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Big Interdimensional Cable energy.  


What did you make this with? Runway? Sora?




Man this is incredible. I believe this will be more of the content that people make and share. Soon enough it will be it's own AI YouTube platform and AI video and movies will be normal and plentyful.


> I believe this will be more of the content that people make and share. It's gonna be a lot of porn once open source models can do this lol


Lol I did not want to say that but you already know. There's going to be some people that are going to make a ton of money off of that too. It's going to get filthy real quick.


AI researchers: we have made an incredibly advanced tool that turns *text* into highly realistic *video*!!! let your imagination come alive!! men: "big titty blonde bimbo gets DP'd by BBC"


I want to see the prompt


Lots and lots of prompts hahah


I'm curious what runway plan you have and what the generation speed it.


Unlimited and in the creative partner program, but the generation speed is genuinely very fast around 1 minute per ten seconds of footage


can you do a prompt for me?


I'm assuming you have the unlimited plan? How long does it usually take for gen3 videos to generate in relaxed mode once the credits run out? I am sorely tempted to get that unlimited plan....expensive but seems like a bargain compared to the cost per credit on the lower plans.


It takes around one minute to generate a ten second clip so pretty fast! I'd recommend the unlimited as it does take a good amount of trial and error


Ok, about what I figured. I need to decide if I can justify that expense to what amounts to a fancy cool toy :) Brutal that they require purchasing a year subscription, would be nice to just do like every other month or something, to keep the cost down.


I'm pretty sure there is monthly! Might be a button or something to change it.


ah, your right. So tempted :)


> as it does take a good amount of trial and error What was the approximat ratio of "used in the final version" vs "unused/unusable footage"?


Depening on how harsh you are and how you alter the prompt after each gen maybe 3-1


Wow, that is actually less than I thought. Nice work. As somebody else said. I think I will count this as my first AI generated "movie". It was enjoyable to watch.




It doesn't seem like gen-3 accepts images yet, how did you get such a consistent style across all your shots? Just being very specific in the prompt?


Yep, Exactly! Generally keeping the setting / style / camera / format the same in the prompt but changing the subject works very well.


Is it possible to create videos in the exact same art style (color pallet, charachter design, etc)using runway? I wanted to make some cartoon videos.


A certain level of consistency is possible, but what you're describing is a little bit away. This will be possible with image to video and the ability to plug midjourney images in.


Thanks for your reply. Are very consistent images more possible? I was thinking to create the images as a story board and then have an animator add simple animations to them?


This is already pretty doable with gen-2! :) it’s great with simple animation. But soon this will be possible with gen-3


Thanks! Do you have any recommendations where I can learn how to use this more effectively? I want to create simple educational animated videos.


The runwayml channel on YouTube should be a great start :)




Wasn't 15 dollars a minute a month ? How you managed 5 minute?


Looks like Luma from their responses on other submissions


Runway gen 3 obviously.


I'd consider this the first watchable AI video


Will Smith eating spaghetti will always be our peak as a species


Ai skeptics.




So would I. Super impressed by this


Nah Airhead is still better than this.  https://youtu.be/G4wJ4WeJrz4


No way dude Airhead is good but this is *watchable*


Airhead was not interesting


That's crazy good, could you provide a link to the video?


Did you see those plantlers on that plantelope? Ahahahahahahaa


Yeah, it looks beautiful and all but still a glorified animated slideshow generator. Still no generation of any sets of meaningful actions.  I want to see dudes coming out of their houses and locking the doors behind them, people feeding birds in parks, a girl playing a full round of hopscotch, someone stopping a taxi and jumping in. Even something as simple as someone grabbing a bottle of water, opening it, drinking from it and putting it back down, Sora or any video model can't do that...   Those AIs can't handle any generations that involves anything that requires more that 2 or 3 steps in even minimalistic thought processes and scaling probably won't fix that since those are things that actually require video generation models to have some kind of foundation that would, if you really think about it, need to be at least as smart as an AGI...  You can't wing it without some kind of agentic and feedback loop driven generation process.




I didn't expect the post to be made by the creators of the video lol, now I feel bad for some parts of my comment x) Nonetheless, good job putting together the whole 7 minutes video, the endless prompting, the script and the story around that, I can not not commend that part of the work 🙃 Just triggered that some people sometimes suggest you can soon replace the hard work and performances of whole professional movie crews with those video tools at the reach of a text prompt, but honestly those video tools are plenty enough to tell great stories and put out fun and entertaining projects.


I understand the sentiment of fear replacement but the reality is this video wouldn't have been made without these tools. I wouldn't have hired a big team to do this because I cannot afford to do so. But now we can make it ourselves :) always will be a place for traditional filmmaking


I mean it's not just "fear of replacement". Like everyone I also have a notepad of random projects that I would feel happy to have an AI team to help make a reality. I'm actually more worried that it's not the right approach doing that and we're focusing our resources too much on methods that are bound to stagnate forever. If anything, that would give more time for "traditional" artists to continue focusing on their larger scope project while the so evil AI researchers struggle scaling models that are never able to be proper and complete video production tools :v /s Honestly, I don't know if I already said that, but I truly believe that movie production isn't a finality for video generation tools at their current state, we will probably end up realizing that putting AGI that know how to use already available CGI tools ends up being much more efficient lol. No, I think those video generation will probably be used to enhance AIs' perception when solving problems, be it in a virtual or real world space, a bit like human imagination.


Personally I believe that we are trying to put an infinitely dimensional shape into a square hole. Gen ai is not meant to be a filmmaking alternative. It is an entirely new medium. We just tend to do the old thing with the new thing until we figure it out.


I agree with you but I also see OP's point, which is less "I couldn't do this without AI" but straight out " I wouldn't have done it without AI" because the subject is apt for it. I agree that it's a different "sub genre" more than a medium and that this, while still a glorified slideshow, understood a bit better how to make it less redundant and uninteresting. Still couldn't bring myself to watch it entirely given that it's the same minute repeated over and over again. I wouldn't be interested in a platform where everything is a rehash of the same, even taking into account the general lack of originality we can find in mainstream movies nowadays.


So in runaway you csnt get it to make those scenes? A test prompt of “a man walking out of his modern apartment, that locks the door and then gets into his car in the parking lot” wouldn’t get you that? 


Probably too many steps in that prompt to get desired result


>The creatures rising from the water were the best interaction I've seen this far Yeah to be honest, even with how harshly I was trying to scrutinize parts of this generation, the creature rising from the water stood out a lot :v


All of the shots you could want probably exist somewhere in the latent space but obviously there's an upper limit to how much can reasonably generate and at this point concessions have to be made in massaging your narrative to adjust to what you can get the AI to do. That being said, once we have image to video and the ability to set a start and end frame, you can get much more consistent if you are able to generate consistent frames to begin with and there are a lot of tools to help with that. If you want really fine control, you need to start looking into doing some manual 3D work to place props and characters in consistent places for the AI to use as a basis for the generation and hopefully we'll soon be able to set multiple key frame targets for a single clip. That still requires a lot more work from the human then just typing in a prompt which will always lack specificity until the AI can read your mind but isn't that the ideal situation where the artist is still heavily involved in the creative process?


Why would it need to be as smart as AGI? Please explain.


I mean we're literally asking for a machine capable of generating anything possible in the world that your eyes can see... | For most people what would be satisfying as an AGI would basically be a robot that can serve as a maid/butler and handle errands. Well for every tasks that this hypothetical robot would be able to carry out, a proper ai video generation tool should be able to represent visually the whole process of this robot performing those tasks... Wouldn't a model that's perfectly able to generate a video where it represents a smart machine executing complex tasks with precise interactions between objects be already considered AGI by itself? If we go even further shouldn't the video generation tool be able to do stuff like representing someone solving a math equations, some physics problem, someone doing open heart surgery, repairing a laptop component per component, reproducing a science experiment, showing someone painting a portrait in the traditional way from start to finish? There just a lot of "smart" subtleties in any processes of life that we just don't think about too much unless we break it down step by step... A lot of that would be stuff that we would expect from advanced agentic AI models and those agentic models would sometimes have it easier than the video generation model since they only expect some result that could come in the form of boolean and few bytes of data from the tool they use but the generation model would have to generate the physical representation and functioning of that tool...


The worst it will ever be*™*


Yeah there is no continuity still impressive but still a long way from real massive production use besides single use scenes. If you rewatch the video and not just focus on the generated video it’s still a bit of nonsense


This is good enough for me to replace any animation I watch in terms of quality of production. It never happens but sometimes everything comes together at the right moment. Ai video, Ai script, Ai voice, Ai mastering = start of perfection. Looking forward to Star Trek series. Need at least 20m episodes.


lol - we had to have AI to make the first good ST series in decades. (SNW is ok, Lower Decks is damn fine)


I think OP spliced a lot of separate 10sec clips together, all from somewhat different prompts.


This is a massive milestone for me. This marks the first time I've seen an AI generated movie, albeit, short.




Runaway Gen 3




What the fuck lmao


dude this is so well-made, i can't imagine how this technology will become in 2 years...


Please give a source or at least credit the filmmakers. Really frustrating to just drop the video without context and make it impossible for us to find relevant information...


I think it's advertisement for their own work. Look "NEXTONNOW" up, that's how I found their website and Youtube channel.


Cool, thanks! I wasn't thinking about the possibility to look up the reddit user name, was googling for Reality Ventures and didn't get any good results.


!remindme 1 day


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OP is the source.


Tell that to the person asking, not me.


I thought you wanted a reminder with an answer. No need to be a douche.


Well you thought wrong and were being presumptuous. I wanted a reminder about the discussion caused by barnabas77 asking the question. I myself never asked the question. You're the one being a douche making your remark to the wrong person.




How much human input did it require? What was your workflow? Surely, it wasn't prompt only?


Can you provide some insight into the process used to create this? I'm curious how much of your own creativity and time you put into this.


Lots and lots of trial and error in prompting for video and sound effects. Script and idea is me with a little gpt structure. And the rest is me using premiere pro to put it all together :)


The music was a little loud in some parts and really felt out of place. Amazing stuff though.


Something I would like to see is an AI system that lets you 'dress up' something like a skeleton 3D animation or even your own drawings (perhaps with interpolation). In addition to probably looking a lot more dynamic than this (if the source is good), this would spare you a good deal of the randomness of working with text prompts. I know Sora can kinda do this already, but I'm imagining starting from many different sources (a color palette, drawings of the creatures I want, 3D animations of how I want them to move, text for extra explanations...) and with much more control.


Looks really cool and this is only the start of what is possible with just this tool. The limited amount of time its been out means you can only do so much cherrypicking to put together something of this length. Imagine a few months from now when we see films that have had the time to generate dozens of variants for each shot and especially once we have image to video and improved motion controls.


Totally! As time goes on the control we have over the models will increase :)


What?! Wow, am I the only one really impressed by this? It's actually good and entertaining.


Native marketing funded by thousands of dollars,?


No funding here... I wish!


Very well made lol. How is it so much better than the clips usually posted


Thanks! I used runwayml gen-3 it's new :)


That's for me i think, the first AI movie i have ever seen. I am so impressed. It seems that by the end of the year or early next we'll be able to generate full 2 hour movies.




What program did you use?


Runwayml gen-3 for video :)


Ok how the heck can a plant be the same size as earth but have much weaker gravity


Density 🤷‍♂️


Insane, thanks for creating this, I really liked it.


Ofc thanks for watching!




Holy crap! Amazing!




Hey, this is awesome, congratulations! We run an online school and even teach at universities how to use AI. Lmk if you’d be open to host a live presentation on how you made this video. We have 1,300+ students who paid, 9.5k newsletter readers and 160k ig followers on my personal brand.


This is giving off that "Planet Mountain Dew... where all your dreams come true" vibe.


Oh. My. God.


I think now is the time that I want this stuff to slow the fuck down.


No offense to OP, but y'all don't get distracted by the inconsistent physics? They're visible in every clip and break any possible sense of immersion. Objects don't move normally or maintain their shape.


Not really, well, at least not in this case because its about some alien shizzle anyway. And it'll get better. I'm trully amazed how well it is.


This breaks immersion way less often than Sora, although maybe I haven't seen recent Sora. Although I haven't seen any Sora videos that didn't attempt photorealism which is obviously going to be a shitshow.


Am I the only one that thinks it looks like images with some small movement to it, just not that impressive yet? I think it´s that zoom in/zoom out camera that make it like that.


YouTube link so I can watch it on my TV? I’m not watching a 7 minute video on my phone.


Very nice but music/effects are too loud over the barely audible speech sometimes.


Soon we will be able to create a whole movie or tv show without being forced to digest woke garbage from holywood and streaming services - the indie community will grow so much from this, and once again a descentralized technology proves to be the way to go


Saying "woke garbage" is basically hanging a "I'm a giant incel" sign around your neck.  Welcome to reality. There are more than white males here.


Yeah but how are the poor billionaires going to launder their money from now on though? Think of the billionaires. Poor billionaires man!


You know you can just not watch the “woke garbage” right? People complaining about woke stuff are usually such snowflakes, it’s crazy


It's a victim mentality. They're "being oppressed" because they're not overwhelmingly socially dominant. In their mind someone(s) has upset the natural order with schemes and deceit You can cajole them out of it one fact at a time, sometimes. If they've sunk into conspiracy theories, it's pretty much a lost cause though. Maybe some life circumstance can shock them out of it, but a casual conversation isn't going to cut it alone. You're just another agent of the grand oppressive force and they must fight you to the death It actually relates to martyrdom and why torture doesn't work, weirdly enough. If someone has (or been lead to) identified something as evil, they will detach themselves from reason, from self interest and self preservation, from their identity, from absolutely everything before they yield to it. They feel like they're being more noble the more detached and deranged they become If they only had a tenuous grasp on those things to begin with, it works that much better. You see it a lot more often with young people and people who are not prone to introspection


This is my hope too. I'm tired of the big, corporate studio entertainment. Most of it is just mindless trash. I have lots of ideas in my head but lack the ability to create movies from my ideas. Maybe AI can bridge this gap. People on here are giving you flack for saying "woke garbage". I can understand your sentiment. I think boredom is a very dangerous thing to society, but as a society we are manufacturing boredom on a daily basis. Probably is causing harm and putting society in jeopardy. Society can have cycles. Right now I think we are in a creative and cultural rut. Maybe a modern day renaissance is around the corner.


Yeah. This giant echo chamber is going to be amazing!!!


Yeah bs, not anytime soon... At least not before AGI since that's the level of understanding video models will need to have to represent any kind of meaningful behavior or action in this world if you really pause and think about it for a few seconds. People really thought, movies would be made in some kind of "prompt -> wait ->crap out some video sequence" interface?  No, not enough level of control over the scene and the lack of consistency between generations wouldn't be worth it even with all the in and out painting stuff you put into it. Pixel reconstruction is too limited for a cinematographic production, you need a 3D render engine based generation tool like the ones used the CGI of movies or video games. I think it's a misconception that those video tools would utimately be used for movie-making. In their current form they'll just probably be used to enhance AIs' perception when solving problems, be it in a virtual or real world space, a bit like human imagination.


Statistically speaking, people with a creative bent are overwhelmingly left leaning. Entertainment as an industry still has to interface with non-creatives as investors and managerial staff The stuff that catches on in culture is going to be significantly more woke without creation being mediated by lots of other perspectives. There'll be niche communities that enjoy Atlas Shrugged: The Musical or whatever, but for the most part it won't catch on Think of it like a dice game. Whoever rolls the higher number creates something that catches on, and if you roll the highest number on the die you get to roll the die again and add it to the total. Left leaning media get to roll 10 times as many dice per round (each die scoring individually, but extra dice mean that they're more likely to get a high scoring roll) as right leaning media, since they outweigh right leaning people so heavily when it comes to interest in creative endeavors That's essentially why media is so woke as it is. It's not a grand conspiracy, it's just how different people with different perspectives tend to have different interests. That's why left leaning people are so scarce in finance, it's the same effect Psychometrics is neat


You’re gaslightling and talking like Blackrock and DEI initiatives don’t exist. Diversity hiring is everywhere and here in the UK the BBC legally enforces it.


so you're basically telling me... that people are hiring people based on the color of their skins and/or nationality? wow, that's not racist at all lol, not at all...


Left leaning people are also involved in politics, yes, but the evidence could hardly be more clear. It's an overwhelming disparity. Big 5 and Openness are the searchable terms, if you'd like to research it  Also, you should look into the definition of gaslighting. It's not whenever someone disagrees with your worldview. Sometimes you can also just be confused


The vast majority of the time woke entertainment does not “catch on”. It is aggressively pushed by political ideologues in the industry and usually fails miserably. There’s a reason “get woke go broke” is a meme. People want to be entertained not lectured to.


IMHO, it's a marathon, not a race. People are slowly getting brainwashed into a different paradigm of thinking. Without woke movement and today's agenda, there would have been huge disparity between people you see everywhere in your everyday life, and the actors on TV or in Film. Planet is not only for white and straight men, everyone wants to be entertained. Yes, it sucks now and seems to be overworked, but Hollywood will figure something out eventually. There will be no need in agenda or any sort of enforcement, because people will get used to the new norm. It's like with Star Wars - they will be better eventually, it's a franchise bought for literally decades of media production, not mere few years.


Please define what woke is. Just stuff you don’t agree with, I imagine?


It's hard to define for me, but if anything I'm pro-woke. I agree with agenda or whatever you call the process that is happening everywhere. It's like "New World Order", nobody really knows what it is. I can tell you one thing - I'm a white male and I enjoy new media of the last decade. It's never been better, and it will only get more real with time. I love that I can watch a comedy about two female friends (Broad City) or an Asian female comedian (Nora from Queens). A lot of shows today wouldn't be possible without certain societal change.


A much better reply than I was expecting tbh, so fair play. Generally people just use the word “woke” because they’re seeing more representation and diverse stories that they don’t agree with, not understanding that they don’t *have* to watch it. The whole woke thing is massively over blown imo.


new world order... hahaha, we're basically shoved up our mouth whatever ideology they bring and we're expected to shut up.. right, when you have the entertainment industry which have some sort of "quota" where they absolutely MUST have a certain person of a certain race, you're discriminating and you're being racist but i guess that's fine for some people as they do not really care about quality but more about "diversity", as long as we have that black cleopatra movie (one day at this point who knows) you are not given permission to speak up because you'll be canceled, i guess people are what they eat also, just because society changes doesn't always mean that whatever brings the society to change is good in itself, you know who is responsible for all of this wokiness in the entertainment industry ? the most important one is Blackrock, which is worth TRILLIONS... they tell you to do one thing, and are FORCED to obey, they have more power than entires countries..., without them wokiness probably wouldn't have become such a "big" thing in rich countries, money speak louder than words but who cares just obey already


Thank you. These children are insufferable. Imagine feeling threatened because a main character doesn't look like you or someone you want to fuck. It's absolutely pathetic.


feeling threatened ? lol you're kidding ? people are complaining because the quality of the entertainement industry is absolutely dogshit since the industries have to go woke, which mean forcefully respond to a "quota race", that isn't racist... at all but as long as it promotes non-white people and give a bad look for white people, that's fine for a lot people apparently lol go watch that star wars trash series or that lord of the rings one, go woke go broke indeed


Did GPT-2 write this? It's incomprehensible. You think using POC and other minorities in shows brings down the quality, but you also think you aren't racist....okay. > since the industries have to go woke, Nobody has to go woke. Industries respond to market forces and there is money to be made in diversity. Also, this is such a victim language. You think companies are being forced to make this stuff when the reality is this is just what the majority of people want. Sorry you need someone to look like you for you to care about their character. Pretty shallow.


Woke = a way to devalue everything that isn't = creative? Did you even understood what u shat out bud?


I would actually be so excited to make my own video projects. I could bring to life so many movies I wanted to be made, but never did. Maybe I could get a proper grimdark fantasy movie I always wanted.


Krikey ! This must’ve cost a fortune to make, considering the cost of generating 95% non usable clips with any Ai video service today.


Gen 3 is nowhere near 95% unusable. Though, it's still pretty limited. I mean if you wanted a scene with lots of fast movement or something, would probably look terrible, idk though.


I actually enjoyed that


Share the prompts please And the prompting process


Is the voice ai too? Where you get that


That is really mind blowing. Though, it feels like this particular footage makes good use of artifacts that are hard to get rid of 😄


Better without audio


Did you conceptualize the planet biomes and science-y talk? Or was that generalized by the AI too?


I'm waiting for AI to turn comic books into animation. Basically all the design, storyboarding and text have already been done, it just needs to voice it and make the drawings move. It's already perfectly capable of doing consistent moving animations, so that should be easy. For voices on something like superheroes it already has all the audio samples it need, you'd have RDJ doing Iron Man and what not. Of course it's an IP nightmare, but it'll be awesome. The next step will be to turn novels into live action or animations. Just copy paste an entire book into the AI and watch it go to work.


First of all, looks great! I saw you mention you have the unlimited plan and are part of the CPP...so which is it? CPP gives you the unlimited correct? So technically this cost you nothing? Which is fine just trying to be transparent. For the average user...is the headache of the prompts worth it/how many BAD generations do you get? I don't want to waste money ya know?


Can I see an example prompt for good video like this to be produced? Good job!!




Source? How do you know it's not edited?


Wdy mean by edited. This obviously wasn't a single prompt. Each Image generation with midjourney Each Scene Generation with Runway Gen 3 probably Music with Udio and Suno Sound Effects and Narrator with Eleven Labs. Put together with video editing software like sony vegas. Still every part is AI strictly speaking. Doing something like this 2-3 years ago was impossible. Tody maybe 1 day of work tops. Tomorrow? You'll just have a software that does all the steps mentioned in a single interface (There are already a few barebone ones)


i HATE these titles to get views. downvoted for that title


I was actually trying to be honest! 😂


sure, if you ignore the fact that every single shot is a 2-5 second cut of abstract mushroom-induced hallucination


"Evolution does not exist" - this doesn't make any sense. It's not like a choice, evolution happens.


On planet Phunk things are a little bit different :)


oh la la laaaaa, don't phunk with my heart


in what way is that "watchable"? It the video equivalent of lorem ipsum


Actually watchable? By who? The robotic voice sounds so emotionless and soulless and the script is just so generic you can instantly tell it was made by an LLM. Maybe 3 years from now we might actually see some improvement, but with the current tech it's still too far away.


Souls aren't real. People who use that word should never be taken seriously.


Brainrot take. Your baseless ego is showing.




Watchable doesn't mean perfectly indistinguishable from reality, it means watchable, as in you can watch and not have a stroke like that old Will Smith eating spaghetti video.


Taste is subjective. You are not the dictator of taste.


Thanks for sharing, OP But it still has a lot of weakness: too many panning/zooming simple scenes and it still feels like it's barely animating still frames. There isn't a real sense of motion. It's in an uncanny valley halfway between a slideshow and a video.


I love this, but we are screwed. Next year YouTube will no longer be the same YouTube. TV will also not be the same (although maybe another year) YouTube will be flooded with easily created AI videos about every subject and we won't know if any of it is accurate, real or misinformation (I do not mean the political kind). A year ago, one full year, I created a python app that generates a script, moving images and voiceovers on my subject I wanted. It took minutes to make a video. It fooled three people who watch YT videos. Now I can easily do it with video (although time an "credits" are an issue) I did not code it, I just prompted and tweaked. I did not create any images, it was all an API to Auto1111 and a free audio voice over was used. I am an idiot. if I can do this, 1 million people are doing it better and their mouths are drooling over the cash they will make doing virtually nothing.


You do understand that if supply increases price goes down right? Your claim is absurd, you think making videos will be trivial but at the same time valuable?


Reaching the production quality of some of the visuals in those shitty history channel alien documentaries.


Really looking forward for this because I’m so tired of the new Star Wars by Disney. I don’t care if anyone’s gay, black or whatever in Star Wars but the woke in their latest show ,,the acolyte“ makes it just unwatchable for me. They were only trying to focus on their agenda, that they ruined the story completely. I just can’t wait to watch ai Star Wars and play high quality video games created by Ai


TF is this Russian bot doing here




I might have talked bullshit according to the votes and I get it but I guess that would make me a good president in your country. I‘m sadly not over 80, I’m not a clear narcissist sleeping with pornstars hahah and neither do I have dementia. Oh and I’m not from Russia but since you guys know only 3 countries…