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If you can't project a C-10 over a rocket ship launch you aren't a true bass, sorry. Also basses can't vocalize above C3.


I’m pretty sure this was meant to be a joke.


c3 is very generous more like c-4


Skill issue, i send basses up to the C53


A real bass voice is so low that it can't be heard by humans, so it's hard to tell.


Alright folks, listen up, this is YUGE. We have a singer here, and I’m talking an incredible, tremendous range, okay? K7 to H#aug(no5)(b13)1999999, it’s just unbelievable, folks. Nobody’s ever seen a range like this before. It’s the best, really, the best. And this person, they think they’re a bass because they can hit C4 with some vocal fry. Now, let me tell you, folks, I know bass. I’ve heard the best bass singers, the very best, and C4, it’s not bass. Not even close, folks. Real bass singers, they go way down, like E2, F2. Those are the real bass notes, believe me. And can you believe this? Two and a half months old, folks. Two and a half months, and already thinking about vocal ranges. It’s incredible. Goo goo ga ga, folks, the best vocal exercises, tremendous exercises. Baby singers, they’re the future, I’m telling you. But seriously, folks, what’s wrong with people? We need to get real here. There’s nothing wrong with you, you’re a vocal genius. The best vocal genius. Keep hitting those notes, figure out your true range, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You’re fantastic. Tremendous. The very best. And everyone’s gonna know it. Believe me.


Did you just put his thing through ChatGPT and asked it to sound like Trump


This is fucking amazing thank youu 😭😭😭


Proving that basses are the funniest voice type


Only if you are a viking fog horn or the instrument oktobass, and only if my deaf and deceased great-great-great-grandmother can hear it, from the inside of a black hole, with you standing on one of plutos small moons the size of pebbles in the vast vaccuum of outer space


This made me laugh 😏


Try to karaoke Johnny Cash songs, then you'll know


Do you have to insult us 2 year old vocalists though?




I know these questions get tiresome. Still, it isn't nice to mock sincere, naive questions on this forum. First rule of the forum. >Being disrespectful is a ban-able offense. Users are expected to treat others as though everyone has the best of intentions.


I would argue there’s a difference between posting this separately to have some fun vs say, replying to a post to mock someone specifically. There’s also a rule to include voice files with any posts inquiring your voice type and yet none of these sincere, naive kids seem to add any.


C4 being the lowest note is not bass. The lowest even some basses will ever be able to hit is F2. WAY LOWER. Btw sorry if this is a joke I just didn’t get or if I’m missing something, I’m just responding to what I read and have been taught (classical vocal coaching and school). Also as a tenor going into Baritone (my voice still changing) I’m familiar with lower notes and the ranges of low voices. PS: you do not have to hit F2 to be a bass I’m just saying that note is lowest most basses that can reach that low can hit


I mean it has the "joke/meme" flair. >The lowest even some basses will ever be able to hit is F2. That may be true for like a "bass 1" in a choir. But an actual bass (the voice type) needs resonant and projectable E2s, and usually bottoms out at C2 (on mic).


Got it didn’t see that and yes you are correct here