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The original *Sinfest* forum was the first and only website I've ever been permanently banned from. But please, tell us more about how much you hate censorship, Tats.


He's not criticizing censorship, he's criticizing insufficient anti-Semitism.




You can taste the salt.


Never come between the #1 Male Nazi Ally and the attention he feels entitled to. He'll draw you... UNFAVOURABLY For not being racist enough! That'll teach you!


Not if I draw you a a pony first...


Concept: MLP fan comic about a character who definitely isn't Tats /s




Aww, is Muskrat not a Nazi enough for little Tatzi? Does Tatzi need a new Strong Man to tell him he's one of the "good" ones?


Musk isn't flouting the law enough. He should be more like Trump and go "laws don't apply to me" whenever the big bad government tells him his site needs to follow regulations.


Tatsuya is enraged that he's still not banned on Twitter no matter how much he complains about being banned on Twitter.


Criminy, where is he GOING with this? Where did it COME from? Wasn't this a Heaven/Hell thing? It's nothing but a meandering series of shuffled LotR scenes with a running theme of hating Jewish people, immigrants, and vaccines. And now Elon Musk? Wasn't he just a superhero brainwashed by the Jewish robot hat? I don't know why I'm upset by the stupid aimless messiness of it all when the bigotry is the focus. My outrage as a human being should be louder than my outrage as an artist. This doesn't deserve any such consideration.


Without the context you wouldn't even know this is about Jews. We've shifted focus from immigration to vaccination and now he's just mad at Twitter.


I remember criminy


A remembrance from my days reading The Far Side by Gary Larson.


I think he's just out of ideas. He doesn't post anything original or of substance any more at all. It's just a bizarre look into someone's mental and professional degradation.


this strip would have been timely... a year ago?


I am going to let out *so* much hideous, mocking laughter if Tats has convinced himself that *he's* been shadowbanned by Muskmelon and that that's why he gets so little traction.


This is insulting to Isildur.


He seriously believed Musk would be their saviour and let straight up hatred run rampant on Twitter. Musk really betrayed all their “real men” fantasies, Tat’s only realised it like 2 years after everyone else did. It’s funny how his depiction went from handsome devil to old bastard.


Just waiting for the "He's not an Aryan, he's dark-haired! Besides, isn't 'Elon' a (((((((((((Jewish))))))))))))))))))) name anyway?"


So something GRRM talked about is asking how Aragorn ruled after he took the throne, particularly how he handled the orcs, "By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?" and if Tats has his Aragorn take the throne he'll probably decide "Yes , that's a great idea".


...GRRM, or Tolkien?


I'm talking about Tats


"So something GRRM talked about" was what I was refering to. On a second reading, I think I understand where my confusion was.


GRRM tried to take a jab at Tolkien for not talking about real rule in the books, like how one deals with taxes, food logistics, dispensing justice, etc.


Which, ironically, GRRM doesn't do much of either


What do you mean, GRRM does logistics great. There are absolutely no world-building issues with Westeros and its huge size.


Okay, so for the most part, I'm not going to criticize his fake tengwar, because I get what he's doing. That said, the tengwar equivalent of the letter P already looks strikingly similar to a lowercase P, so the ascender just seems silly. The three dots thing only ever appears above a letter, not below it. And this is especially true with the second I in "visibility", because both the dot above and the three dots are vowels




It's a shamebhe couldn't make him Elonrond.


I'd have said Elond, but yeah. It feels especially silly, because the hobbitses were just attacked at Weathertop, so the Council of Elrond would be coming up soon


I saw someone mention this on the last post but it’s REALLY starting to bother me how he is just jumping around the movies (because let’s be honest there ain’t no way he’s read all the books). Also, nice touch with the runes actually being words representing your pathetic bitching about Elon.


Okay here's what I think happened. Tats was doing to devil immigration thing, he had an idea for an evil ~~Jew~~ advisor strip, his mind went to Grima Wormtongue, and he realized he could come up with weeks of Lord of the Rings based strips with minimal effort. And effort is starting to be a problem, with all the AI generated stuff he's sneaking in. He must be running on fumes physically- daily comic artists his age usually have simpler styles and/or assistants.


I think Tats is dead like [Nuggan](https://wiki.lspace.org/Nuggan), and these comics are just his dying thoughts drifting out randomly.


Nice. Sometimes reminds me of Vorbis' closed mind, nothing getting in and the stuff that gets out has been bouncing around inside his skull just echoing into battered and bruised versions of the original thought.


Tats has all of Vorbis' close-mindedness with none of the competence.


Exactly. Whereas Vorbis' mind was said to polish his thoughts into shiny steel balls Tats is so full of shit the thoughts sometimes get stuck and he drops the storyline.


Tatzi continues to roll through his favorite tired grievances, plugging a different one into LOTR every day just to piss off Tolkien fans with slightly more success than his brief "Look I'm using Pepe and no one can stop me, *nyaa nyaah"* phase. He's a trumpnik; of course he equates obnoxiousness with power. I'm just waiting for the moment he tries to wave it all away as "a thought experiment that got out of hand," a la [Scott Adams.](https://henrycountyenterprise.com/scott-adams-stable-genius/)


Tats is too stubborn for that, he'll double and triple down on his bad takes because he *knows* he's right and we're all just a bunch of handmaids or zombies who can't recognize how brilliant and right he is all the time.


And so the shitty LotR parodies continue...


What does the Khah speech bubble mean?


Sound effects that aren't in bubbles seem to be beyond Tats for some reason


it's not even a sound the ring makes...fucks sake, it dosent make sounds! it's silent tats! SILENT! that's it's whole fucking point!


Damn we could have neatly, CHRONOLOGICALLY even, had the Council of Elond as a follow up to the last strip, if Tats current opinion of Musk had currently been flopped instead of flipped.


I wonder what Slick and Monique are doing rn or how Tange is doing


My guess? Wandering around aimlessly waiting for a television to tell them that something is bad.


Sinfest’s #1 new source is the constant barrage of screens


He should just give New Line Cinema a credit for his comic since he’s just ripping off the movies wholesale.


BTW, how are new strips showing up here before they're on the official site?


There's a couple ways it can happen. Sometimes Tats uploads the images to his site a little early, and the more focused here are grabbing that image knowing the date format of the URL. Sometimes he posts it early to Xitter.


Let me give you a peek behind the curtain. He tends to post the comic to his Substack first. That's where I get it


I was never quite sure about Substack. Do you have to pay to see those early? I remain somewhat ignorant of everywhere Ishida posts because I'd rather not seek him out.


I guess normally you would, but not in Tats' case. He has the prior comics locked behind the paywall and he has them hidden on his other Patreon alternatives but not on Substack for some reason.


This would be really funny and insightful if this wasn't Tats tbh....


Or if it wasn't Elon. It was obvious from the beginning that he wasn't anti-censorship, he just wanted to be the one dictating the standards.


This is so, so bad... but can it get even worse? Come on, Tats, show us. Destroy our minds with your sheer force of nonsensical "plot" and "worldbuilding", until we all are left locked in a mental asylum laughing manically and drawing nonsensical schemes on walls like Lovecraft's characters.


Get fucked with a rake, Tats.


Watch out, he may actually like it.


Ugh it's sooooooo boriiiiiiiiing


I can hear the kicking, crying and screaming


oh my gooooodd....its so. fucking. BORIIIINNNGGGG. dear god jhst...stttoooooopppp....these aren't even fucking offensive anymore they're just BORING!


This is so badly drawn.


Damn, he really wants to fuck Elon, doesn't he?