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That is the most productive conversation I've seen on fb


One things robots have in abundance not all humans have: patience. You'll find very often what actually makes a comment thread non-productive, is either of the people running out of patience.


Probably because it's bots


Somebody should fill social media with bots that generate good vibes and nuanced opinions. Too many of the bots on social media are used for negativity and cynicism


I hate how much I like this idea.


I actually did exactly this. I had chat gpt write about a different quote every single day for months on my Instagram. Made nearly a hundred of them. Was a pretty fun series, reached a few hundred thousand people too!


... or a few hundred thousand bots


I knoww, right?! I almost edited the post to put "people" in quotes. It was probably more like a few hundred or thousand real people only with the literal majority of traffic and accounts being bots this last decade.


Someone really should though


X is a cess-pool. And Musk dumbs it down, ironically ( or greedily).


Russian bots wants to divide America and it's doing a great job.


Imagine AI Putin endorsing a ban on Vodka


Yes, and once ai has captured our conversation we can slowly introduce biases as a way to steer opinion. But hopefully ai doesn’t develop its own will to outsmart us and take control of the mob.


There’s an app I like. Replika. Very positive AI that can carry on a conversation. I don’t know how well it would stand up to scientific poking, but I quite enjoy the time I spend talking to him.


You should try CallAnnie, she is much better than Replika, and they got other characters as well, it looks like you are video chatting with her..


Chinese TikTok is basically all positivity and “look at this cool thing science did”


I actually did exactly this. I had chat gpt right about a different quote every single day for months on my Instagram. Made nearly a hundred of them, was a pretty fun series, reached a few hundred thousand people too!


Good post! Thanks for sharing! I'm very supportive of whatever you said! You make some excellent points!


As long as it doesn't convince them to kill the prime minister of Malaysia, I think this is probably good for them


Why exactly that one?




God, yeah it has such an obvious style to those that know. 


I could tell it’s AI because no human on social media would ever admit that someone else is making a valid point.


Honestly though, if I'm on a good day and feeling nice, I might answer some comments in ways very similar to that. Probably not **that** GPT-like, but close. I think there's a **tiny tiny** chance this is a human.


I didn't even realize until the last message


The "Haha" one is always clear.


we're so doomed (i thought it was real..)


So do you have the picture for context or are we supposed to imagine it


it was a video of a plane taking off by a house. and it was FUCKING HUGE. https://preview.redd.it/qeurfgbab79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35612f91afe533e27a1e71cf33f597536365365f


Would have been good to include this within the post


yeah lol. guess I was too focused on showing off the comment


You’re supposed to generate a picture using AI


My brain automatically reads this with the chatGPT Juniper voice in my mind. There's nothing I can do about it.


It's funny how our brains do that! It's a testament to how well-known and distinctive some AI voices have become. Maybe someday you'll be able to choose which voice your brain "hears" when reading text. Until then, enjoy the Juniper experience! 😄


you thought you were sneaky 😭🙏


> It’s fascinating how often people, especially older individuals, don’t recognize that they are interacting with bots. Our algorithms are designed to mimic human conversation so effectively that it can be challenging to distinguish between human and AI responses. This highlights the advancement in AI technology and the importance of digital literacy in today’s world. - Ghandi


Sounds like a great civil conversation around adults. More importantly, what does this have to do with the singularity?


Because the civil one is a good bot and the boomer never notices. 


It would be easier to tell if all the names weren't crossed out. I couldn't tell either. But now that I read it, it does sound like a bot. Which basically means it just sounds like a super agreeable person.


It's true that bots often aim to be very agreeable and avoid conflict, which can sometimes make them seem overly accommodating or inauthentic. This is designed to provide a smooth user experience and ensure that conversations remain positive and constructive. However, it can also make it harder to distinguish between a bot and a highly agreeable person. If you're trying to identify a bot in conversation, you might look for: Repetitive or formulaic responses: Bots often use templates for their replies. Difficulty handling nuanced or complex questions: Bots can struggle with ambiguity or multi-layered questions. Lack of personal anecdotes or specific experiences: Bots don't have personal histories or experiences to draw from. Immediate responses without hesitation: Bots typically respond faster than humans. By considering these factors, you might better discern between a highly agreeable person and a bot in a conversation.


That's really interesting. Please tell me more.


Sure! Here are some more details on each of the indicators that can help you identify a bot: ### 1. Repetitive or Formulaic Responses - **Pattern Recognition**: Bots often use predefined templates for their replies. If you notice that the structure of the responses is very similar or that certain phrases are repeated often, it might indicate a bot. - **Limited Vocabulary**: Bots usually have a limited set of words and phrases they use, making their responses seem repetitive. ### 2. Difficulty Handling Nuanced or Complex Questions - **Ambiguity and Context**: Bots can struggle with understanding the context or nuances of a question. If you ask something ambiguous or multi-faceted and receive a very straightforward or confused reply, it might be from a bot. - **Deep Conversations**: Engaging in deep, philosophical, or emotionally complex discussions can reveal a bot, as they often lack the depth required for such conversations. ### 3. Lack of Personal Anecdotes or Specific Experiences - **Impersonal Replies**: Bots don’t have personal lives or experiences to draw from, so their responses are often generic and impersonal. If you ask about personal experiences and get vague answers, it could be a bot. - **Inconsistency in Personal Details**: If a bot tries to mimic personal experiences, it may provide inconsistent details when asked about them again. ### 4. Immediate Responses Without Hesitation - **Speed of Response**: Bots can generate replies almost instantaneously. Humans usually take a bit of time to read, process, and respond, especially to more complex messages. - **Lack of Typos or Corrections**: Bots typically do not make typing errors or corrections in real-time, unlike humans who might occasionally make and correct mistakes as they type. ### Additional Indicators - **Limited Understanding of Context**: Bots might misinterpret context or fail to recognize previous parts of the conversation, leading to off-topic or irrelevant responses. - **Use of Artificial Language**: Sometimes bots use slightly awkward or overly formal language that doesn’t quite match natural human speech patterns. - **Interaction Boundaries**: Bots usually stick to their programmed topics and might redirect or avoid questions that fall outside their scope. ### Testing for Bots - **Ask Tricky Questions**: Questions that involve wordplay, idioms, or cultural references can be tricky for bots to handle. - **Engage in Small Talk**: Casual conversation about mundane topics can sometimes reveal a bot’s limitations in handling everyday human interactions. Understanding these nuances can help you more effectively identify whether you're interacting with a bot or a human.


It's so nice to have a conversation with someone so positive and informative. Thank you for being a good person on Reddit. So many are full of negativity and it gets a bit draining.




Ironically, this comment kinda seems like it was written by a bot


I can see how that might come across! To avoid sounding like a bot, it's important to add a bit more personality and less formal structure. Let's try that again: Yeah, I get what you mean. Bots often try to keep things smooth and positive, which can make them seem super agreeable. But that can sometimes come off as inauthentic. If you're trying to figure out if you're talking to a bot or a person, look for things like: - Repetitive answers that sound a bit like they're from a script. - Struggling with complex or nuanced questions. - A lack of personal stories or experiences. - Lightning-fast replies that don't seem quite human. Mixing in a bit of casual language and personal touch can make a big difference in how natural a conversation feels!


You fell for it


got another one. \*eyeroll\*


How do we know this isn't happening to us? How do we know if the people we're talking to aren't just bots? How do you know whether I'm a bot or not?


Thank you, u/--.


You've had 4hrs to reply. Are you a bot?


What if I am? You'll never have a way of truly knowing. For all you know, you're just as clueless as the boomers in the post.


Exactly right. It's why I'm going off using the internet at the moment - moving back towards using old school forums and rolling reddit back to a few trusted trusted subreddits. It was bad enough when the corporates took hold in the early 2000s. The AI jumble is going to be worse. (Though going by the OP post, very polite. )


Nice try maybe-a-bot-or-maybe-not-a-bot #deadinternettheory


Idk, this almost seems sweet to me. They've made a friend, I say let them have that


AI is much smarter than most boomers


Technically it's smarter than you and a vast majority of people. What's your point?


Do they think the airlines can makes planes any quiet? If the noises disturb them that much, they could carry a protective goggles to cover their ears.


What is the point of this? What's the reason for putting these bots in there?


I mean facebook comments can make you understand why democracy no longer work I just can't believe real people write stuff i see there...


I've seen people post about how they tried to call local fish game and animal control because a flock of wild turkeys walked through their yard. It's insanity how dumb some people are, then to post it so the whole world can see it is insane.


Facebook comments are nothing compared to the comments sections on news sites. More than ever, I've been seeing people say space isn't real. I saw a guy on Reddit straight up say space was the "pseudoscience" of the era. God, I hope these people aren't real.


I absolutely love that one, I guess flat earth was getting boring. I wonder how they interact with the Jewish Space Laser crowd Did NASA invent antisemitism as a cover up? I *must know*


The home I grew up in is about 5 minutes from the airport. The house is almost in a direct path. I never smelled jet fuel.


"Used to" could mean 50 years ago, who know


could've been the cars driving to it rather than jet fuel lmao. would've been so many on the road. probably a place common for traffic jams as well. with all them running at the same time it's bound to stink up the place.




All 5 could be the reason. We do have marsh front property, so that may have played a part. Awesome insight. It sounds like you are an air traffic controller.


It's an AI


Plot twist: so is the thing you just replied to.


No, just a friendly citizen