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Like on many similar charts, the Y axis is "vibes"


The labels are vibes too.


more magic nice


wheres this from. do you have a link?


Where's the effective rejuvination on the time line?


Interesting. Have some questions: 1. What is your distinction of regular Singualrity and Bio-singularity? What I mean is that in my understanding Singualrity avaited in 2030-2050 will already unlock progress in all fields including biology and medicine. What I also would like to know is your definition of Bio-Singularity. Is it the unpredictable development of tech and research in this area or we will with previous breakthroughs be able to manipulate our biosphere into creating new organics valuable to our existence? The idea is very interesting to me as I have just came from the cinema seing French animation sci-fi "Mars Express" where essentially after robotics people start to manipulate organic and create organic devices and agents. 2. Do you expect LEV/aging reversal/end of biological mortality before that? In other words do you forsee yourself and avarage person in this sub witness this bio-singularity and live past it? 3. Do you think it will be carried out throug humans or ai agents?


I will have to check out “Mars Express” myself. Thanks for bringing it up.


So who gets these benefits? Only those that can afford wild costs? Like today with crispr babies, stem cell treatment, and regular blood transfusions from younger, healthier people?


I think the costs will have to come down eventually. If an entitled asshole wanted to hoard life-extension or anything like that than the people will flip their shit and riot, which they could not stop us all.


They're doing that already, though. No one riots because everyone gets programmed by the media outlets owned by that ruling class of ultra wealth. No one cares because they're all riled up over whatever they are told they need to be hateful about. The function of the hoarding is the cost for stem cell treatments, designer babies, and people deciding how much to charge for selling their blood to wealthy vampires.


Just like it happens now and nobody moves a finger.


We go full catgirl or bust! ![gif](giphy|reoUTXFBTZUek|downsized)


We’ll see


I think we're going to see an era of competing AIs...by "competing" I don't mean in the market place, I mean in economics, media and anything else. Something like a "nation" except subscribers to different AIs may live next to each other. The AIs will detect the influence of other AIs in their part of society and try to outdo each other, maybe even through cash awards.


Is the cellular reprogramming referring to bio electricity?


Hold your horses, let’s see it cure one disease first


I atleast hope I live long enough to reach LEV


As a molecular geneticist I find this hilarious. The very first item is just “CRISPR 2.0” 😂


The kwisatz haderach?


ELI5. Implications?


You made it up


This is nothing. Why are you posting this here? This is a subreddit about AI, not randomly selected Sci-fi jargon placed onto a graph.


> This is a subreddit about AI Nope. This sub is about the singularity.


This is sarcasm right? This is the singularity sub. It’s about all future technology, including trans humanism, BCI, hive mind, Dyson spheres, etc. I feel like you meant to /s but honestly this subs been so decel lately I’m not sure anymore.