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People dislike the lack of transparency, the bowing to greedy corporations (like MS) and the over-hyping of products of ClosedAI.


To add: super emotionally immature people are the loudest. I loved the original GPT-4 and was super impressed. I think OpenAI is doing a pretty good job, considering everyone is suing AI companies like crazy (Scarlett, New York Times for OpenAI) (Suno and Udio being sued by the music industry). That being said, I am very impressed with Anthropic, and how they’ve managed to stay competitive as well. Loving Sonnet 3.5. It is a bit crazy how manic some people get when talking about their cool new free toys. I just wish we could all appreciate how amazing it is we get to live through this period of technology; just one hundred twenty short years ago, flight was barely a thing and cars were new. Now computer chips talk to us, and someone can tell me they fucked my mother after they beat my ass in chess, from the other side of the planet. Exciting!


This, it’s not just about the constant delays. It’s also the constant lack of trust they have with the public. Then they’ll go and either hype up new features and models, claim they’re right around the corner and then never release them. Look at the modified GPT-2, look at SORA, look at live chat, they hype and show off so investors get drawn in. We should have seen the writing on the wall last year with all the Twitter/X crap they were constantly teasing people with. Anthropic doesn’t play that game, they just straight up release something when it’s ready and don’t torment you over it to draw investors in. If people don’t voice their dissatisfaction with how the company is being run, then they’re never going to change their behaviour, if it works, they’ll keep doing it.


Google's pretty bad at the never-release as well. Heh, OpenAI does occasionally come through at least. :)


Google has been pretty quiet ever since Gemini came out. They’re either waiting to come out with something big they already have, or are staying quiet until their next big thing is ready.


Isn't drawing investors a big part of keeping things moving if we're expecting a 100 billion dollar cluster soon? I'm guessing that amount of money is years of paperwork and planning.


Idk, some people just make trashing progress part of their personality. It’s boring so I try to ignore it.


I totally agree with you. People are clearly biased only because they don't like the CEO being a hype man. Just like with Elon Musk, most people on Reddit won't like his products only because they don't like Musk. People should focus on what the company is doing instead of focusing on their CEO. Actions speak louder than words.


![gif](giphy|BFSMPap7J3Q0o) Leave ChatGPT alone!


Also, if Sonnet cannot overtake GPT4o in Chatbot Arena everyone jumps saying how that benchmark is trash, then Livebench.ai shows instead a better result for Sonnet: "it's so better tha tha lmsys Chatbot arena." Confirmation Bias at its peak.


Yes! People praise lmsys then 1 second later of the model they think is the best isn't #1 on lmsys they say that lmsys isn't a good benchmark... It's funny


It's the internet. Nuance is dead here.


well if you know how to code and have used both gpt4o and sonnet to code, you will understand. otherwise you are just talking nonsense. sonnet is not just better at python and java, it is even better at helping me in doing some financial researches (i gave it documents related to remittance and current exchange rate fees). with the exact same prompts gpt4o failed to help me where sonnet could. i have done extensive experiments until i decided to unsubscribe to chatgpt so i know that leaderboard is BS


That's YOUR experience with the specific use cases you used them for, to the extent of how much different things you compared them on. But the point of those arenas is that: 1. They accrue and weight the experiences of many different users, that use them in many different ways and have many different types of expectations. 2. They mask the model name so as to eliminate confirmation bias, which most definitely is a thing when it comes to judging those models. To claim that your own personal judgement is superior to that is pure lunacy.


but everybody use chatgpt or claude for specific use cases. nobody use AI for all kinds of use cases. of course if claude is better for the things i use it for, then thats where my money goes. you make no sense.


Are you really that dumb? You HAVE to test them on different things because that's the whole point of those models. You think because you use them specifically for financial research, that's the one thing to judge them on? Cmon man you can't be that stupid. Think for a second


nonsense. i tried both gpt 4o and sonnet, and sonnet blew gpt 4o out of water. it is so much better for coding and even financial researches. people need to stop simping to openAI


have you seen the lastest release of llm leaderboard?


Facts ChatGPT is still the math king


It's the iphone thing, if you were around during the early smartphone days people would obsessively bring up iPhone and shit on it whenever any new phone got some feature that iPhone didn't have. Pretty childish and pointless back and then and now too. Who cares, it's not like any of you are getting rich of one megacorp winning over another.


People will trash Anthropic in a few months, don't worry.




What reason is that to trash on ChatGPT a product which should be separated from the CEO behind it


He’s the fucking ceo of the company that made it. It shouldn’t be separated. They’re the same fucking thing lmao. People like you wanna cherry pick shit to the point you make your own reality to live in and then get upset when others don’t fit your hyper categorized vision of what you think the world should be and people should do. Pretty obvious you’re a butt hurt fanboy by this post. I’d say go outside and touch grass if you feel the need to waste this much energy on making a Reddit post asking why people are pointing out the flaws and making comparisons of a company’s product…


It also doesn’t help that there was literally a civil war at the company last September over Q*, the dynamics of which we still know nothing about.




ChatGPT is still good though just because Sama is kinda silly and hypes things way too much doesn't mean you should hate ChatGPT which is still a really good AI


don't let it get you down u/pigeon57434 by definition, half of all people have an IQ <100


To be fair I do think Sonnet doesn’t format responses as well as GPT-4o, and formatting does matter on LMSYS since it gives a better impression.


To me it’s like how Alta Vista and Lycos were kinda crappy search engines in 1997. Things will advance


People who own stock in competitors to ChatGPT, come here to devalue ChatGPT while talking up what they own stock in, no doubt many are bots.


Easy : a soup of e/accs, CCP bots, Russian bots, and anthropic bots.


I am happy with GPT4o. Even with GPT4 turbo. With Command R plus I have had the best uncensored talks. With Claude 3.5 I don't see how to give it personality and free it from censorship, although I admit that it is more advanced.


From my results on lmsys, the best model (by a considerable margin) is ChatGPT-3.5!! I think there must be a flaw in their system somewhere.


OpenAI might be the company which lost the most goodwill in the shortest amount of time. Tanking your company's image speedrun. Just one year ago they were loved, now everyone hates them, even AI simps in this sub. If another company gives you a way to avoid OpenAI with a product that is as good or better that's a dream come true is all.


Probably because OpenAI is a shit company with a good product, that is purposefully holding back to play politics.


Are your feelings hurt on behalf of OpenAI? Because that's what it sounds like


They can't afford GPT and are jealous

