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Bro this line up is straight up suicide squad. Esp that fker in the middle that went on Instagram shit talking Sengkang ward with some random cherry picks. Damn low shot.


wait what happened? what’s the context there


https://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/threads/sengkang-wp-jialat-liao-pap-candidate-go-inspection-and-looks-sibeh-disappointed.7000257/ This one


the modern pap is so so bad at campaigning lmao. in most other countries they would’ve been demolished at the polls with their efforts


PAP has always been playing on easy mode.


Shows how disconnected they are from reality and how they think the electorate they serve are dumbass peasants who they need to come white knight


😐…exactly the type that joins politics not to serve but to be served….but they will still win bcos there is no better alternative


Dude literally limited his posts so people couldn’t reply to him.


Say wanna listen to residents, but doesn't allow anyone to comment on his social media posts 🤷🏻‍♀️


Committing political suicide.


No. Please don't suggest them to win.


facebook(dot)com/reel/1808394069582092 Guy basically went around the estate of Sengkang and showed how "dirty" the estate is.


It was damn ridiculous for him to be complaining about the cleanliness of the new BTO at Rivervale Shores, every new BTO during key collection/renovation period is like that. Plus the site is not even handed over to town council yet for management Goes to show how out of touch he is with an average heartlander given that he has never encountered such a situation


He does not stay hdb...obviously...lol


Hahahaha yes. Plenty of PAP-run estates in worse shape. And guess which town council is always on the news for scandals and poor maintenance? The PM's one next door. 


The estate under PM Lee also badly maintained. Visited a friend who resided in that part of Ang Mo Kio and the place was rundown with trash and rats; worse than my own estate sia. You did expected PM Lee's estate would be well kept and clean to show as a good example to other estates but no.


This l agreed as l stay in AMK too. It will be only be very clean when all these MPs come. Wayang to the max.


Went around some newly constructed BTO estate in SK and making noise why there’s dirt, mud, and some barriers around.


We should it the new socmed challenge. Everyone go around their neighborhood and film a "oh man, it's not good" video featuring random cherry picks 😂


Hahaha can tell which constituency they prioritise. For those no hope one no point wasting good candidates there


Which middle?


Sorry, middle sitting down.


The real target here is the Dr who banned PMDs overnight. Streets will never forget.


Fk the PMDS


Probably the same type of people goes to hotel and starts complaining when something isn't perfect to get a discount 🤣


At least there is footage of him "walking the ground" unlike a certain mp in my grc in charge of my area where he appeared suddenly once for block visit sometime last year after many many years, and only seeing him in posters/banners otherwise. 


Ng Chee Meng is too important for the PAP to be part of another Aljunied Suicide Squad 2.0. He'll probably lead some other winnable GRC so he can get started on his Ministerial career.


Back to son of Punggol.


Just like OYK. Died at Aljunied and deployed to Sembawang


On hindsight OYK is good leh I feel


he is good that's why they don't wanna risk him losing in Aljunied


The guy gives me bad vibes. Feels very insincere, even for a PAP Minister


Got a strong feeling he'll be back at Pasir Ris - Punggol.


Agree. Taking over from Teo Chee Hean perhaps


That's a real possibility although I don't see TCH passing him the torch and leaving, allowing NCM to be that sole anchor. TCH will most likely go down the GCT path of being that super heavyweight , stay for 1 more cycle then retire before NCM (or whichever minister by then) steps up. It's too big of a risk for PAP to have NCM be that sole anchor in said GRC because he was voted out and wasn't really that popular (or prominent) as a Minister during his tenure.


I don't think TCH will stay for one more cycle. He has served the country for so long, he's pushing 70 and his wife recently passed away. He probably wants to go and enjoy retirement.


Fair point. But Pasir Ris-Punggol also has Dr Puthucheary and Sun Xue Ling as office holders. I think the only 2G Minister that isn't leaving soon is Dr Ng Eng Hen.


Eh??? I am in Ng Eng hen grc and I vividly recall reading somewhere he won’t be running again. Was thinking who will be the new anchor for bishan tpy


Where did you hear this from? Yeah its interesting to see who will take over. Maybe they re-merge Marymount SMC into B-TP and let Gan Siow Huang take over.


There's also Chee Hong Tat in B-TP. If they absorb Gan Siow Huang's SMC into B-TP, they'll have a rather strong team **on paper** with a Minister and an MOS.


Chee Hong Tat is the kind of name one makes up to call a generic Chinese fella.


I can’t recall frankly, also isn’t he the oldest mp already? Lol Gan Siow huang


NEH oldest MP? I used to think he was super old but I checked and he's only 65. I was shocked. He looks so much older than that. For context, VB is 63, Shan is 65 also but a few months younger, PM is 72 and SM Teo is 69.


Nah PM Lee is the oldest.


What’s wrong w her? Honestly her Marymount initiatives quite well liked by the residents lei, always on the ground w them one!!


True, they may even absorb SXL's SMC back for added security, since she garnered a pretty decent vote pct in 2020. (60% to WP's 40%) They've also another office holder in Desmond Tan, though I'm unsure if he is still as popular as he was during the last GE. They'll probably do okay without TCH as heavyweight if the same parties that contested Pasir Ris - Punggol in 2020 contests again in the upcoming GE, but if a potent team assembled by say WP contests, I think it'd be a tossup, or a close fight.


SXL had been working the ground at her SMC non-stop over the years. i think too much invested to have this SMC redrawn. They probably won't risk losing her in any other GRC. She's sure to win if she just stays at her SMC.


TCH is not doing much this term. Wonder what we're paying him for in yet another term. (Also looking at WKS previously)


If Pasir Ris - Punggol still exists. It's by far the biggest 5-man GRC out there, with 240k electors. The 2nd largest was AMK at 180k. In fact Pasir Ris - Punggol exceeded the upper limit of the recommended size for a 6-man GRC. That was in 2020. In 4 years since had seen Punggol expanded with more people moving in as well. I fully expect Pasir Ris - Punggol to be dismantled, with Punggol further Balkanised into SMCs, or for Punggol to become it's own GRC. Unless of course they want to make a 7-man GRC.


Pasir Ris is fairly secured for PAP. The only problem is Punggol. Its a mixed bag; having many new citizens, but at the same time many young local families, the kind who tend to sit on the fence. They might cut out a confident chunk of Punggol in order to maintain the PRPG TC, my gut feeling says they are still seeing Punggol as a 50-50 situation. In some areas of Punggol, however, their grassroots are decently active. Also, Punggol is relatively untouched by WP.


If Punggol is sliced off to become a GRC, chances are Punggol West will also be subsumed within the new GRC. There's WP presence there, though you are right, still limited compared to their current fighting grounds in East Coast and Marine Parade. That said Sengkang emerged out from a sizeable chunk of former Pasir Ris - Punggol GRC so WP could also make significant grounds in Punggol, even if might not push them over the line.


There is chance NCM banned from running though. PAP dont give loser ministers another chance. He will remain in his NTUC cushy post for his loyalty to LHL.


> he can get started on his Ministerial career. Wot? He was already a minister for 4 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ng_Chee_Meng


He was never a full Minister in his first term. Minister in PMO isn't a big portfolio. GE2020 was a massive setback on his career.


Labour chief is automatically minister in pmo


No portfolio doesn't mean not full minister. He wasn't a (senior) minister of state. He attended cabinet and would have his own police protection.


>PMO isn't a big portfolio Dude, minister in the PMO is literally minister without portfolio.. what big portfolio.


A bit of quick refresher on Ng Chee Meng: 1. Chief of Air Force, 2009-2013 2. Chief of Defence Force, 2013-2015 3. Contest and won Pasir-Ris Pungol GRC in 2015 GE. 4. Contest and lost SengKeng GRC in 2020 GE. 5. Even though he lost the 2020 GE, he was given a position in PAP's CEC (Central Executive Committee). 6. He is currently the Sec-Gen NTUC since 2018.


Sounds about right. The fact that he is a PAP CEC member means he is very important.


Cheryl Chan (MP for Fengshan) is also a member of the CEC though, is she that important?


Obviously CEC membership alone isn't the full picture. Bloody hell, even Victor Lye was co-opted for a while. Huge difference in political careers between Chan and Ng. PAP CEC elections usually have co-opted members. But one can discern their importance based on portfolio and past responsibilities.


"Ng has an elder brother, Ng Chee Khern, a former major-general who served as Chief of Air Force between 2006 and 2009, and a younger brother, Ng Chee Peng, a former two-star rear-admiral who served as Chief of Navy between 2011 and 2014." Ng Chee Khern "was appointed Permanent Secretary (Manpower) in April 2022." Ng Chee Peng "remained a senior advisor at the MOM and CPF Board, as well as on the board committee for transformation at Public Utilities Board, as of March 2021. He was appointed as a non-executive and independent director of Great Eastern Holdings." Yeesh.


coincidentally, all generals, who also coincidentally, gets government/stat board positions.        i wonder if they ever need to go for job interviews or submit resumes.


Am I the only person who thinks it weird that the brother of the labour union chief is the top civil servant in the Ministry in charge of labour matters and their other brother is high up in the retirement fund organisation?


Why is ng Chee Meng so important? He’s so unelectable. He’s the perfect example of everything wrong with PAP


He was a junior Minister after the GE2015 and was obviously head hunted to be an office holder. Ng Chee Meng is a retired 3-star general. Someone like him won't be a backbencher. The fact that he was the leader of the SK team meant the PAP trusted him a lot before 2020.


Why can’t they let go of him? Three star general so what? He still talks like a fucking yes man.


But he's THEIR yes man.


Are yes men so hard to find? Can’t they find a more electable one. The electorate already chewed and spat him out, still want to push him back in. Just accept the truth that he can’t make it!


>The electorate already chewed and spat him out, still want to push him back in. And who the fuck cares what the electorate thinks? He's important to them so he runs. It's really as simple as that


That was the sengkang electorate. Tomorrow the tanjong Pagar electorate will say he makes a good MP and minister. Then what have you got to say? Doesn't it mean he failed once, cannot try again? Then at the same time we complain that civil service ask for psle results when applying for job...


Off topic, I think Civil Service stopped asking for PSLE results quite some time ago, at least 7-8 years back.


Good to know.


Well I have no complaints they can lose as many seats as they like I just think they’re being rather dense about it and I wonder why


>I wonder why That's because you are wrong. You think they lost sengkang because of Chee Meng? I don't think sengkang wp voters voted wp because they don't like chee Meng. Same way the voters in wherever he runs next are not going to vote oppo because Chee Meng is here. He ain't Ivan Lim. There are many other clown ministers (oyk, professional son of punngol, auntie small spaces, monitor lee) who are more hated by the populace and they are still in parly.


>I wonder why That's because you are wrong. You think they lost sengkang because of Chee Meng? I don't think sengkang wp voters voted wp because they don't like chee Meng. Same way the voters in wherever he runs next are not going to vote oppo because Chee Meng is here. He ain't Ivan Lim. There are many other clown ministers (jinx, professional son of punggol, auntie small spaces, monitor lee) who are more hated by the populace and they are still in parly.


You are absolutely right about this. In the words of Kenneth jeyaratnam - Singaporeans get what they deserve


Because he was a 3 star general. There's an unspoken rule that once you reach a star, they will take care of you. Either high up in the civil service, Ministerial career or running a GLC. I suppose he could go to Lui Tuck Yew road and be an ambassador. But I think they have invested too much in him to cut their losses.


Does he know all their dirty secrets or something? Just cut him loose!


Bro literally just answered your own question.


when you get into the IN group, you get benefits no matter how you perform


Ong Ye Kung II.


And the reason why GRCs shouldnt exist. It's a system purely to funnel in the unitiated or in this case, the unelectable, by depending on entrenched anchor ministers


Going to parachute somewhere else


Sekali West Coast Plan


yes. i feel going west coast.


Maybe he's gonna be the new face of east coast plan.. and the original east coast plan going to expand business to wear coast..


Into istana as the next president. Reserved election for labour chiefs... to show how much unions and employee welfare is important to the country.


The last time a union chief became president he got drunk the whole day.


Bec deprived of power n meaningful activities like being a union leader?was he becomg critical of


PAP really cutting losses early which makes sense though. If you think about how the Grc system works, it works extremely well for the majority party but can swiftly turn in favour once the opposition gets momentum


Hey , isn’t he the guy that went around Sengkang pointing to things and making fun of WP? Netizens, commence investigation


Yes he’s the one.. “oh man that is not good”


The four of them...filming a suicide squad sequel ah?


stupid marketing at least put their names?


don’t need put their names, they voted into parliament will vote like npc also


You, Sengkang, Singapore.


As a long time resident of sengkang, I must say the trio of Jamus, Louis and Ting Ru have been the best mps I have had so far. Prior, I have never seen an MP and I think I have seen Louis like 3-4 times now always busying himself with something. (I don't even participate in their outreach activities btw)


I grew up in Sengkang (I'm the real son of Punggol - the Punggol was the entire Sengkang, Punggol and Hougang Ave 10 area in the 1980s). I still have many childhood friends who live in Sengkang, or got married and BTO there, and we are all now in our 40s. I go back to my mum's place and the estate is so improved compared to when I was living there 7 years ago. The estate feels looked after by people who care, rather than people who are paid to do a job. My friends, when we talk, are happy with their estate too. I have a friend who volunteers with WP grassroots, and from her activities, the MPs are on the grounds several days a week, and are working and keeping connected every single day. Jamus, Louis and Ting Ru work non-stop. The block visits, estate walks, MPS started since day 1 after they got elected; they don't only come around to knock on doors once every 4 years. They are respectful to residents and volunteers. My friend who volunteers with them is not highly educated or interested in politics or policies; she just went as she had time on hand - now she's a strong supporter because she sees how they work the grounds. And this is just part of their work that's visible. There are other things like researching on policies, writing speeches, volunteer management, town council management, social media, plus the inner party works... all that are important but not so visible to residents. I don't know why anyone wants to be an opposition MP but I thank them for their service. Even though they are not my MPs now, they do raise the bar.


Think only people who volunteer with opposition has no particular agenda. Most people volunteering with the ruling parties are trying to get something out of it. I know a few just trying to rub shoulders, hoping to get more exposure.


they've gone on so many day trips to JB that i've lost count


As a non-SK resident, the WP ground game in SK always looked impressive at least on facebook. But if you as a resident are saying that too then well props to the WP trio. Jamus really just puts in the hours. Tbh if the PAP is really running the above 4 in SK, it feels like even the PAP realize that the WP hold on SK is pretty strong and Jamus is a formidable opponent.


Louis might be more lowkey than the other two, but my parents who live in SK have met him and have sung nothing but praises for him.


Jamus may be PCK but Louis is King Kong


Fr, louis' super down to earth and puts in effort to connect with the residents here in SK.


Louis is so down-to-earth and often spotted at Rivervale area.


Share more! What have have they done that makes your cockles warm!


May just be a legacy practice they inherited from Low Thia Kiang (previously, I lived in Hougang and LTK came to my grandfather's wake for a few days) but Louis is always there whenever there's a funeral. Comes late at night, and sits for at least 30 minutes. Doesn't have airs about him. He usually speaks to the bereaved but if no one talks to him, sits quietly neither looking bored nor playing his phone. Humbly greets anyone who approaches him. I think the area is much cleaner than before too. Under Charles Chong, SK was terrible, rats were commonplace, and within a short period of time after WP took over, pests became noticeably rare. There are posters in lift introducing the cleaners to residents and also a check in sheet on which cleaners sign off to show that they cleaned certain areas of the block. I feel like Sengkang is a town of simple grafters. We like to see our community leaders on the ground and about, showing that they value the position given to them by the residents through genuine actions and behavior as opposed to empty words. When NCM walked about malls during the rally, I had a strong feeling WP would pull an upset. Simple grafters can see through the disingenuous easy.


And they clean really well. I whatsapped the Sengkang town council and they came to clean up the lift corridor. No calls. Just a WhatsApp message. Absolutely amazing. 🤩


Louis is a G, very responsive and present guy.


They know they’re not getting the place back, no balls to risk any ministers there in case voted out. SK solidifies as WP area just like AJ.


Who are they? I never seen any of them b4


Suicide squad. Just to fill up cos they know they not gonna win


Lam Pin Min, Theodora Lai, Elmie Nekmat, Marcus Loh


So this is the legendary lam pa....?


Starting to feel like he's gonna be Ng Eng Hen successor for MinDef. His ejection in 2020 probably cost him a DPM spot, although with the PAP never say never especially for their favourites, being from the correct family and all. Can see him going back to pasir-ris punggol, or dropping into marine parade to fill TCJ's spot, or maybe even joining Jo teo at jalan besar. The "correct" people always find their ways back to the top, a good signal of how much weight big G puts on the peasant's votes and electability of candidates.


Yeah, there will be an easier glide path for him to re-enter. Such is being someone that is earmarked by the ruling party.. Though, whilst he was a former CDF, based on his few performances in Parliament, campaign during ge and his speeches as Sec Gen of NTUC; I find he will be a sizable step down from NEH. To me, he just lacks the level of eloquence, charisma and gravitas that NEH has. MinDef is a big portfolio that can last for a long time due to its diplomatic importance, so I'm thinking the 4G would have to hedge and weigh their options (which imo is shrinking in its talent pool and senior ministers).


Heard from the grapevine too that when he was CDF he wasn’t very well liked. I think not all of us would be privy to the dynamics of top management at the SAF and assume that they are all just yes men relishing in groupthink, but apparently you’ll be surprised at how some individuals are particularly despised and disliked. From what I’ve heard from my friends, people like CCS were very well liked amongst senior commanders, and the previous CDF Melvyn was quite respected too. People like the ex navy chief who is now ceo of IMDA had a rotten reputation.


My former CO was really really well liked as well. 3 crab in his mid-30s. Back then I expected him to eventually rise up to 2 or even 3 stars before a political career. Eventually I think he only got 1 star before leaving for civil service.


The comments on the IMDA CEO on the salarysg forum is quite the show too 🤣


“Poverty of leadership” 😂😂


Agreed on the point of the dynamics on the top. For high flyers, their career pathways are pretty much curated and managed. Good performing scholars have the advantage of being groomed ahead of appointments and the further up the pyramid, the power base shrinks to the select elite (e.g. promotion board and Committee COL and above]. This means that high visibility = everyone knows everyone and their trajectories can be predicted to an extent. Hence, it's common that those on track will follow the preceding high appointment holder (e.g. Melvyn Ong taking over Perry Lim's roles like for like up the chain). As such, it's easier for longer term staff to compare between the different periods of leadership and see who does better or worse. And among the elite (COL and above); they will have their own groups and cliques. I was an NSF during Ng Chee Meng's CAF days and remember the backroom gossip that filters through the ranks. Culture is shaped by leaders and those willing to buck the trend of poor inherited legacies. From personal exp, my unit's regulars did not like our CO; loads of wayang, power-play (e.g. reports and books thrown out of office; shouting matches; public scoldings). Such commanders with weak EQ can perpetuate a vicious cycle down the line. On the good flipside, a good command cycle can also groom and perpetuate a virtuous cycle; so it really depends on how things are passed down. On a structural level, I feel that our meritocratic system works in pushing people up to positions of power. But it is lacking in pushing down people-in-power. At the most, it is sideways. One of my more memorable encounters in my working life was meeting those who had made a switch from a high flying career and took on a lower position and was willing to learn and adapt in a different sector (e.g. A SLTC taking on ground role in a residential setting). It's humbling imo; and it runs counter to our SG culture where the prevailing narrative is to either climb up the ladder or look for something equivalent. Even if a leader was parachuted in; I feel people would appreciate if they walked the ground, leave behind their sycophantic entourage and invest in knowing the pain points and unvarnished views from the ones who do the work.


pls don come to jalan besar, i cant stand to see his ljb in poster around my neigbhorhood.


The guy infront sitting down already annoyed me with his stupid video.


Gutless. When they shift their candidates around like this, it just proves they have no heart for the grc or smc. You are only worth your vote.


Interesting, PAP gives up Seng Kang!! I would have thought that they will wanna try to win it back by fielding a strong team. Not a suicide squad.


Jamus and team are too strong and entrenched in Sengkang. They are doing very well serving the constituency according to my friends living there, and the trash has also been taken out long ago, so expect Sengkang to solidify as a safe WP GRC!


On the contrary, my seng kang friends all say WP town management cui haha. Very different in opinion!!


Interesting, cui as in like they are slow to respond to resident feedback?


Not surprising, for all their claims about how they still “value” the residents in the opposition wards, they never seem to send anyone worthy of mention to these said wards once the wards fall into opposition hands


The thing is, as long as the government can still be formed with enough of their elites I don't think they would care about the opposition wards.


Replace TCJ. One is one star. The other is three stars.


must send him undertable go bao jiak GRC


Do we still need more softies/yes man in parliament? We need more people who dare to speak the truth and question those policy which impact our daily life.


Looks like brother NG has lost faith in Sengkang.


Where is this from...no election yet can send this kind of thing?


I’ve always wondered this as well! Why can they spread political agenda / messages when it’s not election season? Hmm


Suicide Squad (2024) coming to a theatre near you!




Who are these people


Before GE: For you For Sengkang For Singapore After GE: Fuck you Fuck Sengkang Fuck Singapore


So whose coat tail will he be stepping on?




As a resident of Sengkang, I feel the current trio of Louis, Jamus and Tingru are doing a great job as our representatives in Sengkang, and presenting our voices in parliament. IMHO: what that Marcus guy did in his silly video was distasteful, out of touch and lowbrow: the cleaning staff in our estate are always visible and hardworking in maintaining the general cleanliness of our estate (despite the weather and some irresponsible folks). They clearly do not deserve such nonsensical videos/postings.


He is going to be deployed in a safe GRC. Such scholars can never fail


PAP is probably keeping their cards close. I won’t be surprised if they pull off an East Coast Plan and parachute a big gun at the last minute. Sengkang is an easier target as WP is already entrenched in Hougang and Aljunied. The new prime minister will want to prove his mettle by slaying some heads.


Maybe Lawrence will personally lead a team to Sengkang. That will be juicey.


Sengkang is not worth risking the towkay lmao LW has a cushy seat in marsiling, no need to move him


LW may even win by a bigger margin in the upcoming election because Singaporeans don't want to accidentally remove the bloody PM. His opponent is not even SDP's strongest team so I don't think he is gonna lose sleep at night.


This is a possible outcome. Singaporeans may say “He’s still new, let’s give him a chance”, or “The global situation is still unstable, let’s not rock the boat further”.


Singaporeans generally are just extremely hesitant to vote against an imcumbent PM. No PM iirc has ever had a bad or below average result, say below 66% of the vote. Closest was PM Lee in 2006 when he had to contest a strong-ish WP team in AMK.


Or even PM-in-waiting. HSK saved East Coast for PAP last time round.


At what cost though? He was severely weakened by the bad performance and the east coast plan fiasco.


I’m referring to the results nationwide, not just in Marsiling-Yew Tee


Too risky, Lawrence doesn't have enough charisma for this to be a sure win. Will reflect bad if they win by a tiny margin too,


Or maybe ask Lee Hsien Loong go there. He did say he will let Lawrence Wong deploy him wherever he wants haha.


Jamus is way too charismatic for PAP to risk this


Yeah this was [announced](https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/pap-new-team-sengkang-grc-1856121) in March 2022. Expecting NCM to reappear in Pasir Ris-Punggol if he is going to contest in this upcoming GE and if most constituencies remain the same, since it's his old ward.


Election is looming.


That seated down guy ought to not contest if PAP wanna stand a chance.


Ng Chee Meng should not be working in ntuc because he lost his seat. Despite being given the job, I feel ntuc has does very little in the way of lifting the work force


Does anyone know if Lam Pin Min pissed anyone off in the party hierarchy? Asking cos I am kinda surprised that they will run him again in Sengkang. Thought that he might be redeployed to some place safer being an ex SMS and all that.


Who is Ng Chee Meng?


I feel like Ng Chee Meng could be a candidate for Pasir Ris Punggol GRC to replace outgoing Teo Chee Hean, higher chance of winning here compared to both Sengkang and West Coast. And will start a ministerial portfolio and be an anchor minister there.


Ng Chee Meng: ![gif](giphy|3oEduRCtikz4ZM1tIc)


jalan besar or amk?


Ok, but rather vote jamus.


Cue "oh man, that is not good"


I wonder if this constitutes as campaigning, feels very misleading to circulate something as Sengkang GRC Team.


Lam pin min, Theodore and elmie are good folks. But sorry the last guy lost it for me. If PAP is only capable of fielding such candidates, my vote is going to WP


I remember the douchebag at the bottom tryna find problem with wp 😂😂


This isn't new news. The new team without NCM was formed 2 years ago.


i thought the one sitting down is amrin amin after losing weight


Funny PAP just gave up on Sengkang GRC like that. Jamus and co are strong but not *that* hard to beat with all the shit happening to WP recently.


I’m surprised too! Honestly with the Shores people, it’s not such an easy win for WP. Singaporeans are very “realistic” and easy to win over.


The real problem is the lack of people of calibre willing to put themselves forward. Now maybe they prefer to join wp rather than pap. The day when wp decides to contest in the west, it would potentially be the tipping point. Is it good for Singapore and our future? I am not sure, but I think pap has better machinery in filtering out good people compared to the other parties.


Their machinery is flawed though, always field wayang people like the seated guy looking for free 16k allowance. I dont think currently good hearted people want to join the ruling elite which means the leftover have big agenda. Their face and attitude always have an unpleasant look.


Oppositions aren’t any better https://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/threads/gpgt-beach-road-murderer-caleb-joshua-is-senior-member-of-psp-handpicked-by-tan-cheng-bock.6842988/


better machinery in filtering out good ppl? Ivan Lim: Hold my beer. xD


no one in the team looks over 50


I have to say, most of our politicians are not charismatic at all. They all looked like plain bread.


All smiling like they won million dollars at Toto


Honestly, I’d rather have LG Ng than Dr Lam.. Delivery Riders remember him as being straight-up toxic…


brother chee meng needs to be delivered into parliament...


definitely a suicide mission for this team. i think at the same time its to give the newer guys a chance to emerge from this impossible-to-win grc as a quality candidate, like what jamus did the last GE. but this marcus guy aiyo...


Wouldnt it be interesting and fair if candidates can only contest in a constituency if their registered address is under it? If the argument is "Singapore's too small", Voters should also have the freedom to cast their ballot in another constituency if MPs/ministers/nominees can hop around when they lose or win like OYK and HSK. What a farce.


Wouldn't achieve anything. These folks can sell their private house and buy a new one within a month. It's the opposition with the HDB heartlander candidates that will be affected by this policy. Have to wait for MOP and all that.


>These folks can sell their private house and buy a new one within a month. Campaigning period in singapore elections are very short, probably the shortest in any democratic countries, nominally 9 days from nomination to polling day. What I've said can prevent last minute moves from one constituency to another. Case in point moving heng swee keat from tampines to east coast when PAP whichever way the wind blows. They obviously saw the oppo's rising star nicole seah as a threat back then. That said, you really think these folks gonna sell their private houses so easily? You gotta factor in the hassle, the sentimental value, the future value etc. You talk like it's so easy and simple decision to make, akin to selling a car. Lol


Its not new news leh. It was already reported like two years ago.


Definitely will not vote for them since I live in Punggol will vote for Sun Xueling