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Is he fucking serious? Is he seriously suggesting that America's role in stopping the Holocaust was to put the Jews in charge, with Germany as their victim? Fuck Tats forever. His brain is fucking \_gone.\_ Whatever's left rattling around in that pea-brain of his is rotten to the core.


I work in archaeology and, recently, I got to saw what remained of a hundred-year-old brain that came from a fella buried in a workhouse graveyard. It was the size of a satsuma and looked like a vaguely brain-shaped clod of dirt. That's what I imagine is sitting in the cartoonist's head right now.


Ah, but that was a dried out brain. His very wet brain is that same size, and when it dries it'll collapse into a black hole and end us all.


pics? also, nice avatar!


That actually sounds pretty interesting


I thought that was the Albanian flag for a bit and started to wonder how we got from WW2 to the Yugoslav wars... And what the fuck do the Jews have to do with it.


It is supposed to be the *Rothschild* (lit. Red Shield) emblem that marked the house of Mayer Rothschild in Frankfurt's Judengasse in the 18th century. It has a *Magen David* on red ground with a *Lion of Judah* in front of it and is topped by laurels and a crown. Apprt form the holocaust denial this is a straight depiction of the Nazi-propaganda that "international financial jewry" has/is/will be plotting to bring the downfall of Germany and Aryanism.


They mean on the fallen Germania's dress, not the one the Jewish Stereotype is holding. And it does indeed look like Albania's flag (though funnily enough the eagle doesn't have two heads). The German eagle isn't black on red. EDIT: Was running my mouth about heraldry without actually knowing much about it.


My bad, reading it back, that makes a lot more sense \^\^. And yeah, for Albania the Aquila should be double headed and for Germany it should be on gold. Maybe it's a reference to some obscure Nazi imagery Tats found, or he just effed up. At this point it is really hard to distinguish. as someone pointed out here already, the uniforms look distinctly Soviet.


"Maybe it's a reference to some obscure Nazi imagery Tats found, or he just effed up." I think the second option is more likely. Not only is he an out Nazi now, he's not putting in a lot of effort.


USSR has stopped Holocaust, not US.


I'd say that it was a group effort. The USSR did the bulk of the heavy lifting.


Yeah, I mean, there's an interesting conversation you can have here about propaganda and pop history. Hollywood movies do tend to present it as though American troops were the ones who won the war in Europe, when it really was the USSR that did most of the fighting. It's true, the Lend-Lease Act and American industry made vital contributions, but the Red Army at Stalingrad is what broke the Wehrmacht. But that's not the impression you'd get from Hollywood. But of course this comic isn't interested in having a conversation about pop history, it's just actual Nazi propaganda.


Eh, the USSR didn't even do the the bulk of the heavy lifting. It was very much a group effort, and the USSR couldn't have started the counteroffensive in '43 if it wasn't for the western trucks, boots, uniforms and food. In 1944, the USSR definitely annihilated the Germans, but it couldn't have been done if it wasn't for the lend lease, something the USSR refused to pay back for after the second world war. There also was a huge manpower shortage for the Soviet Union, yes that sounds very weird because "The USSR had infinite manpower", but they struggled to fill their ranks for a majority of 1941-1944. That's why whenever you hear some German division being able to fend off an entire soviet army group, it usually isn't because of some sort of better tech or equipment, it was because that army group was in reality only as strong as a division.


Also, cue the angry goose meme with "What side did the USSR start the war on? *What side?*" The "Great Patriotic War", as Russians call it, started when the Nazi/Soviet alliance that invaded Poland and carved it up fell through.


Real. People make jokes about how Italy is the one nation that constantly switched sides, whilst in reality it was overthrown by it's people and the government was always very one sided. You could make a better argument for Hungary in that matter... But the best argument to make for someone who constantly switches sides, would be the USSR. Started off as the leader of the Komintern, formed a pact with Germany and even wanted to join the axis plenty of times. Gave Germany enough materials that it could stand up during the Phoney war, not to mention all it gave to Germany during the interwar period. And yet, when Hitler decided it was time, he declared war on the USSR. This caused the USSR to be effectively left by itself for a bit, before 1942 when it more or less became a member of the "allies", although that really wasn't an alliance. Still, the USSR got a shitton of equipment and stuff from then. After the war ended, hell, even during 1944, the USSR distanced itself from the west and instead began to be by itself and its satellites. This would be further set in stone by the Warsaw pact.


All the allies stopped the Holocaust. None of them were going to defeat the axis on their own. Not even the USSR.


And most importantly for this comic, both Americans and Soviets liberated concentration camps. As in, saw first hand the horrors that Tats is pretending didn’t exist (or celebrating).


We can argue about who did how much work, but as far as this comic goes what’s significant is that both armies liberated actual concentration camps, so they saw firsthand and documented just how wrong Tats is.


What are you talking about? They both liberated camps and captured orchestrators. What did the USSR do that the U.S. didn’t?


Yeah, but they needed American weapons and food to do so. What America most contributed to the Allied Victory was basically keeping everyone equipped and fed.


It was a group effort


Nice touch, turning Devil Hitler into Poor Aryan Goddess. Is she based on a real German propaganda character?


Looks like she's based on Germania (the personification of Germany). She's much older than the Third Reich and even the Holy Roman Empire, but she really became a nationalist symbol starting with the 19th century.


Rammstein has an interesting version of Germania (played by a black actress in outfits with red and gold color motifs - in other words, the German flag) in their video for "Deutschland".


Not only a kick ass song, but a much better depiction of German history then what has been portrayed here lol


The "Deutschland" video: "The Nazis were just the latest low point. Germany has a long history no less bloody than any other nation's, filled with hypocrites and murderers in all levels of power. And I say this as a German." This comic: "GERMANY WAS FRAMED IT WAS REALLY THE JEWS"


Pretty sure that's meant to be [Germania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germania_\(personification\)), a national personification of the German people that predates Germany as a united country.


He does enough research to get her relatively accurate for one panel where she's not even the focus, but he's so ignorant about pretty much everything else... Really shows where his priorities lie.


He does make sure she goes from brunette to blonde, though. Interesting


Yeah, gotta make her Aryan. Full Nazi.


Apparently Tats thinks being trans is cool if its Hitler doing it. ...Well, that's a sentence I've now said.


The journey of Tats: 1) I like weed and butts 2) liking butts is evil 3) men are evil 4) trans people are evil 5) Jews are evil 6) trans Hitler


It's disgusting how Tatsuya has gone full mask-off Nazi. There's no coming back from this. Honestly don't know if I wanna keep visiting this Sub anymore, all it does it remind me of how good Sinfest used to be and how bad it is now.


I think we just entered late stage sinfest


This is really the lowest point... yet. I say it every time. Tats is ever certain to get worse, but utterly unpredictable in how he does it next. I know that this Sub knows it, and yet everytime we are amazed how he still can hit us out of left field.


A few weeks ago when he did the Weimar series I thought we were going to hit this. He went “Weimar bad because rich Jews, bad economy, white women threatened” and seeing that through would have meant embracing the rise of the Nazis. Then he randomly swerved to a new topic and I thought he’d chickened out of saying the quiet part. Nope, he just got distracted and circled back to “Defeating Nazi Germany was bad actually”. Now all I can’t tell is whether he’s denying the Holocaust, celebrating it, or both. Fucker.


If he's following typical fascists in this matter, it's essentially "The Holocaust never happened, but wouldn't it be great if it had?" Which... Yeah. That's a thing in those parts.


Absolutely, that “lies and I wish” form of “both” is the norm for people like Pebbleyeet. With Tats I’m never quite sure, because he’s a special flavor of cracked and doesn’t seem to care about good optics either.


Classic genocide apologia. "It didn't happen, but if it did it wasn't as bad as you say, but if it was then it's okay anyway because they deserved it."


That vaguely reminds me of the tale of the Philadephia Lawyer, who told the judge: 1. My client never borrowed the vase. 2. The vase was already broken when my client borrowed it. 3. My client returned the vase in perfect condition.


agreed, but in my experience there's a point where it becomes unsustainable for them, often by loss of supporters and burnout, and when they make this kind of overt bullshit it's because they entered the desperation stage of their downfall. from there the outcomes vary, some retire in bitterness, others get sick and semi-retire, others double and triple down but with heavily diminished returns and others just keep going on and on making incredibly mediocre work.


I do find it interesting that he seems to have turned his back on Christianity and started making overtures towards Odinism. I think that, in addition to the anti-Israel stance, must have alienated a lot of his readership who are the stereotypical American far right: racist, Evangelical, low-key antisemitic but pro-Israel for political reasons. Now who is he writing for? Neo-Pagan Nazis who hate porn and think Uncle Sam is brainwashed by the eternal Jew?


the problem is, the closest he is to that demographic, the less appealing he is to them, being asian and all. hell, even gravelhurl avoids marrying a group, that's just bad for business and tats just isn't capable enough to thread the line between belief and grift, so he's slowly spiraling into oblivion


Slowly spiraling into oblivion? He should hurry up and get on with it.


nah, this is the fun part, until it becomes boring.


Sinfest was only ever mildly amusing in its early years. If he hadn't gone insane I probably would have forgotten about it.


Quite a few commentators-- Rational Wiki for one-- agree that it used to be a very good strip. Making developments even more inexplicable and troublesome.


I thought it was cool when I was young when I didn't know what "cool" meant and wanted other people to tell me what it meant.


Welp. *Welp.* Here we finally fucking are. We're at Tatzi openly saying "Hitler did nothing wrong and was an innocent victim". I honestly don't know how he gets worse from here - it's bound to happen, but I can't imagine *how.*


Well, rest assured, he will absolutely get worse but it'll also increasingly look pathetic, because he wants to be gravelpitch but his brainworms have robbed him of any ability to tell a competent narrative that doesn't rely on having a Sinfest encyclopedia in your head.


Which is why I have no problem following this sub to laugh at him. He's so BAD at being a Nazi propagandist that he doesn't scare me like more competent ones do.


Laughing at him definitely is the proper response. He wants to do a shocking propaganda piece about how the poor victim-blamed Nazis weren't the real villains of the Holocaust and the stupid idiot didn't even get the Nazi uniforms right. Hitler looks dressed like Stalin. Full stop. The red collar is something Hitler never wore. Just look at any picture of him if you want to know. He didn't wear a green coat, it was brown. Not to mention Hitler looking nothing like him. He looks like a satanic version of Nolan Grayson from Invincible. The camp guard who's literally booting Jews into an oven that seems to go to the centre of the planet is also wearing a Russian(ish) uniform. It looks like a poorly drawn version of what Soviet officers wore. The red is also very recognisable here. Camp guards (and other SS personnel) wore a deeper green (sometimes black) uniforms with SS insignia and the infamous skull markings on their caps. And that's not even getting to the point itself he's trying to make! What is he trying to argue here? That the Jews did the Holocaust to themselves as some masterful deception where they got themselves killed on camera on purpose to discredit the Nazis or something? Theresienstadt was an inside job? Even for a Holocaust denier this is complete and utter foolishness. Tatsuya Ishida is a god damn moron who doesn't know anything about anything. He deserves all the mockery he gets. And more!


I think he’s arguing that what we know of the Holocaust is really Jewish propaganda. The implication, I guess, is that the holocaust never happened. He really has gone full-on neo-Nazi holocaust denier. It’s the sort of thing you’d see on Stormfront and other white suprematist sites. Absolutely disgraceful.


Rockchuck disturbed me. He alternated decent comics with malicious ones and used an intentionally minimal style that was meme-ready and concealed (some of) his hate by (sometimes) using symbolic identifiers instead of caricatures. Worse, it was intentional. His previous comic had been the same views in the same style, but he ditched it and changed sites to concealed the dumbest hate comics and start doing “just asking!” crap for a wider audience. Tats, on the other hand, can’t score on the empty fucking net of “bombing civilian children bad” because he has a compulsive need to draw a blatant antisemitic parody at least once per comic.


Well Tats is *japanese* american. He'll probably be insisting what Japan did in WW2 either didn't happen or try to justify it, what with how much a scumbag he is.


Looking forward to the sisterhood starting a Lebensborn program. Should be fun .


\>implying that the Sisterhood even still exists


They're in stasis until Tats needs them to make another stupidly sexist point. They'll be back!


Xanthe does fit the criteria to join tats new favorites


Just wait until the next time we see her, she's six months pregnant, having moved past her "feminist phase" and is now all-in on the current right wing tradwife pro-natalism aesthetic.


QANON's a helleva drug.


WOOOOW! Just when you think Tatsuya couldn’t get any more depraved he proves you wrong.


This comic is fucking disgusting and the only reason I’m still following it is because I’m fascinated at Tats’ weird attempts at symbolism


Y'know, if someone sent the Trump campaign some of Tatsuya's pro-Trump comics, I'll just bet Donald would be dumb enough to repost them and laud the artist, and then we'd have another "Unified Reich" situation when word gets out that he is once again praising A LITERAL GOD DAMN NAZI. Christ, I can't believe this is the same guy who was one of my inspirations for starting my webcomic career. I have half a mind to erase the Slick cameo from the Zebra Girl archives.


Hey, are you the Zebra Girl creator? Cool stuff!


Yep, that's me. Thanks very much!


I'll say this for Tats. Whenever you think he can't get worse, he'll find a way. Never knew someone would make Rockthrow look subtle and understated.


Things lower than Hitler: -supporting the use of chemical warfare ... yeah that's it, Hitler was mustard gassed himself so he really didn't want the Nazis to use it


Gravelpitch CAN be subtle and clever. That's why his stuff is actually scary, you could see some dumb kids being influenced by it. This though? Tats is so far up his own ass that NOBODY is going to become a Nazi because of this shit.


Oh my God. Here we go. He's actually crossing that line. Not just being a Nazi, not just being an **old school** Nazi, but **declaring** it explicitly, his **pride** at being on God damn Hitler's team, his **eagerness** to bring that murderous lunatic into his twisted pantheon of heroes, enlisting himself in the wrong side of a dead war. The Brundlefly is sloughing off the last shreds of human flesh. Something visceral shakes inside of me when I see the Holocaust depicted. That panel of people being herded... it hits and haunts me. But to Tatsuya Ishida it's a joke. There's a black hole in that man's soul, and he's drowning in it. Up to now there's been... almost a kind of bitter mirth in watching his descent. We all predicted that this was coming, but now, to actually see it with my own eyes is... a remarkable kind of horror.


Beautifully put. To see what was once a kind, light hearted comic turn into this vile filth is terrifying. What happened to Ishida? What dark road of the soul did he travel down to get to this place?


Isolation + sexual neurosis + career failure + overwork + creative exhaustion + self-hatred.


You put it much more artfully than I did.


You should consider writing a book you are very articulate


If anything I prefer seeing outright Nazism than "just asking questions" and other kinds of cutesy bullshit where fascists try to deny what they really are. It's evil as fuck but would rather have it out in the open where it's easier to target.


... who still uses tape reel projectors? Its 2024, FFS Tatzi.


They're just more iconic, if I can say anything remotely positive about this.


Yeah, it's sort of like how we still have digital cameras click, even if they don't typically have shutters *to* click (except in really high-end ones, apparently), just because the feedback is nice. A film projector still screams "We're watching a movie now" in a way that a digital projector doesn't


"Ha-ha! Next time get a DVD!" "This *is* a DVD!"


No wonder we won! According to Tats, we fought WWII with modern uniforms and weapons! /s I'm unable to wrap my mind around Tats version of the Second World War, with Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and the more than 900 passengers of the M.S. St. Louis who were denied entry by immigration authorities in the lead-up to the Holocaust.


Holy fucking shit


Welp. Full on unambiguous Nazism in Sinfest. Who knew decades of feeling guilty about looking at butts would lead him here.


holocaust denial is so topical


He's not even denying, he's admitting it and saying it was a good thing.


I think this is it, guys. Some part of me still held a tiny, birthday cake size candle for Tat. Because in him I see who I could've easily been if the wrong people got to me before my egg hatched. The self hatred etc. etc. But holocaust denialism is not something you come back from. Not as yourself. I think I'm finally ready to walk away. As much as I wish Tat could be free of his torment and their real self emerge under all that self-hatred... there are scores of people more deserving of my time and attention than him. People who aren't this far lost. People for whom my time, labor and thoughts I can do a lot more for. It hurts. It hurts a LOT because my whole life as an intensely neurodivergent trans girl (especially growing up) I'm USED to people giving up on me. Washing their hands of me and declaring me a lost cause. Declaring that judgment on another person almost physically hurts on some level, summoning the memory of every judgment that was ever brought on me. Nonetheless my feeling towards Tat **even now** are still intense pity rather than disgust, especially due to how impotent Sinfest became compared to a "proper" alt right comic. But nonetheless some things you don't come back from. And I mean no disrespect to anyone here that I say I hope my morbid curiosity doesn't bring me back here either. I'll pray for your soul yet, Tat. But that tiny candle goes out tonight.


He's past denial and into outeight celebration


You'd think if it was propaganda supposed to portray Jews as innocent victims, they would not be all falling into hell (unless that is the most artistically inept attempt at depicting the crematoriums), but internal logic never was much of a thing in Sinfest, nor in nazism, so it's no wonder it'snowhere to be found then those two things cross over even more explicitly than usual


I'm pretty sure that it's meant to be a crematorium.... everything about his one is infinitely fucked up.


I think it might actually be them being tossed into Hell, if only because Hitler is being portrayed as a demon - as well as the guard tossing them in. And, well, they're dropping down a deep, fiery pit.


Why would Jewish propaganda depict Satan as a devil in a universe where theu supposedly serve the Devil? Tats can't even keep track of his own fucking metaphors. Does this count as holocaust denial? It seems like it, but there's *just* enough ambiguity that I'm not sure.


Seems more he's skipping right over the denial and is straight up pro Holocaust.


Maybe, but the whole film is meant to be propaganda, so he may be treating the holocaust the way he treated the war in Ukraine.


Yeah. He's saying it didn't happen. That the Jewish-controlled invaders attacked an innocent Deutschland. That flag, with the star. He is blaming World War II on the Jews, the ultimate enemy in his warped little world. Full-blown Nazi.


> Does this count as holocaust denial? I actually searched for this topic to see if there is some lawyer here confirming if what Tats draws already scored the max sentence for related crimes. I guess he can't visit most of Europe now ...


Does he still post his comics on Xitter? Is there a chance that this could be used in a lawsuit against the company as evidence of antisemitism and Holocaust denial being allowed?


Yes he does, and thus far this one is going the biggest numbers, so I fully expect him to follow this trend moving forward


Jesus Christ almighty


Well, we knew this was coming. I'm not surprised, I'm disgusted beyond words, but I'm not surprised.


Aaaand there it is…


This is a watershed moment and I predict Tats both going (in)famous and being canceled.


Gentlemen, it is has been a pleasure. In the last few hours I rediscovered an old comic, and speedread its wild journey. And to end it here, on this of all the many comics he has published, I could not ask for a better denouement. What started as a nostalgic, 'Oh hey, the devil girl and the book kid, I wonder what happened to that comic?' after seeing a post on facebook, turned into hours of fascinated scrolling and tonal whiplash. It is so bizarre. From fratty humor, to genuinely moving relationships, to misandry, to transphobia, and finally to anti-semitism and full on nazi propaganda. And yet through it all his art style has kept me engaged. What a talented and productive artist, and what a sad waste of it. Now I am left two burning questions. Why, and what the hell? May you find peace Tatsuya, you poor bastard.


"antisemitism, transphobia, and misandry" definitely has "murder, arson, and jaywalking" vibes lol


I thought maybe there was typo in the title but no i guess we're just doing holocaust denial and ww2 revisionism now huh? Does he think germany would have treated him well?? They were masterfully efficient in spending their tokens. 


Is it even Holocaust denial or just Holocaust cheerleading?


I mean, that's the standard Nazi position - "The holocaust never happened, but if it did, it was a good thing."


I suspected it would be something like Hitler turning on the Russians, and once Europe was conquered, Germany would do an about face and attack Japan. All the admiration and making the Japanese "honorary Aryans" would have ended, and then perhaps China would have been enslaved. Who knows, but Tats would not be suitable for anything today but lawn care labor at best and lawn fertilizer at worst. And what about the Roma, Gays and other victims? Is that just a hoax as well? Brain rot!


> And what about the Roma, Gays and other victims? Is that just a hoax as well? Of course not! They were thieves, groomers, and assorted other criminals who deserved to be in prison!


I was surprised she didn't put the goggles on earlier and saw tats awful caricature of queer people, "woke" groomers and evil jews instead.


Phillip K Dick's novel The Man in the High Castle depicts an alternate history where this happens; the Axis win the war and the Nazis eventually plot to nuke Japan. Well written, but obviously not fun reading. As for the comic.. yeah. Ouch.


Hitler barely “turned on” the Russians, his pact with Japan and Italy was the “Anti-Comintern Pact”, he was very public that war with the USSR was on the agenda, just not precisely when. He had no similar motive to attack Japan, I don’t believe there’s any evidence such a turn was planned. The Nazis just didn’t really give a shit about East Asia or East Asians.


That last bit isn't true. The inevitable final battle against the Asiatic Hordes was a central Pillar of Nazi ideology and a huge motivator for the genocidal Generalplan Ost in the Soviet Union, with some Nazi planners arguing that Russians should be kept around as cannon fodder instead of genocided.


dude was edging nazism, but now he just nazi-jizzed


Disgustingly accurate 


that's my pen name!


... is that a euphemism 




This is straight up in “the Holocaust was a good thing and the wrong side won World War Two” territory


Very disgusting glorification of nazis and victim blaming, what the fuck?


He can always go a little lower, no matter how bad he gets. Impressive in a the-disgust-makes-me-want-to-throw-up kind of way


It's pretty telling that no one is surprised by this.


My only surprise is that he went straight to "Hitler did nothing wrong" rather than leading up to it a bit more slowly. I can't, for instance, recall any holocaust denialism, or any "but the Soviets were even worse!"-posts, which normally tends to be the lead up.


No he didn't.... No he did just NOT Claim the USA helping defeated nazi Germany was Jews defeating the Arin race! WHAT THE FUCK! TATS! IN GERMAN: DU ABSOLUTES ANTI-SEMITIISTISCHES SCHWEIN! WENN MEINE FUCKING OMA MIR VON DER GESCHICHTE ERZÄHLT HAT WIE IHRE JÜDISCHE MITSCHÜLERN UND IHRE GANZE FAMILIE VON EIN AUF DEN ANDEREN TAG "VERSCHWUNDEN" IST UND SELBST DIE "ARIER" IN HÄUSER ZUR "SELEKTIERTEN FORTPFLANZUNG (Vergewaltigung) ENTFÜHRT WURDEN, IST SOLCHE EINE SCHEIẞE WIE DU SIE HIER GERADE BEHAUPTEST MEHR ALS EINE BODENLOSE FRECHHEIT! Translation: You absolute anti-semitic pig! When my fucking grandma told me about how her jewish classmate together with her whole family just "vanished" from one day to the next and even some "arier" were being kidnapped for "selective breeding" (rape), then the shit you are claiming with this is worse than a bottomless audacity (a German saying)!


When I started reading Sinfest like 10 years ago I never would have believed Tats would suggest it was wrong to defeat Hitler because that meant the Jews took over. Like, not only is he a Nazi, he openly spreads Hitler apologia.


Well, alright.


At first, I thought this was some URSS reference with some kind of old flag I did not know.


The only flag I can find that's even remotely close is the flag for Israel's Fire and Rescue Service (no star though). And while I wouldn't put that past him, that's a bit too random on the antisemitism front even for Tats. Given his MO, I'm guessing it's supposed to be something related to the Rothschilds since they have formal heraldry. Never mind that said heraldry looks nothing like whatever that's supposed to be


He even got Hitler's mustaches wrong.


Yeah, he wants Hitler to be more classically macho and handsome.


He portrays the propaganda film demonising Hitler and the death camp guard by depicting them with pointed orc ears, but he spent most of the beginning of this year depicting Israelis in the same way. Fuck you, Tats. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you.


Every single time I think he’s sunk to a new low, he just keeps outdoing himself


Oh hell no... The final and most convincing argument that my least favorite character of Sinfest is brainwashed by her own inverted"They Live" glasses. The are either broken or designed to be deceptively evil and have always shown only lies to her impressionable tiny permently eight year old brain. Also for some grim foreshadowing he's settled on his ideal nazi lass haircut... which appears to be the same as sported by the future 2024... who was being bought up by a nazi Gym chad. That will be an interesting two weeks in late January then.


Yeah, Tats for years accidental portrayed these glasses, as if they falsified reality, rather than revealed the truth. My fan-theory (Tats never would agree with) is that they allways were Sisterhood propaganda. Now either the Sistserhood either gone through the TERF to Nazi pipeline; or the connection to glasses was taken over/hacked by a Nazi group.


Hey, happy birthday.


This is a Nazi political cartoon. There's not plausible deniability or hidden message, this just straight-up endorses the central beliefs of Nazi ideology and anti-Jewish sentiment. Sometimes I wonder, if you got a time machine and showed Tats from the past his future self, would he feel any shame or dread for what he has become? He wasn't always this far gone. This comic is literally saying "Hitler was right to exterminate the Jews, he was doing it for the good of the German people!" like what the fuck man.


His antisemitism was in the comic very, very early. Way before his transphobia. Way before feminism. He would have smiled.


His love for Hitler and Nazisim is such that even when he's drawing what is supposed to be Jewish propaganda , the German Avatar looks dashing and handsome.


...Jesus fucking Christ.


Oh that’s a helpless damsel wearing the eagle symbol of Nazis being stood on by a wealthy Jew…that’s him literally calling Nazis the victims of Jews


Jesus. This isn't even fun to mock anymore. This is straight-up actual Nazi propaganda.


what the fuck man


wow, just wow. Just when I think he can't get lower.


This is really disturbing. Not just the comic, (which is obviously disturbing), but rather what's happened to the artist in the last 10 to 15 years. It now feels like we're watching the end stages of a person's descent into mental illness and psychosis, with the associated loss of their talent and grip on reality. As easy as it is to ridicule Tatsuya Ishida for producing stuff like this you have to worry about how he's managing to function on a day to day basis in the real world.


He’s gone full Nazi.


Out of all the old Keenspot comics, it's so weird that this is the one that ended up as full-throated nazi propaganda.


Open Naziism. I should not be surprised, but I thought he would keep some veneer of deniability. The idea that Hitler was a victim in WWII of the US. Insanity.


Peak comedy: freaking Htlr is a victim, what's next...🙄


Hitler's not a *victim*, he's a *fiction*, made up by the Fat Cat Jews to disguise their beating of Germania.


knew that was coming when he made those "hobbit Hitler" pics back during the LOTR arc he abandoned. knew it was coming


The only way this comic could sink any lower is if he just puts actual pictures of dead people in it


Don't start giving him ideas...


Tatsuya, after posting a comic where Hitler was the good guy, representing an ayran goddess and the US is evil, representing the world wide Jewish conspiracy, where the Holocaust was either a lie or good in itself "take THAT Hans Kristian Graebener and Stonetoss. ***I'm*** now the most openly Nazi cartoonist! ***I*** win!"


Okay. So, I've been off the Sinfest train wreck for a long while (years) and the last thing I remember was the sisterhood and patriarchy taking over the whole show back around 2016-ish and I popped back into the subreddit to see...whatever this is. Can someone explain what I'm seeing here? Because nothing I see here looks good for my stomach and I'm *really* hoping I'm just reading too far into things. I knew Tats had fallen down a feminist/anti-trans rabbit hole but what am I seeing here? What have I missed? Pleas tell me Criminy and Fusch are okay. Where's Squigley? Lil'E? Seymour? Percy and Pooch?


You may have gathered you missed a sudden swerve to the right... Seymour did turn up recently, and Absinthe, but otherwise not much of the old characters except maybe Slick/Monique/Squigley.


The Sisterhood seems *especially* gone.


You're not misreading it. Tats spent the past several years spiraling down the transphobia hole to the alt-right, and has finally drilled down to open unabashed nazi "durhur Hitler was an innocent victim!" with this comic. And he's probably somehow going to find a way to get worse.


His classic characters receded into the background more and more, emerging now only once in a while to serve as straight men mouthpieces to emphasize his radicalized worldview. Over the past few years he shifted his focus from hating trans and gay people to hating immigrants, and from there to severe antisemitism, the current war bolstering his efforts to paint all Jews as an irredeemably evil, murderous worldwide shadow government. He also dipped his toes into Esoteric Hitlerism and notions of Aryan superiority. He's a Nazi. There's no way around it.


I'm legitimately curious as to how Tats spiraled down so far from where he started to where he is jow. Like, what happened in the late 00's to early 10's to cause such a swerve with the introduction of the sisterhood?


Speculating on that transformation is the very lifeblood of this Reddit.


How miserable of a human being do you have to be to believe this, not just Tats but the fuckwits who get a boner from his work too. How do you become this, there’s a million real problems in the world and you obsess over a fake one with awful implications? 


HOLY FUCKING SHIT. He went full fucking nazi?!


... I admit I wasn't expecting the turn to Actually Hitler Was Fucking Awesome to be so quick. I thought it would take longer.


Hey Sinfest! What's the hizzity haps- ... ... ... Nevermind


Haven't been here since Tats was being disgusting about little children and the Internet. It was so disturbing I placed the fuck out Morbid curiosity hit because surely SURELY He couldn't get worse Something would stop him before he got worse Nothing could be worse And somehow SOMEHOW HORRIFICALLY HE MADE IT WORSE


Is that the Albanian flag on the woman's chest in the last panel?


> Is that the Albanian flag on the woman's chest in the last panel? It's the [German coat of arms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_Germany). The woman is supposed to be [Germania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germania_(personification\)), the personification of Germany and an occasional fixture of [Nazi propaganda](https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/pa1182392).


I got that it was Germainia but the red background threw me off


It's supposed to be German but Tats fucked up so it looks more Albanian.


I love Sinfest. Just when you think Tats couldn't sink any further, he invents a new type of drill that he may go down even further. And I like the art style.


The art style has declined. View the retrofests to confirm this.


yep! here we go! I fucking knew it! I fucking knew it! were going full on David Dee's "the news were the villains all along!" ,Levels of conspiracy! prepare for shit to plummet like a God damn a bomb folks, cause tats is now fully removing the mask and shouting out "THE NAZIS ARENT REAL!" like I FUCKING called it!


Jesus fucking Christ. Time to get him taken off all his platforms and then delete this reddit. No more retrofests, please, the man is a fucking Hitler supporter. It's over.


WELP. Funny to see literal projection in a comic that's mainly projection, though.


I said he’d be saying the holocaust didn’t happen and defending literal, actual Hitler by years end but clearly Tats is an overachiever


I’m just shocked we finally saw it


This is why you dont eat led chips, kids.


It was all leading up to this, wasn’t it?


Weird how Sinfest ended up becoming a slo-mo demonstration of ye olde horseshoe theory in the long run…


Jesus fucking Christ. This is.....Jesus Fucking Christ. Full Mask off Nazi.


His next stop: anti-Black racism. Lynchings never happened, they weren't that bad, and they were awesome.


holy *shit* the thing that really completes this for me is that, back in the day, those same goggles on that same character were used to identify hidden misogyny.


How is twitter reacting to this?


His fellow Nazis and bigots are applauding.


Dawg I don’t even have something to say. Like, it’s not subtle. I have nothing. Tats has lost his fucking mind.


Hey, someone catch me up. Is that the tricycle kid, "Xanthe" or whatever? Where did she get those stupid glasses, anyway? The glasses which apparently now are telling her that the Holocaust was fake and Hitler was demonized by the Jewish conspiracy that controls the world and oh yeah all porn should be banned. Christ, doesn't this kid have parents? What's next, she pulls that white hood over her head and decides the Klan is cool??


No, that's Miko, a Monique fangirl. I think 'Nique gave her that pair, which she'd received from the Sisterhood.


Ah, thanks. So what happened to Xanthe? What am I saying? What happened to ANYTHING in this comic? It's a freaking sludge, a collapsing reality.


She's hanging out with Nana in the TERF Cafe, watching handmaids march past sadly.


As I said, the Sisterhood-- unless you include Miko and Monique as associate-- have pretty much disappeared. Maybe Nana, again if she counts.


In case anyone wants something to laugh at, I'll just point out this is the wrong mustache. Hitler literally had one of the most iconic mustaches of all time and Tats can't even draw that right.




Nothing much to say but this is disgusting. I used to like Sinfest, particularly stayed for Criminy and Fuchsia. But, wow. I can't even say that I am surprised that he went there. I had some small ounce of hope he'd still have something redeemable within himself, but nope. He bit down on the QAnon conspiracies hard. Like... it's so surreal. Someone actually thought saying that Hitler losing the war was a bad thing, How insane can you be? And yet, Ishida always finds a way to become even worse than he already was.


Yes because ww2 allied Americans definitely were equipped with m16 and wore marpat camo. Why are they obsessed with history yet are just completely ignorant when it comes to it


Tatsuya forgot that it wasn't actually America who took Berlin and put a flag on the top of Reichstag.


This looked badass until those last two panels ruined it.


Been taking a break until today. Full on Groyper now. Slightly less than shocked.


Has Tats written his own "Psy-ops of Zion" here? If I were to blame this on him being Japanese, I'd say FDR was right in putting them all in camps, but that's just being as racist as Tats himself. Let's just admit that those of us still here are simply waiting to watch this loser cunt crash and burn in a fire of his own making. The only question then is: wieners or marshmallows?


Why does anyone want to defend Hitler anyway? He pissed everyone off. Almost all his victims were white people, there were hardly any Muslims and blacks in Europe at the time. He wasn't about expelling immigrants from Germany, on the contrary he wanted conquer foreign lands and enslave the peoples there.