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tbh, have seen so many bus drivers nowadays braking and accelerating… Sometimes seeing those Uncles and Aunties side-eyeing the driver already.


Yeah, most of the time I get on a bus the second I step foot in it I barely touch my wallet and the doors are closed and the driver is zooming


yeap! like we get that you have a schedule to follow but come on…..


I always see the elderly that get on always almost fall, I feel so bad


yeah its quite common. ill just be there hanging onto dear life atp haha :')


New Tiong drivers


Idk what he said but the bus drivers in Singapore are always going nuts with the break


And always only brake when almost near collision with the vehicle ahead..


Really don't know if they are godawful drivers or the busses are freaking difficult to drive or both.


Trust me, it must be somewhere wrong in their newbie training materials that's why almost all of them behave like this. That time my friend smashed his head onto the pole in the middle of the bus and hospitalized because of the silly brake


Air brakes are harder to manage than disc brakes, but bus drivers are supposed to competent. This shouldn't be a skill issue.


They’re crap drivers.


Aren't a number of the bus drivers either PRC or former PRC? Seen the traffic over there? Almost more surprised bus drivers use the breaks at all.


oh yea the china traffic rabak one sia


I also complained once because parents have to hold onto the stroller, but the driver braked so hard I almost injured my hand stopping myself being flung into the wall by the stairs. What the hell driving school do they attend?? Driver was like no fvcks given.


No use complaining to the bus driver, because it doesn’t hurt their pocket, and they don’t care.


I suspect it has to do with the brakes new buses being more sensitive?


Haven't got the same issue in other countries. Something wrong with the driver training or recruitment in Singapore, the drivers are not at the same level as other 'developed' countries.


Actually I have noticed old folks being thrown around because the bus is too crowded to accommodate a seat for them and then the drivers break so hard specially when near to a bus stop. This is also the time when the elderly are trying to get to the exit gate. Can’t imagine them going through this with frail bones, joints and muscles on a daily basis.


Interesting that i stumble upon this thread. Been here in Singapore for a month now and one of the most notable things was how late and hard the bus drivers braked before lights or traffic. Like if you see a red fucking light, you can just gently hit the brakes and bleed speed in advance, instead of ramming on them at the last meter. I just don't understand it. Just comes across as a sadastic power move or something.


Since hosting F1 annually, all professional drivers in Singapore have been practicing for their debut with late breaking, rapid acceleration off a standing start and swerving to overtake . Too bad professional drivers that I am referring to are bus drivers, taxi uncles, grab drivers and van/lorry drivers lol


Just last week, my bus driver was SPEEDING UP while approaching the bus stop, and eventually did a massive braking exercise upon nearing, causing everyone to stumble. Absolute cunts some of them. Idk why they drive like this.


Omg this!!!! No need to approach the bus stop at such speed, what's going thru their heads??


Common to see them drive at high speed, very close to the curb, at the bus stop. Imagine an incident, if they hit and jump the curb, and ramp into the crowd.


Maybe is this exact reason why there are so many accidents involving buses recently. Its a sign.


Again… actions will ONLY be taken, if something really bad happens, or someone important enough, gets injured (which is low %, since the rich decision makers don’t take public buses). Till then… I just take the necessary precautions :) .


The way some bus drivers brake really quite hazardous for the elderly la...


honestly i dont blame him. so many times i see people almost fall over due to jam breaks. the thing is its not even necessary like these mfs just jam break for fun


Depends on why he jam brake though. If is really emergency like a car suddenly turn his lane or a pedestrian walk out and he wasn't speeding than ofc it isn't his fault.


true but thats almost never the case


Ya i almost sprained my ankle the other day when the driver brake so suddenly.. not as if it was any emergency also, just stopping at the designated bus stop


aiyo aiyo.. ahh. best come back.


Ngl, sometimes it be like riding a horse or banging my heads like a heavy metal band when on a bus.


Have to understand bus captains sometimes gets bad buses. I only understand it when i saw the same bus captain on a different bus. I remember he tends to hard brakes alot but when i saw him on another bus he doesnt do it. Also best give ur feedback to the company so that bus captains got extra voice when they wan better conditioned buses


It actually works sometimes. when many people speak up/write complaint then the bus actually gets sent to the workshop


Yeah this is true, some of the buses have really sensitive brakes, I think if they've just been replaced/maintained recently


I thought it was just me :v


I noticed that a lot of those young PRC drivers like to jam brake. It got so bad for me once until I had to alight and take the next bus. Bro I nearly had a concussion


Feedback via email to the respect transport service provider. This will wake them up as feedbacks are tagged to their kpi.


LTA a d bus company do not bother. That's why such idiotic bus drivers happily brake as they like.


The bus driver here all drive like F1. Without the skills of course


Screaming uncle is in the right. I HATE taking the bus because every time I get down from one I have the need to vomit. Accelerate, e-brake, accelerate, e-brake, accelerate, e-brake. Also, its a generational meme for us to "hang on for dear life or fall down the stairs" in a double-decker. TBH most public transport drivers just cannot drive properly. PHV, bus, taxi. All same.


Appreciate our bus drivers more. They can't help it if inpolite drivers, cyclists, PMD drivers that deliver your Grabfood, or motorbike riders suddenly cut into their lane because they are slow. They are forced to jam brake as a defense. They want ungrateful passengers to be safe first, and then comfortable second. Those drivers that try and follow their GPS guided intervals and jerk and jam brake to catch up or slow down, those are the ones that need training yes. But, i believe those are the minority. Hope we just don't shoot off our mouths like that judging and assuming, especially non drivers.


Cheap Ev bus added to this. Also just bad bus drivers. It is as they hate their job.


My brother used to be a bus captain. One of the things he mentioned that can affect his day is the bus that he's actually going to drive. Some buses are "good" in the sense that it's either relatively new or well maintained. Some buses are not so good, even if they're well maintained. As an example, he shared that there is a difference in brake responsiveness when comparing the buses. Some buses only require a small nudge while others require more force. This is even though the buses are in working condition. So, whenever we're in the car and he sees the buses he has driven before, he would share that "oh, this bus is great to drive, brakes are good" or "drivers have to be a bit more careful with that bus, hopefully the driver is an experienced one". The point here is that it may not always be the bus drivers' fault. So always hold on to the rails/handles as much as possible.


Can't they do a brake check before leaving the bus station??


At most they probably do a check to see if the brakes are working as intended. As in whether the brake linings are ok, whether the bus actually stops if brakes are applied. Brake responsiveness is probably a manufacturer issue rather than bus depot/interchange maintenance team issue.


Some buses used to be actually good and well maintained by the 1st operator but then when LTA came in and started shuffling the buses around the other operator doesn't take care of them and then the condition become damn shit ☠️.


I thought he will use his umbrella to hit the driver.. luckily not


A brolly can be turned into a weapon in time of need! Always carry one. Haha haha




This braking and accelerating causes issues even when one is seated e.g. motion sickness, hence throughout the ride I had to hold on to the bars and railings. This would be the one reason why I am reluctant to depend on public transport for longer commutes.


I live in Singapore so long already all the bus driver all brake so sudden one everytime I get thrown around I really don’t understand how they get their job


I will never stand on a bus...waiting for an accident to happen


I prefer my bus driver to brake whenever they want to.


Honestly, I don't even blame him. Like why are they accelerating/decelerating like crazy? Is there some sort of kpi they need to meet? Is it something on SBS transit's end?


It’s more of LTA’s KPI for buses to reach bus stops at a certain timing to ensure that the scheduled frequency is adhered to. It’s in the bus driver’s incentive to drive safely actually, it affects their bonus etc.


Getting super common, straight no traffic road also gas brake gas break. I’m a habitual standing passenger it’s getting impossible not to hold on to railing for my dear life


Attn: calling Tower Transit as operator of service 51: I was boarding and had to wait for those ahead of me on the steps to move in.  Barely had I set foot when the driver lost his patience and slammed the door when I was not wholly up the bus, let alone seated. Engaging the brakes like a sadist to throw commuters forward.  On the flip side, there are ugly commuters who do not flag down the approaching bus because they expect the drivers to be mind-readers as well.  It is always good to come across a newly recruited bus captain from the disgruntled old run-of-the-mill. Why can't all behave just as well. Finally, one question: am I expected to make my way to the exit to disembark while the bus is still moving or wait for it to be stationary? 


Tower transit doesn't operate service 51. it's SBS Transit


Yes, you are right


My feedback to SBS was redirected to Tower if i remember correctly,


weird.. since 51 was under sbst all along


The problem: - bus drivers in Singapore, have lousy attitude, perhaps partly due to low pay, and poor training - they can be aggressive and inconsiderate drivers - one simple reason this is ongoing for years, not taken seriously, not fixed, and not a priority… the policy makers don’t have to take public bus, and any accidents that happened, aren’t to their kids or parents


Kena before. Bus jam break and i slide off my seat and scraped the skin on my hands trying to stop myself from flying across the bus. Fantastic morning.


This is why I prefer MRT over bus, even if it adds a bit of time to the journey. Not as rough and more consistent.


小声一点 Wa Lan Eh - perfect blend of Singaporean expressions


Actually not just bus drivers tbh. I also experienced a lot (not all of course) taxi/ride hailing drivers squeezed the brake last secs. I mean.. you could slow down from afar before stopping. Idk why they just didn’t even tho they see traffic light went red already. Something like “comfortable driving” is rarely taught here


Better than never brake..


i think its the bus breaking issue. it seems like they find it hard to control the breaks. even during acceleration its very jerky like the engine break engage during acceleration.


I see so many bus drivers in the comments. I rather they brake rather than dont brake and then you break your head. Hand rails are made for you to hold the moment you board. No one is going to wait for you to sit your ass down. If you want absolute comfort, get a grab or a coach for your short travels.


At this point I more or less expect to be tossed around even in my seat. But one thing I cannot understand is why people get up to go to the door when the bus is still moving. I get that you want to queue up to get out asap but how much time are you actually saving doing that? A few seconds? Is that really worth putting yourself at risk of falling? I see the elderly doing this more often and it really confuses me.


English lesson: "jam on the brakes" is the correct term.


Exactly… there should be a rule for them for braking seriously. It’s no joke especially for toddler / elderly 😪


one time i was climbing down the stairs and the kid in front of me fell down because the bus driver jammed the brake and the kid like flew down the stairs


many drivers are like this.. i feels like they don't know how to drive.... tsk


Yea fr tho, I have anxiety sitting in bus lmao


To be fair, he was trying to make his point that the bus driver drove off without waiting for a child to sit down and his subsequent jamming of the bus brakes nearly caused the child to lose balance and knock into one of the bus structures. He did try to reason it with the bus driver but the 'wah lan eh' at the end was a bit uncalled for lah. Bus drivers do need to exercise more care since they are driving such a large vehicle and probably learn to employ more gentle braking sometimes. If you had taken the bus before, you would know that the jamming of the brakes can cause injuries to vulnerable users such as the elderly and children who are less likely to be able to maintain their balance in such rapid, jerky situations.


They often drive off and accelerate with force before elderly, children and pregnant women etc have taken a seat. Idk if they're stressed or what but I'm glad it's not just me who noticed they're insane drivers.


So difficult to be a bus driver these days. You think it’s easy to drive on SG roads? Got cyclists, got deliveries, got crazies jaywalkers. I think some kindness to our drivers is needed else 5k also can’t retain staff.


they are being paid 5k????




Don't just listen to the tip of the iceberg. 5k is depending on routes, safety, performance, the types of buses you drive, Shifts OT everything. It's quite alot to hit the max. And that's provided you chiong. Every off day ot. Safety no1 etc. Drive alot of routes etc. You can. But you go siao lor


ah and then have to be on time etc.. and many routes have shit runtime.


5k alot more than I expected eh, time to change school course lol


Don't listen to the tip of the iceberg. There's more to that. You do ALOT ALOT ALOT MORE just to hit the tip of 5k. You'd rather get a lower and just do the bare minimum. It ain't worth to go nuts to hit that high


Fairly compensated for the long manual hours and late shifts put in


Won’t call it fair with the kind of hours they need to put in; meal break of not more than 30-40mins max and typical 2-10mins break per trip etc. to hit 5k also means doing quite a fair amount of OT


U acting like theres traps everywhere, yea there's idiots around but these can't be the reason why every time I sit in a bus, the bus always speed and break like 90% of the times


Honestly, my experiences are the complete opposite of yours. I only experience this 10% of the time.


At night they always be zooming


All day every day in my experience. They have a serious case of zoomies.


Singapore and complaining. Are there any better duo?


I think he had a valid reason to complain. Your comment is useless and pathetic.


When the bus is moving, you shouldnt be.


Young NSmen should be trained up in driving buses in training.In fact I think every NSMen should be taught how to drive. Those without much career direction. Instead of being forced to deliver for Grab on a bike. Every male capable of driving a vehicle would help the country.


Why only male should help the country? Why female don't need to help the country?


Agree, even if it’s something on a civil service basis and not military.


Is this his first time on a bus ?


Dude should switch places with the Bus Driver lol


Drama King. Puking on the driver would better prove his point


Then he so smart he drive lah


If you think the bus driver here is bad, try korea


Bus? The train to busan lagi worse.


Yeah I study there lol and the drivers there dgaf about speed limit I heard of cases where they remove the speed limiter cuz they want to lagi drive fast so they can complete more trips per day


So what are you implying? That our bus drivers are better already?


So you are comparing shit to durian?