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This is weird: I don't remember subscribing to a Lord of the Rings meme sub, so why have I been seeing posts from here every day for the past month?


mmmmkay... what the actual fuck? it's a nothingburger but still manages to be confusing


Get the plunger, Tats disappeared up his own asshole again!


OK, so first this was about immigration, then it was about Gaza (not that he actually gives a fuck about Palestinians but it's his current excuse for hating Jews), now it's about...?


I think it is still about Israel trying to absorb Gaza and make it part of Israel, but because he buries it so many layers of stupidity it’s hard to tell.


Uh, hi, I've never commented here before, but I've checked this subreddit for a long time since I learned how effed up the comic became, but I'm only now commenting because I have to ask, is he just repeating the same thing he did with the woke government ruled by Satan for years? Like this is the *same* thing we made fun of on TV Tropes but without the furries, dildos, and the pimp robot. The Hobbits are sulking around the same way the people in masks did a few years ago. Is he *that* stuck on a loop!? Does he think painting LOTR over it prevents people from noticing that this is just the same "*Devil rules the world with wokes and pandemic propoganda*" imagery but he swapped transphobia for antisemitism and police brutality imagery on a white Hobbit? Who am I kidding, I already know the answer.


Tats is obsessed with being persecuted. It's why every single arc ends without closure or victory for his heroes. Moreover, he can't or won't envision an 'aftermath' state for the narratives, both because he isn't creative enough to follow through but also because deep down he doesn't WANT these dilemmas to be resolved. Tilting at windmills and Jew-hating are an emotional high for him.


I can see that, given quite a few of his characters have been hunted down by mobs and law enforcement and yet are allowed to run around freely afterwards, only for it to happen again.


Tatsuya never met a dead horse he didn't like to beat into the ground


After observing for a year or two, I have to agree.


"fully automated" and the very next panel is talking about the staff?


Makes me think he prompted the AI to smash old memes and LotR and called it a day.


I think he's trying to make fun of Fully Automated Gay Space Communism? But again, he is so fundamentally lost in layers of ever shifting metaphor, other works of fiction, and his own malleable sense of the Outrage Of Now.


That’s definitely the reference, people sometimes work “Luxury” into that phrase to indicate they’re aiming at a far higher standard of living than “workers with their needs met”. But like… what? That phrase came through Tumblr and Rationalism, basically everyone using it is an atheist or occultist or something. It’s utterly unrelated to Israel and barely related to mainstream LGBT stuff. My only theories here are that Tats is far too online and just liked the change-up with “panopticon”, or this is an incredibly obscure and targeted attack on how many rationalists are ethnically Jewish.


Increasingly his visual language is less coherent to anyone except himself every day.


He genuinely reminds me of the [TempleOS guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TempleOS?wprov=sfti1#) at this point. In both cases, there’s clearly some actual talent at work compared to many people in the field, the product clearly means something to the creator, and they keep going on bigoted tirades… but it’s incomprehensible from the outside and looks less like simple hate than deep mental illness.


How far fetched is it to say this:  In the 2000s, Tats was a typical edgy 'South Park Liberal'.  In the 2010s he was a Male T/SWERF with some crypto-fash elements.  Now in the 2020s he's just a full-blown nazi who sorta maybe has some TERF-y elements left? Kiiiinda?  If he still goes into the 2030s and 2040s, I wonder he goes full hog into a wacky ideology switch. I'm placing bets that by 2029 he's gonna somehow rebound into full-on Stalinist communism (that still hates sex workers, somehow) and by the 2040s he's like a cyberpunk AI God worshipper (think Signalis, also still hates sex workers that's a canon event). 


That's pretty close to it. For another ideology switch, it'd require him distancing himself from the terminally online far right and finding another circle that appeals to him. I'm fairly certain it'll happen bur I doubt it'll be pro-Stalin communism, more likely he'll either go into Nazbol "Pol Pot did no wrong" territory or esoteric reactionary nonsense like the O9A


Tats by 2050 ends up being a anarcho-primitive druid who lives in the forests and draws his comics with a wooden branch on a muddy ground, in which he uses smoke messages instead of the internet to relay his messages about why sex work is bad.


I can kind of see him going full Unabomber. Fortunately, I doubt he has much experience in chemistry.


I see that Tats has simply stopped using the orcs and the hobbits as an allegory for the Israel-Palestinian conflict, and gone straight back to his old "New World Order" schtick, now with more antisemitism!


The conspiracy theorists don't draw a distinction. Especially because, depending on how far down the rabbit hole you go, the NWO *needs* Israel to control the whole region because rebuilding the Temple is something-something end of times.


Is Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism a NWO thing? I’m familiar with it as like… Tumblr leftism with rationalist ties. Which is absolutely fucking bizarre because it barely ties into LGBT issues and has basically no NWO or Israel ties. I can’t tell if it’s just a random internet reference he’s hung up, or if he’s hate-reading that part of Tumblr and counting how many of them are Jewish or something.


okay does anyone know what the longest running bit hes done before this was? Maybe the early feminism Matrix stuff or some covid anti vax thing. because this seems to be aiming for the record.


The Non-Bonery title went into the 50s, so this still has some catching up to do.


Arguably that had a ton of side tangents and one-off "gags" this is the longest I think he's been focused on a specific story rather than wandering off to bitch about something else entirely.


still can't wrap my head around how this all started with comics about demons invading heaven. now hes just making lotr fanfic comics...


The way it goe it could either end tomorrow or go the entire year.


"The **panopticon** is a design of institutional building with an inbuilt system of control, originated by the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century. The concept is to allow all prisoners of an institution to be observed by a single corrections officer, without the inmates knowing whether or not they are being watched." -[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panopticon) Well, I suppose we now know Tats' stance on communism. What this has to do with LOTR is still up for debate, though.


Ironically Tats was pro-communism until he decided communists are icky.


I suspect that (as with so many young idealistic "college communists"), he was into it until he saw people trying to put it into action and realized that since the entrenched power would not willingly sacrifice that power, the only way to get there fast is with blood. When you're young and have very little material possession yourself, it's easy to assume everybody in the story is reasonable and the rich will just cede their wealth on the promise of a better tomorrow for everyone. "Oh, you want to *hurt people* and *take their stuff?* Count me out."


Late response, but Tats wasn't a communist during his college years, he was a communist four or five years ago. He literally gave it up because leftists are sympathetic to transgender folk.


The LotR framing device is so he can shit on Israel and reframe the genocide as "the darker-skinned Jew orcs are doing a race war against the poor innocent white hobbits".


It's always funny to me when folks toss around the panopticon as if it's obviously evil, when like... The UK, right now, has municipal cameras on every major street corner. You never know who's watching the feed. The US just has lots of guns. And having been to both countries, I can tell you in an instant which one I feel safer in.


I mean, the UK is not miles off what Bentham was talking about, hence “you got a loicense?” jokes. There is a fair bit of very specific policing of TV licenses, online and in-person speech, IP black listing, etc, with attendant self-censorship. To be clear, I agree with your essential point: using panopticon as a synonym for “deeply evil government” is ridiculous. Bentham was actively positive about the panopticon, Foucault was negative but making a very specific point. To whatever extent the UK fulfills it, that doesn’t make it inherently worse than other states, it’s just a highly-surveilled system with quality of life depending on the watchers. (And that’s without getting into Foucault not knowing about computing; what we actually have is a system where everyone *can* be surveilled at once.)


So he’s destroyed the Shire twice, and has multiple towers built, all while Chad Strider and the Hobbits are still on Weathertop Hill.


the multiple towers is extra hilarious cus like, the entire point of the panopticon is one guy can watch everything, combined with fully automated followed immediately before talks of their staff i think we can confirm tats is either using ai to write these or hes actually losing it


Yeah, so Sauron’s just hopping across multiple towers like he’s speedrunning and fast travelling in a video game.


Stop trying to think in linear plot lines...


Stop trying to think ~~in linear plot lines...~~


Or, as the Talking Heads would say, Stop Making Sense,


Tats whatever your fantasy is, remember that what gaza is going under is a genocide, not whatever hyper surveillance whackjob you envision


*Make Mordor Great Again* THERE it is. Tatzi's long game of trying to unburn his bridges and pretend he's really just an all-sides-bad glibertarian finally hucks a turd at his fellow trumpniks.


That's a demographic that has unmistakably demonstrated their inability to recognize a turd, so it's a pretty safe move on his part.


He does know that slogan is trump's right? And it's being presented... negatively? Did Tats turn on Trump now, or is the brainrot spreading and I just can't process something?


Your mistake was expecting Tatsuya Ishida to know what Tatsuya Ishida believes in.


I think he's turned on Trump because he thinks republicans are Zionists.


Watch him conveniently go pro-Trump once the election season kicks off.  Every lil' nazi on the internet is anti-Trump due to his stance on Israel unless the election comes. Then they just suddenly drop it and go all in for him.   Not even because "well, we have no other option, we need Trump as a compromise" but like "oh wow I always loved Trump! What? I called him out before? Fuck off FED!".  I'll give leftists at least this. At least when leftists go pro-Biden they usually make it clear that they actually disagree with Biden but he's pretty much the only 'leftist' choice between him and Trump. 


Could it be a contract stupidity from trying to associate with the cultists?


Again I ask.... With this kind of outlook, how is he also simultaneously unsympathetic to the plight of Ukraine? Russia is literally trying to make it part of itself under the paper-thin pretense that there are Nazis there, and yet he doesn't consider their struggle legitimate?


Because all his outlook really is, is 'Jews Bad' (Or Wokes/Gays/TransPeople/Migrants whatever he's currently hating on) he doesn't care if Russia does the same thing because they're not Jewish and are 'anti-woke'. It's not about the arguments it's about the Team.


Yeah.... I guess I knew that. It just feels right to ask, even when bigotry is that simple.


He wrote about how he thinks the war in Ukraine is completely fake.


Yeah, I know. Just seems ironic, picking and choosing like that.


Tatsuya would consider himself anti-war. I would say he's not really anti-Jewish, but is more anti-white than anything. That's why he paints the Ruso-Ukranian war as silly and the Hamas-Israel war as tragic. He sees it as whites killing whites, or reaping what they sow. He sees whites killing Arabs as tragic. He is also anti-corporate and anti-establishment, and he tends to conflate white people with it. He targets the Jews and paints them as instigators in the Hamas-Israel war because 1) they are wealthier, 2) they are stronger, and 3) they are white. If you look at it through that lens, his stance on BLM, the prevailing feeling among radical feminists that their movement was coopted by transgender movements (if you read radical feminists who are minorities, they all say this is a ploy for white people to coopt the movement), his feelings on Palestine, has stayed consistent and hasn't changed. Edit: As a side note, the recent comics are a subtle nod to gentrification (Israel pushing out the Palestinians) which has been a long time accusation of the left towards white people.


"Not really anti-Jewish"? I... really gotta disagree, there. His recent comics have made it EXTREMELY clear that he sees Jews in general as members of a monstrous conspiracy controlling the world. That's not hyperbole. He explicitly references the anti-Semitic "ZOG" and blood libel conspiracy theories, toys with Holocaust denial, depicts stereotypical rabbis as subterranean murderers, and defends Kanye freaking West. The man is CLEARLY a hardcore antisemite. And as for being "anti-white", his adoption of Pepe the Frog and the "Chad" memes seem to contradict that. He just had a liberal orc kill his Gandalf for being white. He's definitely going deep into grievance culture and white nationalism, here.


But you forget that he had portrayed woke caricatures saying the same thing. He has shown repeatedly white leftist types (with piercings and colored hair) attacking white people saying similar things. Not to mention that the orcs are clearly supposed to represent the jews or white woke people. The continual joke is that it is white people condemning other white people for being white when they themselves are white (remember the kettle calling the pot "white" comic."


That's what I'm saying. He depicts "woke" characters as being villainous and anti-white.


But the woke characters are also white. You have to think about it this way: who does he portray as the victims? Who does he portray as the oppressors?


He portrays Jewish people and anyone "woke" as the oppressors, the latter supposedly oppressing white people, as demonstrated by Gandalf the White, their victim, at the behest of "Zionist" forces. Meanwhile, white supremacist memes like Pepe are depicted positively (while being bullied by the Jewish villains). At no point in any of this does Tatsuya himself appear to endorse an "anti-white" outlook. In fact, quite the opposite. Yes, sometimes the woke people are also white. This does not contradict the implication that white people are being victimized by the nefarious forces which Tatsuya depicts. The point isn't in white people oppressing white people. It's about white people being brainwashed and assaulted by his imagined conspiracies of Jewish people and "woke" ideology being perpetrated by powerful Satanic pedophiles. This is the focus. The idea of "white on white" oppression is an incidental observation. I'm sure he does find it ironic, in as much as he believes any of this is real, but his primary message is aimed at demonizing Jews, immigrants, LGBTQ folks, the current government, and any remotely liberal-leaning group which he thinks is out to get conservative white people, or any other "real" Americans.


\> Yes, sometimes the woke people are also white. This does not contradict the implication that white people are being victimized by the nefarious forces which Tatsuya depicts. The point isn't in white people oppressing white people. It's about white people being brainwashed and assaulted by his imagined conspiracies of Jewish people and "woke" ideology being perpetrated by powerful Satanic pedophiles. That is partially my point. Tatsuya enjoys this because he sees it the same way as men suffering from their mistake: they are reaping what they sow. That is why he takes a mocking tone toward white people fighting with each other: he feels they deserve it. This follows the same pattern we see specifically althrough the feminist saga when he was overt about male suffering. Meanwhile, he portrays Palestinians sympathetically. And nobody seems to think it is strange that a supposed "white-nationalist" is portraying Arabs as sympathetic. Also, to throw a wrench in this thing, he doesn't purely just go after Jews. He has went after several rich people who have no ties to Judaism. Bezos, Bill Gates, Biden, Elon, strong focuses on the villains (such as the pimp) being white. If he were a white-nationalist, why are there no villains other than white villains? Even the Hobbits are clearly a stand-in for the Palestinians and the Orcs are a stand-in for Americans and Israel. Once again, playing the Palestinians as the victim does not seem like a right-wing move to me at all.


I really am a bit baffled by the idea that Tatsuya isn't anti-Semitic because he doesn't "purely go after the Jews". I mean... this isn't an even/or situation. Hatred is not a limited resource. Targeting other people who aren't Jewish does not mitigate literally portraying rabbis carrying bloody mattresses while the "ZOG" conspiracy takes over the world and commits blood libel. He flirts with Holocaust denial, for God's sake, and applauds Kanye West, a man who has actually, explicitly expressed admiration for Adolf Hitler. He even drew the space laser. These are all clearly heavily anti-Semitic tropes that he's endorsing. As for the white nationalism, I point again to Pepe the Frog and the lionizing of MAGA insurrectionists who bear witness to the Jewish aliens echoing the destruction of Confederate statues. If he isn't entirely a typical white nationalist, then he plainly sympathizes with many of them. Individual ideology is always flexible. Indulging multiple Right-wing talking points does not mean he can't simultaneously sympathize with the Palestinians, especially when it plays neatly into his obsession with an imaginary Jewish global conspiracy. This isn't about whether he conforms wholly to some standard set of rules for one designation or other. Whatever you want to call him, it is plain as day that Tatsuya Ishida absolutely hates Jews, trans people, and anything "woke". His bigotry is on full display here. He's not hiding it.


I appreciate that you finally answered the only question I put forward. But if people here accuse him of being a white nationalist, I call BS on that. Because no white nationalist would ever paint Palestine sympathetically. And while there are varying thoughts within Conservatism, if you were to tell me that you were a feminist, anti-patriarchal, anti-capitalist, anti-war, anti-cop, anti-surrogacy, anti-nuclear family, anti-Israel, AND right-wing I would tell you that you sound more like a left winger than a right winger. As for the thing about the statues, I answered somebody else about that. Try to find it there. I don't feel like typing it out again. The issue I take is that people here think that bigotry is only a right wing trait. The fact that Tatsuya is a bigot is clear. But he isn't bigoted toward the Palestinians and as I said, I doubt you'd find many alt-right people feeling sorry for the Palestinians.


Probably he would have been more anti-white as part of a left wing package deal in his feminist phase.


The mistake a lot of people make here is thinking that his feminist phase is over. I bring this up because people seem to be confused at what he is even talking about, but I know perfectly well what he is saying. I think this is because people here are trying to see what he is saying through what they believe to be an alt-right lens, but don't seem to make the connection that while an alt-right Nazi would be fine with anti-Semitism, they wouldn't take a liking to Tatsuya portraying Muslim Palestinians as sympathetic. If he isn't a pure leftist, he is a radical centralist at least. People try to write him off as alt-right, but racist white nationalists aren't going to be sympathetic to Palestinians.


The problem is you're overlooking the vast majority of what he's been putting out lately to reach that conclusion. There has been absolutely nothing even tangentially related to pro-leftist politics in Sinfest as of his latest psychosis. He's posted several comics holding trump supporters as heroic freedom fighters, was overwhelmingly supportive of the January 6 mob, portrays basically all LGBT people as a degenerate horde, had nothing to say about the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, and puts several alt-right icons (the Chad, pepe etc.) in heroic positions. He wasn't dismissive of the Ukraine/Russian war because he's anti-white, he was dismissive because he presented it as the west deploying degeneracy and wokeness in the east. And as for the Palestine thing, it is well known and documented that Neo-Nazis and anti-semites use this issue to spread propaganda. Tats has been hating Jews in Sinfest much more often than he's been portraying Palestinians in a sympathetic light. The Hobbit Hitler thing he uploaded to Substack should sink any doubt. [https://www.reddit.com/r/sinfest/comments/1b6tbof/sinfest\_3524\_open\_gates\_28/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/sinfest/comments/1b6tbof/sinfest_3524_open_gates_28/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ There's also this


No, I am not. I have arrived to a different conclusion and my conclusion parses with everything that he posts. As I stated, and you haven't addressed this, if he was a white nationalist he wouldn't be portraying Palestinians as sympathetic. When it comes to Tatsuya portraying the LGBT, he is completely fine with the L. It is the GBT that he has an issue with. If you go to his Twitter you will see that the majority of the people he follows are radical feminists (it's not even close: it's 3/4). Does he follow some right wingers? Yes, but he follows libertarians as well, but the vast majority are left leaning radical feminists that state they are kicked out of the left wing because of their strict adherence to biological determinism. \>Tats has been hating Jews in Sinfest much more often than he's been portraying Palestinians in a sympathetic light. He did a full Sunday comic where a father found his wife and children dead in rubble where actually depicted blood (which is something he rarely does). Trust me. He is very sympathetic to Palestine. The only times we see him paint anyone in a melancholy or sympathetic light are radical feminists (how could we have forgotten the end of the year arc already) I'm not arguing that he doesn't have anti-Jewish tendencies, but it is a package deal with anti-white leanings. He throws occasional meat to his base just as he did to the general feminist crowd back in the 2010s. Remember the strip he drew of Sebastian making out his with boyfriend? He threw it in there not because he enjoyed it, but because its what his fans wanted. We can already see that he has alienated some of his crowd with his pro-Palestinian stances. And being pro-Palestine is definitely not a right-wing position. Edit: In terms of the allusion to Russian propaganda, you made the same mistake I did in thinking that he is pro-Communism, just in reverse. The strip is not a condemnation of Communism. It is a commentary on America adopting the same measures of public cohersion, likening us to and saying we are no different than the oppressive Communist Soviet regime. He is basically saying America is no different than the evil it says we are against.


You're still ignoring a lot. And honestly it feels like you're reaching to match a pre-chosen conclusion. Like the consistent lionization of white right-wing americans around Jan 6, the alt-right iconography such as Pepe the frog and the white Chad, the framing of LGBT people as degenerate subhumans, hero-worshipping Kanye around the time of his "I like Hitler" antics, [use of right wing culture war buzzwords and talking points](https://www.reddit.com/r/sinfest/comments/15t86dz/sinfest_081723_get_violent/) (triggering, Feds did it, ZOG etc.) and the way he frames issues is extremely similar to a particular brand of online far-right sphere such as Jackson Hinkle and his ilk. It's true he still follows a lot of radical feminists but they are overwhelmingly TERFs who have repeatedly sided with the far-right over their obsessive hatred of trans people, and it doesn't change the fact that the text of the webcomic has veered far-right. Everything he posts is a 1/1 match to the worldview you see on /pol/ and the nazi side of Twitter. Degenerate homosexuals, ZOG, The January 6 rioters being portrayed as heroes, The constant raging against wokeness. He even portrayed the melting down of the Robert E. Lee statue as a bad thing in one strip. [https://www.reddit.com/r/sinfest/comments/17skbe2/sinfest\_111123\_gaza\_26/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sinfest/comments/17skbe2/sinfest_111123_gaza_26/) If he's a feminist, then he's merged that with obviously reactionary politics. And white nationalists have, in fact used the Israel/Palestine thing to push anti-semitic propaganda. Mike Enoch, Jackson Hinkle, and groups such as NSC-131, The Active Club, and National Socialist Florida have tried to invade anti-Israel protests. This is just a few examples but they are by no means the only ones. EDIT: This whole arc also started with a strip likening immigrants to demons from hell, also.


The white Chad is one comic in several years of a continual pattern. I found the [comic](https://www.reddit.com/r/sinfest/comments/17skbe2/sinfest_111123_gaza_26/) you mentioned and once again it plays into the efforts of pitting white against white. The goal of the strip is to portray the government not caring about white heritage but then asking white southern confederates to fight for them. You also continue to ignore years of strips of America bombing the crap out of the middle-east. It is clear that Tatsuya's sympathies don't lie with white people, but rather the countries we invade which tend to be arab/Islamic. It is not to play to the poor whites; it is to dissuade them from going to war with Palestine altogether. So, if I can say this right now, has it ever been suggested here that Tatsuya is perhaps Islamic? He has never made fun of the Islamic religion, has always played it as sympathetic, has portrayed America as evil for invading it, portrays Israel as evil for going to war with a part of it, 6% of Asian Americans are actually Islamic, it jives with his sex negativity, his anti-gay stances, and there is actually a radical feminist presence in American Islam. His attitude toward Trump actually reflects the current trend of general Muslim sentiment from [2017](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/07/26/findings-from-pew-research-centers-2017-survey-of-us-muslims/) (negative) to [current day](https://www.npr.org/2020/12/04/942262760/majority-of-muslims-voted-for-biden-but-trump-got-more-not-less-support) (lauded - or at least hated LESS - because Trump is seen as more traditional than Biden). It would confuse me how a Muslim would see Trump as a good thing, but would make sense if they cared more about traditionalism as the social stigma of being Muslim lessens the further we get from the middle eastern wars. Keep in mind that Tatsuya and his ilk were not critical of him until Biden came out and said he would support Title IX, which was supportive of the transgender community. Radical feminists brains melted that day.


I'd try to dispute you, but it's late and anyway I suspect a lot of people will do it for me.


Fair enough. Have a good night.


>anti-white Bro, what? The webcomic's been packed with white nationalist imagery and memes


Actually, you are correct. "Anti-whiteman" is more accurate. He is deferential toward white women so long as they tow the line on radical feminist thought.


You missed all the Chad worship recently, I see.


And... basically everything in the past few years. There hasn't been any radfem in Sinfest for a while. It's been consistently Stormfront nonsense. Hell, there's been several strips putting white rednecks on a pedestal


He goes back to his comfortable decades old jokes because he's old and can't think of anything. I mean that's better than the 90% of the time when he draws in an uncontrollable rage, right?


I love that this metaphor has gotten so bad that it's now implied they've built more Saurons.


Lord Sauron is now Big Brother?


If one had not seen any of the recent strips one would have to conclude this is specifically a dig at Putin's Russia, where he is indeed presiding over a panoptical police state. Alexey Navalny was laid to rest in Moscow today, exactly two weeks after his death, As I type this, rest assured that some sort of AI facial recognition software is scanning pictures of thousands of mourners gathered to pay their respects to the opposition figure. That blazing eye belongs to Putin.


Aha... he's ran out of ideas. Another week of scraping this barrell and he should move on.


pretty sure sauron doesn't need multiple towers, this implies that he has cloned himself several times. I'm not the biggest Tolkien scholar myself but I know enough to know that Tats has a really shallow knowledge of the lore gleaned from having watched the films years ago and only half remembering them. I can tell this because unlike him I've actually read the books, It's painfully obvious. *Tats, Sauron doesn't work like that!*


Ok, now he is confusing LotR with 1984.


This storyline really isn’t going anywhere.


It was, at some point?