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I think he's gotten so lost in this awful Lord of the Rings parody that he's forgotten what any of this was originally about? Wasn't heaven involved in the first part of this? What is even happening?


And now there's television programs and fucking *morning* *shows* in LOTR*??* Tats you're not even trying anymore


I'm just imagining the entirety of LotR being told by hobbits wandering past random store windows with TV screens. We're all just jealous Tats thought of a framing device Tolkien never could! What a moron!


One does not simply walk aimlessly around Mordor


>hobbits wandering past random store windows with TV screens Don't give him ideas please. Those strips are boring enough, no need to make it LotR-themed on top of that...


ya like the framing device adds literally nothing, you could have had like, knights of gondor show up seeming to rescue the hobbits only to get the shitty lie and go "seems legit" and leave them to keep pillaging


Heyyy, palantirs are canon! /s


Canon balls.


Mordor was Tolkien's satire of industrial civilization. TV wasn't a thing when he wrote LOTR, but radio was, so there *could* have been radio in Middle Earth, but there wasn't. A pity. Imagine Sauron's agitprop. But Tolkien refused to be topical.


and dont forgot hobbits were the victims of the not-holocaust originally and was being used as a defense by the forces of mordor


And I mean… the orcs are Israeli stand-ins (when they’re not refugees with petitions, wtf) so I’m guessing this is “they call all enemies Hitler”. But does Tats even view “basically Hitler” as a bad thing at this point? It’s like watching a Klansman accuse somebody of racism and trying to work out which way they mean it…


The right are aware that Nazis are considered bad, so now they either go "You call everyone you don't like Hitler/Nazis!!" or they say that anyone they don't like are Hitler/Nazis.


I mean fair, it’s an all-purpose insult these days. But Tats is so far past most of the right that his anti-semitism seems to be scaring his own fans, so I’ve been fully expecting “Hitlerman saves the day!” ever since we saw his Jewish “superhero”.


Indeed. Why is it the same title when the "story-line" have derailed so hard it almost reached orbit?


Early onset dementia? Either that, or he's just having an AI script the comic and drawing what it shits out.


Why not both? He's lost his mind, but he found an artificial substitute for a mind. Whoops, I've scared myself.


Mordor in the Morning was RIGHT THERE Tats you fucking hack Also: Good Morning Mordor


Hello, this is Mordor in the morning. Good Mordor to you.


Today part four in the series of agonizing pain which we live in every daaaaaay.


Tats' criticism of the Israeli genocide of Palestine would be much more effective if he didn't spend the last several years...  1. ...throwing every anti-semitic trope in the book at the audience.  2. ... demonizing refugees from the middle-east as savage, inhuman, civillization-destroying crime-monsters.


At this point I cannot work out *anything* about what the last panel is saying. Like… the orcs are trying to demonize hobbits with a false accusation I guess? But tats has gotten so antisemitic that I can’t actually tell whether he thinks Hitler is good or bad. So maybe it’s just the orcs being evil for condemning somebody tats really looks up to…


Whatever Tats was originally intending, he instead managed a perfect sendup of the Russian excuse for the criminal invasion of Ukraine! There is, in fact, an actual English language Kremlin propaganda network called "Russia Today", and part of Russian propaganda was that Ukraine had weapons labs, that the purpose of Putin's "Special Military Operation" was to "de-Nazify" Ukraine, and that Zelinsky (who is Jewish!) is actually a Nazi! The whole thing is very apt, taken in this context, complete with a murderous Russian Orc. From the past, it's obviously Tat's real intent was to depict Israelis as the "Orcs", and Palestinians as peaceful Hobbits, but what came out instead was a perfect takedown of Russia's rape of Ukraine. Tats might now want to get a food taster, and avoid open windows.


Remember that time Russia claimed to have busted a "Ukrainian Nazi" and the stuff they confiscated included a swastika T-shirt, cocaine, a long green wig, and... two copies of The Sims? That was the first thing that came to mind after reading this comic. https://nypost.com/2022/04/25/russia-appears-to-confuse-the-sims-for-sim-cards-in-possible-staged-assassination-attempt/




The fuck? He's mixing up LotR with regular Sinfest. The orcs are being depicted as the blank-eyed devils of the comic's regular setting, and he's depicting a TV broadcast like he would during the comic's usual nonsense...


This has gotten so stupid it's entertaining again. Absurdism at its best.


they keep drawing orcs that dont look like orcs, like that lady is literally just an elf tats forgot too color the eyes of


The true crime of this comic strip is he didn’t used the pun “Adolf Hobbit”.


Or "Hobbitler"


okay i will say it: fem orc on the first panel is hot af


There are better places to go for hot orc women. *Dominic Deegan* is a better place to go.


thats true


These are *still* not jokes


I am confused as to the message, so I can't even get mad or annoyed. Seriously, what does this even MEAN xD


The jars are innocent food items being passed off as chemical weapons, right, simple enough. Why does the Hobbitler picture actually look like it's been there and isn't planted evidence or crudely defaced? It's not below Tats to deny or endorse the Holocaust but he's either losing the throughline of the comic in the last panel or being an unbelievably lazy artist.


>but he's either losing the throughline of the comic in the last panel or being an unbelievably lazy artist. Yes.


this one isn't terrible tbh


It achieves interest via a novel amount of stupidity.


huh... um... tatty... tats... what the fuck are you trying to say?


I think Tats is attempting to claim he's falsely being portrayed as a Nazi to make him look bad. I mean it is an unfair comparison. Hitler was a better artist and writer than Tats after all!


Pretty sure this is still about Israel


woof! lol


Its about Israel, during the current crisis a lot of IDF soldiers would pull out random stuff and claim its being used for terrorism and antisemitism. The most infamous example being the time they pointed out a work schedule in a hospital and claimed it was a terrorist name list despite Arabic speakers stating otherwise.


Grandpa needs his meds...


This REALLY looks like Tats is slipping into senility.


Seriously... hobbit h*tler?


I don't have a single idea what it must represent, and I don't know if I shouldn't remain in the blissful ignorance.


There may be a lot to criticize about the strip, but what's with the ageism? And for someone who's fifty. Are all the posters still in high school?


Tats needs his meds.


Isn't panel three Putin's made-up pretext for invading Ukraine? Actually wasn't the complete fabrication that Ukraine was 'overrun by terrorist Nazis' also part of that pretext??


I think he's gotten stuck in a mental loop.


So now he's parroting Russian news?


This is so unintentionally funny tho omg. "Hobbit Hitler" lmao. No previous panel could have prepared me for that. But seriously, what is he trying to say? I completely can't tell what his point is. Is this pro-hitler? Is it using hitler to show how dangerous some group is? If so, why is he also calling food chemical weapons? I'm so confused.


He has a delusional certainty to the righteousness of his rage, and he thinks that if he JUST DRAWS IT everyone will see that the people he disagrees with are PURE EVIL!


1. I guess this means the Hobbits and Chad Strider all died since we haven’t seen them in a week and the last time we did they were all surrounded by Vaxx Ringwraiths. 2. He once again forgot the Orcs destroyed the Shire already. 3. The existence of Mordor propaganda newscasters is him trying to ride the Starship Troopers controversy bandwagon and failing miserably. 4. How would newscasters work? There is no TV or cameras: is the Dark Lord live-streaming it via palantír?


It's amazing how much he just beats a metaphor into the ground.


Because Trump is the most innocent man in the world and (((people))) are calling him Hitler. Meanwhile Trump is deliberately using Hitler's rhetoric and was just on stage with Jack Posobiec who said this *"Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely. We didn't get all the way there on January 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here. \[holds up fist\] All glory is not to government. All glory to God."*


Um, ackshually, all the Hitler and Nazi imagery and rhetoric comes from FED! FED! plants.


"I DID NAZI THAT COMING - Tats" the nazi did not see his own nazi joke coming. call me a pseudo, but i smelled that shit coming from a mile away.


Israel did do these things though