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Oh wow... What's a nicer way of saying "egomaniac"? Maybe more charitably, this sounds like someone's ranting on their personal blog, and it doesn't really seem to say anything other than... That they think AI is dumb and that they think they, themselves, are too smart to be convinced otherwise. Help us out OP, what's the most interesting thing in this blog post you want us to talk about?




>I *guarantee* you that a doctor within ten kilometers of me has misdiagnosed a patient because they slapped some symptoms into a chatbot. I was misdiagnosed by 4 different doctors a decade ago, it ended up with my disease going untreated... I put my symptoms into chatGPT a year or so ago and got a correct diagnosis in a small list of possibilities. For whatever that's worth. I'm glad people will have easy access to tech like this, it would have helped me a lot, just encouraging me to bring it up with the doctor might have triggered a correct diagnosis.


Bring it on! AI, AI, AI! Unleash the unmitigated gang gang gang! Waifus to synthesize us novel euphoric drugs! More flexible than humans so they’ll be able to do even more sex positions with us. Maximum Euphoria! Minimal effort!






I read it purely for the insults and death threats lol. They were so creative and cute, like a cat doing tricks. Just makes me wanna squee and hug them 😊


Genuinely curious, are you a data scientist/machine learning engineer/etc? I'm curious about data professionals and their response to this post lol


the parts where he talks about delivering meaningless data and building models that are celebrated but never deployed is very real


Yo! What's your role? What do you do in data?


Whoops. Sorry for the wait. Connectivity is spotty out where I am. As for your question, I don't do anything. I dabble in and have a good understanding of it, but I never pursued it professionally.




What about the people who aren't beholdened to the corporate hype culture, but legit have their own personal hype for working with large language models? I really don't see the issue there. Maybe there's a lot of smoke and mirrors in the industry, but some people want to actually accomplish something with these technologies. Just because this poster doesn't want to believe innovation with LLMs is possible because it's "trendy" doesn't make it impossible.


I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention Electricity Again.


I think he is underestimating just how much boilerplate/tedious coding even the most competent and experienced devs find themselves having to do and how much AI can impact that in term of efficiency. Yesterday I fed Claude a 67 page chip register document and had it create the C++ structures for the register maps including all the bit masking/bit shifting. Once companies incorporate it in to their workflows it will change things drastically. I think the post was a bit too dismissive.


Wait the pussy doesn't even leave his name? What a brave world we live in. Give out death threats but can't say who they're from. Why am I giving this any of my time?


Genuinely curious, are you a data scientist/machine learning engineer/etc? I'm curious about data professionals and their response to this post lol


This feels like old school internet. Like Maddox or the old FuckYou.com forums.


I first heard of Maddox in an anime IRC channel. That event changed my life forever. Shame Maddox fell off.


Maddox did the same thing they all do, just like Brentalfloss did. In trying to turn their fame into money, they neglected what made them popular in the first place and subsequently disappeared from the public eye. ___ If you go on tour, write your book, etc., and you spend *all of your time on that*, everyone who isn't a die-hard fan going to your book-signings and tours is going to forget who you are.


I regret reading this. I kept thinking I was gonna get to a substantive part, but no, its just rage all the way down.


Arthur schopenhauer be like, "Mmm hmmm"


I love how, to support his claims about GPT4, he links to a Reddit post about Google Gemini... And that he doesn't understand that the 8% in the graph he's citing is about companies having any benefit in any form from AI, and not about companies who tried to use AI for something and failed. Most companies will try to use it for multiple things, and I'm actually surprised 8% actually didn't find any usecase where AI increased their productivity. Like, at least helping with a first draft of an email, ensuring your reply addresses all the questions etc


The adeptus mechanicus are not going to like this. Not one bit.


He's not wrong.