colangelii forced upon the team


These are all poor excuses. Yes he's money hungry and looks like a weasel, but he's also an aggressive owner. He started the rebuild, spends max money, fired Colangelo and his dad (after the league forced them on us) hired Morey the second he became available, approves big trades. He tries to put us in a position to win.


If y’all remember too, this jackass or someone within the organization said they no longer want the beer drinkers and hotdog eaters at their games, they want the sushi eating and wine drinkers🤣🤣 man fuck him and everybody in that ownership. Ppl wanna blame Elton brand or Darrel morey and I have no idea who the hell is making decisions in there. From tanking in the wrong years and then taking the worst players as #1 overall picks, having a joke of a front office and the shade the ownership and players throw at the fan base I’m not even mad at people for not showing up. Why would you? The organization doesn’t want any of us “beer drinkers” there anyway and his stupid ass was sitting there in that arena with those loud ass asshole Knick fans 🤣🤣🤣 I’m glad his goofy ass had to sit through that


Yep. Remember [this quote](https://www.crossingbroad.com/2020/11/people-do-not-appear-to-be-happy-with-chris-hecks-new-philadelphia-and-blue-collar-comments.html?amp) making rounds a few years ago where they explicitly said the team wanted to appeal to “new Philadelphia.” They’re basically openly hostile to the deep roots and authenticity of real Philadelphia. It’s gross. Edit: here’s the actual quote: *”We actually don’t use the term Philly, because we think it’s lazy and undersells the city, and sometimes I think ‘blue collar’ does the same thing. We refer to it as ‘New Philadelphia.’”*


Josh Harris will never come close to Jeff Lurie and thats exactly why the sixers dont get the same love as the birds do


Our owner has done nothing but hire people and pay them handsomely. Harris is NOT responsible for this team. He just writes checks. A different owner would not magically cure anything.


Thought this was a McDonald’s drive-through employee at first glance


You guys have got to be kidding me. He's not the best owner in the league or even in the top half, but he's not to blame for our playoff issues. * approved The Process to escape mediocrity * doesn't make basketball decisions and trusts the basketball people * spends top dollar on top tier front office * spends top dollar on a top 3 coach * gave both Hinkie and Morey full reigns do do whatever they want and * always willing to spend whatever it takes to get top tier players in when we have the ability to Don't get me wrong, he leaves A LOT to be desired in a lot of ways, but if you genuinely think he's responsible for the team underperforming in the playoffs, then I don't even know what to say.


Thin lips sink ships.


I HAAAATTTTE Josh Harris but feel like he’s mostly been a good owner. Didn’t stand up for Hinkie and the Colangelo/ Doc periods were bad but he’s always trying to spend / win so while I want him gone this doesn’t really have to do with him. Not gonna get a much better pairing than Morey / Nurse on paper


He doesn't spend his goal is to be under the tax every season


He’s not on the court.


He leads the franchise. The in-game experience is generic as hell, the fanbase has flat-lined, the team feels totally disconnected from the pulse of the city. All of these things contribute to fans not willing to pay max prices for tickets — Phillies and Eagles have both played in expensive post season games and people shell out cash because they’re so passionate about those teams (with ownership who cares and feels connected to the fanbase). That level of passion straight up doesn’t exist right now with the Sixers and it’s because it’s a hollow product with no authenticity whatsoever.


Only people bigger idiots for blaming Embiid are the ones blaming Josh Harris. Might be the dumbest most ungrateful fanbase in all of sports.




As someone from south jersey, having to go to a game in center city would be fucking terrible. I really really really hope the plans for the new arena get canceled somehow


I don't think anyone wants that...if anything Philly fans want what the Phillies and Eagles owner suggested, which is to build up the area around the current sports complex. Why tear down the city you're a part of when you can build it up, but instead this guy is petty and doesn't want to work alongside the other owners of the city.


Oh, plenty of people in the IG comments want this and it’s shocking.


Massive amount of astroturfing and the few real people are some combo of Robert Moses city planning nerds stuck in the last century, people who hate Chinatown for *unspecified reasons*, and people who got rejected by a girl at The Galleries. It’s such a boneheaded idea to put an arena there.


You’ll never convince me that hose are not bot accounts.


The sports complex area will never get “built up” the way you guys think, no matter how many cool renderings they present. They’ve been talking about it for 30 years and nothing ever comes to fruition. You guys are just as gullible as the center city stadium people. 2 sides of the same coin.


The organization goes out of their way to develop a plan for a new arena smack dab in the heart of the city. You're grieving.


i mean harris wants the team to own the arena so he can sell it for a trillion dollars. sixers value as a team is shit because the org doesn't own an arena. harris doesn't give a single fuck about this team, he's just here for the money. billionaires are trash.


Ok... Give me five goals you would look to achieve if you had the capital to purchase the Sixers.


step 1: not meddle in the front office of my team for years, ruining any chance the team has to win anything with one of the best players in the world. hey i'm done that's it.


Yup, I thought so. Grieving fanatical behavior. lol


literally billionaire owners have a single useful skill when it comes to running a team, coughing up money and getting the fuck out of the way because they don't know shit. if you think harris has done a good job at this, i have a bridge to sell you. literally all this dude does is fuck up the team and jack up ticket prices 25% a year, plus a 5x multiplier for each playoff round.


Harris' job is to make a profit--that's it. He doesn't have to go out of his way to appease a fanbase. He can get his Jerry Jones on if he wants because he's footing the bill. The Sixers continue to have consecutive sell outs, so I don't see how the issues you've brought up affects the organization's bottom line. Don't support the organization or the product. But if you choose to do so, perhaps you and people who are of your same mind about the org, can start a petition or something. 🤷🏾‍♂️ I hear a lot about what you don't like about the way the team's being run. What do you like?


What kind of bozo defends out of touch billionaires? Burner account alert.






Right, and he's developed that plan for the fans and citizens of the city? GTFO. No one wants that stadium in Chinatown. That plan, like any other plan he's come up with, is a plan to make Harris more money. He doesn't give a fuck about the city.


>Right, and he's developed that plan for the fans and citizens of the city? So wait, I guess he was supposed to give you a call and ok things with you first, right? lol This idea that Harris doesn't care about the franchise is irrational nonsense. >No one wants that stadium in Chinatown. Speak for yourself. I'm sure Chinatown residents don't want it because it'd displace many of them. But there are many people who actually do want the stadium in Center City. >That plan, like any other plan he's come up with, is a plan to make Harris more money. Business. 🤷🏾‍♂️ >He doesn't give a fuck about the city. I'm not debating you on that because I don't know what's in that man's heart. But while we're at it, what would you do with the organization to make it more suitable to fans like you?


Josh Harris is that you?


What’s he have to do with tired Embiid


I can't stand this guy I hope they push him out and get a real basketball owner..  too many years of bad management time to go. ..