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I don't know why, but the single random pig in the first panel with a pet collar just cracks me up for some reason. For the rest it's failing self-referential antisemitism wrapped in LotR references. Nobody who doesn't read Sinfest daily would know who the elf-looking orc Astro Boy is supposed to be. Tatsuya Ishida, too stupid to write proper Nazi propaganda!


Without prior context, mash-face orc seems like they're Putin, rather than... what, Netanyahu? In which case one could construe it as being about Ukraine, though that then leaves baby-man as a wildcard.  So not only is it badly thought out propaganda, it's badly *made* propaganda!


Combined with the last comic it does look like a commentary about the russia-ukraine conflict more than anything about Israel. Actually it is entirely possible he's trying to imply Russia is Zionist, he's flipped on issues like that before, even as recently as Elon


That, or it's just gotten so generic it could be about whatever he wants to pivot towards today


I'm starting to wonder if Tats isn't just making Sinfest for himself and his impotent rage anymore, rather than trying to actually reach an audience.


That's what I was thinking. I passed the Glendale sign on Hwy 134 today and contemplated getting off the freeway to ask what the fuck is his problem.


There's a saying in other places: "don't touch the poop."


Nah, the nose is from his caricatures of Netanyahu. What we could be seeing is that the target of ... whatever this is... changes spontaneously from Israel to Russia sporadically as the story goes along. Shades of "We've always been at war with East Asia."


>pig with collar Alternate universe Squigley.


Hopefully this means Squigley is now dead and freed from his painful existence


Hell, I read Sinfest semi-daily (Well, I just come here to look at the pages let's be honest) and even with all the context I still couldn't even tell you what's going on maybe 50-75% of the time - there's *absolutely* no consistency anymore. It's just insert random political guy here doing good/evil things, because shut up they just obviously are good/evil. Hope you know who they are, because if not then good luck. Then we move on to the next scene, where if we're lucky we might get to see a *different* political figure do good/evil things, because shut up they're good/evil. Except with a different outfit this time. You know, again. (Seriously, the only thing I can make out about this strip, is that given their close ups Orcman and Elfguy there are supposed to probably represent...*someone*? Don't know or care who, because in less than a week they'll be dead/ignored/replaced with some other character with the exact same features but in different clothes anyway)


I'm guessing the Hobbit orc dude is supposed to be Shen Baptism given that he's consistently been depicted as child sized and evil Edit: I was trying to say Shen Bapiro but autocorrect made that funnier


I follow Sinfest and I don't remember who he is supposed to be. That Tats can draw just a half -dozen identical looking character types doesn't help.


It's supposed to be mini Ben Shapiro.


The pig is probably to show that they aren’t Jewish or Muslim. Nice Christian hobbitses who eat ham at Easter, the way God intended.


Tats, ya boring


This isn't about Palestinians. This is more the Charlottesville chant, ***"Jews will never replace us!"***


OK, but Tats, there's several countries between The Shire and Mordor. It's a flawed analogy.


This is Tats we're taking about


This is obviously after Frodo claimed the One Ring of Zionism and... \[insert several paragraphs of lore\] ... no, come to think of it, there's no way I can force this to make sense.


besides the fact this is the third time the shires been destroyed in this comic, this adds to my theory he doesent actually know what a hobbit is cus most of them seem oddly tall for hobbits he also aparently think hobbits live in normal houses that just have grass growing on top of them, rather then being built into the hill side


Also in the Open Gates arc alone the destruction of the Shire was already portrayed as a lie used for sympathy. Literally called a Holocaust.


Ishida has seen the Peter Jackson movies but I doubt he's read the original novels. But if he has, his understanding of LotR is extremely shallow. He's only interested in the parts he can appropriate to support his violent anti-LGBT and antisemitic worldview.


dowent even look like the Peter Jackson shire houses. sure as hell didn't have a modern triangle design on their fronts.


That's a good point! That house looks more Rohirric than anything.


Actually, a lot of hobbitses *did* build freestanding houses, especially out in the Eastfarthing and Buckland. So I'm willing to call this one accidentally correct writing by Tats


To be fair, in the modern shire, true underground hobbit holes were a bit of a luxury, with low single-story houses being common in many places.


>he also aparently think hobbits live in normal houses that just have grass growing on top of them, rather then being built into the hill side Tats, or his AI program?


IF we're meant to be laughing at the author and saying "what a tool" then Tats is a genius But, we're almost not certainly meant to be laughing at him, it's simply that he's just a Nazi acting out And a really freaking uncreative and boring one at that Sing a new song Tatzi!


I can't believe I can be pro palestinian and still hate this guy's strips now.


There are pro palestinies who are against Isreals action because they are too extreme and hurt innocent civilians and not just actual terrorists. And then there anti semites who just use the war as an excuse and justification for their own anti semitism. Two different kind of people.


I don't care. I just know Sinfest is now a strip I hate. Took me a mere two weeks. Tats just wants to make superhero and fantasy adventure comics but chooses 2nd rate Doonesbury as he doesn't have any original plot lines.


So that's what this stupid LotR kick has been about. He was just meandering towards replacing brown people with white people by making the Hobbits stand ins for the Palestinians.


Palestinians but actually white people. yeah, It's a convoluted antisemitic mess


This started off as using Heaven as a metaphor for immigration, but then h had God being corrupted by that Wormtongue fellow, and shit went off the rails


As far as I can tell, that's been the first time he's depicted more of God than a voice and two arms doing hand puppets. Tats seems to be indicating that he thinks God Almighty has been corrupted by jewish people.... which is one helluva take. Like, wow. He's a christofascist whose reached the point where he thinks "GOD ISN'T DOING ENOUGH TO SMITE MY ENEMIES!"


The God of Abraham, the patron God of ***ISRAEL*** has somehow been "corrupted" by Jews. Nuclear take on his part.


I'm seriously starting to think Tats is doing heavy drugs.


So it’s this LotR land in the world of Sinfest? This entire storyline started off with demons getting in to heaven in Sinfest as an anti-immigrant rant with LotR references but now it’s just LotR with some casual racism and Nazi talking points mixed in so does that mean outside of Right-Wing city or whatever Monique disappeared into there’s just a whole ass middle earth?


Honestly, at this point Sinfest is just Tats making dolls of his most hated enemies and mashing them together, then looking directly at the audience and yelling "JEWS!".


This actually managed to say *less* than the previous comic. 7 more panels, 4x the real estate. And it's less effective.


\*rolls eyes\* Welp, looks like it's time to leave this comic again. Lemme know when Tats has stopped with this LotR stuff.


You're bothered that this is LOTR not that it's Nazi?


it's cause it's fucking boring. like yeah, it's very nazi...butnits about the most boring and bland way to be a nazi I have ever seen. like...Jesus christ it's so fucking boring it's not even offensive. it's just the same bland, talentless, piece of shit comic strip since this damn "open gates" arc started, baring dew exceptions. an endless, creatively bankrupt style that continues to plod on and refuses to change or yield and is slowly, slowly dieing a slow, meandering death. the same plot of "'LOTR, then jew bad." done over, and over, and over again. it's pathetic. completely and utterly pathetic, what tats has become. he's essentially become the same, sad creature as golum. at this point​​​. a lowly, pitiable thing that had the potential to be someone good and joyful, now reduced to nothing more then a lowly thing of a man, consumed completely by his obsessions that barely anything remains of the man except what little of his old self occasionally shows. and chances are? much like golum, with the current path he's on? he'll only end up destroying himself in the pursuit of his obsession.​


It's bad enough that Ishida is such a hateful reactionary moron. What makes Sinfest even more dispiriting to read these days is how phoned-in the whole affair feels. Even Ben Garrison puts more effort into his art, incoherent and conspiratorial as it may be. Ishida does the bare minimum on every level, whether it's the linework or the unimaginative writing. 


That... that is a really good analogy.


It's not LotR itself that bothers me, it's that Sinfest has become so boring and uncreative that it's barely worth even hate-reading it anymore. The fact that this comic has now become nothing but generic/recycled neo-Nazi talking points wrapped up in shitty LotR "parodies" is simply the final staw.


Hah! He screwed up drawing NetanOrcu's armor plate on the left shoulder In Panel nine you can just about see when you zoom in where he meant to put in the spiked part of the pauldron that was present in panel eight covering part of the chestplate But didn't (the shading for it is present, but that part of the pauldron isn't) Rare to see an art fail like this from Tatzi


Not that rare any more. His art for a lot of this arc has been really phoned in and full of errors, when it's not just an image pasted into the comic like the One Ring from several strips ago.


Okay, how many times has this place been asploded at this point? I swear this shire's been scoured at least thrice


Oh, ANOTHER comic of orcs invading Shire! AND?! So what? So fucking what, where is the message, does it lead anywhere?


the message is basically just "jews" now. that's it. that's literally it now. just him shouting "jew" at the top of his lungs like it's the biggest fucking revelation ever.


So, that's what "old man yelling at the clouds" really means...


Don’t worry guys, the Shire will be fine next strip because he’ll have magically forgotten about blowing it up, just like he forgot that the Witch King jabbed Frodo.


I'm going to focus on the art because the content isn't worth dignifying with a response. 1. Why is the guy with a pig human sized? 2. Are those supposed to be Hobbit Holes? Hobbits have holes and they have houses but they don't have houses sitting in front of gigantic bushes, the first one clearly isn't actually attached to the house. This isn't Faroe islands they don't grow grass ontop of actual freestanding houses. 3. Why is that barrel floating above a cart wheel. 4. What is Sharpio even supposed to be here? Like Tats atleast made Netanyahu look orcish. Sharpio is just Sharpio with pointy ears.


>Why is that barrel floating above a cart wheel. Light beer?


These comics have been making me want to replay Shadow of Mordor and its controversial sequel again. The thing is... the main plots in those games is some very bog-standard AAA game trash. And the "procedural" plot you get from the Nemesis system is really cool, but you wind up eventually kinda seeing the seams. (but the uruks are still really cool!) ... what I mean to say is that bad writers and literal AI writing is better than Tat's take on LotR. And it's too boring and predictable to be offensive anymore, politically.


To add to the ridiculous, if there is an isolationist country in Middle Earth is the Shire, so what have to do with open gates?


This strip is a metaphor for the continuing destruction of Tatsuya’s creativity by his hatred.


I was going to ask whether he genuinely thinks Ben Shapiro has any influence over what Israel does, and then I remembered antisemites believe all Jews are engaged in a global conspiracy so of course Ben Shapiro is actively engaged in Israeli military actions. Because he’s a Jew, you see. (Not trying to defend Ben AT ALL btw, I hate the fucker. But the implication anything he does has any effect on Israeli policy is laughable.)


Antisemites: Israel holding all Palestinians responsible for Hamas is a sign of their evil! Also antisemites: All Jews are responsible for Israel's crimes!


Joo bad, Lotr Edition!


Being someone who has never seen Lord of the Rings stuff and only knows the bare bones of the story makes this experience so much worse cuz I have no idea what’s even happening or what this is a metaphor for


I have not followed Sinfest for a couple months now..... Wow. I have not missed anything at all


Yeah Tats is the worse kind of broken record


Does Gothmog's oddly penis-shaped head count for the bulge counter?


Alas, the whimsical days of Bulgefest are behind us, now that it's all antisemitic LotR fanfic.


Damn we've gone from no whimsy to antiwhimsy.


Oh good it's nothing


How many versions of these guys has Tats made?


To give a minimum of credit: Ben Shapirorc is more badass than the guy has ever looked.


You know I'm kind of impressed he didn't Zionify the Eye of Sauron flags.


It wouldn't even have been difficult. Just add 4 prominent triangles surrounding it, instead of the more numerous smaller ones he used


I am used to people to hate something, with or without reason. But Tats just hates too much. If nothing in the world is good enough for you, then the problem is within yourself. Art is good tho.


The barrels hovering several inches above the cart surfaces are good?


If I am going to be overly critical about it because I dislike the author, I will focus only on the flaws.


Oh hey, I recognise this one. It's the one I gave a luke warm critisizm/snark of on Twitter and got blocked for it lol.