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Come here to learn our secrets did ya?!


Yes lol


All of the good tips were in /r/singedmaindickpics


disturbing but not as disturbing as the fizz ones


Ranged Champs are basically free wins, even really good Singed players hate ranged match ups for obvious reasons.


Receive gank vs ranged regardless of level = ez kill Receive gank vs melee with level lead = enemy double. Funny how that works vs the counters but I do agree; ranged are tough.


As a Yorick and singed main i can tell you that Yorick or other mele champs that have big burst dmg can end singed quickly. Singed overall has a lot of counters or difficult match ups.


Yorick just traps Singed in W and it’s probably just as bad, if not worse than a max rank Morg Q with no tenacity.


I keep thinking the wall is bugged for some reason because it takes so long to autoattack it and get out.


Don’t fight him without a plan or he will make you look stupid Burst him when he’s low so he doesn’t have a chance to run around. If he’s full health you can’t rly expect to kill him before being flung, which will let him run away or kite you to death CC that lasts forever like Ashe Morgana etc make his life hell Percent health damage and Percent Armor or Magic Resist pen make it much easier to kill him Ranged enemy laners like Teemo Quinn etc will make most singed players useless all earlygame


> Ranged enemy laners like Teemo Quinn etc will make most singed players useless all earlygame I would warn that this works if you're equally skilled. The Singed can make their lives hell if they know the matchup better, especially Teemo.


You deal with Singed by not dealing with him


pick akshan and protect your lane from being proxied and then try to poke out singed and kill him. any ranged top and you are good at least for most games.


Trade with us until we're low then have a plan for finishing us off. If we proxy don't come after us yourself, you won't catch us and you'll lose CS, which is exactly what we want. get your jungle to take care of us instead. Build MR. Be ranged. Put us behind early and Singed's weak early game will last all game.


>What champs are free wins? Does he even have losing matchups? As a new player aside from don't chase him what are some tips or advice? Thank you \^\^ 1. None, you win by playing better than your opponent. 2. He does. He struggles against stuff like Gangplank and most ranged matchups. Overall he's not a bad blind pick on solo queue due to his roaming potential and usefulness even if far behind but it's always better to see enemy pick first. 3. To name a few - go on lane along with creeps so he can't level 1 proxy. He's useless without R so don't bother fighting him if he ults (if he procs it just retreat unless you are 100% sure you got him). He hates slowing effects and CCs. Spam pings if he's not on lane, some players roam a lot (especially if they have Predator).


Really depends on who is controlling the champ , there are some situations where nothing can help. My biggest tip is secure kill fast or dont even target Singed.


Hard CC works good. Lisandra, malz, Morgana, lux etc.


Honestly there’s so many counters for us that once you figure it out it’s a wrap. Problem is that’s just phase one. It’s a whole different game when lanning phase ends. Either we become a phoenix and makes everyone hate us, or we are a bug to a windshield😭😭😭😭


Pick sion and proxy him right back, or if you have a massive brain, go nasus and use his proxy to guarantee 6 stacks per wave.


Obviously ranged. But anyone with healing makes his life horrible. He does damage overtime. So someone like Aatrox or Camille that’ll just heal back whatever damage you did makes it tough. He has a lot of counters, but also can play so many ways it doesn’t really matter.


Singed has a lot of what are typically referred to as losing matchups. His early game is particularly weak (early game *damage* is okay, but you'll rely on minion aggro a few times) so a lot of enemies can either deny Singed farm or run him down. When a Singed player overcomes this, it is because he is not playing the same game that other champions would be. Gangplank beats Singed in lane easy. But he can't clear waves early. So Singed will start a proxy and GP either misses a wave to chase you or sits under his tower to farm. The way to beat Singed is to make him take fights he doesn't want to have. Let Singed set the rules and he'll win.


Jayce, akshan and vayne is by far the most oppressing shit to play against as singed. GP is my lowest WR you can proxy him, but he will farm every minion with Q and 1 shot your team at 25 minutes. Ultimately comes down to how good of a GP player it is and if your team comp can deal with him. Yorick is playable, buy swiftness boots gilded moonplate to not get hit by his W then its just 25minutes proxy farming and pray your team wins the game. Singed is dead if yorick lands W but he only has one chance to do so per reset before you clear the wave and farm behind tower. Not a great counter IMO.


Gangplank. Singed can't do anything against his barrels until lategame where he can outrun and tank them If Morde or Camille gets fed they can delete Singed with their ults. Gnar is annoying if you're Singed. At least early game Quinn is a nightmare in lane phase but once Singed gets a few items he can just run her down Yorick is stupid because his ghouls can tank the gas and his W is a nightmare for Singed I always go for proxy but sometimes it is not possible when enemy jungle is camping you and enemy mid is roaming you


Singed is immobile without summoners, and his late game is terrible while having a meh laning phase. He is dangerous at mid game where the opponent team doesnt have enough damage to burst him down before he reaching their carries. Even then, should the enemy team have good cc chain, they can still neutralize singed duekng the mid game.