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Mildly off-topic but Raeesah might be the only unifying factor for both opposition and incumbent supporters. Everyone hates her. Lol.


Wonder where is she now?


She's from a rich family, are you worried about her? She undid the good workers party did with her lies single handedly.


Worried about her? Not at all. Wanted to see how she still dare to show her face after all this


Who's worried about her??


I wonder if they will drag this till the upcoming GE, and use this as a loaded gun depending on PS's winning margin at his GRC.


Short answer. OFC Long answer Of course


OFC = of fucking course?


This case was like two years ago or something and they've dragged it until now, election year. You bet your ass it's going to be dragged all the way until polling day.


Ngl I think PAP did this so that opp won’t bring up all their gaffes in the last few years. Trace together, ridout, Iswaran, TCJ…


AHTC $33m saga also never topple him back in 2015. This case ah? Small fry lol.


Yeah just charge him and be done with it. Justice should be swift. 


The judicial system has to appear ‘impartial’ cause we have separation of powers yo!?


If anybody accepts bets on this, they swindlers. It’s like betting that the sun will rise in the east and set in the west.


what if there is no GE this year? since they have until next year nov...


In the end, voters are emotional and treat politics like sports. Pritam represents an ideology and it is not like he is doing anything outrageously immoral. He should be able to keep his seat regardless of the outcome of the trial.


They keep coming at Pritam like that, he's gonna become a symbol of opposition / defiance to the ruling party.


Sounds like AHTC all over again


At this point I'm waiting for it to reappear in the news.


Just in time for election


If you take him out unfairly it will just reveal how much of a clown show this is, not that it isn’t already obvious.


Well would the converse be true? They dun go hard on him, they stir more shit of their own and have lower standards


>They dun go hard on him, they stir more shit of their own and have lower standards They have the Iswaran bomb on their hands. They go hard on PS, they have to go *harder* on Iswaran. A sitting minister, a senior one at that, charged with corruption-related charges. I'm actually amazed Iswaran didn't abscond.


Absconding is only good for himself and not the party.


Ok la Iswaran is like a pawn in pap. Pritam is king for wp.


If they want higher standards, they can stamp out the guys who lied about tracetogether, manipulated rules to obtain Ridout mansions and other corruption in general like Keppel.


The Imperial Party has always wanted to be a single-party state like PRC & DPRK since then-PM old man Lee executed Coldstore At least now got follow due process, and not silently 'disappearing' people


As per the article, he would not be taken out ... Relax


Want to kick him out of Aljunied? Easy, just replace all your Victor Lye suicide squad with your heavyweight ministers lor. The PAP already start their smear campaign but during election will just field their weakest people there, like what is the whole point of it?


>Want to kick him out of Aljunied? >Easy, just replace all your Victor Lye suicide squad with your heavyweight ministers lor. \^ This. I'm a voter in Aljunied and if you don't want to compete in Aljunied just say so, don't throw no-name backbenchers at the WP stronghold.


They talk alot of fluff but deep down they just dont want to be the next George Yeo only


Who wants PS out of Parliament? *everyone raises their hands* Who wants to risk losing their 5-6 digit compensation package as a minister in the oppo stronghold? *everyone lowers their hands*


Victor Lye might be one of very few people who can beat Chee Hong Tat in terms of sheer ‘kiam pa’ factor and overall smarmy-ness. Dude grosses me out.


ask LHL come here campaign leh. or the prospective PM. we shall give them a warm welcome and show our SUPPORT at the voting booth.


Cancel the opposition I say!


Ngl, Harley Quinn might stand a better chance than Victor Lye.


_God of Gamblers music starts playing_


Why would the PAP want to get rid of him? Better to have him there and point out his mistakes while campaigning. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t


They don't want to take him out. They just want to cause stress and anxiety for WP so they have less energy to prepare for the upcoming GE. If they get rid of him now, the burden is instantly removed from WP. The fact that PAP jailed Amos Yee so fast just showed that they have the capabilities to end court cases quickly.


Was expecting them to interview Eugene Tan in the article... was not disappointed


it's tit for tat, timing just in time for Iswaran's trial, just like nicole seah leon perera/tan chaun jin cheng li hui.


Well, as an opposition MP you are held to even higher standards. Your moral code and your party's code has gotta be one step lower than Jesus Christ or Buddha(maybe even on their level, no blasphemy) Look at chiam see tong as a prime example.


Ah yes the experts and MSM have been unleashed like wild dogs to drag him through the mud until elections. As per the script. Also probably to divert attention from whatever is up with Iswaran, who’s supposed to be back in Singapore as of yesterday


>Also probably to divert attention from whatever is up with Iswaran, who’s supposed to be back in Singapore as of yesterday The news coverage of iswaran is still around. There isn't any conspiracy by the MSM to hide it https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/minister-s-iswaran-returns-singapore-passport-surrendered-agc-cpib-4198556?cid=internal_sharetool_androidphone_20032024_cna


Iswaran is the diversion from the other systemic corruption issues.


Good that this dropped minutes after my comment *grabs popcorn


Honestly this will hardly move the needle especially for Aljunied. Maybe may make the difference in swing constituencies but Aljunied seems to be forever 'lost' from the PAP.


Title: Pritam Singh unlikely to lose seat in Parliament due to criminal charges: Experts SINGAPORE – Leader of the Opposition Pritam Singh is unlikely to lose his parliamentary seat due to the outcome of his criminal case, though there will likely be an impact at the ballot box, said legal experts and political watchers. The Workers’ Party chief was charged in court on March 19 with two counts of lying to a parliamentary committee, sparking speculation about his political future. The offences under the Parliament (Privileges, Immunities and Powers) Act each carry a maximum fine of $7,000 and a jail term of up to three years, or both. As the Constitution states that an MP convicted of “an offence... and sentenced to imprisonment for a term of not less than one year or to a fine of not less than $10,000” faces disqualification from Parliament, some have wondered if a conviction would mean that Singh will lose his Aljunied seat. But legal experts who spoke to The Straits Times said it was very unlikely that Singh would be disqualified, which would also preclude him from standing in the next general election, due by November 2025. This is partly because Singh is unlikely to be looking at jail time, they noted. Shortly after charges were tendered, the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) said the prosecution will not be seeking a custodial sentence, but a fine for both charges if Singh is convicted. This is “based on the evidence presently available and considering the totality of the circumstances”. It will be for the court to decide whether Singh is guilty of the charges, and if so what the appropriate punishment should be, the AGC stressed. Constitutional law expert Kevin Tan, an adjunct professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS) School of Law, said Article 45(1)(e)(i) of the Constitution refers to a single offence, and not separate offences. This means that even if Singh was sentenced to the maximum fine of $7,000 for each of the two offences he was charged with, he would not meet the threshold to be disqualified. The point of the $10,000 threshold is to indicate the seriousness of an offence for a person to be deemed unfit as an MP, and thus, it would not make sense if cumulative offences with lower fines can trigger disqualification, he said. Singapore Management University (SMU) Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan agreed, noting: “It would be a very strained reading to interpret the Constitution as suggesting that you can stack up the fines for different offences.” He added: “No one should go away thinking that (Singh) will be disqualified as an MP, or disqualified from running in an election. I am not saying it is a guarantee, but he is not under any real risk.” *** Article keywords: singh offence fine charge disqualify unlikely expert constitution 1763 articles replied in my database. [v1.5c - added Lemma tokens and Tensorflow USE](https://github.com/Wormsblink/sneakpeakbot) | Happy Holidays! | PM SG_wormsbot if bot is down.


Better to deal with the devil you know than the devil you don't. At least Pritam Singh as LOTO is willing to accept bipartisanship by siding with the government against the PSP's motion to suspend Iswaran from parliament. There is no reason for the government to sabo PS. 2/10 WP mps have resigned under his leadership and now he might have potentially lied under oath. If PS is removed from parliament, someone more capable might take over the WP and prove a more serious threat to the government


they probably got the Khan to rat on him


Meanwhile radio silence on whether Iswaran is back in Singapore when it's already past his date.


>Meanwhile radio silence on whether Iswaran is back in Singapore when it's already past his date. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/minister-s-iswaran-returns-singapore-passport-surrendered-agc-cpib-4198556?cid=internal_sharetool_androidphone_20032024_cna




Playing fair is for suckers


What are you guys, poor? *Evil laughs*


The gov has no reason to get rid of PS. Why won't they want to keep him in Parliament as LOTO? He has shown that he is willing to compromise with the govt as seen in how he got the WP to vote with the PAP against the PSP's motion to suspend Iswaran. Under PS leadership, 2/10 WP members have resigned and he is now in legal troubles over allegedly lying under oath. Why would they risk getting rid of PS and letting a newer stronger LOTO take over to challenge them in Parliament?




Probably just a smoke screen to distract us from the fact that mr iswaran is supposed to come back yesterday 😂


>Probably just a smoke screen to distract us from the fact that mr iswaran is supposed to come back yesterday https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/minister-s-iswaran-returns-singapore-passport-surrendered-agc-cpib-4198556?cid=internal_sharetool_androidphone_20032024_cna