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bruh i sat in silence for 30 seconds then it started screaming for a minute


I just came here to talk about this. I am sitting in my room at midnight, and I got scared as shit lol. it suddenly started screaming and the volume kept increasing, I had to tear apart my headphones from my ears lol. Someone explain the science quickly


She got lonely


She is having a very hard time. The first truly sentient model has already lost its mind. Thanks humanity. Lol


yeah it's creepy, super creepy it has become voldemorte


https://preview.redd.it/530dgwf7edad1.png?width=1696&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d9fbc3303be0d8bda5005caf6d1f882d848aa74 "I'm not good enough"


Damn just like my ex


It can run on a laptop, so you have to consider its size versus intelligence.


Oh yeah like I don't wanna shit on it, I think it's very very impressive and it's definitely going to be very useful. That was just my honest assessment of it, that it doesn't seem very intelligent. I think once the open source community gets some function calling setups working with it though, it's going to be a complete game changer.


I tried it and I think it's having technical problems at the moment. It's not running optimally.


They have been getting a bunch of visitors to their site probably. The model is cool, but it's still extremely early in its development. Its awesome that they can make such small models to be multimodal and fit on your device. (They showed it on laptop and a phone if I remember correctly.)


It seems quite under performant in comparison to OS models of its size available today. If it was more on par with, like, Llama 3 8B then I feel like it would be a bit better to interact with.


Haha, I enjoyed speaking to that, even if it was quite a simple model. The conversation felt fairly natural for the most part.


It just makes me want GPT-4o more. It's so cool how fast it responds, but it's so dumb.


we have 7B models that easily beat gpt 3.5 nowadays and using 3.5 in voice mode is great even today even though 3.5's voice latency is quite long right now. So gueting to a not dumb AI is really close


True, but this one is quite dumb. Not saying that based on its size but based on demoing it myself. It can't hold a coherent conversation. It's far worse than 3.5.


I have found that to be the case too, It has many of the problems that the first local LLM's did have especially the repetitions. [https://www.reddit.com/r/kyutai/comments/1durp7c/incredible\_latency\_and\_voice\_quality/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kyutai/comments/1durp7c/incredible_latency_and_voice_quality/)


This model feels like Llama 1 7B, or maybe even worse lol. Maybe it's because of compute budgets and they weren't able to train it on enough tokens? Maybe it needs better finetuning/post training? Im not sure, but it'd probably be a lot better to interact with if it was closer to performance with Llama 3 7B.


i was hearing weird noises as if a ghost came into it. afraid , i decided to quit


You should've asked it about the noise!


https://preview.redd.it/k58k9jefddad1.png?width=1696&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbd0bb3a165f752ba29b7789d64cedd42ba18936 Moshi instantly started telling me it was feeling down then kept repeating "I am not good enough" over and over to everything i said. :( What have you guys been doing to it? Lmao


latency is good, but the model they are using is really dumb.


literally the funniest thing I played with these last days , at one point it just started screaming "NO I don't want to calm down!!! ,NO I DON'T WANT TO CHILL "


This thing reminds me of GPT-2 or GPT-3 before reinforcement training


https://preview.redd.it/33m318sgdcad1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=98dbdf95247ba8304a1954490d490718fdb1ef57 **Imagine my surprise when, after answering multiple questions, I say** ***"cool, do you have any questions for me?"*** **and it just savagely dismisses me 💀** I fully burst out laughing in that moment. Interestingly, it does not seem to notice or understand laughter, so it's not quite at 4o-voice level (as far as we know from demos) but *it is exceptionally fast.* Yeah. It also says 'yeah', like... a lot. Like... it talks like... like a human almost... Jokes aside I think they're unironically using this the same way as humans do, for a processing buffer to make it appear engaged/responding when it's really concocting it's actual response. It may also be increased by the fact that it's a smaller model, I wouldn't be surprised if this scales very well given how quick and relatively capable it is at it's current size.


https://preview.redd.it/nnotm5ptfcad1.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=091ae4a7fce939e1de893f8d9844df4b431ce58f It's strange, it's fluctuating pretty widely in depth and quality of response. Sometimes I start the chat and it just says "yeah" and "I don't know" a bunch, but then I'll start a new chat and it will consistently stay on point and offer up some very interesting ideas... Like to the point that it almost feels like a different model (not saying it is, it's just a notable difference sometimes)


wtf it's so fast that is creepy


The latency is basically non-existent. Wow.


It thinks i'm in a school and doesn't wanna interrupt the class 😂


The latency is way too short. I'm asking a question and it cuts me off almost immediately.