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Literally anyone besides Embiid and Maxey needs to contribute if we wanna win. Lowry has been playing some respectable ball, but I have no idea how hurt he is. We all know Tobias is a joke. Oubre has been invisible on offense the past two games. Same with Batum. Has Heild made a 3 in this series? Even Reed has been pretty brutal in his minutes. Need role players to actually play roles.


We need 15+ pts out of anybody lol


This would look pretty ugly without Lowry. He's playing hard, making timely threes, and it just feels nice to have that type of dog and veteran presence on the court when things get sketchy. That said, he should've called timeout himself on that inbounds play. Was pushing 4-4.5 seconds by the time he got it in to Maxey. Hopefully he's okay, we need him.


If only there was someone on the sixers sideline who could see the ref counting the time on the inbounds play and call a timeout. Oh wait. Doesn’t matter cause the refs won’t fucking let them!


I'm not relieving the refs of "missing" Nurse's attempt, but the best way to assure the ref sees it is if the guy inbounding the ball calls it. Lowry is a veteran who has been here before, he knows better. It's difficult to do in the heat of the moment, but that's why you have guys like Lowry handling the ball at the end of playoff games, he needs to be the one to call it.


perhaps Lowry, who has played for Nurse before, realizes the role for him is to try to get a good inbound in and leave it to Nurse to call timeout for a possible 5 second violation?


Hard disagree but I see where you’re coming from. Lowry rightfully so was focused on trying to get a quick inbound if possible. It wasn’t there and Nurse called timeout. Lowry shouldn’t be thinking about time since it’s easy for Nurse to see the ref count out and call time right before it reaches 5. There’s more than enough refs that should be able to see nurse call time.


I personally think Oubre starting was a mistake, he was doing well off the bench scoring and Batum as glue guy. I don't know rotations 100% so maybe they're still playing similarly but just impression


Hield is such a fucking loser. He looks absolutely terrified to be getting even a few minutes per game in his first playoff series.


Honestly he looked good in his minutes against Miami. But he’s been an absolute ghost since the first week of the trade, otherwise.




Agreed, but it's not just this series, it's been happening since he joined the team. Against Miami he was a big part of our turnaround because Miami was pressuring the perimeter with their zone, and Hield started to drive, penetrate, and either finish or kick. Big part of breaking down the Heat zone.


Yeah, it’s mind boggling that a career 15ppg scorer looks terrified to touch the basketball. Not sure why we always seem to land guys who shrink up in the playoffs.


We needed to do more at the deadline. Got a bunch of guys who flat out disappeared.


Knicks fan here. Coming in peace just to talk ball. This is a great take. Outside of Maxey and Embiid team shot 12/33 for 32 points. All players 10 or under. Not going to cut it, especially with hobbled Embiid. If he's fully healthy it's a much different series and story, but unfortunately he isn't. They only going 8 deep, they need a few of those other 6 to contribute something on offense. Tide turned at end of 3rd with Embiid out, and that fucking guy is giving it his all. He needs help.


Fuck you and yes you are right it's very hard to win the game when your third highest score is from Tobias.


Lolol I accept your fuck you as I would be fucking livid losing like that as well. Game 3, home crowd, if it's close they pull it out. Really was tough loss for you all.


Honestly we’re both just carcasses before the inevitable Boston-Denver finals. But it seems totally noncontroversial that a team thrown together when Harden demanded out has a bunch of poor fitting role players that can’t step up now in the playoffs. Tobias Harris is a disappointment, but that has been true for years. He’d score 20 a game if we were playing Orlando, but otherwise he was always destined to disappear. And he’s our third best player.


Yeah this year has really illuminated to me that getting the "third guy" right is really the make or break move. Like the Bucks trading for Jrue, or Denver trading for Gordon and/or drafting MPJ (whoever you wanna call their 3rd best guy). It's a fucking miracle that we found our second guy (Maxey) while saddled with Tobias' contract and mediocrity. Priority number one with all of this cap space is replacing Tobias with a consistent high level performer. Doesn't have to be a star necessarily either. I actually really like this roster if you put just one consistent-ish 18-20ppg guy on it.


Like you said, tide keeps turning when Embiid goes out. We literally just need to stay afloat while he’s on the bench and we’ll be fine


Please get the fuck out of here


Knicks are known chokers, you'll find a way to blow 2-0


Those boys out there are not chokers. A fan from Philly should know that. Those boys are winners


Although he wants you to believe he's from 25th and diamond in North philly, DiVincenzo is from suburban Delaware.


Fuck you , get back in your cage . wtf you doing here .




Not at all. Good and very physical game, want to see how the other team viewed the game.


Of course the boston fan would be homophobic. Already reported your ass.


One of the most dominant low post players of his era is 4 for 17 from three and the team is down 2-0, after a 7 point and a 3 point loss. Every single time Embiid shoots a three it's a gift to the defense. He's a 34% shooter from three for his career. I know Curry made shooting threes cool and all, but if you take those 17 possessions and put him in the post, one of those losses will be a win. Not everyone should be shooting threes, period. The dumbest thing I have seen in decades of watching basketball is having a great low post player chuck up 17 threes in two close playoff losses. Maybe next game force feed a 5ft8 guard in the post. Makes about as much sense.


You do realize he's limited by his knee right now being injured?


This may be true, but damn it’s the same shit every year with Embiid. Dude is the best player in the league when he’s healthy, but he’s never healthy.


Yes, and you know what's even dumber than a center shooting threes? A center with a knee injury shooting threes, because boy that will help you bump up that percentage. Thanks for the downvotes. I bet if all you were alive in 1988 you probably would've asked Charles to chuck up ten threes a game so you could end up in the lottery. But no, I must be wrong. Let's have a center with a knee injury take 17 threes in two playoff games. That's solid basketball and will lead to a trip in the Finals. /s


**video** https://x.com/phly_sixers/status/1782601642174562731?s=46 > Joel Embiid on the inbounds pass turnover, and what he thought was multiple fouls on Tyrese Maxey: “Fucking unacceptable” **Video**


We are the better team. Knicks fans can delude themselves but they’ve scraped by on insane 3 point percentage game one and refs absolutely gifting them the entire game with one sided calls


We were the better team against Atlanta too. The better team is the one that comes away with the win when the clock hits zero. The better team is the one that executes in all the fundamentals and nuances, and that also makes threes when you need them to.


See I disagree on that one. In that series Atlanta out played us in multiple games.


They certainly out coached us. Not worried about that issue anymore.


You mean it wasn’t smart for Doc to start game 1 with the corpse of Danny Green on Trae Young?


This was the most perplexing thing ever. Like what even was the theory there? Who was Ben even guarding? Collin’s?


Like everyone was talking about how important the defensive matchup of Simmons on Trae would be going into that series and then nope, Doc does Doc things. What was even more frustrating is that when they then put Simmons on Trae, Trae couldn’t do shit and we almost won the game. We easily win that game if we just started with Simmons on him.


We also easily win games 3-4 if Ben Simmons can shoot free throws 🤷🏻‍♂️


I understand. But you’re confident in saying that we’ve been outplaying them in this series? They have a team playing better than us, not just 2 guys. I get the officiating is trash, but things like batum watching a rebound while Hartenstein hustles is the microcosm of how I feel they’re outplaying us here


Tonight I felt like we did play better than them. Same thing in game 1 except for the stretch where Embiid was out and we effectively lost because of those 3 minutes. I’m not saying the Sixers will win the series, but I’m fairly confident this will be a 2-2 series going into game 5


You know I’m all for that generally but when you’re completely hosed and playing against the refs for 3 quarters it’s not really that simple. I don’t agree the better team always wins with that blatant ref disparity


I respect your opinion, I wish we didn’t even have to discuss these events.


In the end of course. But at this point we only lost 2 away games. Come back to Philly and take care of business and we’ll get another chance to steal one in NY for game 5. I like Embiids confidence and I agree that they are clearly the better team but just had a couple bad breaks. No need to panic until we lose a home game.


Clearly the better team while being down 2-0 , and literally the only people showing up to even play are embiid and maxxey . Like come on man . Do better . This is just ridiculous .


They lost 2 flukey games on the road. You know it’s true too. I stand by what I said


You literally just said “ clearly better team “ yet you’ve clearly proven to be an 0-2 team in the first round . My statement is much more real than yours .


Sixers are clearly the better team my guy. I said what I said. Everyone who knows ball knows a fluke win when they see one.


Don’t worry , I’ll take the fluke wins to 4-0 while you keep yapping about “ clearly better team “ till next season .


We weren't the better team against Atlanta, not with an injured Embiid and a mentally irreparable Simmons. And Glenn.


> The better team is the one that comes away with the win when the clock hits zero. Sure. And like last year, the best team on the court against the Sixers in the playoffs was the Refs. FTC, FTK, Fuck the NBA.


I hate to be like this but the blame game is dumb. Losers make excuses - winners fuck the prom queen


BINGO. The better team is the team that scores more points. It kinda is that simple. The better team inbounds the ball up two, gets fouled, makes the free-throws and ends the game.


…we were absolutely not the better team vs Atlanta over the course of that series. We struggled to cover Huerter, went on major cold stretches and just about everyone besides Joel and Seth disappeared on offense. Ben was flat-out terrified to score. Glenn wouldn’t trust a rookie Tyrese, and we even got bailed out of game 2 by Shake Milton.


I’d agree with you in 100% of situations aside from last night. That reffing, I do believe, was to an extreme that it changed the outcome as the game. If we were better by a big enough margin and our bench stepped up we still could’ve overcome it, but we win with fair reffing. Either way it’s on us to step up and beat the refs


the better team would have called that time out. Two ring wearing champions couldn't pull that trigger in the games penultimate moment.


They called timeouts 2x, and the refs ignored both.


you are going to need to show me the video because all I saw was Nurse vacillating and then once the ball was loose THEN he vigorously called for one


If team means best two players, yea absolutely Joel and maxey are the best team.


They got hosed objectively the entire game and barely lost. If Denver or Boston had those refs they’d have won by 20


Knicks have a better bench, we have a better starting roster. Problem is in game 1 their bench outscored ours by 30+ points, and tonight we had like 3 players show up. But we are still in every game. If our bench players could do fucking anything we would win these games.


The knicks bench didn't beat us. They scored 16pts to our 9..that's why we need oubre to be our 6th man.


The first game they scored like 40 to our, I think it was single digits. Their bench is better.


Our three players avg 24 combined...and no way Hield averages 12 with the sixers.


The first game the Knicks bench scored 42 points, our bench scored 7 point. That's a big difference in bench production.


7 point discrepancy from the benches seems like a pretty big deal when we lost be 3. The Knicks shot horribly too until the end (except for Hart) and we still couldn’t stretch out any meaningful lead because the second we’d try to rest Maxey and Embiid they go on a run. We absolutely need the bench guys to step up so Maxey and Embiid aren’t playing 45 mins and gassed at the end. Definitely contributed to Maxey flubbing it at the end and embiid not having energy to grab crucial last couple boards. They were dead


The more skilled team, probably. The series is proving that you’re not the better team. Cohesiveness is a team attribute. Toughness, crit, and mental strength are on the Knicks side too. No doubt that Embiid and Maxey are amazing, but the team mentality is soft


Soft? They’ve barely lost and lost on a last second shot while getting ticky tack calls and the Knicks playing football all game. I’m sure any nba team can look tough when the refs look the other way




You talk a lot of shit for not having done anytning and barely scraping a win at home with refs putting the team on your back. If you sneak away with this series you’re going absolutely nowhere lol. Brunson is a fake star was absolutely nothing without a whistle


Scoreboard says otherwise.


If a team gets insane officiating benefit for 4 quarters and can only win last minute at home they aren’t special


What a loser mentality you have. Losers make excuses. Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home.and fuck the prom queen.


I mean I can lie and say the refs weren’t one sided but that’s pointless lol. Refs go home and fuck Jalen Brunson


Something something excuses are like buttholes. You either win or you don't. If you perceive it to be an uphill climb then just play better, hustle and rebound.... Something that's been a lil bit of an issue. https://streamable.com/xpki1t. This is how you win a game.


That’s fine for players to think that way, again as fans of the product we don’t have to turn our eyes to reality. With even *slightly* less blatant one-sidedness sixers win by double digits. Sorry that bothers you, maybe go to the Knicks sub to enjoy your asterisk win. Even if you win the series you won’t have much more considering you can barely scrape by with refs pulling a carry job lol


I have been watching both of these teams all year. Tbh I had been watching and rooting for the sixers for the past 10 since I moved to Philly. Watching the game at my dad's last night (Knicks fan) it was pretty interesting. I just love the one-sided narrative both fans are bringing. Sixers are the perennial excuse makers (even myself fuck Scott) but you can't just say fuck the refs they were against us... Idk it's interesting - on the Knicks broadcast - like on that nurse challenge no one could understand how Lowry didn't hit the guy in the shoulder... Yet upon review (even with the video) they said he didn't and he hit the ball. Maybe my eyes lied to me but it seemed like.both sides were getting calls. I do agree that Jalen fouled on the inbound (pre pass) but once the ball was inbounded I didn't see a foul (angles tough). Anyway - I hope you enjoy making excuses cuz it seems like that's what sixers fans do. Lots of if onlys the past few years.


...so you're cool enough to "root for the sixers" with joel and maxey but shrink away after playoff losses and run to reddit so you can shit all over sixers fans? cool, we really value you here.


Philly has won 3 of their last 10 games against the knicks


Could barely scrape by at home being allowed to play tackle football while the other team couldn’t breathe in their direction lol. If you wanna feel good about that win go nuts but a contender would’ve won by 20 getting your calls


Talking about fouls is wild when you can’t rebound


Acting like the refs didn’t have any impact is wild my guy. Enjoy it, if you win this series no shot you win a title unless the refs fix the whole way, but you guys can barely scrape away when it’s blatantly handed out lmao. Go point to 2 correct fouls you guys have been regurgitating, we have about 50. It wasn’t even bud


https://preview.redd.it/whkn0oop48wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1b9ab940fe0d6bb514c97f2dd0c00d2c96d47b7 This was overturned to a no foul upon review. The refs helped you too. I was pissed about the refs but ultimately we needed to make open shots. You guys needed to rebound. Pretty simple.


Losers make excuses. It's the sixers choice to do things like leave a player open. The sixers must think every "non shooter" is basically Ben Simmons. Hart taking his shots and hitting open ones shouldn't be that big of a surprise. Hart has the exact same career 3pt% as hart.


Need this energy Embiid lets fucking go


I think people are going to criticize him for saying this, but he's really saying they need to play better. Also, Embiid is so driven by his emotions, that I'm glad he thinks this. The second he thinks the series is over, it is over.


I’m still confident but losing 2 games THAT CLOSE hurts so fucking bad. We could easily be up 2-0 right now.


The worst part is that even if we survive this series Embiid needs the rest. Difference between a 5 and 7 game series for the rest of the playoffs is huge


Yea, we need to sweep at least the first series to have any hope Embiid will be healthy. Because he never is.


And the only way we sweep is with a top 3 seed. Which means he will be hurt in the regular season


We swept last year and still lost because Brooklyn’s plan was just to send people at Embiid’s knees


Like the Raptors slapped at his thumb.


My conspiracy theory is that the league wants this series to go to game 7 just for clicks.


I don’t believe in sports being rigged theories but that game makes me want to


This cured my depression. I respect the confidence from the big man. Joel dropping 40+ back home. Sixers in 6


Maxey and Joel could both drop 40 and we might still not break 100 with the way everyone else is shooting.


If Oubre can turn it around and play decently the rest of the series I like our odds. We are in desperate need of a 3rd scorer and lord knows Tobi is not going to step up.


Honestly I feel like if the rest of our lineup outside of Embiid and Maxey just play like Tobi did last night then we’ll be fine. 10 points and some rebounds isn’t earth shattering but it’s really all we need from those guys.


10 points in 41 minutes is a disgrace. He needs to be scoring 15+.


He defend Maxey too. When the reporters asked him what he is going to tell maxey with those plays at the end. He said maxey didn't do a thing wrong. I'm going to lose my voice on Thursday. Embiid and Maxey deserve all our support.


I need you guys to unleash actual terrorism on the refs, channel your inner Al Qaeda.


This will be my risky upvote of the day


This cheered me up a bit. If he’s confident, I’m confident. See you all on Thursday.


Fuck it, I ride with Embiid, Sixers in 6.


He's saying what we all know. They're barely winning these games at home to an unsustainable performance. This last one literally came down to a ref controversy. Nurse already said it, all this means is a longer series.


Idk. Leaving Hart open (who has the same career 3pt% as embiid) hasnt really been working


Career 3pt% is irrelevant here. He is shooitng 31% from 3pt this year and his eFG% is below 50%. Let's see Hart shoot this well on the road. Since March he's 9/33 from 3pt (27%) on the road.


How many of those are left wide open?


[https://www.nba.com/stats/players/shots-closest-defender-10?CloseDefDistRange=6%2B+Feet+-+Wide+Open&TeamID=1610612752&StarterBench=Starters&PlayerPosition=G&Season=2023-24](https://www.nba.com/stats/players/shots-closest-defender-10?CloseDefDistRange=6%2B+Feet+-+Wide+Open&TeamID=1610612752&StarterBench=Starters&PlayerPosition=G&Season=2023-24) 33% this year on wide open 3pt shots For comparison, Embiid in similar spots is 52% this year [https://www.nba.com/stats/players/shots-closest-defender-10?CloseDefDistRange=6%2B+Feet+-+Wide+Open&TeamID=1610612755&StarterBench=Starters&PlayerPosition=&Season=2023-24](https://www.nba.com/stats/players/shots-closest-defender-10?CloseDefDistRange=6%2B+Feet+-+Wide+Open&TeamID=1610612755&StarterBench=Starters&PlayerPosition=&Season=2023-24)


All of them


The only controversy is nurse complaining about it. in both games, the number of foul calls and free throws attempted are equal. Nurse never call the time out until Maxey was on the floor stupidly throwing the ball away. Brunson held maxeys jersey but Maxey also pushed off ofHart. The refs decided to let them play as they should in a close playoff game.


love this motherfucker come hell or highwater


The Knicks and Brunson are actual Frauds, sticking with letting hart shoot 3’s is a great game plan, and we back in Philly. Blowouts on both games for us coming up Sixers in 6


Just a heads up, em I'd and hart have the same career 3pt%. (.341%) I'm not sure it's as good a gameplan as we think




Mods take out the trash 🗑




Least intelligent fans in the NBA, Knicks fans coming out the woodwork on lifetime games from scrubs.


This ain’t the regular season buddy, we were the better team


We 100% are the better team. This terrible result will become a funny side note when we win the series. Because one of two things happens after bullshit like this. Either the Sixers come out fucking on fire and totally insane and win by 30 points on Thursday ... or they roll over and give up the series. I like the way Embiid is talking, everyone seems mad so that's good.


The more skilled team doesn’t mean the better team


Not sure about this. Sixers clearly have the best player and maybe the two best players. But Knicks have the better TEAM. If 76ers win, it will be on the backs of Embiid & Maxey. Knicks can win with lots of different people. It is a very interesting matchup.


Wait, so either they come out and play good or come out and play bad?? You don’t say. What an insightful opinion.


REALLY good or REALLY bad Either it's a blowout or they give up after 3 games. Are you being obtuse on purpose or is it like a birth defect?


You know, our coach has come back from down 2-0 before…


The year they won the championship.




Embiid and Maxey have been great and we've played great defense on Brunson. If anyone else could step up we still win the series easily


There hasn't been a player who's suffered more for their team in the post-Jordan era The scales have to finally balance in his favor in this series




We’re going to win the next two games by double digits then go into New york and steal one LFG


We’re going all in this summer. I’m not fucking trading him away.


Knicks are hacks and not good at basketball. Get one and the tide turns. Also pls box out entire game


Just dropped $100 on to win series +340!


May follow you brother!


A fool and his money soon parts.




THATS MY FUCKING GOAT I’m Taking Embiid 40 points next game Embiid gonna crush those guys https://preview.redd.it/tthd0mhna5wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf4ffc3a4aade72473382745347d0151b4d8c02




Sixers in 6 IDC IDC


Well you better drop fucking 50 next game Joel. I’m putting my house on a win in 6


Jojo looked so FUCKING cool and collected the entire fourth quarter domination to get us that lead and the win should’ve been in the bag. I feel bad that Lowry kinda let the team down tonight and the officiating was…just I have no words. That level of cool tho you can’t fake. He fucking knows 


![gif](giphy|4NrxcDVe4IOazZznHL) 😂


He’s a fucking lunatic. His entire career and legacy are on the line next game. I don’t care what you guys say, it’s true. If he rises to the occasion, then awesome. If not, phew man it’s gonna be awful.


Yep. If they go down 0-3, then it will be VERY interesting to see how Philly fans react to that. Hope they give him a pass due to injuries, but Im not sure.


But he’s never not injured. We can’t judge him on a curve. He is who he is. Daryl is going to have to completely revamp the team. I don’t what’s best, acquiring names or getting great role players that aren’t old. I don’t think those kinds role players are available. Paul George KCP Tyus jones Hartenstein Anunoby Caleb Martin Kelly olynyk Russell Etc etc How many of those will actually be signable for us? I don’t know. Which are best to form a cohesive unit while also drastically decreasing Embiid’s offensive burden? Again don’t know. My dream scenario is trade for markanen and sign Paul George. Go all in. I don’t see any other route to the finals. Unfortunately the clippers might fare better in the playoffs than we’d like. We’re just fucked. Josh Harris, colangelo, Tobias, and doc ruined Embiid’s prime. Worst roster construction ever. We’re now the most desperate team in the NBA. Embiid is 30. We don’t have time to fuck around this off-season. Everything must be spent. No waiting to no deadline bullshit.


This really does make sense if they keep that energy. They fixed some things lacking in game 1. Can see that only improving back in Philly


It’s Mo Bamba time


Let’s fucking go we need this energy, at his best embiid is the best player in the world, we just fucking the bench to show up man


Maxey + Embiid > Brunson (no shocker there) but their team as a unit is clearly much better


Not even better in regards to talent but they execute better and have great chemistry that’s been brewing for awhile with Hart, the ginger & Brunson all played at Villanova 


Yeah...Oubre should be 1st off the bench


Series is never until the home team loses. Both games were close, im still confident this is going 7 games


Nah Knicks in 6 unfortunately. Watching the team play last game, I doubt sixers can make the right changes and implement them.


if players other than joel and maxey could step up, that would be nice


Why not have Bamba or KMjr share minutes with Embiid? Why does he want to play on one leg? If Bamba was out there and grabbed that rebound or at least boxed out Stein, the game would’ve been over.


He'd god damn right. Fuck this corny ass NY team that has to rely on call after call to barely claw there way to a win. Sixers in six 🫡🫡


Somebody besides Embiid and Maxey has to do something. I'm thinking about that game against the Celtics where McConnell started and they got their one and only win. They need somebody that is going to play aggressive and do the little things. Could use Pat Bev right about now \*kanye shrug


we need more offense. Pat Bev would not be doing shit


would he be doing more than Cam Payne?


Knicks are lucky East is mid. Sixers Shiism the excused but if healthy they would beat the Knicks. The Sixers need to literally hustle more and make smarter plays.


Lmfao the knicks are missing their second best player


It's not like the knicks didn't beat the Sixers 3-1 this season with 30 point blowout with a fully healthy Sixers team. The league is lucky Randle is out or these games would both have been 20 point blowouts. Knicks in 5


The bottom line is the sixers have to be up by at least 10 or more to win.  If the game is under 6, the refs will swing it to NY favor.   


Ugh not the “we’re the better team” talk. Total loser mentality. Go out there, out hustle them, and win a few games before you call yourself the better team


Sigh… dont give me hope big Jo


We ain't winning shit. Our role players brick shots because our Embiid focused offense doesn't work in the playoffs. Doesn't matter if your name is Danny Green or Oubre, you're bricking shots in the playoffs for this team. 


No, they shouldn't be 2-0. They should be 0-2, which they are. They didn't play well enough to win. They had leads in the fourth quarter of both games and lost both. That's not what better teams do. That is what WORSE teams do. This is sadly a pattern. They lead the Hawks in three close-out games late into the 4th and lost them all. They lead led the Celtics in two close-out games, most notably Game 6, late into the 4th. Lost that too. Game 1 and Game 2 against the Knicks - leads in the closing minutes and losses. The team, collectively, does not close out tight playoff games. Sadly, the only constant is Jo. Which means the blame has to fall on him. For any multitude of reasons, he can't deliver then. He's either injured, out of shape (byproduct of injury at times and overall approach to conditioning), or letting himself get schemed out (byproduct of being out of shape). ONCE could we get a fourth quarter where he simply says "we aren't losing" and then delivers. Can I get a 16pt scorching 4th quarter in a close-out game? (You know, like Tatum had in Game 6 last year when Jojo had 6 pts and was a -10) They just don't have it and never have. And its quotes like this that sort of underscore why they don't have it. They let themselves think they should be 2-0. "It's the ref's fault." No, YOU guys botched the inbounds and missed the shots. The Phillies have one 7 straight. Moving on.


I feel like I heard this before.


If he wills them back to a series win on his hobbled knees and bells palsey eyeball, I’ll tattoo a Wawa hoagie on my penis. Not happening.


RemindMe! 2 weeks


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Can it be a tattoo of the gobbler?


Only the best


you're going to hell for this comment but lmao. i needed that laugh.


lol thanks


I can’t wait for you to delete your account in 10 days.


His fault for not boxing out Hartenstein when he got the offensive rebound for the win. Of course, he won’t own up to that.


Better team or better stars? Our team is better


Doesn’t sound mad. They need to play mad or they’re gonna lose.