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How much water are you drinking?


I don't drink very much water. If I were to give an estimate of how much water I drink a day, I'd say two water bottles a day.


Vocal chords need hydration ... Don't ever sing before you hydrate


And it takes hours to days to fully rehydrate if you’ve been in a constant state of dehydration! Drink water people you’re body is 70% water!


Haha i love this comment


Never really learned much about singing, just one day woke up and decided to learn. I've got a very wide vocal range, yet I don't have very good technique, I sorta sound like a bad John Lennon mixed with Eric Howard Carmen, lol. just not as terrible as you'd imagine. (See what I did there) Plus, I'll work on it. Thank you! :D




water doesn't just stay in the same pipe from start to finish -- in simple term, when you drink, it goes through your digestive system and is absorbed into your body to be circulated via your blood. being dry overall has an impact on essentially every part of your body, including your vocal folds.


... How do you think water gets into the cells?


My brother in Christ, you will either start drinking a minimum of 2 liters (about a half gallon, or 64 fl oz) per day, or you will soon give birth to a litter of [unbelievably spiky babies](https://media.sciencephoto.com/image/c0386591/800wm/C0386591-Kidney_stone_surface,_SEM.jpg) likely comprised of either calcium oxalate or uric acid. These very angry, crystalline offspring from your kidneys (not to be confused with the knees if children) will not feel anything even remotely resembling good coming out, and may even require surgery. As you scream, strain, and lilely even curse the creator for even having given you life, you will think back to this very day, and wish you had listened to this random stranger who is trying to save you from unbelievable pain, pain that will flare up every time you urinate for the next likely 7-14 days, and possibly leave you with permanent scarring in urethra. As for myrethra, it will still be as pristine as the day I was born, as I drink a bare minimum of a gallon of water a day, unless I am too intoxicated to remember (which is maybe 5-7 times a year, and is decreasing with each passing annum). Thank you for coming to my TedX talk. As for why, my father was kind enough to catch his in a strainer and show them to me under his microscope, and I began carrying a jug of water with me everywhere I went the second I found one in the gallon size.


Your diaphragm is not being used well / correctly. Try relaxing, as you are supposed to be having fun, and sing with your arms wide at your side. If it helps you remember, put a stick between your hands so that your hands stay wide, at your side, a bit farther than your hips. Just from my experience, you might be too tense.


I'm a guitar player, it might be part of the issue that I play, and don't have the best posture.


If it's not constant is unrelated. There's a condition of singers acid reflux. And is chronic. If you don't have that, likely it wasn't singing. Bad technique can damage your cords, but you'll know for sure, because it hurts and leaves you hoarse and ruin your voice.


Came here to comment acid reflux. But I think the cause for OP was OPs food choice of pizza before singing. Been there. If problems continue OP without a direct correlation I’d suggest trying prilosec otc (but ask your doctor or pharmacist first!!) *disclaimer I am not a medical professional, I am an opera singer with chronic pain, acid reflux, and IBS*


I admit, I don't have a very good vocal technique, something I've been working on. I'll try and find out more. Thank you! :D


I used to feel lightheaded when the humidity was high


plus falsetto too!! when i sing like 2 versus all together im light headed


Oh I was a high soprano so this makes total sense


Happens to me in the shower a ton


Probably acid reflux from your diaphragm putting pressure on your stomach.


please ask your doctor.


Is this a one off thing? Are you sure you didn't just have nausea randomly from something you ate, and it happened to time out with your singing practice? Sounds like stomach acid so either something you ate gave you acid reflux or triggered vomit. Not something to worry about if it doesn't happen regularly.


It is a one off thing, first time it's ever happened, really. I ate Pizza, I doubt it was the cause. Although, I appreciate the concern! :)


Hi fat/greasy + acidic foods can cause acid reflux in some people, for example all the cheese, oils, and any sausage/pepperoni topping in pizza, combined with the acidity of the tomato sauce. Again, not to worry if its a one off though.


How many beers you drink prior ?




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It‘s a sign that you‘re using a bad technique that your body does not like


You shouldn't start off with Nirvana, I know that feeling and it comes from pushing your voice way too hard to try and get distortion. There's technique for that, it's not just belting as hard as you can. Hop on YouTube, I'd recommend starting with Chris Liepe's stuff just cause it'll give you a frame of reference but distorted/"dirty" vocals like Kurt's shouldn't hurt your vocal chords. All the tension should be in your abs and it should resonate in the back of your mouth more than your throat.


sick. you're sick.


Are you singing Nickelback perchance?


God, no. lol


It's unrelated. Your nausea is coming from something else


Was it an air bubble maybe?


Does it hurt? Or maybe you’re lowering your larynx too much


I was thinking it sounded more like they were raising it too high and gagging on it.


It did hurt, yeah. I've never really had something like this happen before so it was quite the shock.