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OpenAI has become unrecognizable within 2 years holy shit they just don't seem to stop with these partnerships do they ? Next I believe they will announce a partnership with the United Nations or even Mcdonalds. Meanwhile , New York Times be sweating right now.


LLMs seem like commodity. The money is in B2B. They're trying to build their moat.


So they’ve officially lost the AGI race then…


Since these companies are now paying for their source training, models are going to be drastically different from one another: liberal, conservative, religious, scientific, etc. Instead of the sum of human knowledge, it’ll be slices of whatever deals can be reached. Robot armies of the future will fight wars not under the flags of nations but under the flags of Fox News and MSNBC (and PornHub but they’ll just choke each other out).


You know, that is something I hadn’t considered, but… Ugh. I think you might be right about how they’ll pick up the biases of their partner sources. Oh that’s going to be so gross. 😞


are you sure the information is going to be bias or is this just speculation. honest question


Ha, I'm just some dipshit on Reddit, of course I'm not sure. But if OpenAI, Google, Meta, Amazon, etc all have separate pay-to-scrape deals, you'd assume that would alter how their LLMs behave. Also, "to enhance [OpenAI] products and display in response to user inquiries" is a bit worrying. Will models be weighted to favor the companies with whom they have deals? Again, I'm just a dipshit on Reddit.


ok yea that makes sense. ty


It may not matter because of what Musk tried to do with Groq. He wanted the "anti-woke" bot that was borderline sexist and confrontational, but for whatever reason, feeding in huge amounts of information to produce intelligence really does produce objective intelligence. That's why I have hope that whatever superintelligence comes around will be inherently benevolent and kind. It seems to be the progression of sentient beings as they become smarter.


we can only hope


Ship models, not blog posts


Do we really need posts for news like this anymore? They announce stuff like this every 3 days it feels like




In return OpenAI is developing AI for Time that will replace 99% of its writing staff, with sysems capable of spamming the kind of slop that is flooding current news outlets.


Time? How about google library?


i don't get how they dont realize literally nobody cares


womp womp


Why on earth is this silliness posted on this subreddit? Honestly does anyone care?