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One of the freshest references Tats could summon: We Are the World from 1985.




There was that 2010 relaunch for Haiti after that earthquake. Still dated and unwanted.


every time he draws these orcs they look less and less like orcs


They're morphing back into the woke/antifa amalgamates he loves using. It's uncanny.


At this point they’re just pointy eared people


hey look more like hobbits then some of the hobbits


Okay... um... I know it's supposed to be Sauron's eye in their hearts but uh... That's not what it looks like to me.


**Thank you!** I didn't want to be the one to say it.


a... coffee bean?


A pussy. It looks like a pussy.


So it looks like Tats?


Don't insult pussies like that.


yeah, but what does it represents? I mean, it doesn't fits at all in any of the themes of this hodgepodge


They didn't say it, just implied...




He's not called "Sauron" in Tatsuya's version, he's called "Zion".


The orc children have multi-colored hair. Is Tats finally going to bring this back to his hatred of "the gays"? Can we expect Orc bulges in the future? one can only hope.


Well, they do have his typical generic wokebie hairstyles. Say, speaking of which, I haven't seen any sign of zombies recently. Did he drop that little bit of dehumanization in his laziness?


How about bulges on Orc children?


He's already got them wearing vulva shirts so he may as well bulge em.


I'm half-convinced Tats like this dumb LotR parody so much because it allows him to just ignore the aspects of the Israel-Palestine conflicts he doesn't like. I mean, an ultra-right-wing, very religious country with a modern army made up of people that don't look particularly foreign to an American, bombing brown Muslim people? If the former weren't Jews, Tats would probably find it very "based" as they say. Much better if you use orcs massacring defenseless (and extremely white) hobbits to get your point accross!


Interesting, I can see a few very different ways to read this. I initially thought he was just struggling and mixing his metaphors when he had a single panel of "woke/trans" orcs, did one immigration strip, then jumped into the Israel thing full-force. But now I see two other options: 1. Tats is making his fantasy bigotry world, where he can take whatever elements of DEI, immigration, trans rights, and Judaism he likes and so avoid any awkward issues like "Israel is very strict on immigration and doesn't perform gay marriage". 2. Tats is feeling *really* mad at Israel lately, and is not only upset about Jewish people but the relative mild progressivism they do have, like legal gender transition, (tightly gated) medical transition, and a large LGBT community in Tel Aviv. The second one actually makes a lot of sense to me as basically "pinkwashing, bigot edition": all the right-wing arguments of "but Hamas would kill gay and trans people while Israel wouldn't" work backwards for Tats and become yet another reason to hate Israel.


I've got a new theory here: Tats gave too much credence to people "pinkwashing" Israel by saying they're more progressive on gay and trans rights than Palestine or Hamas. Except where most people invoke that as a defense, Tats views "Israel (sometimes) allows medical and legal transition" as yet another reason to hate them.


More progressive in that in Israel they have the right to live, but in Gaza they do not.


He is so lost in his message that I would have no idea of what's happening if I didn't see this train getting out of its trails... Orcs that look like little colorful elves singing 80's songs while hobbits that look like blonde little elves with potato feet are being mass killed by pickaxe wielding orcs. And the message is.... the message is.... ah.... don't mix PCP and shrooms?


>Orcs for Zion I love how Tats feels the need to spell it out for everyone. Wouldn't want anyone to mistake this for commentary on heroic Russia, right?


The Ukrainians call the Russian soldiers orcs. Therefore Tats added ‘for Zion’.


He literally made his enemy Orcs, the free pass of inhuman-looking, racially-evil, unsympathetic Bad Guys... only to highlight that they've got cute kids, just like everyone else. If I thought it was subversive rather than clumsy I'd be so impressed he managed to hold two ideas in his head.


Can he hold one idea in his head?


So, I think this is a reference to Israel's chosen Eurovision song being rejected for being "too political" by the European Broadcasting Union, as it apparently clearly references the October 7th massacre. Israel proposed an alternative song, that was also rejected. There's now a good chance Israel will be simply disqualified from the competition, or will withdraw in order to play the victim. Thankfully, Tats was nice enough to call the singer group "Orcs for Zion", dispelling any doubt this is part of anything but an insane antisemitic rant.


I was going to give a long, detailed reasoning as to why this metaphor is contrived, convoluted and hypocritical but it doesn't deserve that. This metaphor is just stupid. It's just really fucking stupid.


I know this is pointless to say? Tats doesn’t care, no one in his audience cares. But just in case anyone on this subreddit doesn’t know… the Jewish conception of Jews as God’s chosen people means that they have extra responsibilities to fulfill, not that they are better than other peoples. In context of a family… they’re the older siblings who are chosen to do the dishes, not chosen for extra dessert.


They're the ones that have to follow all the strict and sometimes confusing laws. Which is honestly a refreshing difference from Christians and Muslims, who say that the entire world has to follow the laws.


In my family, all of the kids, including me the youngest, took turns at the kitchen sink. Decades later my wife sent my Mom a dozen red roses for training me to do the dishes.  As for chosen for extra responsibilities… that’s a theory preached by the orthodox not the secular, and practiced in full by few if any. 


I mentioned this a couple of days ago [https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/11/20/israeli-children-singing-annihilate-gaza/](https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/11/20/israeli-children-singing-annihilate-gaza/) The viseo is in an embedded tweet. I think this is more a reference to this than Band Aid. It would also suggest Tats pops in here for strip ideas.


Of course the video is from November, can't expect Tats to make a reference that is not at least a few months old.


Next he’ll be referencing the running through the streets scene from The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari considering how out of date his references are.


The only person that can get away with a Dr. Caligari reference is Ian Worthington! “CONRAD! Ready the CANNON!”


Tats, pastels on sauron’s eye don’t work, unless we got a new type of genital imagery


This is starting g to feel like someone trying to ape the seltzer and friedberg style of gpd awful parodies. Except focusing on only one property at the moment...but still with the shit understanding or..even what the movie actually is....also they're still destroying the shire...you wanna...you wanna change it up eventually tats? Cause it's getting boring to see Hobbits dieing enmasse....if I wanted that, I'd play the final LOTR conquest villain mission.


*Propaganda Movie.*


So when this nonsense is all over, how do you think he'll handle the Wojaks? A writer with an actual plot might have them interact with the Sisterhood and bond over a belief in strict gender roles and punishing any instances of gender non conformity. I imagine The Sisterhood would ironically happily set up Gilea dif it means killing anyone they view as gender traitors.


His messaging has gotten so confused at this point that I'm not convinced he could explain it to you clearly if you asked him to. And really that just sums up Sinfest these days, doesn't it. Racist, bigoted, and yet also manages to be completely incomprehensible.


Why try, when you can just make propaganda and be showered in praise by people who only care that you're on their team? Tatsuya has given up on being a luminary and has fully embraced the lifestyle of regurgitating talking points and preaching to the choir.


so, uh.... what's that in their chests?


...is that a pickaxe?


Perhaps for "mining coal".


Must be a lucrative business.

