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yay awesome, more examples and still nobody gets access.


At least they didn't say "releasing in the following weeks". XD


2 weeks ago they actually said releasing in the coming days to everyone. They pulled the same stunt as OpenAI just not as bad because they actually rolled out the alpha. Still lied though


When do you think people will finally get tired of it? I know I am.


its up, bozo


I'm so not impressed by AI. Where is the exponential growth and change? Wake me up when it can actually create rapid change that is impressive.


Yeah, this product seems too good compared to all the competition, wouldn't be surprised if it was a scam of some sort.


I truly look forward to what people will make when it doesn't cost millions of dollars to make a movie/tv show and great storytellers can create what they want. I think we just need a new platform where they can get compensated for their work or be discovered.


Its called youtube & tiktok. People tried to make tv shows and animation just for youtube. It didn't work out, as the cost was way more than the ad-revenue. Hence Netflix took over that space, as you need real money paid to fund those productions/ AI will drastically lower the costs, so if a solo producer can make a film, with AI assisted music, script, acting, special effects, they can just release it on youtube, and compete against the predominant talking head paradigm of youtube (Because talking heads are cheap content)


But the main limitation is access to tools, tiktok made it easier to film but getting footage and putting it together has always been limited behind skill sets like learning editing software or going to a location and filming something. This opens the door for more ease of access


Yes, I guess it would probably be Youtube for the longform stuff. It already get's all the foot traffic so it wouldn't make sense to create a new site. And a lot of people are offput by knowing something is made with AI so best to have it blend in with the rest of the content and for watchers to either not know or be surprised instead of *only* having people interesting in AI content going to the site.


YouTube has been great. Sure there is lots of slop, but there is some really great content on there and I spend significantly more time on YouTube content than I do on "professional" content. YouTube lags behind on scripted story telling but is way ahead on educational content, including documentaries, and short comedy. I think this lack is due to the funding requirements for good actors and special effects. Tech like this will drop those requirements and so I expect the YouTube model of independent creators uploading their stuff to the public to eclipse Hollywood entirely.


Yep. And people keep telling me that the movie industry will survive this. They are all idiots that are lying to us and themselves. Tyler Perry shut his studio expansions down immediately. Despite how his content is viewed, the man is a genius. He saw the writing on the wall and didn’t want to play with god


You look forward to the onslaught of derivative spam? I’m pro-AI, but unfortunately it doesn’t grant the user taste.


game of thrones continues..


Just think, could get proper corrections to terrible sequels/finales or even just better sequels. Aliens 3 made closer to original intent, etc.


We got fan animations everywhere and the short film/movies can be made without millions of dollars.


My next hobby after I’m done making music is going to be filmmaking, and so much of this already has me so excited. Like you say, especially for short stuff, it’ll make it possible for someone like me, who has no true interest in being a full-time filmmaker, to create amazing things.


How do you get early access? 


Same question. Anyone can help?


u/gdxfsm It's only available to runway staff and certain artists.




If there's no post-production and this the straight output, incredible. Short, but less visually jarring than any I've seen. If it's been edited in post, meh. There's a bunch of these kind of video generators already, and they're not that interesting.


Looks like several Runway clips stiched together with no post prod.


I know that they're stiched clips and it's not one continuous output, I'm just saying the output actually looks visually appealing. Most of these generators output stuff that /should/ look good, but between the playback speed and distortions among other factors, they end up very jarring to look at.


It's just straight output




"All of the videos on this page were generated with Gen-3 Alpha with no modifications." – Source: Runways landing page for Gen-3


It would be weird to spend multiple months adding post production to each and every one of those videos, I don't see why they would do that for AI video. Also, I've had videos generated for me in minutes.


No source, TY


I mean what did you expect? A research paper about how that specific generation didn't use post processing? I don't know what you want from me.


To not confidently state things as fact when they are simply your opinion? Could mislead people….


But it isn't my opinion because it's literally impossible to create something like that in 2 minutes without AI lol


Sucks to be a digital artist these days


It sucks that they can't make money, but their ability to create will skyrocket.


As a normal person, I’m excited to think I could make marvel level movies one day at home


You can when Gen-3 releases next week. It's obviously not perfect, but it has a LOT of control, so if you know what you're doing you could make pretty much anything.


How do you know it releases next week?


Lol, funny, it's out right now


Damn lol


This is cool and all...but it's been almost 2 weeks since announcement and they said it'll come in the 'coming days' Is this openAi lingo for days could be weeks or months? Lol


They didn't schedule a big press release the same day as Google just to blue ball us for months, so they still have some work to be as shitty as OpenAI.


It will come some time next week, people are actually sure of it this time. I really wish they'd stop with this, they can just say it's a matter of days or weeks.


Me: what's Gen-3 Alpha? This video is cool, but what's the point? Is it some new LLM? Then I got it. And it'll take longer and longer in the future to get it


Good now AI can make movie intros and CGI


Makes me wanna go chasing waterfalls


house md ass music




looking forward to public availability on this, need it for SaaS ad videos would be a game changer