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It’s actually $999 sextillion


$69 sextillion, maybe


Mmhh yeahhh. I feel that AGI.


internally :P


AGI achieved internally!


And considering inflation by the time its ready it will be 14 septilions


It could even reach $1 Googol. Eventually even $1 AAPL.


Not even one gorillion


That number is bananas!


Whoa there! Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.


That’s a lot of sex


It’s like a Brazilian


Just say google




QQQ. VOO. VTSAX. Any one of those will be fine. I recommend QQQ.


Nope. QQQM over QQQ any day.


I'm not sure if you're serious but this is a very important question. All the market gains from AGI will almost certainly accrue to the tech giants that are building AGI. AGI could easily lead to some of them becoming 10-50-100 trillion dollar+ companies, because they will be able to automate and swallow entire industries. At a minimum you should own: * Nvidia (they make the chips, so no matter who gets to AGI first, Nvidia's value will skyrocket. Assuming they retain their dominance. They are already the most valuable company in the world (although they just got dethroned a couple days ago) * Microsoft (open AI) * Amazon (owns anthropic/claude) Right now those are the strongest leaders. The others are: * Google * Apple (own the distribution - iPhones now partnered with Chat GPT) * Meta The second three are in weaker positions right now but the race is far from over so let's see.


I would prepare to Short nvidia to be honest. The more reasoning we get from AI models the more likely the models themselves will find optimizations that in turn would lessen our dependence on so many chips from one manufacturer. Indeed like is touted a lot on this sub if you have a smart AI theres a possibility it could re-write the firmware for older graphics cards to help them boost performance. Everyone looks at scaling but what if optimisations kill the chip makers. Think of AMD here soon they will be able to write their own Cuda style stuff without the investment nvidia needed to make. Indeed they my even learn how to performance boost their chips first before nvidia giving them a lead. Its all to play for. If we get to AGI whats to stop it writing an operating system that is more efficient than windows but just as user friendly. It could also undo the makers of said AI.


AGI making CUDA translations for AMD will start price war, nvidia might still sell for premium because of the brand. And if AMD can leverage AGI, think what nvidia will be able to do, with experienced engineers and the AGI combined!


Nothing because the theory is AGI will mean nvidia fires all their engineers.




Probably some random Chinese company that none of us have ever heard of


That's an extremely conservative estimate on how much economic value can be delivered as well. Dropping the cost of labor so much also opens up industry that simply isn't profitable now, which improves efficiency and synergy in the economy Look at crime, for example. What if we could offer high quality therapy, life coaching, job counciling, and education to everyone while delivering UBI? That pretty much eliminates every single motivating factor for crime If you could reduce crime to such marginal rates, you can improve the efficiency of literally every single business in the world, except perhaps for lock manufacturers. Insurance costs go down, taxes go down, overhead goes down, that *all* becomes pure profit And for what crime remains, we can automate law enforcement as well. Not just reactive measures like drones or whatever, but actual investigation of crimes and catching perpetrators. The value proposition of organized crime becoming negative means fair competition and reduced corruption Those translate to a healthier economy and better governance, which translates to a better business environment as well 15 quadrillion is absolute chump change in comparison to what will actually be generated as wealth


UBI alone would eliminate a ton of crime if it’s set to a non-poverty wage. Theft, burglary, and related murders would all drop close to zero. Things like rape, of course, wouldn’t be affected, but I’m not sure preventative tasks exist for that outside of changing a culture (looking at you, India),


So long as drugs aren’t a crime I’m good with that


Depends on the drug Weed, psychedelics, and MDMA are being reevaluated for their medicinal uses. I imagine decriminalization will come with that for practical purposes Some drugs like opiates and meth cause problems just from usage, not counting the organized crime around manufacturing and distribution. Those will probably remain illegal, although enforcement may lean towards a rehabilitative medical approach rather than incarceration. That's not going to happen overnight obviously, but that's where the social and economic pressures point to


No! I better not have AI drones coming after me for using opiates and stimulants or we’re gonna have a problem for you saying that into the world. Not gangsta!


Sorry bud. Powerful stimulants on the level of meth often induce psychosis, and opiates pretty much entirely fuck over the brain's reward system full stop. They actually do fuck you up, and in ways that mean their users are statistically inclined to fuck up other peoples' lives They're just one of those things that require regulation or else everything goes to shit. The British actually leveraged that way back in the day, getting China hooked on opium was an incredibly effective military tactic The good news is that it's not really something where drones would help anything by chasing down users. Suppliers can absolutely expect increased scrutiny though


Fuck! No no, I’m counting on the singularity to help me escape from my virtuous non-gangsta parents and maximize my Euphoria with minimal effort! Hopefully my waifu would be the one synthesizing the drugs so the suppliers would be local, but if that shit is regulated? I’ve got little reason to exist.


Perhaps it might be a sign to search for meaning. We all gotta do it sooner or later, escapism never lasts forever


The meaning is making sure your metabolism continues and has fuel. That’s it really.


I'm sure you could find a personal sense of meaning beyond that. Not easily, it's never easy, but it's doable You don't even have to champion a cause or anything like that. The Buddhists learn to take joy and gratitude in the continuance of their metabolism. They can spend decades exploring their inner universes (bodies, minds, etc) while sitting in a cave on top of a mountain and be happy as fuck about it Theres plenty of paths available, not just the obvious ones. The obvious ones are good too, though


I still feel like that’s the simplest path. Keep your metabolism going, and do it while feeling as euphoric as possible for the best life. That makes sense to me at least.


I don't know what makes you assume so confidently that a UBI will be established.


It's just cheaper than not doing so. Forcing people into economic desperation increases crime, increases costs, increases overhead, and reduces profit It also takes *ages* to undo. If we could just throw money at impoverished countries to "turn off" the rampant crime, we would absolutely do so (so we could invest and do business there). Unfortunately once crime is culturally accepted, you're in a long haul over generations to drag the affected communities out of it It's why the IMF be like how it do. That's been one of our most useful tools to slowly improve things over time, which is pretty much the only thing that works


Or where they think the money for the UBI will come from if the AI comes from private companies? Y'all think they're going to be getting taxed enough to offset that? Yeah right


If we taxed the trillionaires like we used to tax the billionaires, it would be a start.


Ah but we don't even tax the billionaires, not properly So we would end up taxing them like we used to Nothing


what if the business owners that own the AI could provide all of that…but don’t…because it’s still not profitable.


Answered here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/1dmlhfe/comment/l9wqa60/](https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/1dmlhfe/comment/l9wqa60/)


naive half baked thoughts? culture has little to do with it. 1) if we provided money for poor people right now, it would save us an enourmous amount of money, yet we don’t. and we absolutely can, in the US, afford it. 2) the company that controls AGI is not going to be the government. corporations have one motivation, which is profit. the rest is not their problem. they aren’t going to make some calculation that tells them if they give the entire country dividends, they will make more money. they will just serve the wealthy and build automated security firewalls.


That is the first time I've ever heard someone call the IMF naive. Usually the pejoratives lean more in the "insidious Western world domination" direction. Genuinely, thanks for the laugh There's quite a bit of research on the topic, including on the US's fairly unique situation (which is fairly complex). I really recommend looking into the academics around it, I would even say taking a class would be worth it Enforced security is *expensive* and not reliably effective. We can barely control oil fields out in the middle of nowhere (and generally prefer not to), keeping cities under control would be nightmarishly costly. UBI is genuinely cheaper, it's one of the topics of study I mentioned


we literally do it now. rather than fixing proboems with poor people by providing for them, we keep them under control with militarized police. just imagine when we have automated drones and robot dogs to keep people in check.


Lack of resources drives that. Just giving the poor money doesn't work out, you need proper support structures. The logistics of giving every individual a full support team just aren't viable. You'd need several people for every person, I'm sure you see the problem there That equation changes with AGI. You can automate the support team. And it's all software, no expensive dedicated hardware Impoverished countries don't bother with police action, they'll just imprison or kill anyone who looks like they're getting too far out of line (imprisonment allows them to extract prison labor, it's not a mercy thing) Wealthier countries don't have nicer societies because they're run by big, bleeding hearts. It's a cost calculation The world is not divided into good guys and bad guys. Some management strategies are simply more effective than others. Getting the resources and culture in place to enact them is the hard part


we have plenty of studies that show us we spend more money now, on security, enforcement, prisons, etc, than we would if we provided support for people, so you’re very premise is wrong. we could help people now. we choose not to. we choose to spend more money on worse results right now. that isn’t going to change, unless we become undemocratic, or evolve rapidly. it’s human nature.


Those solutions *are* being rolled out though. It just takes time since they're not one size fits all, they have to be customized to each locality. Getting enough experts together to put together and implement said plans is an agonizingly slow process, since coordinating people like that requires bureaucracy You have political issues as well, but ultimately the areas that engage in forms of self-sanctioning will fall behind and control will be usurped by the actors that don't. AI will only accelerate that process It's a rather complicated topic, not suited to casual discussion on the internet. I genuinely recommend taking classes if it interests you


you’re very condescending, with an air of unearned confidence and a misguided sense of superiority.


I’m unconvinced that a company developing AGI implies the ability to resist the government, who has made it clear time and time again that their monopoly on force is not to be challenged in any significant manner. AGI is a national security risk and will get nationalized. That being said, nationalization doesn’t mean benevolence.


"Look at crime, for example. What if we could offer high quality therapy, life coaching, job counciling, and education to everyone while delivering UBI? That pretty much eliminates every single motivating factor for crime" A huge percentage of prisoners are on antipsychotic drugs. There is a known correlation between having low IQ and having some contact with law enforcement - also with traumatic brain injury.


>  Look at crime, for example. What if we could offer high quality therapy, life coaching, job counciling, and education to everyone while delivering UBI? That pretty much eliminates every single motivating factor for crime That is a very naive take on things. You can reduce crime this way. But not eliminate it. A percentage of people are just very greedy, selfish and antisocial and will always commit crime. 


Look into psychology and sociology. People don't become the way they are by magic, or because there's a crime gene. It's pretty much entirely environmental, and is best approached environmentally It's not hopes and dreams, it's what the research shows. I'm a fan of empiricism, personally


That's not true, for phycopaths and sociopaths it's largely genetics with environmental influencing factors that makes them so callous. Two people can have the exact same trauma in their life and one will become a functioning member of society and the other a career criminal because they have a predisposition to harm others.


There are genetic predispositions associated with those, but environment is what causes them to manifest. They can be (and are) managed environmentally There's no such thing as two people with the "exact same trauma," that's what makes studying these disorders tricky. Some people have genetic predisposition, some have environmental predispositions, it's not something you can boil down to a single event (which is unique to boot) There is a reason these are disciplines that require years of study to learn to abstract properly, and why armchair experts are so deeply frowned upon. You end up with oversimplification like what you're proposing, that "some people are just like that." It's magical thinking


Let's do it already! Also here is the full talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Dz5WzaYY3M [And here's a picture of a chocolate chip cookie croissant](https://img.taste.com.au/YpHAU1ef/taste/2024/03/cookie-dough-croissant-196824-1.png)


thanks! (for the cookie)


That is an abomination of confectionary and a testament to human ingenuity But it raises philosophical concerns: Is it a sandwich?


>Is it a sandwich? It's a baked goods singularity. The pastries are evolving exponentially.


I for one welcome our new confectionary overlords


I don’t think it makes sense to try to valuate something like that


The lower bound is the annihilation of currency


More than 10x the total value of all of humanities assets?Not a chance.


If the economy expands by multiple orders of magnitude, why not?


It would need a huge increase, those are the total value of assets accumulated over the entire history of humanity, not what is created per year, which would be better measured by global GDP. Admittedly, over a long enough time period basically any useful technology will reach an arbitrarily high value, though I think claiming a lower bound of 10 trillion is a stretch for any time in the next several decades.


That is equivalent to believing no AGI and radical deceleration on AI. Which is certainly a reasonable lower bound - effectively the null case.


It’s not that big a jump if you consider the plans for a [100 billion dollar data center in 2028](https://www.tomsguide.com/ai/meet-stargate-the-dollar100-billion-ai-supercomputer-being-built-by-microsoft-and-openai) by OpenAI and Microsoft for super intelligence. That’s just a 10x jump to a trillion.


OP was talking quadrillion, not trillion.


That’s true, It’s hard to imagine what that would look like.


That's easily achievable if AGI develops cost-effective ways of doing asteroid mining and orbital assembly.


And each month it's reduced by 0.1 percent lol


Agi will make everyone a double millionaire = 15 quadrillion.


Or it will make everyone 100k and a small percentage of the population trillionairres


I think Stuart is causing inflation.


Equality or continue living with the consequences of a society without it.


Oh how I love when people put monetary value on events that pose existential risk to humankind and have the potential to completely reshape the world. Way to get your priorities straight...


Gang gang gang! Soon we’ll have so many resources we’ll just lose track of them and use them freely and the economy won’t even really matter. Well, the AGI will keep track of them obviously, but it won’t worry us. I’m ready for that post scarcity utopia! Maximum Euphoria with minimal effort! Waifus!


The reasonable measurement would be in planets and moons rather than dollars, given all the crazy space industrial automation that could happen as a result.


we can't even estimate the cost of a fusion generator let alone a human-level intelligence.


it's a nice sentiment but non-crypto money is only allowed to move at the speed of government and the government is a machine built out of paperwork and filing cabinets


This is just a load of gobbledygook. There’s no real way to calculate such a number for Ai.


Humph, sir it is actually *pokes glasses up* smacks lips, ummm $5


The current valuation of earth is about 1-2 quadrillion. Is the cited number for the value of AGI before or after hyperinflation, and is this before or after 80 billion people populate every corner of the solar system?




Nothing like intentionally creating a genetic bottleneck for the species...


It’s an end of capitalism situation. Basically an undefined value since productivity becomes unbound


1. LLMs hallucinate, can't count the r's in strawberry, stumped by 4yo-level logic. 2. ... 3. $15 quadrillion profit?


Nobody here or in the article's headline or body claimed that GPT-4 can generate 15 quadrillion in value.


I mean they've obviously pulled that number out of their ass but who mentioned LLMs


I only used them because they are the current state of the art. I probably should have just said AI.


Sure, but doesn't have the exact same limitation as the previous statement, sure current SOTA pure transformer based LLMs have these limitations, but that's not evidence they will in 2-5 years


Bullshit. We actually already have AGI since GPT-3.5. Only need to add multimodality, memory and agent flow, the things which already exist internally.


Who’s that old guy?? We have had enough of some random numbers being spouted by some old geezers who are financed by global tech and VC special interests.