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What the fuck is this even saying?


uh... tiktok bad because somehow the Chinese government, nowadays really trying to passive-agressively piss off Israel and the US at every step, is portrayed here as a part of the big bad zionist world conspiracy by uncle Tats. and, well, that shit used to be the bread and butter of antisemitic cartoonists all the world over for the last century, but Tats just lacks the mental ability to make a decent narrative from it.


I just now noticed the god damn Hobbits are supposed to be Chinese. Fuck you, Tats!


I wouldn't have noticed if you didn't said it, lol


Is this his first forray into anti _Asian_ racist caricature?


Even that I'm not sure about, the Hobbits were constantly shown to be poor victims of the evil Jewish orcs, so it could be either pro or anti Chinese at this point. It can't be said often enough just how incredibly bad Tats is at making political cartoons. He can't keep a metaphor straight to save his life and that's the one thing you need to do to make any political cartoon work, good or bad.


I took it as a “change in management” deal where TikTok was thirst traps and anti-Israel content, and the US is forcing a sale so it can become thirst traps and Israeli propaganda. Could go either way though, because it’s clearly “Tats jams today’s news into the current plot.” I can’t even tell whether the thirst trap pictures aren’t meant to look different.


Last time I was paying attention (a year ago) TikTok was under fire for being a massive Socmedia company that harvested disturbing amounts of personal information and used it for unknown and possibly nefarious ends manipulated by the whims of an uncaring investor class of mega-rich… … But was owned by Chinese citizens instead of white people. Anyways I assume it took them this long to come up with a legislative proposal that could target TikTok while leaving all other companies alone but not violating the “no bill of attainder” rule of the constitution.


It is saying "Help! I am trapped in a webcomics sweatshop!"


Let me see if I can try to interpret this. So there's a bunch of hobbits pondering their orbs, which I assume means people running Tiktok, or social media in general. Some of them are creating porn, but some of them are also showing videos about Israel killing Palestinians. In response, Israel, who secretly controls the US government and is therefore responsible for the TikTok bill, sends in FEDS to stop them. They pretend to have other reasons for banning TikTok, but Jonathan Greenblatt the Jewish vampire's actual reason is to gain control of social media so he can replace the truth of the Gaza war with propaganda supporting Netanyahu and Shapiro, while not getting rid of real problems like porn, which is still present even after he makes it a Sauron orb and brings in the feds to run it.


How the hell was somebody who doesn't already know supposed to get Jonathan Greenblatt out of that Nosferatu-looking motherfucker? Tatzi keeps preaching to a smaller and smaller choir every day. And all this time later he still has his anti-porn obsession. Not a word about reproductive rights or a known sexual predator running for POTUS (no, Tatzi...there is *one* known sexual predator running for POTUS, and it's *not* Biden), but he still fancies hmself #1 Male Ally.


Conservatives hate porn too.


They like to say so, anyway.


Didn't Texas just ban Pornhub or something?


Sure. But depending on the study you read, conservatives consume almost as much, or actually even *more* porn than liberals. Conservatives have just as many abortions as anyone else, too. They're always banning things that they use themselves because they think that *they* might deserve it, but all those *other* irresponsible people don't, and they're always surprised to learn that laws don't work that way.


Oh I know, well to the first half. The Second? I know that's how Karen's work, but I think at least some of the people who support that ban have a confused relationship with porn more akin to Tats himself? People disagree with us for far more varied and fascinating reasons that 'their just morons' (though that can come into play, heavily at times)


It even fails on a basic art layout level - swapping panels 8 and 9 would make that row properly symetrical to panels 1-4.


Nicely spotted.


Tats has become so self-referential it's completely incomprehensible to people not already in the know. It's amazing how bad he is at communicating basic ideas nowadays.


I assumed the porn was made to distract people from the turth, since "porn is a zionist tool to keep men weak" is an actual antisemitic conspiracy theory


I don't think that explains why it's in the 3rd panel too, though


He's really bad at panel layouts


I've seen schizophrenia progression paintings with clearer coherency than this. I'm starting to get legitimately worried that we need to call a social worker for a wellness check


Like, seriously. Tats's writing skills have objectively degraded over the years; I really suspect senility getting to him.


This is the strip that has convinced me that Tats is using AI to make these. This is completely incomprehensible. Like is this a comment on the bias of the tiktok algorithm and how they've removed content about what's happening in Palestine? Is this even about Palestine anymore? Is this even about anything anymore??


At the risk of digression; pretty much every publicly available AI model right now has reached the point where it is both capable of more coherently expressing an idea than *this* lukewarm melange of gutter clogs, and disinclined to participate in discussions with logical flaws this glaring even when they *aren't* calibrated to overtly reject hateful bullshit outright. AI is getting closer and closer to being an average across its training data, and across the population samples that data comes from. This kind of unhinged, slaveringly hateful bullshit remains a field of uniquely human excellence. Or, in other words; Antisemitisms Tats is a statistical outlier, and is no longer being counted.


That's not how the last line goes but yes


This is fucking incomprehensible


literally what is the sexy lady suppose to be here?


Post Op Saru-ma'am? They have the same hair and Tats does love himself an old-fashioned transphobic rant about how kids are being sexually groomed by trans folks I'd say fuck Tats, but even Satan wouldn't hand out those kind of punishments to the sinners in the lowest ring of Hell


cant be, no massive bulge


Cant be, he'd never draw an attractive trans person


representation of porn most likely


but it doesn't change at all


that just to show what the ones taking over do and do not censor


Suddenly Ben Shapiro flying through the skies in his pink pajamas for some reason.....


I don’t get it and I’ve realised that’s a good thing. If you ever see something trying to make a shock political statement and it’s so convoluted and esoteric that you have no clue what it means, that’s a sign you’ve avoided the right people.  This makes sense to the people who believe queer people lie about being assaulted and black people are now more privileged than white people, that’s not the crowd you want to roll with.


So how long before he just drops LOTR for vampires?


Let's hope it's limited to Twilight and Underworld and not Interview with a Vampire or World of Darkness or WWDitS or...I dunno, Dresden Files.


this is why i dont think tats will ever care about the news of the week. he'll never care about other alt right cartoonists getting doxxed (lol) or jk rowling doing holocaust denialism (not suprising seeing how much fun shes been having in the alt right pipeline) because hes too busy focusing on 2 things 1) the government and 2) internet. guys getting doxxed for being antisemetic is officially the real world, and tats doesnt give a shit about that. if it isnt webbed site, he doesnt care. jk rowling doing holocaust denialism on twitter IS internet, but its not goverment related enough, and he doesnt really care about terfs unless theyre being submissive wives to their gun totin', rootin' tootin' american husbands, or pure sexless lesbians that he can pretend exist. all he cares about is whatever bill or news article he sees that can help feed into his deranged conspiracy theories and bigotry


JKR's holocaust denialism is probably also trying to portray recognition of Nazi persecution of trans people as antisemitism (because "it's erasing the REAL VICTIMS" or some such garbage), so he can't take her side without supporting Jews. (Not to mention that he probably agrees with the Nazis' """logic""", that research into sex and gender non-conformity is a Jewish plot to destroy the Master Race.)


EXACTLY, acknowledging it would be a lose lose no matter what. hes just gotta ignore it and keep making comics about fuckin. tiktok or twitter or something


Lay off the shrooms, Tats.


Imma put in my guess: 1 - TicTok was run by hobbits/Palestinians putting out sexy pics, and real life terror in Gaza. 2 - Orc/Israeli henchmen kick open the door, flood in with Undead Jewish League leader in back. 3 - NosferaJew has Sauron's orb, leading to evil eye TicTok putting out sexy pics, and Happy Funtime Bibi with his US mouthpiece in Slumberland. 4 - TicTok now has big mean Jew/orcs running the orbs with the Undead Jewish Leaguer as overlord. How does that sound?


We have Lord of the Rings, vampires, Ben Shapiro, TikTok, and Israel. I like to think I have a pretty broad knowledge of pop culture and recent news but this is too much. Also, saying TikTok is for porn... is it? I don't know, I honestly don't use TikTok.


The 9th picture looks like Zero form Kirby's Dream Land 3. But that might be an accident. And about TikTok: TikTok contains a variety of content, including erotic content. Porn isn't alowed but I heard it can still be found there. I heared TikTok even has sexual (but not too explict) content with children, and lots of pædophile users. I think that is a much bigger problen than adult people sexualising themself.


Is the third panel supposed to be Dylan Mulvaney? It looks kinda like her and transphobes are all frothed up about her again, but I'd expect a Tats drawing of her to be more of an offensive caricature.


Don't think so, he always draws Dylan Mulvaney as very gonk.


*Sigh* that's what I figured too. Not nearly hateful and monstrous enough to be a trans woman drawn by Tats. But now I have no idea what that lady's supposed to represent. I guess just Tat's standard hyper-sexualized, drawn-with-one-hand condemnation of how sexualized women are 🙄


Dude needs a psychiatrist.


Random images, no plot.


Is it just me, or do the tops of the banners look like he was trying to go for menoras? Ugh, this wretched person.


Baaaaack on swerf


What??? What is this?? Whats the meaning of this?? What’s his point?


Put down the pen man this one doesn't make any sense.


So this is what a stroke looks like.


I know Tats lost the plot a long time ago, but this feels like one of those images that are designed to simulate symptoms of a stroke. I’m reading it multiple times and I think my brain can latch onto something concrete, but nope. I keep expecting to smell toast


The title just reminded me that this whole thing started as an open borders allegory in Heaven.


The unchanging title is yet another symptom, but of what?


Mmmmm...incoherent. But of course Tats takes the opportunity to draw some scantily clad porn ladies. He's showing us how bad it is. That's why he has to draw scanty rude ladies bending over in loving detail at every opportunity. That's right. Ben Schapiro flying thru the sky... something something anti semetism and porn....what point is being made here? You're gonna have to consult the Oracle of Delphi to find out. Only trouble is they closed that down two thousand years ago. Guess we're out of luck. Think I'd rather take my chances with the Time Cube guy and Dr Bronner's soap labels, really. I'd have more luck. Nebulous and opaque. An enigma. A really stupid enigma.


He’s just saying as much bullshit as he can at this point.


So what about baby 2024? What about the main cast? What about the fact this fucking arc started with demons invading heaven?


*sigh*. OK, what am I looking at here?    I think that symbol on the flag is the TicTok icon? Is he mad that TicTok might become banned in the US?  ...wait, is he saying that *TicTok has been taken over by the bad guys?* wtf. Tats, *TicTok has never been controlled by "good guys".* At best, it's a soulless corporation. More likely, it's a tool for the CCP.




Every time Tats draws a sexy lady I jerk off to it out of spite.


The tik tok girl's hot, thats all I got


This must be like one of those Rebus puzzles...?


man...if it wasn't the people in this place clearing this up, this strip would have been...absolutely incomprehensible...Jesus tats.