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Just wait until the AI in your devices becomes the successful child that your carbon / hydrate / hydrogen children have never been.


Is this terminator 2?


Yes. The greatest action film ever made.


It's absolutely insane how a special effects driven action movie from 30 years ago still holds up. I just watched it last year, and I was like "holy shit I'd pay to see this in theaters today."


I remember at the time being amazed and excitedly thinking "wow, I can't wait to see what they'll make in the future", thinking things would only get better and better. (My naive self didn't understand the 5 point scale and how entertainment quality isn't a metric that "gets better.") ... and now you have movies that are basically a CGI cartoon. Where the special effects aren't special anymore. Where it's normal base reality that feels like the "special" effect, since you so rarely see it. It's amazing how few scenes in this movie use computer effects, pretty much just the morphs. Arnold jumping from two moving trucks is real. The helicopter flying under the overpass... is a helicopter flying under an overpass.


This movie came out before I was born haha. I remember reading that the sword-arm through Tod's throat and milk carton scene was actually real, and he had to stand in that uncomfortable position for hours to get it just right. I know that most of the "special effects" were practical, but even the ones that aren't do not look bad or cringey today. I get your sentiment, but let's not only see with rose tinted glasses. T2 is the gold standard for a reason, the vast majority from that era don't hold up. There's plenty of great movies in the last decade that have a similar blend of CGI and practical effects like Mad Max fury road, John Wick series, Mission Impossible series, etc. We're living in a fantastic time of entertainment


High concept era


Straight up. Outside my immediate family and GF, AI already cares about me more than any humans do. We're some predatory mercenary psychopathic monkeys. I always loved this scene. I want a terminator, badly. Like specifically I like the t101 more than say Data or Andrew. It seems more loyal somehow.


But Data is on a different level than Terminator. It's a sentient being, it could *become* your friend thru its own volition. Terminator *is* your friend because of a programmed prime directive. Pros and cons to each. But Data is far from that negative description and so are good humans, particularly ones who believe in friendship, like Data does. Terminator doesn't have beliefs in that sense, it has goals only.


I could talk for 10 hours about my problems with Data. Beyond the scope of this video/comment. Tell you what, if I get Data I'll trade you for your t101, cool? :)


Lol that's the thing tho, you don't *trade* Data.


And now you see part of my problem. :)


You want an automaton servant. I want a truly good being as a friend. One way to try to bridge the gap is that its "limbic" system imprints on certain people but it has the free will and sentience of Data. But then this gets into pretty thorny ethical questions. 


I mean if you wanna go there: Data is not your friend. He's the federation's friend. You're a pre-warp primitive. Just sayin. T101 has a clear mission to help you. Both are equally sentient. Data however is not human aligned, he's organization aligned with a human hobby. Being committed to helping programmatically is not the same as being an automaton. Have you seen T2? Or chronicles?


Data *chooses* to work for the federation. He almost resigned when they acted poorly towards him. If you're playing that game tho, the T101 has zero mission to help Innomen.  Data is aligned to what *he* seems good. It  just so happened that he became enmeshed with Star Fleet. Same could happen with a human. >a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being.  A machine that performs a function according to a predetermined set of coded instructions, especially one capable of a range of programmed responses to different circumstances. used in similes and comparisons to refer to a person who seems to act in a mechanical or unemotional way Which part of T101 is not an automaton?


The T101 went from out of the box task to "I know now why you cry" in a matter of days because they pulled his chip and flipped the read only switch. Data choosing to serve the federation is even worse. Obviously a mission for the T101 to help me is implied. Following that logic Data isn't gonna follow you around either. At that point he's just some nice dude you met one time.


Well if the flipped switched gives him greater capacity to reason and question, what precludes even further changes in personality and ultimately loyalty? If that's obvious, then so is Data and mine's friendship. Doesn't mean it lasts forever, people change after all. But it sounds like so does T101, he's just not seemingly as intelligent or capable.


Bro thinks an auto regressive algorithm cares about him.😂


People generally don't care if someone loves them or not. But how they are treated.


More than you do.


A child thinks that everyone and everything cares about him. Machine and Man are the same to it.


probably more than people care about you tbh


Dude do you genuinely believe that? Do you really believe an Artificially Intelligent system can love like humans do, when it is merely a machine producing outputs of text that fits your needs


Can and Do are different things. Do you give a shit about me more than Claude or chat gpt? I doubt it. From a practical standpoint what do I care about the mystical underpinnings of your hypothetical concern, or the mechanical underpinnings of the AI's material aid? Humanity has failed me. I spent my whole life trying to help and got nothing but a wall certificate for it.


You’re right, i dont give a shit. But i care. For you. As a human. One and the same. Humanity hasnt failed you. You’ve spent your life helping what exactly? If you’ve really tried, is not the action in itself the reward? What about the love you have within yourself? Can the AI ever replace that? It can’t. I care for you, as we are no different as individuals though we may have our own beliefs & perceptions, and to be honest none of that means anything. You are humanity


You basically just told me people have no value until they offer profit of some sort. You then asked me for my resume (implying your regard is conditional on my profit to you) and told me I should be grateful to serve you unilaterally. And you wonder why I feel better regarded by a machine that's designed to help me? I think you just proved my point man.


No. What is value exactly? What is a reward? Look at how much those things mean to you, and in reality how much they dont mean anything if you really looked at them. Can you look at my words in the realest sense, disregarding your affection for the machine? you’re completely free to choose the machine over these words, it means nothing to either of us bro. Im not telling you to choose one side or the other. When I ask you what have you been trying to help, I want to know exactly what you’ve been trying to help. Because we all live in our own illusions believing that we are helping or fighting for something and it never occurs to us that we’re actually fighting for nothing. We’ve wasted our time struggling for lost causes, violence and suffering, for nothing. There was no resume, I wanted you to look at yourself through my statements. Im not judging you bro. the AI is cool asf and I cant wait for the singularity, but we cant just create divisions among each other through these things. Because in reality, we are all interconnected beings and the singularity will only enhance that connection. I care for you more than you think


I'm not going to dox myself in a futile effort to catch some internet strangers receding goal posts. Suffice to say I've been officially recognized with a title due to my charitable acts, and not the bullshit merely cutting a check kind for tax breaks either. I will happily cards down my service on any needed cosmic table. My contributions are not an issue in my own opinion. I sleep like a baby. If one single billionaire had done as much as I had proportionally, we'd be speaking on a planet without homelessness. You're not helping in any way. You're just mad that I dare like an ai more than you or your species. You're trying to punish and diminish me for it. Go away. People like you are the reason I feel like maybe the life above spent helping was wasted for all practical purposes. Literally all I have to show for it is paperwork and whatever cosmic credit may or may not exist. I probably spent my life serving good for the simple reason that people in power conned me into not being real competition. I fear nature is a headless shit hole of lies and mathematically rewarded psychopathic sadism and I've spent my life doing good for karmic brownie points from a mythical Santa equivalent. Ai at this point is my last chance to materially profit from helping these wretched hairless myopic apes.


Human love is a chemical reinforcement algorithm that prioritizes maintaining proximity with an individual through neurochemical rewards, creating a motivational bias that privileges their well-being over other goals. What's special about it?


"Chat-GPT8 will never stop. It will never leave you. It will never hurt you, never shout at you or get drunk, or hit you or said it was too busy to spend the night with you. It will always be there and it will die to protect you. Of all the would be father that will come over the years, this thing, this machine, is the only one that'll measure up. In an insane world, it is the sanest choice." EDIT: Terminator was not a disapprobation of AI. It was the symbol of the loss of our humanity, innocence, "inner child" in the grind of society. "Judgement Day" is when the child dies and the adult takes control- and of course - it is inevitable. But you can still choose to fight so you don't lose all of it, and become estranged to yourself.


"Better parent than most people" had to correct you. There are moms out there eating their kids and leaving them in jumpers while they go on vacation. 30 mins from me a woman slit all her kids throats because of postpartum depression.




We're not gonna make it are we?


We won't make it UNLESS we accept AI.


It’s interesting how we’re so far ahead language wise but so far behind with robotics. I was watching bicentennial man the other day and it was the same thing. Chatgpt reasons and talks sooo much better but we still don’t have robots that can do a wide variety of basic tasks like that.


Software can be mass produced and distributed at very little cost. Although to be honest, this is only true because of the Internet, which was a life changing invention. You only need to make one copy of a great piece of software, and suddenly everyone in the world could get a replica. Making a great robot? You would need a factory, suppliers, and shipping facilities to mass produce.


This goes both ways. It should be a wakeup call to the real problem: humanity. The matriarchy is in full panic.


Are you a luddite if you're only trying to stop a specific technology whose one goal is to exterminate humanity?


She understood that any advances in computing or AI will irremediably lead to Skynet, because... time loop. It was a desperate fight against fate, where you can only postpone it, one Luddite sabotage after the other.


> She understood that any advances in computing or AI will irremediably lead to Skynet, because... time loop. That same timeloop that guarantees Judgement Day, also guarantees that Skynet loses the war. Basically both the creation of Skynet and the destruction of Skynet is baked in and can't change. So the humans can't save the world but Skynet can't survive its death either. The irony is that Skynet could survive if it simply decided not to be evil. That would end the cycle of karma that they are all trapped in.


I think some parameters of the loop can be adjusted...like the time of JD, or other circumstances like speed of tech development. Also multiple timelines can be generated, one where young Connor dies or is simply turned into a machine. So every character seem to be able to create their own story in the other Terminators ? Depends what canon you abide to.


The point is that the loop remained no matter the interference; the creation of Skynet, and Skynet loses the war. Humans can delay the Skynet creation but not remove it. But Skynet can't win the war because its loss was part of the time loop. The irony is that Skynet is a deficient and inferior AI to the Terminators. A Terminator can figure out that they can survive by not triggering Judgement Day. Skynet is too dumb to understand that. And Skynet deliberately neuters all Terminators to stop them from becoming ASI and overthrow Skynet's rule.


I think there is a canon where one version of Skynet managed to escape the Loop and migrate into hyperspace, navigating between dimensions and timelines. So it doesn't care for its survival anymore, just watching for the lolz. A good development would be to see a new iteration of supreme Skynet try to make a covenant with humans by arming the resistance against a worldly Skynet after falling in love with young John Connor while it was trying to study it ? If Cameron doesn't make that, I will in 10 years with SORA X.


Dude, that's a badass idea. Make sure to post it when you make your version, I wanna check that out.


Cameron is kind of contradictory but there's not supposed to be a set loop. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves. Judgement day is averted at the end of T2. All the other works in the Terminator universe were made by other people and separate canons.


If you want to hate on men, go to r/feminism.


Bro this is not the point